• Published 26th Oct 2013
  • 324 Views, 4 Comments

Forging Harmony - LunaSilverscale

Everypony knows the story of how the Alicorn Sisters defeated Discord with the Elements of Harmony. Though the Elements themselves are a mystery – where did they come from? And how were they made? Those questions have never been answered, unti

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The Response

The palace at Canterlot was a hive of activity, guards going through drills, messengers darting from one office to another – some flying away on errands to other parts of Equestria and beyond. The kitchens were on high alert, dignitaries would be visiting in the next week – if rumours were to be believed – and elaborate menus would need to be refined and perfected.

Even the throne room wasn’t a haven, Day Court was in full session and Princess Celestia played gracious hostess to complainants and petitions of minor significance – though the nobles making those motions would have said they were of utmost gravity and needed an immediate solution.

Most were mollified by Celestia’s assurance that matters would be looked into.

Though there were a small group that weren’t so easy to convince of her sincerity – those few were told to write a detailed proposition to present to Princess Luna’s Night Court, if they felt that Princess Celestia’s words were not sufficient guarantee.

The white alicorn of the Sun doubted that any such paperwork would be submitted, as the nobles would not have the backbone to undertake an action that would indicate they doubted her in any way. After all, such an admission would be close to treason – and even though those laws governing punishment of traitors hadn’t been used in centuries, they hadn’t been repealed either.

Not that I’d use the law in such a way, Celestia smiled internally, they don’t know that for certain about my sister though…

Now the Canterlot throne room was empty, apart from the Sun Princess and a stack of paperwork in front of the dual thrones, one of gold and the other of obsidian. A third throne was soon to be added to this room – once the material and design was picked by the new Princess of Equestria.

Sitting upon her golden throne, Princess Celestia was pondering the multiple requests from Equestrian cities to host this year’s Summer Sun Celebration. She couldn’t understand why some cities still sent them; in spite of her Royal Proclamation that Summer Sun hosting was done on a rotation system. Then again, that proclamation was at least thirteen hundred years old. Perhaps I should make a new one.

As Celestia pondered the need for a new Summer Sun Proclamation, green flame swirled from her horn before coalescing into a scroll. Her golden aura caught it as gravity tried to reassert its authority over the airborne roll of parchment. Oh, a letter from Twilight. Though unexpected, a letter from her former student and fellow Princess was a welcome distraction from the usual paperwork.

Celestia unrolled the scroll, eager to read what Twilight had to report. The eagerness didn’t last long upon seeing the contents however. In Spike’s angled script, the fateful words were recorded and she could almost hear Twilight’s voice dictating them as she read:

‘Dear Princess Celestia,

It has come to my attention that what knowledge exists of the Elements of Harmony is now out of date.
In an attempt to remedy this, I have come across another problem. There is very little to update and I would be most grateful if you could assist in my endeavours to create a Complete Guide on the Elements themselves. Including the historical use and nature of the artefacts known as the Elements of Harmony.

I await your response,

Your faithful student,
Princess Twilight Sparkle.’

The title attached to the signature was evidently an addition by the dragon scribe. A soft smile graced Celestia’s face before the implications of Twilight’s request sank in.

A now worried Celestia reread the letter to be sure that she hadn’t mistaken Twilight’s intent. No, I haven’t. Twilight is indirectly asking for the full story of the Elements. The scroll drifted to one side in her grip as Celestia’s eyes changed focus and gained a faraway look. Can I tell it? Do I dare tell it after all this time?

A small grimace crossed her face before she smoothed it away with practised ease. If it only concerned me – I know what the answer would be. But I’m not the only one it affects. Her gaze drifted to look out the window at the dark tower that contained her sister’s quarters. I cannot – I will not - make this decision alone.

Her mind made up, she crossed to the door from the throne room. She opened the door a crack and the armoured unicorn guards outside immediately saluted.

“Would one of you be so kind as to wake my sister? There is something she needs to see.” Celestia then closed the door, knowing her request would be carried out. Though she did feel a small pang of pity for the guard, Luna didn’t like her sleep being disturbed.

