• Published 9th Oct 2013
  • 3,435 Views, 196 Comments

Equestria Noir Season 2 Case 6 "Mirror Mirror" - Jacoboby1

Twilight mysteriously doesn't come back from the human world. Private ventures in to find out why. He suddenly finds himself in a strange world. Will he be able to find Twilight and come home? Or, will he want to stay in this world?

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Chapter 8 "To Shatter a Mirror"

Chapter 8
“To Shatter a Mirror”

Perspective: Private Eye

I slashed a demon in half and he faded into nothing before my eyes. I looked around, the entire gym had erupted in chaos. Rainbow was slicing through baddies left and right, being a blur with her newfound wings. Aj let her fists and feet do the talking as she punted a demon straight into another one, before slamming them both down with one punch.

I stood, Rarity behind me as she fired some diamonds at an oncoming demon. The fashionista looked at me and said, “Private, do try to explain what is going on!”

“Short version is,” I said, kicking a demon that got close, “you all have pony counterparts in my world. Somehow, my powers are allowing you to unlock powers inside all of you. Possibly inside my friends as well.”

“From your world?” Rarity blinked, “I remember now! I remember everything!” She then glared at a demon and glowered. “Especially what you brutes did to my Spikey Wikey!” She raised her hands and two diamond clamps came out of the floor, she slammed her hands together and the clamps snapped shut on the demons.

I looked over and saw Pinkie was firing her party cannon at Sunset as she was trapped in Fluttershy’s vines. The cannonball hit the demon square in the face, sending her flying into a nearby wall.

“Whoo hoo! Demon’s eye!” Pinkie cheered.

“Don’t you mean bull’s eye?” I asked.

“She’s not a bull,” Pinkie explained, “she is clearly a demon meanie pants right now. I guess that would make it a demon meanie pants eye!”

I face...palmed.

Shimmer shook her head and yelled, “How is it you managed to do this!? What trick are you using, you filthy hybrid?”

“No trick,” I said, holding up my glowing palm, “It just seems there’s a hole in your knowledge.”

“More like a gaping chasm!” Rarity said, summoning diamonds to hurl at Shimmer.

Shimmer raised her claws and sliced through the diamonds. A vine tried to wrap around her, but her claws sliced the vines off her body and she glared at Fluttershy, “Did you think the same trick would work again?”

“No,” Fluttershy said, smirking. “But you should look at just what kind of plants you sliced.”

Shimmer looked at herself, she was covered in honey and sap. Fluttershy held up her hands, and suddenly a loud buzzing was heard. I looked and saw a swarm of bees get at Sunset.

“Quick Private!” Aj cried, wrestling with a demon, “Head through the portal while we got em distracted!”

I looked at the barrier surrounding the portal. No way in hell was I going to let that keep me from Twilight! I held up my hand and a cord of light shot through the barrier, creating a hole in it. I took the opportunity and leapt inside.

As I ran towards the portal, Shimmer teleported in front of me. “Did you think a few bee stings would stop me!” She cried, holding fireballs in her hands.

With no time to break my stride, I tackled Shimmer and we both fell through the portal.


Perspective: Twilight Sparkle

The magic missiles hit Lilith hard and she went flying. I looked at the staff, how was I able to use this power? This magic is amazing!

“Twinkle what do you th-” I turned and saw that Twinkle was gone. Where did she go?

“Don’t get distracted girl!”

I ducked as a fireball nearly hit me. I then lifted my staff and concentrated. The staff glowed and more magic missile spells fired towards Lilith.

Her hands glowed and she lifted herself into the air. Telekinesis by the looks of it.

“You foolish girl! I trained under King Sombra himself!” She said, her hands glowing as fireballs formed. “You cannot hope to stop me!” She threw the fireballs at me.

I twirled my staff in front of me and a shield glyph appeared and blocked the attack. I smirked a little, “Funny coincidence, I’m the girl who took him out!”

“Impossible! None can defeat King Sombra!” Lilith cried in disgust.

