• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 1,837 Views, 34 Comments

Paper Ponies - Techno Flare

When the Mane 6 get swapped out with Mario on his quest to save Princess Peach, and chaos erupts everywhere. Equestria must now be saved by the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, and vice versa.

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"Well, it seems as though I am the only one who can stop Nightmare Moon." Twilight started packing supplies for the trip, swiftly sending things to her bag with her unicorn horn. "I have to do this alone, it is my duty to rescue the Princess."

"Oh no! There is no way we are going to let our friend go on a death defying mission without us coming along," declared Applejack, her friends standing tall, seemingly supporting that statement.

"Yeah, you're gonna need Equestria's best flyer to help you in that place," Rainbow Dash said proudly as she started doing loops around the small area that was the treehouse library, Twilight's temporary home.

"Ugh, only if you insist."

The mares quickly made it to the edge of the town, the massive Everfree Forest standing in front of them. Twilight gulped as she stared down the black hole in front of her. "Well gir-rls," Twilight said shakily, "let's hop to it."

"Okie-dokie-lokie," said the eternally enthusiastic Pinkie Pie. They set of into the forest, but not only after they were shrouded in the mystery of the forest did a flash light up the night. They were gone.

Music:Story of the Stolen Spirits
Try to pause for a bit in between lines, it'll sync up with the music better.

I am going to tell you the story of Star Spirits and Good Wishes
Far, far away, beyond the sky,
way above the clouds,
it's been said that there's a haven where the stars live.
In the sanctuary of Star Haven
there rests a fabled treasure called the Star Rod,
which has the power to grant all wishes.
Using this wondrous, the seven revered Star Spirits
watched over our peaceful world
carefully...very carefully.
And then...
Oh dear...what the... KAMEK GOES HERE
Who stuck that weird thing into this story?
"Yeah, I did it!
"Gwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
"So I can at long last beat my arch enemy, Mario,
"I'll take this Star Rod!
"Do it Kammy Koopa!!"
"Yeah! Now let's try using it!"
Stop it! Cut it out, Bowser!!
You're changing the story!!
"Bwa ha ha ha... we did it!
"That was a piece o' cake!! Gwaa ha ha!"
Now Star Kids may rise to the Haven to deliver people's wishes...
...but those wishes will not come true.
Whatever can they do...?

Paper Ponies

Paper Mario is rightfully owned by Nintendo and Intelligent Systems
My Little Pony: FIM is rightfully owned by Hasbro Inc.

Story created by Jacked Apples

BIG thanks to my editor Twilight Mercer

Art done by Final Draft

Ten minutes earlier

"Mail call!"

Luigi walks down the oak wood steps of his front porch to his mailbox and sticks a hand in. To his anticipation, there is a letter there is a letter with an envelope, sealed with a pink heart sticker. Instantly, Luigi recognizes this as his brother's girlfriend's letter, and walks inside, an elated smile on his face. This could only mean one thing.

"Hey, Mario! We got a letter from Princess Peach!" Luigi walks around the dining table to the doorway of his bedroom where his brother is just done getting dress. Considering his mute brother, Luigi says, "I'll read this to you, okay?" No response. Typical. Luigi proceeds to open the piece of paper folded into three, perfectly equal pieces. "All right, let's see..." the fancy penmanship making him strain his eyes to make out the words.

I'm throwing a party today at my castle! Mario and Luigi, I would be honored if you both could attend. Many guests from different towns are hoping to meet you. There will be tasty sweets and all kinds of entertainment! I hope to see you here Soon!
Sincerely, Peach

Music COMMENCE:A Party at Peach's Castle

The two brothers eagerly step outside, down the stairs again, and hop into the warp pipe outside their house. The two proceed through the streets of Toad Town, passing the shop, the dojo, and the fortune teller's place before opening the unnecessarily large blue gates with the kingdom's symbol: a bright yellow star with two black ovals for eyes. A loud creak booms through the streets as they open and close behind them, leaving them to the soft sounds of the fountain in front beside a brick trail leading up to the castle. A significantly large body with two towers on the side, reaching the same height. Most of the building is white, but that stops as the red shingles on the roof meet the white. A double door with the same symbol as the gate leads to the castle.

