• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 3,583 Views, 63 Comments

Dusk's Travels - Bluecatcinema

Dusk Glow goes on a grand tour of Equestria.

  • ...

Ruffled Feathers

The next leg of Dusk's journey took him through the place known as Hollow Shades. A large number of trees blotted out Celestia's sun. Dusk walked carefully. He had heard that a small colony of griffons called Hollow Shades home, and that they weren't too keen on intruders, particulary those of the pony persuasion.

A rustling noise in the trees above drew Dusk's gaze upward, just in time to see a dark shadow rush above him, moving downwards. This was followd by a crash, and, not long after, a cry of pain. Not one to ignore someone in pain, Dusk went to investigate. Flying over a bush, he found a small griffon, her wing caught in some throrns. She was trying her best to pull free, but to no avail.

"Need some help there?" Dusk asked, stepping forward.

The griffon turned to Dusk, a look of horror appearing on her face.

"N-no!" She squealed, redoubling her efforts to escape. "Stay back!"

"Easy there." Dusk smiled. "I've got this."

Using his magic, Dusk pulled apart the thorns, allowing the griffon to escape. She rubbed her wounded wing, giving Dusk a puzzled look.

"Something wrong, kid?" Dusk asked.

"Why did you do that?" The griffon asked.

"Because it was the right thing to do." Dusk smiled. "My name's Dusk. What's yours?"

"Grizelda." The griffon mumbled. "Thanks for helping me."

"You're welcome." Dusk grinned. The young griffon reminded him of his old friend Tawny. "How bad is it? I've got medicine and bandages in my backpack..."

"It's just a scratch." Grizelda put on a brave face. "I'll be fine."

"What are you doing out here?" Dusk asked. "All alone?"

"Oh, I'm not alone." Grizelda shook her head. "But you are... unfortunately."

"What do you-" Dusk started.

"Grizelda!" A harsh voice rang out. "Get away from that pony!"

A larger griffon swooped down, landing in between them.

"Back off, bub!" She snarled.

"Mom, it's okay!" Grizelda protested. "He's my friend!"

"'Friend', huh?" The elder griffon snorted. "I was friends with a pony once, and she ditched for a bunch of losers and lamos. It's like I always tell ya: ponies ain't nothin' but trouble."

"Madam, I'm not here looking for trouble." Dusk declared. "I'm just passing through."

"So pass through, already!" The adult spat.

"Mom!" Grizelda gasped.

"Don't worry, I'm going." Dusk frowned. "Nice meeting you, Grizelda."

As Dusk turned to leave, two more griffons landed by Grizelda and her mother.

"Gilda!" One of them declared. "One of the eggs has been stolen!"

Griffon colonies tended to lay their eggs in nests close to each other, so the whole group could watch out for them.

"But how-?" Gilda suddenly turned to Dusk. "You. You took it, didn't ya?"

The other two griffons advanced on Dusk.

"Why would I take it?" Dusk asked.

"Who can fathom the minds of you ponies?" One griffon asked. "Right,Talon?"

"Lousy hay-eaters, ain't they, Claw?" Talon snorted.

"Mom, he didn't do it!" Grizelda leapt to Dusk's defense.

"Maybe I can help you find it." Dusk suggested. "I'm good at finding things."

"Please, mom?" Grizelda asked.

"Whatever." Gilda snorted. "Just don't get in our way."

Gilda turned away, dragging Grizelda with her. The other griffons followed suit.

Dusk started his search immediately. A part of him wanted to just leave, thinking it wasn't his problem, and that the griffons, with their bias towards ponies, didn't deserve his help. But a larger part knew it was more important to do the right thing.

As he searched the forest, he found what looked like an egg, but was only a oval-shaped stone. At that point, a rustling sound caught Dusk's attention. As a small breeze blew into his face, he almost thought it was nothing, until he caught the scent of brimstone. He went in the direction of the rustling, and discovered a teenage dragon with moss-green scales hiding behind a bush, holding an egg.

