• Published 17th Mar 2012
  • 1,656 Views, 24 Comments

The Longest Day - Nazkan

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash travel to an amusement park, and stuff happens.

  • ...

I just never liked mascots

"Come on, Dash. It'll be fun! How can you say no to cotton candy, fun rides and a ROLLER COASTER?"
Dash sighed, and lounged back on her cloud. "I just don't have time for this Pinkie. I need to practise for the Wonderbolts. I just don't have time to waste on something as stupid as this."
Pinkie gasped and moved her hoof powered helicopter closer, "But Dash, I bought these tickets just for us. And there will be candy. Candy, Dash. You just need to go with me."
Dash rolled over and stared into empty air. "Why do you care so much? Why not bring somepony else? What's wrong with Applejack?"
"That's not the point Dashie. I noticed you haven't been smiling as much lately. Plus you seem to be avoiding us. I guess I just thought this would cheer you up." Pinkie grumbled, "I went through all the trouble of getting these tickets for us, and I'm not leaving until you accept them." Pinkie crossed her hooves, and slowly sunk towards the ground. She hastily put them back on the pedals and kept peddling, rising back into the air.
Dash spun around to face Pinkie again, and begrudgingly asked, "Fine, tell me again what you want me to do?"
Pinkie smiled, and started to explain again. "This great new theme park is opening up just outside of Manehatten. I've managed to get us two tickets for the grand opening. According to the poster, the park will feature the largest roller coaster ever seen in Equestria, multiple shows by travelling and talented artists, some of the finest food around and a best of all, they're gonna have a housed size birthday cake to celebrate finally opening!"
Rainbow Dash yawned, and turned away from Pinkie. "It's sounds awesome, I'm sure you'll have a great time."
The pink pony furrowed her brow, "But Dashie, why don't you want to go?"
Rainbow sat up, and placed her hooves in front of her, "I'd love to Pinkie, I really would, but I can't just leave. I have a duty as part of the weather team I can't ignore."
Pinkie smirked, and pulled a slip of paper seemingly out of thin air. Rainbow looked at it, her smile dropping. She read over it aloud. "Dear Rainbow Dash, it has recently come to our attention that the new amusement park, Smile Land, will be opening soon. On the advice of a friend, we have agreed to give you one free day in which to enjoy the sights and sounds of this new place. We expect you to be back on work by Monday."
Dash opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, before choking out, "Pinkie, how did you get this?"
Pinkie shrugged, and just smiled at Dash.
Rainbow Dash sighed, and added, "Well, I still can't go. It wouldn't be right to leave Twilight and the others without the awesome that is me. I'm afraid you'll have to go without me."
Pinkie Pie smirked again, and pulled out a clump of notes. Each was signed by one of her friends. The cyan pegasis pulled one out at random, and read. "Umm, Rainbow Dash, we really wouldn't mind if you wanted to go. I have my, um, hooves full taking care of Angel so I couldn't go if I wanted. And Pinkie seems like she really wants you too, if that's alright."
Rainbow dropped the letter, and watched it drift slowly to the ground.
"Are they all like that?" She asked. When Pinkie nodded, she scrambled for another excuse. "Well, I just remembered I offered to help Mayor Mare repair the town hall."
The pink pony pulled out an official looking scroll, and offered it to the pegasis. Rainbow Dash ignored it and struggled for another excuse, so Pinkie threw it behind her, and watched it as it descended to the ground.
"Derpy Hooves asked me to help her bake muffins!"
Pinkie pulled out a fairly crumpled letter, tied to a muffin. She tossed it behind her as Dash continued.
"Have to help Spike clean."
Pinkie pulled out a gemstone. Dash assumed that Spike had given it to her. She dropped it and the hard rock hit the ground far below them with a thud.
"Need to assist Zecora as she gathers herbs."
Pinkie pulled out a rather large wooden mask. Dash recognized it from Zecora's hut. The pony dropped it to the ground, and it buried itself upright in the grass.
"Promised to teach Scootaloo to fly!"
Pinkie Pie pulled out a small orange filly. It managed to let out an excited squeal before Pinkie dropped it beneath her. Scootaloo let out a muffled shout before landing safely on a cloud.
Rainbow Dash jumped off the cloud she was lounging on, and grasped for another excuse. "I, um, I, need to keep training for the Wonderbolts. Only the best make it in you know."
Pinkie smiled, and pulled out a poster. Dash recognized the ponies on the front, and grabbed it away from Pinkie quickly. A grin broke out on her face as she read. "The Wonderbolts will be appearing for the grand opening of this park? Why didn't you say so sooner Pinkie?"
Pinkie shrugged again. Rainbow keep switching her attention between the poster and the pink pony, before commenting, "Oh my gosh, when is this opening? Tomorrow? I need to get ready!" With that, Rainbow dashed off, leaving a rainbow trail in her wake.
Pinkie blinked, and stopped peddling. She spoke to herself as she slowly sunk down to the ground. "I really hope this is the kind of trip where nothing goes wrong."