As the doors make way for the two, the take the beautiful scenery that is the black and white tile floor, lined with a crimson red carpet. The light blue walls with occasional clouds made it seem like they were actually outdoors. "What a magnificent castle!" Luigi was looking all over the place getting his bearings. "I never get used to this place.

"It looks like a lot of guests are already here. You should probably go check on the Princess." Taking that advice, Mario starts his ascent of the castle. The first flight of stairs are a breeze. However, waiting at the second door is somebody bound to stop Mario at all costs.

"Greetings Mario! I am the Minister of Princess Peach's Castle." This Mario already knew, but the old hag had amnesia. The fact that he was able to run the castle was unimaginable. "It's good to see you here. When you're around, I feel like our kingdom is secure. Yup, our future looks bright!" Mario then took off - slowly at first, but soon it was a power walk - up to the next flight of stairs.

As he was about to enter the next set of doors, when his favorite guard, Migh T., nodded his head and said under his breath, "Master Mario." Mario was pleased by this and wanted to hear more form Migh T., but he had better things to do.

After two more flights, Mario finally found the Princess. She was waiting at the edge of the balcony, dressed in her favorite pink dress, her golden hair flowing smoothly down her back. Atop her head was a golden crown, made with only pure gold and encrusted with the finest jewels. "Oh, Mario! You came to the party to see me! You're so sweet! Thank you <3

"I was just resting up a bit. It gets tiring greeting all those guests out there! Nobody will bother us here, though. shall we relax and chat, just the two of us?" Mario nodded, happy that he could simply sit and talk with his love. "It was a lovely day today, so I'm sure it will be comfortable on the balcony right now. Would you accompany me Mario?" Mario was as light as a feather.

Music switch:Bowser Takes Off

The same could be said for when the castle started shaking. Mario didn't notice the changing scene outside the window in his frantic scramble to make sure the Princess was safe. They hid under a table until the earthquake stopped. "Oh are you alright Mario? What in the world was that? They ran to the window to see what damage was done. To their dismay, all they could see was a starry night sky. Peach was taken aback. "Oh my! Look, Mario! It's still daytime, isn't it? ...But I can see stars."

Bowser made quite an appearance, smashing through the window. He hopped off his flying koopa clown car onto the velvet rug, creating a loud THUUDD. "Gwaa ha ha ha ha ha! Long time no see, Princess Peach!"

"...Bowser! But this can't be! It was you who made the ground shake just now, wasn't it! Whatever did you do?" Peach tried to sound demanding, but all that came out were like feeble cries of help.

"GWA HA HA HA! Yeah, that was me," stated Bowser, obviously full of himself. "I've lifted your castle up into the sky! It's sitting on top of my castle now! Weren't expecting that, huh? Ha! This castle's under my control now, my dear! Now you will obey ME!" Bowser took a couple steps closer to the Princess, until Mario decided it was time to show up.

"Huh!? What? It's...Mario!! What a shock! Ha! Not really! I expected you to show up right on que. You're just as annoying as ever. Unfortunately for you, there's nothing you can do this time." Bowser stood tall where he was, not seeming the least bit afraid of his arch enemy as he should.

"Haven't you learned your lesson by now, Bowser? You can never defeat Mario! Why don't you just give up already?" This time the Princess felt more sure of herself. She was confident Mario could protect her.

"True, true, I've had my problems in the past... But this time is different! This time I'm gonna win!" Bowser really shouldn't have been that headstrong. Mario was getting suspicious. What did Bowser plan to do this time? "Ok tough guy, let's go!"