Dusk took stock of the situation. Teen dragons weren't nearly as dangerous as the full-grown variety, but they were still a force to be reckoned with. His best bet was to try and talk the dragon down.

"Excuse me?" He stepped forward. "I don't believe that egg belongs to you."

"It does now." The dragon sneered.

"And exactly what use does a dragon have for a griffon egg, might I ask?" Dusk inquired.

"I'm gonna smash it." The dragon sniggered.

"Smash it?!" Dusk repeated.

"Yep." The dragon nodded. "Normally, I like to smash phoenix eggs. But their aren't any phoenix nests around, so this'll have to do."

"I can't let you do that." Dusk declared, his horn glowing.

"Try an' stop me." The dragon glared.

A burst of flame came out of the dragon's mouth. Dusk dodged just in time, then responded with a beam of magic that staggered the dragon. Taking advantage of his enemy's loss of ground, Dusk tried to magically lift the egg out of his arms. The dragon held on tight, though.

"This way!" A familiar voice called from nearby.

Dusk turned slightly to look. The dragon took advantage of his lapse in focus by whipping him in the face with his tail, knocking the young prince to the ground.

"Later, puny pony!" The dragon jeered as he ran.

Gilda and the other arrived on the scene.

"Dusk, are you okay?" Grizelda asked.

"I'm fine." Dusk got to his hooves. "And I know who took your egg; It was a dragon."

"A dragon?" Gilda snorted. "In these parts?"

"Take a look at those scorch marks if you don't believe me." Dusk pointed at the ground. "It ran off that way."

"Then you can leave this to us." Claw declared. "We'll show that dragon what happens to those who steal from griffons."

"You wanna make yourself useful, look after Grizelda." Talon added.

Dusk watched as the griffons moved out. After waiting a few seconds, he followed them.

"Dusk, what are you doing?" Grizelda asked.

"The right thing." Dusk declared.

They soon walked upon the altercation; The griffons were trying to snatch the egg back, but the dragon was too strong, swatting them away like flies.

"Back off, bird-brains!" The dragon roared, lifting a clenched fist over the egg. "Or I smash this egg right here and now!"

The griffons backed away. Gritting his teeth, Dusk leapt into action, tackling the dragon. As they rolled across the forest floor, the dragon pushed him away, and he ended up sprawled on the ground. The dragon looked at his claws, seeing the egg was gone. He then saw it near Dusk. Dusk reached for it, but the dragon snatched it up with his tail.

"Later, losers!" The dragon sneered, racing off into the forest.

"Nice job, pal!" Gilda growled at Dusk. "Let's get after it, boys!"

"That won't be necessary." Dusk smirked, still lying on the ground.

"But the egg-" Grizelda started.

"You mean this egg?" Dusk pulled the egg out from under him.

"But the dragon-" Gilda gasped.

"Has a stone." Dusk declared. "One I picked up earlier."

A loud "OW!" suddenly resonated through the trees.

"Too bad for him." Dusk smirked as he gave the egg to Gilda.

"I-er..." Gilda swallowed. "Thanks, kid. Y'know, maybe you ponies aren't so bad, after all."

"We have our moments." Dusk shrugged. "Now, I really have to get going."

"Do you think you could come back some time?" Grizelda asked.

"Sure thing." Dusk nodded.

Grizelda smiled.

"We'll spread word through the rest of Hollow Shades." Talon declared. "So the other griffons will let you by without giving you any trouble."

"If they do, they'll have us to answer to!" Claw added.

"Thanks, guys." Dusk smiled.

As Dusk continued on his journey, he reflected on the events of this litte detour. Prejudice could be a powerful thing. But by proving his worth, Dusk had earned the griffon's respect, possibly even their friendship. That thought remained in his mind long after he finally emerged into the light of Celestia's sun.