Geez, and Rainbow thinks I’m obsessed. “I’ll give you one chance Lilith!” I yelled. “Let me, my friends and this world go! If you return to Equestria I promise you Celestia will grant you a fair trial.”

“Do you really think I’d listen to sun butt?” Lilith said, daring to mock my mentor. “Unlike you Twilight Sparkle, I bow to true kings, not pretenders.”

“Then you leave me no choice but to put you down like the bitch you are!” I screamed at her.

Wow, I never thought I’d swear again, Private’s influence no doubt.

I hope he’s okay…

I braced myself as I swung my staff, this time sending more spells her way. Lilith held up a hand and the fireballs in her hands formed a firewall. I dodged as she sent more fireballs my way. Okay, note to self, once I get out of here, it’s time to research dueling spells.

I fired my staff at her, the spell piercing through the shield and burning the witch on her shoulder. She screamed in pain as I swung my staff, sending a beam arc towards her.

Lilith fired a stream of fire in my direction, breaking through the beam arc and heading towards me. I held up my staff and fired a bolt of magical lightning at the fire. The two spells collided, the explosion sending us both flying. I crashed into a nearby mirror, not shattering it, but enough to cause pain.

I fell to the floor, and looked up as Lilith floated above me.

“Why don’t you fall?” Lilith asked. “It would be so much easier if you just played your part Twilight. Stop this nonsense and accept the fact you cannot win.”

“Private never gave up,” I said, using the staff as support so I could get to my feet. “Even when he knew the odds were against him, he never stopped fighting. He even died once...I’m not losing him ever again…”

“Stubborn girl, Celestia taught you well.” Lilith said, “But not enough to defeat me!”

We both ran back into the fray, no way I was letting her win! I’m going home! I’m taking Spike and Private with me! I’m freeing this world!

And no demon witch is going to stop me!


Perspective: Private Eye

I opened my eyes, and looked around. I couldn’t tell what kind of room this was, but I did know it was full of those demonic creatures that Shimmer had been summoning. They were everywhere, crawling on the walls which were covered in mirrors, flying in the air, or crawling on the ground. There must be hundreds of them.

“Foolish hybrid.” I looked up as Shimmer descended from the ceiling and came down to earth. “I have an infinite army at my disposal. I don’t know what tricks you’ve been playing, but no hybrid should be able to come up with the magic you pulled.”

“You underestimate just how strong my conviction is,” I said, brandishing my blade.

“Look around you Private Eye,” Shimmer said, “Your friends aren’t here, your precious Twilight will soon fall to my mistress, and all of your efforts will be for nothing.”

“I will never give up believing in Twilight,” I said, “She’ll beat Lilith, she’ll free this world.”

“You really have this much faith in her?” Shimmer laughed. “Talk about a laughing stock, a hybrid with pathetic magical skills falling in love with a unicorn whose very essence is magic. You’re so hilariously delusional.”

I glared at her.

“As if a princess such as Twilight would ever stoop to loving a stallion like you,” Shimmer mocked. “A true princess would never allow you to even so much as walk near her.”

“You, are the one who’s delusional Shimmer,” I said, getting into a fighting stance. “I’m going to take you down.”

“Take me down?” She laughed and said, “You? All by yourself?”

“That’s the thing about me Shimmer,” I said, holding up my glowing hand, the light of my element shining. “I’m never alone!”

Suddenly, I felt a rush of magic flow through me. What’s going on? I looked at my hand, suddenly a cord of light came from it. It shot off to my right, and suddenly, a human formed.

The man was tall, muscular, covered in dark violet and silver plate armor, two blades on his back, gladiuses. His armor also sported a helm with a dark frill on top of it. His skin was a darker shade of grey than mine, his eyes were yellow as he opened them, and his smile showed he bore fangs.

“Nocturne?” I said in shock.

“What the hell is this!” Shimmer cried, “How did you conjure him?”

“He didn’t conjure me,” Nocturne said, his voice deep as he glared with his yellow slitted eyes, “He called us, and now we come.”

“Us?” I said, and then saw another cord of light coming out. Suddenly Human Eclipse was standing to my left. He was still clad in his robes, and also sported dark hair and green eyes. On his grey skinned hands were his cutie mark, of a seven pointed star.