The guards exchanged looks, silently challenging the other to take the message. The younger and newest of the two guards supressed a sigh, he knew he’d lose the challenge and run the errand. His hoof steps faded as he made his way to the Night Princess’ domain.

The section of the palace that Luna called her own was considered an oddity by many. A few thought it was an eyesore, but never dared to call it such. The reason for these opinions was a simple matter of aesthetics. While most of Canterlot was built from a white marble that reflected the sunlight to form a beacon on the mountainside, Luna’s tower was made of obsidian. A material so pure in its darkness that no amount of light could escape its surface.

Only those that graced the night knew the secret of the stones. They were laced with powdered fragments of a rare material; stellite. Stellite, or more commonly called star metal, is only found in the heart of a fallen star. This powdered stellite; this star dust; had a particularly special meaning to both the princesses.

After Luna’s fall and subsequent banishment of Nightmare Moon, many of the original stars of the night lost their glow. Some of them fell to Equestria. Celestia gathered the star metal cores of those fallen stars and – when the new palace at Canterlot was constructed – imprinted the obsidian stones intended for Luna’s tower with the star dust from those cores.

While in the day; the dark tower seemed out of place and absorb light, at night; the star dust took on a glow of its own. Luna’s tower became a mirror for the night sky – the obsidian became the background of midnight for the stars born from the heart of long-lost siblings.

The approach to Luna’s tower was quiet; very few of the palace staff went near it. A left-over fear of Nightmare Moon being the cause, as well as Luna’s awkward adjustment to the intervening years since her ‘departure’.

The only ones that seemed to enjoy the shadowy corridors of Luna’s personal floors were the bat-winged pegasi that served in the Night Guards. They were also fond of springing surprises on their Solar counterparts – which didn’t help Celestia’s efforts to reassure ponies of Princess Luna’s reformed nature. Luna was aware of her guards’ antics – and as long as they caused no harm, turned a blind eye. After all, it could be considered good training for both sets – in tactics and as a vigilance exercise.

Today was no different; the bat-winged Night Guards took note of the approaching unicorn bearing the armour of the day and planned their welcoming committee. It took the form of a pair of pegasi moving in the shadows close to the unicorn and dropping down in front of him, before issuing a standard challenge – after all they still had a duty to perform. A duty that included the safety of the ruler of the Night.

In spite of the cautionary tales he’d been told about the guards of the younger Princess – they still caught him unawares. Though, once he’d got over the initial shock and was able to state his reasons for being there, they proved to be very sympathetic. They even provided an escort to Luna’s chamber, their visible presence discouraging further surprises from the other guards. Perhaps because they knew what awaited him, Luna was not an easy pony to deal with when her rest was ended prematurely.

The door to Luna’s room was indicated, the escorting pair taking up flanking positions overlooking the entrance. The unicorn announced his presence with a knock, before entering Luna’s sleeping quarters to be met with the Royal Canterlot voice issuing from the still sleepy, but awakened Princess.

Celestia knew the precise moment her sister woke up. As did the rest of the palace, if not the whole of the city of Canterlot.

Luna’s loud cry of ‘Why dost thou disturb our slumber?’ was the first give-away.

Well, the palace at least – Canterlot would be a slight exaggeration. Celestia considered, while she prepared for the inevitable, a confrontation with an irritable Luna.

The second was the throne room doors being thrown open. These doors were closed quietly and promptly by the guard that had stayed behind. He wasn’t about to get in Luna’s way – that would have been a very bad tactical decision, based on the earlier vocal reaction and the look on the dark alicorn.

Luna stalked into the room, now knowing that her sister was the cause of her early awakening. Her eyes narrowed as she located Celestia, surely she knows better than to wake me? An internal snort, of course she did – that’s why the guard did it instead. Luna felt a moment of remorse for nearly bursting the poor unicorn’s eardrums, then decided it was Tia’s fault and not hers.

Giving her elder sister a cold stare, Luna spoke in a carefully controlled voice. Her annoyance apparent only in the use of the stilted, archaic form of address used in her speech. Luna had been taking coaching to lose the old verbal phrases of a thousand years ago and was making progress. The occasional slip-up was still made however, mainly when sleepy, annoyed or both.