The ponies gathered on the station, creating a plethora of different colours. Standing at the head of the group was six ponies everypony recognized. The elements of harmony. The train rattled into the station, it's large metal frame blocking out the sun. The pullers of the train waited patiently for the ponies to file into the train carts. Rainbow turned to her friends and let out a few short words. "Well, I'll see you guess I'll see you again when I get back. Shouldn't take long. Fluttershy, remember to feed Tank. That's about it."
Rainbow Dash hurried into the train, anxious to avoid taking to her friends any longer than necessary. They waved good bye, and turned to the pink pony standing nearby. Twilight carefully voiced what everyone was thinking. "Pinkie, are you sure this is such a good idea? This kind of thing requires finesse."
Pinkie nodded quickly, "Of course it's a good idea, silly. Who couldn't be happy at an amusement park? That would be like being sad when someone gives you great present. Or a backrub."
Applejack stepped forwards, "It's jus', this is our friend here. Ah feel we need ta be there for her."
Pinkie shook her head, and turned to leave, "Don't you worry Applejack, The great Pinkie knows how to make anypony feel better. Me and Dashie will have the greatest time ever!"
The four ponies watched as Pinkie climbed into the train, and waved back at them. With a loud ring, the train started to move forward. Pinkie leaned out the window further to keep her eyes on her friends, but was suddenly pulled back in by somepony behind her. She turned to see who it was.
"Come on Pinkie, lets find our seats, I don't want to stand the whole way there." Rainbow said, slightly annoyed.
Pinkie replied, "Okey Dokey Lokey," and the two of them moved deeper into the cart, searching for an open seat. They found one near the back, and sat down. Pinkie Pie got the window seat, and looked out upon the constantly moving plain. Slowly, the heavy grassland of Ponyville was replaced by a wide desert. The red sand reflected the sun into Pinkie's eyes painfully, and, besides from the occasional green cactus, there was nothing of interest to see. Pinkie felt a sharp jab in her side, and turned to face the rainbow mare. There was a terrified look on her face, and her wings curled and unfurled erratically. She looked at Pinkie, and managed to squeeze out, "Pinkie, you don't think this park will have mascots do you?"
Pinkie thought for a moment, before responding, "Well, I suppose it might. But what's wrong with mascots? Mascots are half of the fun. Most of them are just plain crazy, though. Who ever heard of a hue-man? What's it even suppose to be? A monkey? Where's the fur? But like I said, just plain crazy."
Rainbow Dash looked over at her stupidly, "I just never liked mascots." She said, as the train rumbled on to it's destination. Pinkie had neglected sleeping the night before, and was tired, so she planned on catching up on any missed sleep on the clearly uneventful train ride to the amusement park.