He looked at me and said, “I hope you appreciated the dance lesson.”

“What? How?” I said, looking at them.

“You said it yourself, you aren’t alone.” A female voice said behind me. I turned and saw Littlepip. She was clad in her blue and yellow jumpsuit, sported a short brown hair cut and blueish skin. On her back and belt were several weapons, including a revolver, some kind of exotic fire weapon, a sniper rifle and several others. How in the hay does she carry all that? Littlepip looked at herself and said, “Huh, I wonder what Homage looks like.”

“Keep yer thoughts on the main voyage, lassy.” I watched as another human appeared in front of me...who is this?

She was about as tall as Nocturne, clad in a long silver captain’s coat, her hair was red and curly, a stark contrast to the others. She was wearing what...oh my gosh...she was wearing clothing that looked like she belonged in a pirate movie.

On her head was a tricorn hat with a large phoenix feather coming out from it. She was shouldering two blunderbusses like they were made of styrofoam. She turned to me, I noticed she had a cutlass at her hip and several pistols on her, rather buxom, chest.

“Well, ahoy, lad,” She said, smirking, “So yer me descendant? Pleasure ta meet ye, names Swift Sky, former captain of the Comet’s Journey.”

Oh my gosh...my ancestor is a pirate…


I mean, ahem, she’ll be a valuable ally.

“Well, so who’s the blaggard who convinced this lad to wake me up?” Swift Sky said, looking up at Shimmer. “Who’s this bitch?”

“Know your betters, knave!” Shimmer growled.

“Yeah, go bark up a tree ya bitch,” Swift Sky said, rolling her reddish eyes. “I was having a wonderful dream, an ocean o’ rum, with strappin’ lads, an’ sexy lasses tendin’ ta me. Ye have no idea what I’m like when I’m woken up from a dream like that. Or ye can stand there fer two seconds.” She lowered her blunderbusses, and said “And find out.”

“I don’t know how you summoned them!” Shimmer cried, glaring at me. “But you will all die now!”

“Good to have you,” I said, looking at Swift Sky.

“Aw, too bad yer taken and yer me descendant,” Swift Sky said with a smirk.

“Keep your legs closed, Swift,” Eclipse said, his hands glowing with magic. “Our guests are here!”

Suddenly demons leapt at my ancestors. Nocturne moved with a speed unmatched as he pulled out his blades and sliced through foes left and right.

Eclipse held up his hands as demons leapt at him. Suddenly bolts of lightning shot out of them, zapping the demons before they could come close.

Swift Sky dodged and weaved her way through the demons, firing her blunderbusses at them if they got close. “Come at me you land humpers!” She cried, pulling out her flintlock pistols and shooting up the demons.

Littlepip pulled the large strange looking fire weapon off her back. “Time to make some demon roast.” She said, firing the weapon. Fireballs shot out of the weapon and the demons were burned to a crisp on contact. Littlepip smiled at her weapon, “Good thing Zebra tech was crazy as it was.”

Zebra what now?

“Head’s up, handsome!” Swift Sky shouted.

I ducked as Shimmer nearly clawed me. I blocked her claws with my blade, “Don’t think you’ve won, I have hundreds more where they came from.”

“Only problem,” I said, “My friends here already died, and one won’t be born for centuries. No matter how many you throw at us, we’ll never stop fighting.”

Eclipse’s hands fired a blizzard at some demons, freezing them solid. Littlepip then pulled out a revolver, one with Applejack’s cutie mark on it, and fired the slugs at the demons. They shattered in a thousand pieces on the impact, but damn that gun was loud!

Nocturne carved and cleaved his way through the demons, Swift Sky pulled out her cutlass and began doing the same. “Not as easy fighting without magic,” She said as she stood back to back with Nocturne.

“Don’t tell me the demon of the skies can’t handle them,” Nocturne said with a fanged smirk.

“Shut up, moon humper,” Swift Sky said, smirking back. “Ye just try ta keep up without ogling me arse.”

