• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 872 Views, 14 Comments

The Night And Her Thief - Cosmological Principle

I am a thief. Never have i been trusted. Never have i been loved. I have only ever trusted my life to the night that hides me. The moon guides me when my eyes fail me. The stars comfort me when i have grief. The night is one with me. I am a thief

  • ...

Lock Before Pick

Wax dripped away from the flame and onto the platter below; a warm glow illuminating only the birds letter upon a sizable mahogany planning table that had been the source of my once current cares. The letter smelt of the words 'quill scabbard road. 4th alley right side. 7 mins.' I rose from my haunches and pulled forward my dark hood fore I lifted the cowl atop my muzzle; the crow cocked his head toward me all while. I spun round left and threw my hoof sideways to the wind causing a dusty gust of air to smolder the flame; the crow fled from his perch atop my horn and back into the night that pierced betwixt the curtains. I set across my rows of objects toward the far right of the rooms dusty interior. Toward I walked a brass and wood wardrobe I knew well from use, my horns glow encompassed the ornate handle's surface and the moons bathing light shone into the compartments interior.
Against the back, held outside small rivets rested my crossbow; a quiver hung from my hoof stitched strap on a brass coat holding sconce in the left while on another hook to the right hung a complex brass horn ring, a ruby lodged into the middle of it.
I pulled my brass and wood crossbow from its slumber alongside the quiver that I both hung round my back. The ring's polished brass shone in the soft moonlight as my hooves brought it down the base of my horn and twisted it, a loud click accompanied my actions.

My equipment is a vital part of me, just as much my horn is to my skull and I cannot steal without it.
I cannot rely always on my magic as it is exhausting to commit each spell and for efficiency to be maintained then I need something capable of launching another with great speed.
A crossbow fulfills this need.
In the quiver resided 7 compartments, each one holding arrows needed for specific purpose. I have never killed and I never will; I have bit, punched and shot others only when I must but never will I ever kill another for greed. The objects they hold only yield value, but a pony's life is utterly priceless and it is not ever to be taken. Even from me.
When my crossbow fails I must rely on my magic to keep me well; while exhausting, this particular horn ring catalyze's my ability for intricate spells with much less effort and focus. The two things I need for a successful stealing.

I closed the brown wardrobe once more before I climbed unto the scaffolding. I slowly walked backward until I felt the ledges end and I slightly nodded down my head. I galloped forward, with one great leap I was out in the nights cold embrace once more as my hoofs fell silent upon the roofs stone and I set off back out into the great city of Canterlot.


Luna walked back from the main balcony and sprawled unto a familiar blue beanbag before curling around into a comfortable ball; clearly worn from the exhaust of working the stars routinely dance through the sky. Tonight she worked a little more on the stars movements, refreshing each star with a slight change to their elegant waltz, and she felt right at home with shuteye on this bag of beans. Unfortunately a sound split her from her wanted sleep and echoed in the walls of her ears, she knew this as the sound of her sisters white door. Striding into the study Celestia exhaled a breathless wind from her tired lungs before taking her own spot on a white beanbag that sat left of the coffee table Luna's own seat sat right of.
"How was night court?" Celestia wearily asked.
"Lonely as usual, few pony's arrived for questions or requests. i think the most memorable of any was of a rather furious stallion; he came in claiming and ranting about construction workers knocking his house down." Luna groggily told.
"Had they? Knocked his house down?" Asked slightly amused. Only slightly.
"I haven't the slightest idea. He was escorted out when his tone reached a boiling point, the most i could do was have him stay for a week in an apartment block while another could rebuild his home." Luna closed her eyes as she told the story, coming near to slumber while Celestia mused.

"You look tired Lulu, how much sleep did you get?" Asking in a concerned tone.
"None. My mind was lost in other things."
"Have you been thinking of that thief again Lu?"
Luna said naught.
"I don't believe his word true Lulu, he stole from me; he would have said anything to you!" Luna reopened her eyes, frustration lined them.
"I trusted him and i do not believe he would betray it. He kept his word when i told him to relinquish those objects you seem so enthralled about! His word was not false Tia." Luna said whilst very agitated with Celestia's words.
Celestia looked to her sister with guilt causing Luna to exhale, calm now invigorating her breath.
"Ti i do not wish to argue with you once more, just...please take my word instead of his when i say he will return."
Celestia looked sadly at her sister and sighed.

"Okay Lu. I trust you."

"...Thank you." Luna said with calmed breath.

Celestia looked to the balcony and gazed at the clouds above.
Luna did equal and lost herself once again in deep thought of another...