“What is important enough for me to be awoken early to see, but not important enough for mine own sister to do the waking?”

Wordlessly, Celestia extended Twilight’s letter towards Luna. Inwardly she cringed from Luna’s verbal stab. Luna may have spoken harshly – but there was truth to it. Celestia couldn’t offer a valid reply to that barb.

Luna took the offered scroll slowly, curiosity temporarily replacing her anger. Midnight blue magic replacing the golden glow of her sister’s telekinetic grip. Her frozen gaze transferred from Tia’s face to the written word.

The colour drained from her as she read Twilight’s request, her normal coat of navy blue gaining a steel-like tint. Shock flooded her system, holding the younger alicorn in place. This can’t mean……

Her questioning eyes met Celestia’s, finding the confirmation she didn’t wish to find.

The scroll was rolled back up, and then thrown across the room by a dark blue aura. Luna’s eyes flashed. Her wings spread to their full extension and the room became perceptively darker.

Celestia sighed inwardly, catching the scroll and placing a sound-proof spell on the room. She recognised the signs that indicated Luna was about to scream in anger and frustration. It would hurt her ears, but the yelling was infinitely better than the cold emptiness that accompanied Luna’s change into Nightmare Moon. I would have gladly gone deaf rather than face the frozen void that Nightmare Moon created in my sister.

“How dare she ask this? Doesn’t she know the hurt this will reawaken?!?” Luna stomped her hoof, expressing physically what she couldn’t do effectively in words. “Does she not realise the consequences of reliving those moments? It took me one thousand years to recover the first time!”

As Luna took a breather, Celestia answered the questions her sister’s rant posed – even though she was sure Luna meant them rhetorically. As she spoke, she placed Twilight’s letter between the two thrones.

“She doesn’t know or realise what she’s truly asking of us. No pony knows that – except the two of us.” She looked away from Luna and murmured sadly, “Perhaps that is the problem. Perhaps it was always the problem….”

Luna’s anger deflated fast upon seeing her sister looking so desolate. Her wings flattened against her torso. Shouting would not change things, but perhaps she could take some of her sister’s burden in this matter. Though her outburst had made her feel better – a sort of catharsis of the spirit and mind. Now it was out, her thoughts wouldn’t be ruled by emotions – at least not the destructive ones.

Spotting the scroll, Luna wrapped it in her magic and brought it closer. Stepping forward, she settled down on to her haunches so she could look up at Celestia.

“Perhaps it was the problem, but that doesn’t mean it has to stay one. If the story is to be told – then I will tell it with you.” Luna settled further on to the carpeted floor, stretching out in a more comfortable laying position. The letter was placed between her fore hooves, unrolling as it was lowered.

Celestia turned her soft gaze to meet Luna’s, grateful for the silent support she was offering to whatever decision she would make.
“I would not wish to reopen such old wounds, sister. Are you certain that they can be faced again?”

Luna nodded; confident in herself and her sister’s ability to provide a stable support should the pain be too great to handle alone.
“In this I am certain. The old wounds must be reopened so that they can heal without corrupting poison festering within. I will not make the same mistake of shutting everypony out when I need aid.”

Celestia gave a soft smile, knowing the past was as much her fault for not being there as it was Luna’s for turning away at the end. Leaning forward, Tia nuzzled her sister;
“And I will ensure that I’m never too busy to be there for you.”

Luna stood back up, and leaned into her sister – returning the affectionate gesture before turning back to the letter. Raising it again to eye level, Luna speculated on the next course of action:
“What reply will you send to her, sister?”

Celestia eyed the letter and replied:
“I believe I shall indicate that Twilight should travel to Canterlot – bringing the Elements with her – if she wishes to hear the tale.”

Luna couldn’t help but give a smothered chuckle that sounded like a snort.
“If she wishes? Elder sister, you really should know your former student better than that.” A mischievous gleam appeared in her eye as she finished her comment, “Twilight Sparkle would not let anything get in the way of learning new things.”