How are we related again?

I shoved Shimmer away, I then shouted, “Eclipse! Put magic into my blade!”

The astronomer nodded and zapped my weapon with magic, it glowed with a silver light. I swung at Shimmer, and the magic dispersed to the others.

Swift Sky got the magic in her blunderbusses, “Here’s one on the house ya bitch!” She cried, firing magic bullets at Shimmer.

The demon screamed in pain as the magic passed to Littlepip. Her hands glowed with magic and all of the weapons she had were trained on her. “Eat this mother fucker!” All of the weapons fired at once at Shimmer, causing the demon even more pain.

Eclipse then held up his hands, and five magic missiles fired from them. The first four got Shimmer in each of her limbs, the last one hit her chest. All of the magic missiles then chained themselves together, holding Shimmer in that position.

Nocturne then caught the magic in his blades and leapt into the air. He faced Shimmer, and simply said. “Requiesta, in pache…” He then swung both of his magic filled blades at Shimmer. The explosion that followed rocked the entire room. I looked as Shimmer fell to the earth, transformed back into a human. She laid on the ground, the demons still coming after us.

I looked up and saw a portal, that had to be where Twilight was.

“Don’t keep yer sweetheart waitin’,” Swift Sky said, reloading her weapons. “That’s just askin’ fer a walk off tha plank.”

I smiled at Swift Sky, and then looked at Littlepip. She smiled and said, “Have kids now you hear?”

“I plan too,” I said.

Nocturne looked at me. “Luna, look after her.”

Eclipse smiled in turn, holding up a fireball, “We will hold them off here.”

“You guys sure?” I asked.

“Go get her!” Littlepip said, as the four leaped into the fray.

I nodded, and ran through the demons, cutting down any in my way as I made for the portal. I leapt through. Hold on Twilight!


I came out in a large room filled with mirrors once again. I saw Twilight on her knees, clad in a violet robe and holding a staff of some sorts. I could see from here, blood on her hand. She’s been fighting for a while.

“Twilight!” I called.

She turned to me and smiled gladly. “Private! You’re okay!”

I ran to her but stopped just in time for a fireball to hit the ground in front of me. “That’s far enough, wretch!”

I looked up, and saw a woman floating above us. “Who are you!” I yelled.

“She’s Lilith!” Twilight cried. “She’s the true monster behind all this!”

“How sentimental,” Lilith said, smirking. “United at last, only to be separated again. Such is the way of Prometheus and Izanami descendants.”

“I don’t care who Twilight is descended from!” I yelled, pointing my blade at Lilith. “You will leave this world or you will pay dearly for hurting her!”

Lilith laughed, “Oh, love! This is too rich! You’re actually in love with her! Twilight Sparkle, you acutally fell in love with this worthless unicorn! And like a true lapdog he loves you in turn!”

“I hold no shame for it!” Twilight cried. “He's no lapdog! Private is more a pony than you’ll ever be!”

“You two cannot hope to stand up against me!” Lilith cried. “I was to be queen alongside Sombra, I defeated unicorns like you before breakfast. I hold power in my hands that could-”

“Could you shorten your evil monolog please?” I yelled. “You aren’t going to win!”

“Let’s see you tr-” She blinked, as she saw my hand. “Ten...Tenacity?”

I held it up before her, “You’ve seen this before.”

“Yes,” Lilith said. “That belongs to my king Sombra! The true ruler of Equestria!”

“No,” I said, “I will know exactly how Sombra used Hope. I will never let anypony use this power for evil. It belongs to my line, my family, and above all, to me. Just as the crown belongs to Twilight.”

“You think she has a chance of ever becoming a great Princess?” Lilith said with a laugh. “She’s nothing, a pathetic bookworm.”

“No, she’s far greater.” I said with a smile.

“Private?” Twilight said, looking at me.

“Leadership is a scary thing. Holding lives in your hooves is a thing that can scare anypony. But, in my heart of hearts, I can think of nopony else who deserves the crown and wings Twilight got. She’s grand at magic, impeccably intelligent, but above all, she can get others to believe in her. She needs no threats, she needs no bribe, she just is. Twilight,” I smiled at her, “I came, because I had faith that you staying wasn’t your own doing. I had faith in you.”

