• Published 22nd Oct 2013
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My Little Duel Academy - WCHpon3

Alex Harris is a student hoping to become a star duellist. However, the road will never be easy for her, and how can the magic of friendship help her to win the duels required.

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When You Seem On Top

My little Duel Academy

Chapter 2: When You Seem On Top

The boat was spectacular, an ocean liner majestically carving through the waves, on its journey to Academy Island. My journey would take me there, on a search for more than just a way into the pro leagues.

I was three years old when it happened, I don’t remember much, possibly from the trauma or from the age I was. My dad was a wealthy businessman, specialising with deals on duelling tactics. He used to work at Industrial Illusions and managed to make the executive board, but that was before they came. I don’t remember how they got in, or how long they were in for, but it niggled at me that someone with so much authority was being targeted for corruption. He left me a present to remind me of him, a single card named Derpy the Adorable. He left without a trace it seems; nobody had a lead to him. I’ll keep my hopes up and wish that he’ll come back, but it’s been so long.

The horn sounded and the captain took to the speaker.

“This is your captain speaking, we will be arriving shortly at Duel Academy, please head towards the exits in an orderly manner and enjoy your four years here.” I was thinking about why I was here, not about the talent, about the determination to see my dad again. Bastion approached me and the conversation flowed as the boat docked on the island.

“Welcome and your name is?” were the first words I heard as I stepped onto the island. He looked to be in his early fifties yet his hair was still long and not tainted with grey hairs. He didn’t look like he had his eyes open very widely, and his white shirt looked as if it belonged to a late seventies disco dancer.

“Alex Harris” I mumbled as I scuffed my feet against the concrete.

“Ah yes, I heard you beat Zane, very commendable, we expect good things from you, take the middle line and pick up a yellow outfit.” He spoke with a relaxed tone and his voice was soft and soothing. I picked up the outfit and joined the long line of boys and girls all holding yellow blazers and skirts. It would seem like a long wait.

I was surprised by how much a dress suited me. I’ve never really liked them. The dress itself was yellow, as I was in Ra Yellow. Held on by a fastener, the actual top section was white with yellow gloves, the collar was gold rimmed with what I could only describe as an arrow pointing down at the chest section. The boots were yellow also and fitted rather nicely.

The first night was great, the banquet was superb and the selection was amazing. I was the type to keep to myself so I did there, but everybody seemed nice and respecting. My bedroom was room 117 in the back left of the building. My room was on my own which was ok for me, having a roommate forces conversation. I looked out of my eastern facing window to find a silhouette sprinting his way towards the main building. What it was about I do not know, but whatever it was, the Slifer was in a hurry.

The next morning signalled the start of lessons. Duelling history with Professor Stein was the easiest lesson to fall asleep in; the monotonous drone failing to keep me interested. I saw Jaden down in the second row, asleep, which didn’t surprise me. What did was how he passed the written paper back at the entrance exam. My final lesson of the day was with the easily nastiest teacher here. Dr Crowler. He hated the Slifers and yearned for an answer from an Obelisk when students such as Jaden or Cyrus got things incorrect as per usual. I was therefore a little nervous when Crowler called me up to the front at the end of the lesson. I didn’t do anything wrong in my mind.

“Ah Alex,” he said without a care about me, “do follow me, I’ll explain when we get there.” I didn’t understand; I was whisked out of the lecture theatre as we tracked our way up the stairs to a chamber which seemed sealed off to ordinary students, Crowler did use his security card to get here.

“Put this suit on,” he barked as I stared at what looked like a space suit, “It’s for your own safety.” The same disconcerting tone spoke. Next thing I knew, after putting on the space suit, was that a conversation was going on; I was too far back to hear. At last, Crowler shoved me forward, the greetings swiftly followed.

“This here Alex is my prized pupil, the little Belowski. He has the power to put his opponents to sleep which is why you have the suit on. Now then Belowski, say hello to Miss Harris over there then.” I felt a little weird; Belowski looked scruffy and was an obelisk with the blue blazer, crumpled and sullied with mud. His grin seemed a little dopey more than anything else and his brown eyes half shut as if they were going to shut at any moment and he would fall asleep himself.

“Hey dude.” He said to me in a voice which sounded like he was a hippie. He seemed to have faith in Crowler and the teacher seemed to trust the student too.

“Now then, we’re going to see who will win in a duel, you Alex, who in the lightest respect fluked a win over Zane or Belowski who has gone undefeated for two whole years?” I said nothing. I was going to duel against a boy who couldn’t keep his eyes open? Seemed to me that he was better than he looked. He activated his duel disk, implying a battle, I obliged, activating my duel disk. Out came the space for the graveyard and I was ready.

“Duel!” we shouted, and he was going first.

“I’ll draw,” he slurred, “I’ll summon Mokey Mokey in defence mode!” A marshmallow with tiny wings popped out and floated above the card, a question mark visible from its forehead to about six inches above it, the colour of it was red for some reason but I didn’t know why.

“I lay two face downs and end my turn.” He said before the turn came passing over to me.

“It’s my turn!” I asserted and drew the first six from my deck. It was a little difficult to see through the helmet but I could distinguish the cards clearly enough. His monster seemed surprisingly weak unless he was trying to lure me into a trap.