Celestia shook her head at her sister’s mirth, and hid a smile;
“That is completely true, apart from one small thing. If I asked her to direct her attentions to a different area of study, then I have no doubt that she would do so. Even if her curiosity on the original matter remained unsatisfied.”

“You would not do that to your student,” Luna replied, faking a scandalised gasp at Tia’s assertion.

“I would – if the nature of her enquiry would cause harm to those I care about. That is why I sent the guard to you; I wanted your opinion on the matter.”

“My opinion? Then my opinion is this – the truth has been hidden for a long time. Too long. It is time that it came out. Time that our subjects know the real history behind the power that saved them all those years ago.” Luna stated, “Concealment of the truth was what caused the pain. It is time to remedy that – even if the consequences cannot be truly conceived.”

When did my little sister get so wise? Celestia considered Luna’s words carefully, before speaking aloud her own thoughts on the matter;

“The unknown consequences are what caused me to hesitate in revealing the true tale in ages past. They are also what held me to the decision to continue the lie once it was begun. That decision had its own cost to pay. And it is not a cost I would wish to be charged again.” A thousand years alone was a very steep price.

Her soft purple eyes rested on Luna as she made a confession:
“I was wrong when I made that choice. You were wiser than I was – I just couldn’t see that.”

Luna was stunned at that, her elder sister never freely admitted to a mistake. Luna had a confession of her own to make that concerned the same past.

“I was also wrong, sister. My choices were made with a selfish heart and not with the level-headed logic that a fledgling nation needed. That led to worse strife than the silent lie would have done on its own. I also had to face the price for my path.” A thousand years of regret and banishment – not just from Equestria, but also being a prisoner inside a cage of emotions created by my own mind.

Celestia hadn’t thought her sister still blamed herself, especially given the fact she’d already been forgiven. Not wanting to push the issue, Luna could be very stubborn and clam up if she didn’t want to continue the subject, Celestia compromised:
“I think we can agree that mistakes were made, without any blame being attached to such a statement.”

Luna nodded in agreement,
“And your student has presented a means to correct those mistakes. What say you to taking that chance together?”

Celestia smiled,
“I’d say that was a brilliant idea, sister. How shall we go about it?”

Luna produced a quill and parchment – teleporting them from her study to present them to Celestia.
“First, you need to reply to your student. Then transportation to or from Canterlot needs to be arranged.” Celestia took the offered items, as Luna continued: “We will also have to decide who tells what part of the story before meeting Twilight."

"If both of us are to tell the tale, Canterlot is the best venue. Though for both Courts to run uninterrupted alongside – we would need to sacrifice our sleep.” Celestia pointed out.

Luna snorted, almost derisively,

“That is not really a sacrifice, dear sister. We do not really need to sleep – we can draw strength from our respective spheres of power to refresh ourselves.” Realising this was somewhat contradictory to her usual hostile reaction to being awoken early, Luna added, with a rueful smile: “I just enjoy the luxury of sleep and that enjoyment interrupted causes my irritability.”

“Then let us put our action plan into motion.” Celestia put quill to paper, calling over her own ink well to provide the missing needed implement.

Dictating the reply, so that Luna could make suggested changes was a deviation from her normal routine, Celestia crafted a return letter:

‘My faithful student: Princess Twilight Sparkle,

The history behind the Elements of Harmony is known to very few ponies, and told to even less.
Pack the Elements, as well as whatever else you deem necessary, to bring to Canterlot.

A chariot will be sent to pick you up from your current residence in Ponyville.
Be prepared for a prompt and swift journey.

Princess Celestia.’

“Do you not think that last statement may cause concern in your student?” Luna asked as Celestia dried the ink. “Prompt and swift journeys are almost exclusively the province of emergencies.”

Celestia considered this, posing a question of her own,
“What words would you use in their stead?”

Luna tilted her head sideways, as she tried alternate phrasings within the context of the rest of the letter. Finally she admitted;
“I cannot think of an appropriate substitution that would not sound like a Royal Summons.”

“Then perhaps we should make preparations to deal with the potential concerns of Twilight.” Celestia proposed, wondering what solution Luna would come up with.