“Private…” Twilight said, tears falling down her cheeks.

“ENOUGH! DIE!” Lilith cried, launching a torrent of fire at me. I dodged out of the way and stood in front of Twilight. Lilith launched another torrent, Twilight and I clinged to each other, bracing ourselves from the blast.



Twilight and I looked up, there stood...Mom?

She was holding up her arms against the flame, I saw a cord of light connecting Hope to her. Out of her backs sprouted wings that protected us from the fire.

“Mom?” I said in shock.

She looked back at me, smiling. “I’m glad you’re okay, my little colt.”

“Colt?” Twilight said in shock. “How did you?”

“Because,” She said, smiling blissfully, “I, came back to help you Preventus. I entered this world at the same time you did. Another stallion came to me, he looked a lot like you. He said, ‘your son is in danger, he’s coming to this world, help him stay with his beloved.’ So, I entered the body of this world’s Sparrow, and got to spend a week with you.”

“You’re...Mom…” I said, tears falling from my eyes. “You’re...alive…”

“Not for long,” She said, “I cannot stay here much longer, my hold on this body won’t last before I must return to the school. Preventus, you’ve made me proud.”

“I have…?” I said, weakly.

“You never gave up, no matter how strong the foe, or obstacle.” She said, a tear falling from her eyes. “But, you taught yourself a lesson I could never teach you. How to rely on those around you. Twilight, you taught him that.”

“I...did…?” Twilight said, her own voice choking up.

“You believe in each other,” She said with a smile, “Now, believe in the power inside of you. Believe in your love for one another, and together...you will create a magic more powerful than any before…”

Mom began to fade as the fire died down. She looked back us, smiling as tears flowed from her silver eyes. “I will see you soon, Preventus and Twilight…”

“Mother!” I yelled as she faded away.

Lilith stood there, her yellow eyes wide. “How! How did she block it?!”

“Love,” Twilight said, looking at me. “Her love for you was so strong, it stopped Lilith.”

I looked at Twilight, and took her hand. “Twi, if we don’t make it out of this. I just want to say, I love you.”

Her hand gripped mine as she gazed into my eyes, “I love you too Private. The best part of this whole time here, was that I got to fall in love with you all over again.”

“ENOUGH DRIVEL!” Lilith said, summoning an inferno over her head, “DIE!!”

I watched, in wonder as a cord of light came from Hope, and wrapped around Twilight's hand. Then, I saw another cord of light coming from Twilight’s staff jewel. Her light was violet, and went to entwine with my cord of light….then…

I felt...as if we were one…


Perspective: Sunset Shimmer

Those, stupid constructs! When I get out of here, I’ll make Private Eye pay for humiliating me! I’ll make Twilight Sparkle pay too! And all her friends! And her little dog too!

I crawled through the portal, and saw the pair about to be blasted by Lilith’s inferno. Hah, let’s see them snake their way past this. I smirked as I watched Lilith throw the fire towards them.

Suddenly...it stopped…

I looked on as Private Eye and Twilight Sparkle were holding up their hands. Their eyes, were glowing pure white. No way..this...this cannot be!

Union Magic…

They moved as one, moving the fire to fly harmlessly towards a wall. They then both looked up at Lilith, she looked terrified. No, this can’t be! Union Magic is a myth! It’s not supposed to be possible with normal unicorns! Especially when one of them is a hybrid!

Yet...there they are…

I watched them float into the air, when they spoke, their voices were together.

“Lilith! You’ve tried to turn this world into your prison! No longer will you be a tyrant of this world!”

Private spoke, “You’ll never force the inhabitants to bow to your sick will!”

Then Twilight, “You will fall before the greatest magic of all! Friendship!”

Lilith screeched in response.

“You are the one who will fall!” Private yelled, holding his blade as it glowed with a pale silver light.

“Because our power is greatest with one another!” Twilight yelled, her staff glowing. “You can never separate us! For our bond is unbreakable!”