“I summon, Time Turner the Traveller in defence mode!” The brown pony jumped up and then crouched to the floor, the mane was darker than the coat with an hourglass on the flank. The defence strength was 1000 which should block Mokey Mokey’s attacks. Belowski looked unimpressed.

“I use his special ability. Now I can choose any card in my deck and banish it, and in two of my turns, it’s added to my hand, so I’ll choose Derpy the Adorable to banish!” The figure of her clumsiness showing for a mere second before Time Turner sent the card flying into the air.

“I lay one card face down and end my turn.” I should have been safe for this turn, however I got that niggle in the back of my head that I could have done more.

“Heh, that all?” He spoke without a care in the world.

“Yeah, for now.” I said knowing that I wasn’t able to say a witty remark back.

“Well anyway, it’s my turn and I’ll draw,” he had four cards in his hand, plenty to deal some damage, “I’ll summon the Shining Angel in attack mode!” The angel arose, wearing what looked like a white tank top and velvet like skirt. The wings were a shade of beige as the afternoon sun glinted onto them and had blonde hair which was surprisingly short. The attack strength was 1400 and my monster was going to take a battering.

“I switch Mokey Mokey to attack mode and now, Shining Angel, take out that time traveller with luminous blast!” An orb of light emanated from between its hands and grew to the size of a football before slamming it towards the defence that was Time Turner. I needed to keep him on the field; I would have faced the direct attack. Fortunately for me however I had my face down.

“I play a trap!” I shouted, “It’s called Shadowbolt Snare!” Three Pegasi dressed in indigos and violets hurtled round ten metres above my head before one of them smashing the orb in front of me. The power caused me to stagger back, forcing the part in my hair to fall in between my eyes. The three then set to work on the angel. In almost breakneck speeds, the angel was trapped, locked by a triangle of pegasi. Electrical surges sparking between the hooves. They all stared in and not one of them blinking behind the goggles.

“Your beloved angel is now trapped within my snare and is now unable to attack!” I gloated with glee. Belowski seemed to shrug this off.

“Not bad, I end my turn.” He said and my counter attack was going to begin.

“My turn, I draw!” One turn before my Derpy was getting to my hand. Belowski looked as uninterested as you can be in a duel, but that wasn’t going to throw me off.

“I sacrifice Time Turner the Traveller in order to summon, Trixie the Great and Powerful in attack mode!” The blue pony leapt up and forced a cloud of dust to spew up. She wore a purple hat littered with stars and crescents, cape to match. Her eyes were purple and had a wand and moon on her flank. The strength was good enough to take out anything on Belowski’s field, 2000 attack points.

“Now seeing as Trixie here can take out your Mokey Mokey, she’ll attack. Trixie, take out the overgrown marshmallow with Hand of Deletion!” Out came a hand, as if on a computer. It shot off towards it like a greyhound on a racetrack and Belowski had everything covered.

“I activate the trap card Human Wave Tactics, now during the end phase; I can special summon any level 2 or lower normal monsters to the field equal to the number of level 2 or lower monsters that were destroyed this turn.”

“But that still means the attack goes through!” The hand grabbed the marshmallow by the scruff of the neck and let go to click its fingers. A recycle bin appeared below and the monster was blasted into shrapnel. The life points tumbled down, he was on 2300 to my 4000.

“I lay one card face down” I was interrupted rudely to my disbelief.

“I activate the ability of my Human Wave Tactics, allowing me to special summon Happy Lover to the field in attack mode!”

“But Trixie has her own effect! By discarding my hand to the graveyard, I can destroy a number of spells and traps on the field equal to the amount of cards I’ve discarded, which is two, the same number of spells and traps you have!”

“I activate the spell card known as Mystic Wok! Mystic Wok allows me to tribute one monster on my side of the field and I gain life points equal to its attack strength, so my ensnared angel can leave the field and I’ll gain 1400 life points!” I felt smug after the last statement.

“Check again, my snare drains your monster of 400 attack points each round, so you only gain 1000.” His life points now a more respectable 3300. The two traps destroyed and a winged beast with a love heart around its head. It was rounded, and a shade of orange was its body colour. It had 800 attack points which wasn’t enough to deal with Trixie but this was about to change.

“I end my turn.” I said, confident that there wasn’t a card that would destroy Trixie. I was in for a shock.

“My turn and I summon Mokey Mokey in attack mode!” The Marshmallow jumped up and floated, I thought that he wanted to lose and I almost chuckled in front of him.

“I activate the spell card Mokey Mokey Smackdown!” Now whenever a fairy type monster is destroyed, all Mokey Mokey’s have their attack points rise to 3000! Now Happy Lover, Attack Trixie with Gushy Burst!” The attack was a beam of light, forced faster by the flapping of the wings but wasn’t strong enough and backfired into its face. An explosion; and the life points dropped to 2100.

“I activate a spell card from my hand! Sebek’s Blessing! Since I took damage from an attack of my own, I can gain life points equal to the damage inflicted. So my life points move back to what they were, 3300! And don’t forget Mokey Mokey Smackdown, My Mokey Mokey’s attack point’s rise to 3000, now attack with Mokey Mokey Wave!” A repelling wave of red emanated from its body, smashing into the pony without any reaction, it was that quick. The life points of mine, tumbled down to 3000 and without a card in my hand, this duel was going to be tough.