“That would be wise – perhaps one of us should travel with the chariot, so that personal assurances can be given?” Luna suggested.

“That would certainly suffice,” Celestia observed, rolling up her letter and preparing the spell that would send it via dragon mail. “Although, there is a lot of paperwork from the Day Court left to do.” A flash of magic encompassed the reply, fading the parchment to nothing. “Could I prevail upon you to meet Twilight?”

“You can count on me for that, sister.” Luna nodded, “Which chariot should be taken?”

Celestia considered the available chariots, before selecting one:
“My personal chariot, I believe would be the best option.” Celestia knew the guards on her own chariot wouldn’t ask questions, but she also knew they wouldn’t allow Luna on board. Mainly as Luna had her own chariot – and the fact they took their security duties seriously.

With this in mind, Celestia quickly wrote another note, folded it over and sealed it with the Solar Signet.

“Give this to the Guard captain.” Celestia extended the sealed parchment to Luna, “That will speed things up.”

Luna took the note within her magic, started to leave then turned back to her sister:
“I do not believe she would have wanted us to suffer as we have done. We owe it to her to tell the story.”

Then she walked out of the throne room, and closed the doors softly behind her, tucking the sealed note between her wing feathers for safe keeping.

How can my sister see that which I cannot? A stunned Celestia stared at the doors closing behind her sister. I can only hope that all of us are strong enough for the inevitable pain of the re-awakening memories in this tale-telling. She returned to the pile of paperwork by the thrones with a soft sigh. Now to clear this before Twilight arrives.

Outside the throne room, Luna noted that the unfortunate guard had returned to his post by the doors as she left. Both guards gave a professional salute to her, though the one she’d met earlier couldn’t quite hide the nervous flicking of his ears.

Luna paused, wanting to make amends for her earlier outburst. Yet, she wasn’t sure what would be considered an appropriate apology. I will have to ask the tutor Tia hired about the proper etiquette when making restitutions. For now – the old ways will have to suffice.

Luna lowered her horn in a formal bow to the younger guard, her head and eyes ending on the same level as the guards. Even in apologies, a Princess should not lower herself below her subjects – at least, that was the case before her banishment. Luna could only hope that tradition hadn’t changed.

“We apologize for the aural discomfort caused by our Royal Voice at our awakening. Is there something we can do to make amends for this?”

The guard, taken aback by the Princess’s apology, could only stammer out a reply to the hidden amusement of his colleague. Although the other was also surprised by the formal apology offered.

“There is … no need … to apologise … Princess.”

Keeping her lowered position, Luna enquired, somewhat confused;

“Then there is nothing you would wish in compensation?”

The guard had recovered from his surprise, so this time he was able to answer without hesitation.

“That is correct, Princess.”

Straightening up, Princess Luna accepted the guard’s words to mean that she had been forgiven.

“We thank you for your forgiveness.”

Returning to the task at hoof, namely requisitioning Celestia’s chariot to collect Princess Twilight, Luna couldn’t help but marvel at how much ponies had changed. Once there was a time no pony would refuse the chance to gain something from a royal boon offered in recompense. Perhaps that humility should be rewarded in some manner. I shall consult with Tia about this – after the immediate situation is dealt with.

The chariot keepers didn’t challenge Princess Luna as she entered the maintenance building. The chariots were stored there when not in use and it wasn’t unusual for one of the Princesses to directly requisition one for personal use. Though the chariots were meant for state use only, the guards didn’t dare raise that point to their leaders’ faces.

Princess Luna paused by her chariot, admiring the polished metalwork. Then her gaze drifted across to Celestia’s state chariot.

The golden chariot that bore her sister’s mark was larger than hers – though that was understandable, after all it was Tia that greeted the other race’s Ambassadors. The chariot had to be comfortable for the diplomatic visits, since multiple passengers were often expected on such trips.

Luna slowly approached it, remembering the first time she’d seen it in a thousand years. I rode alongside my sister, through Ponyville to the accompaniment of a parade….

The memories came flooding back with each step taken,

It was during the Summer Sun Celebration, Ponyville was the host venue on this fated date. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had just freed me from Nightmare Moon’s influence. Celestia’s golden chariot collected us, taking the group to the outskirts of the Everfree.