Then, they shouted as one, “JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!”

No way...it can’t..no…

I watched as Private shouted, “Time to end this!” Then, with a blur, he flew towards Lilith. He swung his blade at her, slashing at her from a thousand places at once. Such speed, where did he get it?

Twilight then fired her staff once across, and once down. The cross hit Lilith and she had her arms pulled out painfully to her sides. Private then appeared beside her, holding his blade to her staff. The weapons combined into one long golden sword. They both held it as they shouted, “GIGA! MAGIC! CHARGE!!!”

They swung the blade, and before my very eyes the sword beam formed into two charging horses, one violet, and one silver. The horses charged right into Lilith, their eyes glowing brighter than stars. I shielded my eyes as they made contact. The explosion that followed sent me flying from the sheer force it had.

They...beat Lilith...Twilight...won again…

It’s all...so...impossible….

I closed my eyes as everything faded to black.


Perspective: Private Eye

I groaned as I woke up. I was surrounded by blackness all around me. What was that spell? I felt as if, Twilight and I had unlimited power with one another. It was amazing it…


I looked around, there she was, lying on the invisible floor of the blackness. She was wearing her school outfit, the crown at her side. I ran to her, realizing I was clad in my trench coat and regular clothing as well. I bent down and shook her, “Twilight! Twilight!”

She groaned, and then opened her violet eyes. “Private?” She then looked up at me. “PRIVATE!” She leapt and pulled me into a tight embrace.

I laughed and held her to me, smiling wide as we were united at last. “We did it Twilight! We beat her!”

“Oh Private,” She said, looking up at me. “That magic was amazing! What was it?”

“Don’t ask me, you’re the magic expert,” I said.

“It felt like, our bond caused us to use magic we never could alone,” Twilight said, and then looked around. “Where are we? What happened to the others?”

“Hey! I’m here!”

We both turned and saw Spike running to us, still a dog. Twilight opened his arms and hugged him. “Oh Spike! You’re okay!”

“It was weird,” Spike said, looking at me. “One minute, I was biting a demon’s leg, the next thing I know, I wake up here.”

“Well, we took down Lilith,” Twilight said. “Did that cause the world to collapse?”

“In a way.”

All three of us looked, and I nearly cried again as I saw Mom. She was holding an unconscious Sunset Shimmer in her arms as she smiled at us. “After you defeated Lilith, the world stopped. Without anypony to control the mirror, the world simply was placed on pause.”

“Mom, you’re okay.” I said, watching her lay Sunset on the ground.

She smiled at us and said, “Sadly, I don’t have long, I need to return, this body cannot hold me anymore.”

“But, there’s so much I want to ask,” I said, looking at her with tear stained eyes. “So much I want to tell you.”

“I’ve watched you grow ever since I died, Preventus,” Mom said, walking to me and putting a hand on my cheek. “You’ve grown into an impeccable stallion. Now, I got to be with you, one last time.”

“But...Mom…” I said, choking up.

“You have a duty, Preventus,” Mom said, “Restore this world, and let your analogs live their lives here.”

“It’s not fair…” I said, tears flowing. “I just, met you again...and now you have to go…”

“I’m never gone, Preventus,” She said, as she pulled me into a hug. “I’m always in your heart. You are never alone.”

Twilight was crying as well. Mom broke the embrace with me and walked to her. She smiled and said tenderly, “And you would be my daughter in law.”

“Yes,” Twilight said, sniffling. “I’m, Twilight Sparkle, I married Preventus.”

“And I couldn’t have picked a better mare for him. I'm glad I got to know you this past week,” Mom said, hugging Twilight. “Take care of him Twilight, watch over my son.”

“I will,” Twilight sniffed, “I will always love him, and I will never leave him.”

“I’m glad.” Mom said, looking down at Twilight. “To have such a mare open her heart to Preventus.” She then turned to me. “You both have my blessing, I will always be watching, as you grow, have children, and become old together.”

“I will, tell Dad and Tailspin, that you’re with us,” I said, crying profusely.

