• Published 21st Oct 2013
  • 2,841 Views, 37 Comments

My Little Stoner - darkstar64

A human spreads the joys of marijuana to ponykind.

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The timer went off, letting Shawn know his brownies were finished. Excited, the human put on his oven mitts and opened the oven door. The strong smell of marijuana escaped out the opening, the extra ingredient in the baked goods. Shawn inhaled deeply, taking the time to enjoy the scent of chocolaty goodness and green herbs.

"Ah, there isn't a strain on Earth that can beat the Everfree Kush," Shawn stated out loud as he placed his brownies on the stovetop. "An eighth of that stuff is perfect for these brownies!"

Shawn took pride in his work, slowly cutting out the squares once the brownies were cooked enough. Afterwards, he arranged them nicely on a plate and left them sitting on the counter. Satisfied with his work, Shawn was about to indulge until somepony started knocking on his door.

"Hi Shawny!" Pinkie Pie greeted as the human opened the door.

"Oh, hey Pinkie!" Shawn replied. "What's up?"

"Well, I was busy making cupcakes for this super awesome party I'm throwing tomorrow, but then I realized I couldn't make my cupcakes for the super awesome party because we ran out of sugar!" Pinkie explained. "And the store is closed right now, so I was wondering if I could borrow some sugar?"

"Wait... wha... oh, you need some sugar?" Shawn stuttered, always getting lost in Pinkie's rambles. "Sure thing, help yourself. It's in the cupboard by the fridge."

"Thank you Shawny!" Pinkie said as she squeezed the human in a hug. "You're the best, human friend a pony could ask for!"

"Yeah... don't mention it..." Shawn replied as breathed for air, watching Pinkie step into his home and enter the kitchen. As he was about to close the door, another pony appeared at his front step.

"Hey Shawn!" Rainbow Dash greeted. "What's up?"

"Nothing much RD, just chillin'. What brings you here?"

"Well, remember that stuff you gave me a few days ago? That you found in the Everfree?"


"Do you have any more?"

"Well..." Shawn replied. "I still have plenty from that first harvest..."

"Really?" Rainbow beamed. "Because that stuff was pretty awesome! Flying felt like a whole new experience!"

"Oh, I bet it did. I wish I could fly, but I guess this'll have to be good enough. Sure, I can give ya a couple buds."

Shawn pulled a little baggy out of his pocket, filled with big, green nugs of weed. He took a couple out and put them in Rainbow's saddlebag.

"Do you have anything to smoke it out of?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah, Zecora gave me one of those pipes the zebras smoke tea out of. I thought it might work." Rainbow answered.

"Oh, it will. Pipe bowls are nice. You enjoy yourself Rainbow Dash."

"I will! Thanks!"

Shawn couldn't help but smile as Rainbow flew off with her greens. He was happy to spread the good herb around without any consequences.

"Pinkie Pie?" Shawn yelled into the house as he closed the door. "Did you find the sugar?"

When Shawn entered the kitchen, he was horrified to see Pinkie Pie shoving one final brownie into her mouth. She happily gulped it down before realizing Shawn was there.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Shawny!" Pinkie apologized. "It's just that I love fresh brownies and I couldn't help myself! I promise I'll make it up to you!"

"Oh my god Pinkie... did... DID YOU EAT THEM ALL?" Shawn exclaimed in pure shock, staring at the empty plate.

"I know, I'm so sorry! Please don't be mad, I only-"

"Oh no," Shawn said. "Oh no, oh no, oh no. Pinkie, I put weed in those brownies!"

"Weed?" Pinkie Pie replied, confused. "Wait, isn't that the funky smelling stuff you smoked from the Everfree?"

Shawn nodded.

"Um..." Pinkie paused. "Is.. is this bad?"

"You're only supposed to eat one or two!" Shawn answered. "And you ate the whole batch!"

"Oh no, what do I do, WHAT DO I DO SHAWNY?" Pinkie freaked, waving her forelegs around.

"Okay, just relax Pinkie Pie, just relax!" Shawn replied as he attempted to move Pinkie onto the couch. "Don't worry, it will all pass eventually, but brace yourself for one wild high!"

"I'm not feeling anything yet!" Pinkie exclaimed as she laid down on the couch. "When does it happen? How long will it last?"

"Well, with consumables it usually takes thirty to forty minutes for it to kick in, and after that it will only go higher. Considering the amount you ate, you're going to be caked for hours. Just try not have any panic attacks and relax."

"What are you going to do?" Pinkie asked.

"You need to be in a relaxed mental state to make this experience easier! I'm going to get you some munchies to give you some energy and maybe put on some relaxing music. Try to fall asleep if you can, shouldn't be too hard once you get baked."

"And that's all I have to do?"


"Thanks Shawny! Sorry, I should have asked before eating the brownies!"

"Don't worry about it, I can make more. I'll get Twilight, maybe she has a potion or something that can numb the effects so it won't be as intense."

"Good idea."

- Half an Hour Later -

"So you made brownies with that plant you found in the Everfree?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Shawn answered.

"And Pinkie Pie accidently ate all of them not knowing it?"


"So that explains why she's acting like this?"


Pinkie Pie was laying on the couch motionless. Her eyes were completely bloodshot, staring off into nothing as her pupils dilated. Her mouth was slightly open, in awe at the strange experience she was going through.

"...I... I can't feel my mane...." Pinkie slowly mouthed. "Or the couch...."

"Sweet Celestia, are you alright Pinkie?" Twilight asked, concerned.

"... I can see the universe..." she said. "It's beautiful..."

"A whole batch of pot brownies and she's taking it like a champ," Shawn stated. "She deserves a medal for this."

"Hey, guys..." Pinkie started. "Just... guys.... guys.... I... I got an idea guys..."

"An idea?" Twilight replied. "What?"

"Huh?" Pinkie responded. "I forgot."

"Ugh!" Twilight slammed her hoof in her face.

"Hey Shawny..."

"Yeah Pinkie?"

"I'm hungry. Got any more brownies?"

Author's Note:

Younger characters such as Spike and the CMC will not be smoking in this story.