Pinkie awoke roughly when Rainbow poked her in the side. She had been dreaming about the time she filled a pool with jelly, and just spent the rest of the day doing a kind of eat/bounce hybrid. She called it bounting. With a chuckle, she realised that her mane had lost it usual plush. Pinkie held her nose and breathed outwards, puffing her mane back up into a large untidy mass. Rubbing her eyes, she looked over to Rainbow. "What's wrong Dashie? Are they not serving peanuts? That does seem like a problem." Pinkie yawned out.
Dash shook her head, "No, it's not that. I just need to use the bathroom. Save my seat for me."
Pinkie nodded, and attempted to give a thumbs up, but it came off more as her simply lifting her hoof. After several more discreet attempts, she nodded quickly. Rainbow nodded back, and got out of her seat.
Pinkie responded by staring intently at the spot where she sat. It had a slight groove in it from where the pony had sat, and was more worn out then Pinkies seat. "No pony's gonna take this seat. I've got my eye on it." The pink pony thought.
Several minutes passed, and Pinkie felt the need to blink. No one had attempted to take the seat yet, but you could never be too careful. Her right eye started to twitch from the exertion and she winked to clear it. Then her other eye did the same. She winked again, and soon fell into a routine.
She realised quickly that it wasn't working. She eyed the other occupants of the cart carefully, making sure none of them seemed especially shifty. Her eyes were aching and she could feel a head ache coming on. Struggling to keep her eyes open, she thought to herself, "Surely one blink wouldn't hurt. Just a quick one."
Pinkie took one last glance around the train, and closed her eyes for a split second. When she opened them again, she found her view was blocked by a large creature sitting next to her, calmly reading a newspaper.
"Aw come on!" She cried out, frustrated.
The creature next to her, a dark grey minotaur, looked over to where she was sitting. "Is there a problem, Madam?" He asked.
Pinkie raised a hoof to her chin, and replied thoughtfully, "Well, it's just that, my friend was sitting there before you did, and if she can't sit there than that means she'll need to sit somewhere else, and then we won't be able to talk and I won't get the chance to ask her whether Bat mare or Iron Mane would win in a fight."
The minotaur reached over to a suitcase near the aisle, and opened it hastily. From within, he pulled out a small pipe, along with a monocle. Placing both in their appropriate spots on his face, he responded to Pinkies claim. "Well, my dear, while I was perusing the state of this fine machine, I happened to observe that this particular spot on the automotive happened to be empty of occupancy. Along with this, I happened to deduce that no pony on this ride happened to have their attention fixed to it. Happy, I wandered over here to take my seat. While I apologise for the fact that your friend will have to stand, I kindly ask why you wouldn't keep special track of the place where she was residing." He stopped to move his pipe out of his mouth, and added, "Also Iron mane would win, he's got dope as hay lasers."
Pinkie cleared her mind by shaking her head, and retaliated, "No way, Bat Mare's got all that fancy gadgetry." She quickly realised what she was talking about, and swung back to the original problem. "And I was watching that seat. I blinked for half a second and you practically teleported into it. I just want you to move to a different spot."
The mountain of a creature next to Pinkie crossed his legs, and turned the page of his newspaper, "Would you perchance have any evidence that your friend was sitting here; or even that she existed at all? I think not." He sputtered out.
Pinkie looked over offended, "The seats still warm from when was sitting there! There's a bag of half eaten peanuts in front of you! I continually stated she was once here! What more evidence do you need?"
He gave an ungentlemanly snort, and lowered his paper to look at Pinkie. "Never the less, dear, I hearby proclaim this spot as my own, and none shall take it from me."
Pinkie threw herself sideways onto the back of the seat in exasperated frustration. Watching over the creature next to her, she tried to think of a way to get him out of Rainbow's seat. She noticed the suitcase and with a devilish grin, reached over the minotaur to grab it. The half bull tried to stop her, but he was too slow, and Pinkie found herself with a closed suitcase in front of her. She placed it out of reach of the owner and looked over it's silver casing.
"My my, what an interesting suitcase. I wonder what could be inside it." She teased, poking her head towards the minotaur.
Drips of sweat started to form on the creatures head, and he responded hastily, "You wouldn't dare madam!"
Pinkie smiled harder, and flipped the top open. She was immediately thrown into the window with enough force to nearly shatter it, as two dozen bottles of shaving cream was launched out of the suitcase into her face. The pony could see pretty stars floating around, despite it being the early morning and the fact that she was inside. Clearing her head, she pulled herself off the wall. Picking up a can, she asked hesitantly, "Why do you have so much shaving cream? Are you trying to give it to needy ponies?"
The grey minotaur let out an indignant huff, and responded, annoyed, "A true gentlebull never leaves home without adequate supplies, incase he is in an accident of the most grave. Now I kindly request you stop digging through my possessions, lest you get hurt once again." The minotaur reached over for the suitcase again, but was still out of it's reach.
Pinkie Pie shrugged, and dove back into the suitcase. With a small amount of struggle, she managed to dislodge a large cane from the pile of shaving cream. It was made of strong black wood, and adorned with a dark multicoloured opal. Pinkie held it awkwardly, and the minotaur explained. "A gentlebull must always be seen in public events holding the ceremonial cane of bull hood. It dates back to time when calf's would become bulls by striking themselves on the horn until they passed out. A truly manly way of being a bull. Now please release my possessions, or I shall pretend to forget the part of the gentlebull's code concerning the proper way to speak to a lady."
Pinkie nodded, ignored the minotaurs pleas and started to root back through the case. A small bowlers hat was next, and Pinkie placed it on her head without waiting for the owners permission. The minotaur ground his teeth, but otherwise attempted to stay in his chair.
Pinkie felt something large in the suitcase, and pulled with all her might to dislodge it. She couldn't, and the force of her letting go launched her against the window again. The owner of the luggage remarked calmly, "Please Madam, do not attempt to remove my spare chariot while we are in a moving vehicle. It could cause some problems. Besides, I would hate to attempt to squeeze it back in there again."
Pinkie pealed herself off the window again, and crawled back over to the suitcase. This would be the last attempt to remove the creature from Dash's seat using this method. Looking through the suitcase, she pushed aside some cans of shaving cream, and smiled deviously. Silently, she pulled the thing out of the case. Holding it in front of the owner, she asked slyly, "Is this a wig? Are you bald, mister minotaur? Why would anypony want to become bald, hair is amazing!"
The owner let out a frightened gasp, and grabbed the wig off Pinkie. Standing up, he reached over, shoving Pinkie to the side, and grabbed his suitcase. He pushed his way out onto the aisle, and turned to the pink pony, "Miss, it is with due regret that I leave you alone on this trip, as the rules say that a gentlebull must always accompany a lady, but your antics have pushed me too far. I wish you a good day, and kindly request you do not attempt to contact me. Good day!" He said, throwing his nose in the air with the last two words. Pinkie watched him as he worked his way down the train, eventually disappearing in the crowd of creatures.
Pinkie gave a relieved sigh, adjusted her new bowler hat, leaned back comfortably, and closed her eyes. She doubted someone would try to take Dash's seat after a display like that. She could finally relax for the rest of the trip, there was nothing more to worry about.

