• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 726 Views, 18 Comments

Mystery of the Draconics - Wanderwing

Wanderwing seeks the lost history of his race. Danger and trickery abound in this tale of adventure.

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Royal Request

Mystery of the Draconics
Chapter 15 Royal Request

We walked through the high ceilinged hallways, through numerous sets of guards in the standard intimidating gold armor. The guards all seemed to know and recognize Goldbeak, but most seemed to look down at me, like they were trying to dissect me with their sight.

We reached a set of tall doors painted a dark blue, the color of night sky and even dotted with small stars. Goldbeak asked the two guards in dark armor to open the door; they nodded and pulled the doors aside. Goldbeak nodded inside and said, “Her majesty will be in to see you shortly, I suggest you try and be as polite as possible. Answer her questions as directly as you can, and don’t lie to her,” he winked, “She always knows.”

I headed inside and sat down at the table in the center of the room, it was covered in scrolls and texts, some of which looked to be older than I was. I looked around the room; it looked as though it had spent a long time in disuse and had only recently begun to be used again. I thought over everything that had happened in the last few days. It seemed as though everything had spiraled out of control. I finally catch a break and find more clues about my people and suddenly there is a cult of druids! Then, as if that weren't enough, I get captured by the princesses I had spent my entire life hiding from.

The door at the back of the room opened suddenly and a pony taller than any I’d ever seen walked through. Her mane sparkled with magic and an image of the night sky flickered through it. I had heard stories of the beauty and majesty of the royal sisters, but none lived up to seeing them face to face. She brought no guards with her and yet I had no doubt she could stop me with a thought if I tried to attack her or escape.

“So, you are this draconic I have been told about,” she said in a voice the belied her power and age. She spoke gently as if to a foal. “Wanderwing is what they call you, correct? You may call me Princess Luna.”

I bowed and said, “That is my name. Now if I may be so bold, why have you summoned me, and why can you see through my pendant’s magic?”

She laughed, not mockingly but with a beautiful ringing, and said, “I am an alicorn and a master of illusion magic; a spell on a basic charm holds no power over me. But it is a familiar spell work… ah Twilight Sparkle did this! However did you meet her? Oh, now I am asking you questions before I finish answering yours. I summoned you here to ask for your assistance, and also… to ask for your forgiveness.”

I cocked my head slightly in confusion. “You haven’t wronged me, not personally anyway. Whatever could you be sorry about?”

Suddenly she appeared sad, nearly distraught with sorrow. “Young one, it was I who created the spell that caused your birth to be mixed with dragon’s blood. In a dark time in my life I misused my power in a bid for supremacy over my sister… for that I am eternally sorry.”

I felt a dark rage burn within me for a moment, but was able to suppress it. Seeing somepony so powerful willing to admit they had done wrong spoke of an even greater strength of character than the wrong they’d done. “While not all my kind may forgive you, I at least am willing to forgive; we all make mistakes and while you may have created the spell you are not the one who cast it on yet unborn foals... Back to your reason for calling me here, whatever could a being as powerful as you need my help with?”

She straightened and her face returned to its original regal and businesslike manner, “You have found several of the tomes of the draconic clans already?” I nodded slowly. “I would like for you to find the rest as well as discover the source of the resurgence of the Cult of the Thorned Hoof, or as you have taken to calling them, The Druids. As to why I can not handle this myself; my sister has ruled this land alone for a thousand years in my absence but even we have our limits, she must rest and recover and I must rule in her place until then. The Cult of the Thorned Hoof has caused damage to Equestria before and can not be ignored. If you agree to do this I shall offer you access to the royal coffers and free reign to do as you must until such time as you have completed this task. Also… should you succeed you may even find a place among the court of Canterlot as my servant Goldbeak has. But I must first know your story so far. And please don’t lie to me; I’ve seen your dreams young one.”

I almost accepted immediately. The idea that I could be treated as an equal in this place was a dream come true, and the fact the gryphon Goldbeak already was treated so well was proof that it could happen. I had no idea what she meant by having “seen my dreams,” but I had no doubt she would see through my deception, much like she already had. I sighed and laid the pendant and my books across the table and told her much the same story I have told here already. At the end of my tale she nodded and spoke once more, “Your story is an interesting one, but I can assure you; you are wrong in at least one instance. Unless you attempt to harm my subjects neither I nor my sister would ever have harmed you. Your partners you found for the Druid catacombs would likely be wonderful allies for your next mission, should you choose to accept my offer.”

I had thought about it for all the time it had taken me to tell my story, and I saw no other option than to accept the princess’s generous offer. As for re-recruiting my companions I had no doubt Stoic would join me should I ask him. Falling Star was up in the air but access to the royal coffers may just pique her interest. As for Brightflare, I wasn’t sure, but maybe if I could get the princess to get one of her royal physicians to teach him the strongest medical magic then perhaps he would agree.

“Hmm,” I said, “You may be right there Princess, but Brightflare’s dream was his education, do you suppose you could have one of you royal doctors teach him their spells? That’s the only way I can see that he would join us. If you can add that to your previous offer I will gladly accept this task.”

“That can be arranged, Wanderwing, then the bargain is struck? I believe deals are in this time sealed with a hoofshake?” She offered her hoof and I shook it gently not wanting to offend her. She smiled, clearly excited at having mastered another modern custom. “Now then your companion is relaxing a few rooms over, he seemed a bit worried about you, maybe you should go check up on him? I will have a guard escort the two of you to guest rooms in the castle for the night and you can send out letters to those you need to. You have a lot of work to get started on tomorrow.”

“Thank you, your majesty, I will do my best,” I said and bowed deeply.

“I know you will young one, I know you will,” Luna said before walking back out the door she had entered through. I swept my books back into my bag, and looked down at my pendant, unsure whether to wear it or not. I decided I shouldn’t hide myself while I was here, as a show of good faith.

That night, for the first time in as long as I could remember I didn’t barricade my door and yet still had good dreams.

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