And with that, the battle started, Mario walked onto the stage that appeared out of nowhere, although it did remind him of the spot where he had been standing. "Mario, you can do it!" Mario was second guessing himself on that, but jumped in agreement. Mario saw that lights that floated above his head, telling him what to do. The icon of his shoe with the name "jump" underneath it was chosen. Mario did just that, a loud plonk sounding. A white star with the number one in red made itself present where Mario had just hit Bowser. Bowser then came up to him and gave him a good slap across the face, another star appearing with the number 'one' showing up inside it. The banner at the top pf the stage showed the drop in Hit Points, making the numbers by the heart 9/10.

The same went on for three more rounds, when all of a sudden, on Bowser's turn to strike, this happened. "Good old Mario... always fighting." Bowser eased the tension on one leg and shifted to the other. "You're a thorn in my side. But today your pathetic little attacks won't beat me! Bowser reached for his shell, and came up holding a brown rod with a star shaped tip. "Take a look at this! This is what I stole from Star Haven! It's the Star Rod! This fine piece of work has the power to grant any wish in the whole wide world! And when I use the Star Rod to increase my strength, even you can't beat me, Mario!"

A flash came from the cryptic rod in his hands, then a few stars surrounded Bowser. After that, he was glowing. He came up to Mario and gave him a slap - just like the first - and a white star came up, this time with two others. The star had a red number three inside this time, bringing Mario's HP down to 5/10. Mario could only do one thing, but when he landed on Bowser's head, there was no damage done to him. "Gwa ha ha ha ha ha! Is that all you've got? How sad! You'd best take some vitamins, 'cause that didn't hurt at all!"

Mario was dumbfounded! How did his attack do absolutely nothing? As Bowser came up and smacked him again, Mario lost faith. He couldn't lose, not in a time like this! If only there were some way to get that rod, or penetrate his defenses...

One last time, Mario bonked his head. But to no avail. "Yup, just as I expected. Mario's no match for the new me." How could Bowser have possibly gained the strength to overpower Mario? This time, he failed to protect his kingdom, his Princess, but most importantly, himself. "It's not even worth my time toying with you anymore, Mario. It's time to end this!" Bowser took a deep breath. Mario knew what was coming. Bowser leaned over. Mario had finally lost. Bowser opened his mouth. Mario uttered two words before the inevitable happened.

"Goodbye, Peach." He was then engulfed in a red hot flame.

"Oh no! Mario! Get up!" Peach vigorously shook Mario, but he was out cold.

"Yes! Oh yeah! I did it!" Bowser had begun the boasting. "I finally did it! I beat my old rival Mario! Yessss!"

Kammy Koopa spoke for the first time, "Congratulations on your victory, Your Viciousness! That's why you're the King!"

"Now that I have the Star Rod," Bowser concurred, "everything I wish will come true! No one can stop me now!" Bowser turned and smugly looked at the man lying on the floor. "Well, well , well... I guess I might as well get rid of Mario. He's no good to anyone now, that's for sure." Bowser raised the mighty weapon once again. It shone for a second, then a bolt of lightning came searing through the air, sending Mario out the window.

"Oh no! Mario---------!" Peach could only stare at the falling figure of Mario as the koopatroll got hold of her.

"You know," Bowser contemplated, "I don't want to fight Mario again... I know what to do! I'll wish for some new hero or heroes! I can just swap Mario and the new hero between dimensions, right Kammy?"

"Of course, Your Mightiness. Anything your heart desires, just wish it." Kammy Koopa was eager to find out if it worked.

"Alright, then. I wish Mario was swapped with a different hero!" The Star Rod flashed itself, then a bright light appeared where Mario was. "Huh! I think it worked! Who will challenge me now? It doesn't matter, though. I am INVINCIBLE"

Last song ( MY FAVORITE):Main Theme

Author's Note:

It might seem a little weird with the music, but it adds to the mood. Again, it is completely optional. If you think I should put a link every time you should switch in the story itself, please say so or give suggestions in the comments. Most of the part with Mario is taken straight out of the game itself, so those of you whom have played the game should be familiar with most of what goes on. Have a nice day!