She heard a loud cough next to her, and opened her eyes hastily. It was about time Rainbow got back. She opened her mouth to greet her back, when she realised that she wasn't talking to Rainbow Dash. A huge mountain of a creature was standing in the aisle. He was a dark yellow, and wore only a pair of tattered pants. His arms rippled with muscles, and his head was devoid of hair. The thing Pinkie noticed most was the lack of a second eye. Instead, this creature had one huge eye covering the top of his face. The cyclops extended one of it's powerful arms towards Pinkie, and asked roughly, "Ticket?"
Pinkie patted herself down, searching for her ticket, when she realised she had given it to Dash soon after the boarded the train. Pinkie tried to explain, "I don't have my ticket here, but if you'll just wait a moment, Dashie will come back with the tickets. Then we can all have a good laugh, I'll give you some cake and we can both go on our way. Is that super ok?"
The cyclops flexed his muscles, and responded slowly. "Brontes doesn't like it when little ponies try to sneak onto the train. Brontes recommends that you give Brontes your ticket."
Pinkie felt sweat run down her head, "Silly, if you just wait, Dashie will be here with the tickets any moment now."
The cyclops stared down at Pinkie, and a scowl spread across his face, "Brontes doesn't see a ticket. Boss says, 'No ticket, no ride'. Brontes will follow that order now. Please assume the party escort position while Brontes works."
Pinkie smiled, "There's a party? I love parties! Where is it?" She said excitedly.
With a quick lunge, Brontes threw himself towards Pinkie, grabbing her in his arms. With a shout, he threw her towards the window. The window, already cracked and weakened from before, gave way, and Pinkie went flying out into the open air.
"THIS IS NOT A PARTY!" She yelled.
Things slowed down more than they already did for Pinkie, and she saw what was going on. She was slowly falling to the fast moving, and the window she was thrown out of was speeding past her. The cyclops in the train smiled at a job well done, and Pinkie felt angry. She struggled to find a way to save herself, but nothing came to her mind.
The pink pony considered giving up right then, but remembered why she was doing this. Dashie needed her help, and she wasn't going to let a little thing like being thrown out of a moving train stop her! If she didn't recover from this, Dashie could be lost forever, and she would have no one to prank with. She remembered all the times she and Rainbow played together, baked together, messed around together and expressed their friendship. If she failed now, all she was doing was for naught.
A crazy idea hit her like a bolt of thunder. She would have only one chance. Things started speeding up again.
Reacting quickly, Pinkie pulled a large rope of black liquorice out of her mane, and spun it above her head in a crude impersonation of Applejacks lasso. Griping it tightly in her mouth, she threw it towards the train. With a dull thud, it tied itself to one of the many useless pipes sitting on the roof of the cart. The sudden force of the moving train caused Pinkie to be propelled backwards, and toward the train. Flinging herself upwards, she landed gracefully on the roof. This was followed by a quick sucking sound, as Pinkie ate the remaining liquorice like it was spaghetti. The pony nearly lost her balance when the cart rocked violently, and Pinkie saw something climbing out the window onto the roof of the cart.
"Brontes will follow orders from boss. Brontes will remove little pony from train, make many people happy. Brontes continues to ask that you sit still while Brontes works."
Pinkie Pie looked around worriedly, and pulled some cake out of her mane. Cutting it into 8 separate pieces, she started to lop it at the cyclops, hoping to deter him from climbing higher. Half of the cake missed entirely, and one of the remaining pieces landed helplessly on Brontes' throbbing muscles. Two more were eaten in Pinkie's quick lunch break. The final piece though, it him in the eye. Brontes nearly fell of when he found himself blinded, but recovered by kicking against the train. The sheer force sent him flying into the air over the train, and he landed on the roof roughly. He rubbed his hands against his eye, and attempted to look intimidating while he did so.
Pinkie bounced over to the other end of the cart, and faced the cyclops. He succeeded in cleaning the cake out of his eye, and stared at Pinkie back. The two creatures stared at each other, and neither wanted to break the stalemate. Eventually, Pinkie relaxed and asked, "Dashie should be back now. There's still time to throw a party if you stop chasing me now."
Brontes creased his forehead, and shouted back, "No time for parties, only time for JUSTICE!"
The huge creature broke into a sudden sprint, charging across the top of the train cart at an incredible speed. Pinkie responded the only way she knew how. By taking two steps to the left and extending her hoof. The cyclops' foot caught the top of Pinkies, and he fell to the ground. He sent out a shockwave as he hit the roof, and the excess force caused him to roll off the side, landing in the boiling dessert below. He stared as the train raced away, and yelled into the sky, "Brontes will have his justice!"
Pinkie Pie sighed, and wiped some sweat of her head. Glancing around, she searched for a way to re-enter the train cart. With a quick double take, she leapt down between the two carts, and pushed open the door to her cart. Bouncing her way through the crowd of creatures, which included one very upset minotaur, Pinkie returned to her seat. Rainbow still hadn't returned, but Pinkie didn't care at the moment. Now, finally, she could take a rest, and wait for the train to arrive at the station.