There the Element Bearers alighted to re-join their Ponyville kin for the festivities. The two of us rode behind. Upon entry to the town we were greeted by pegasi fillies and flower necklaces.

Luna’s musing was interrupted by a not-so-subtle cough. Looking towards the direction of the sound, Luna could see a stern looking Solar guard with purple shoulder patches. The colour of the patch indicated the rank of a Captain. He had moved from his post to intercept her path to Celestia’s chariot.

“Can I be of assistance, Princess?” The question was formal, and held a trace of irritation for the disruption of his routine.

“You can be of assistance to me Captain. I require the use of this chariot. It is to be made available as soon as possible.” Princess Luna indicated the golden state chariot as she spoke.

The Guard Captain straightened up almost imperceptibly at Luna’s statements.

“That might be a little difficult, Princess. The state carriage is kept for diplomatic functions and is indirectly Princess Celestia’s property. I would be remiss in my duties if I just allowed any pony to use it.”

Luna mentally sighed, why do all the Solar guards put so much importance on ceremony? The Lunar Guard at least know how to have fun while performing their duties – although, Luna allowed, their appearance does discourage any approach that isn't necessary.

Remembering the note Tia gave her, Luna brought it out and presented it to the Captain.

“I trust this is sufficient to ease your concerns on that matter?”

The Guard took the presented parchment, saw Princess Celestia’s seal and quickly scanned the words. His facial expression slowly changed from the trained rigid, unresponsive look to one of wide-eyed shock. He then saluted;

“I will personally ensure the Chariot’s readiness as well as the drivers.”

With a quick about-turn, and a hasty march away, he organised the other guards to get the Chariot ready for flight in record time. Luna watched the preparations with some amusement. I don’t think I have ever seen a Guard Captain so rattled before – I wonder what Tia actually wrote to cause that? For a brief moment, Luna wished that she’d thought to pre-read it before passing it over – though that would have broken the seal.A broken seal would have raised more questions.

Almost as soon as the logical contradictory thought to the wish crossed her mind, the Guard Captain reported the Chariot’s readiness.

“My thanks, Captain.” Luna acknowledged as she climbed on board. Settling into the padded interior, Luna gave the order to proceed.

The four pegasi drivers, each bearing the armour of the Solar Guard, made a running take off. Their wing beats in perfect synchronisation.

Once air-borne, Princess Luna soon found out why the Captain had looked so flustered. One of the guards turned his head to ask:

“Our destination, Princess?”

“Golden Oaks Library, Ponyville.” Luna stated, then as a confused frown crossed her face; “Surely this information has already been provided to you by the Captain?”

“Negative, Princess. All he could say was that this mission was of the utmost importance to Equestria’s future and not to speak of it afterwards.”

Luna thought on that answer as the adjusted their flight path to head for Ponyville, Oh Tia…. Couldn’t you have just written me a permission slip rather than imply a vital secret mission?

“Then it seems we have a choice to make.” Luna murmured, though a permission slip is rather foal-like in nature. So perhaps I should be glad of her more extravagant words this time round.

“Princess?” The guard queried, uncertain if she had been addressing him or not with that last statement.

“The choice is this,” Luna clarified, “Whether we land outside Ponyville to avoid undue attention, or land outside Golden Oaks and use a cloaking spell to avoid the aforementioned attention”

“Your call, Princess,” was the formal reply, though he kept silent on his thought that a Princess going into town on her own would attract more attention than the chariot would.

Luna must have had a similar thought. Actually why even bother with the cloak? After all, Twilight is a Princess now too– so a chariot wouldn’t be too out of place outside her residence.

“To Golden Oaks then, with as much haste as you can muster.”

The drivers’ wings beat faster pulling the chariot through the sky towards the small town that had seen so much in recent years.

Luna became silent, her thoughts drawn inward. A small sad smile rested on her face. Soon the truth will be told. I have – no we have – she corrected her thoughts to include Celestia – never forgotten and perhaps, in time, we can also forgive ourselves for what happened.