The train lurched suddenly, and Pinkie was thrown forward. She sat up quickly and looked around. Rainbow was standing in the aisle next to her, and extended her hoof. "Come on Pinkie, we're here. I don't want to miss the wonderbolt show because of you, so hurry up. Also good job with the seat, though it turned out I didn't need it anyway."
Pinkie nodded slowly, "Are we there already? Where did all the time go? I suppose it could of flown out the window, but then it would hit the butterflies and be chased by a cyclops." Pinkie remarked absent-mindedly.
Rainbow Dash pointed that out, "What happened to the window anyway? I was certain it wasn't broken when I left. Plus there's shaving cream everywhere, and where did you get that ridiculous hat?"
Pinkie Pie tapped her head, and noticed she was still wearing the minotaurs bowling hat. She looked up at Dash lazily and said, "Alot of fun happened, lets just leave it at that."
Rainbow shrugged, "Good enough for me." She said.
The duo worked their way out of the train. Rainbow Dash flew out with much vigour, while Pinkie simply collapsed once getting off the train.
She lay there, face in the dirt, for a while but perked up immediately when she saw what was in front of her. A large arch with the words, 'Smile land' written across the top, glowing brightly. Just behind it was a huge roller coaster, stretching through out the entire park. Along with all this was the occasional bolt of firework magic that would launch into the air, and the constant cheering of those already inside.
Pinkie's hair took on a whole new level of plush, and she leapt into the line next to Rainbow. With a huge smile already on her face, she said to Dash, "This is going to be the best day ever!"
Rainbow Dash looked up at the sky, bored, "More like the longest day ever, the Wonderbolts don't start until the end of the day." The rainbow mare said sarcastically.