“I’ll take care of them too.” Spike said, sniffling.

“Thank you Spike,” Mom said, bending down to pet Spike on the head. “Take care, of them both. I hope that you will always be there for them.”

“I will.” Spike said, wiping his eyes. “They are my family, my brother and sister, my mom and dad. I will never, ever, forget them.”

Mom stood, and I watched as her beautiful wings came out of her back. She started flying as a light came out of the sky. I watched her fly up, taking her hand one last time. “I love you Mom! I’ll never forget you!” I cried.

“I love you too,” Mom said, looking down on me. “My little Preventus.”

I watched as Mom disappeared beyond the dark ceiling above us...I then got down on my knees, and wept openly.
I felt Twilight’s arms wrap around me, I put my head into her shoulder, feeling her hands rub my back. I felt tears on my own shoulder, as she said, “Preventus, I’m here, I’m always here.”

I felt Spike hug me as well. All three of us, we were a crazy family...but..the best family there is…

Spike...Twilight...Me...that’s how it was at the start, that’s, how it will be...always…


Twilight and I, after I calmed down, stood in the blackness. Shimmer was still unconscious next to us. Twilight held the crown in her hands, “Alright, I think if I use the crown, we can get the world started again.”

“We can’t start it from where we were,” I said. “These humans, and our analogs, deserve lives of their own.”

“You think we can really change all of this?” Twilight asked.

“Lilith could,” I said. “Like Mom said, we took over.”

“Sweet!” Spike shouted. “Now we can have a world all to-” We both gave him a glare and he chuckled nervously, “Uh, just a thought.”

“No Spike,” Twilight said, looking at her crown. “But, we can make some changes…”

With that, Twilight’s crown glowed, and the world of Canterlot High came into view…

I watched as Twilight took a step backward, suddenly, I watched her leave her body. The spirit of her pony self solidifying and her human half stepping forward towards the statue. I did the same, stepping back and feeling myself go down on all fours again. I was still wearing my trench coat and hat.

I watched as my human self began walking down the street of his own accord. I’ll bet he’s going home.

I watched as Spike took a step back, and he became a dragon again. But his body...changed.

His dog self morphed into that of a young human boy, the same age as the CMC. He was wearing a white shirt, violet jacket and jeans and sporting green spiky hair. Spike looked at us, smiling. “Now this world’s Rarity won’t be alone.”

“No she won’t, Romeo.” Twilight said, pulling her surrogate son/brother into a hug with her foreleg.

I then went over to Shimmer, and watched as her pony self rolled out of her human self. Human Shimmer got up and began walking towards the school. I watched as Human Twilight and Human Spike were standing in front of the statue, like actors waiting for a cue.

Twilight used her magic to sling Shimmer over her back and lifted the crown to her head. “Boy, do we got a story to tell the others.”

I felt Spike hope onto my back, and I said, “Yeah, but let’s leave the part of us acting like idiot teenagers okay?”

“They got the real life version of that,” Twilight said with a giggle.

“So, this world will go on?” Spike asked.

“Yeah, Spike,” I said. “With Lilith gone, and no crown to disrupt everything, these humans can live lives all their own. Go to high school, get careers, and above all, just live.”

Twilight and I walked with our cargo towards the statue. I put my hoof to it, it started to pass through. “Seems the curse on the mirror has lifted as well,” I said.

“Let’s all go home,” Twilight said, and hoof-in-hoof, we passed through the mirror. The minute we left, the human world started again…


Perspective: Human Twilight Sparkle

“Alright, Spike,” I said, as we stood in front of our school. “Remember when the new student comes, we got to be friendly.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” My little brother said. “So long as you hold up your end of the bargain.”

“A good word with Rarity, I know,” I said with a smile and a nod. “Honestly, you should just ask her out, Romeo, saves me a lot of trouble.”

Spike blushed brightly, “You really think she’ll say yes?”

“Well, you have been serving her left and right,” I said, smirking. “That’s got to count for something.”

“I hope so,” Spike said, crossing his arms. He then looked down the street. “That the guy?”

“Who Spike?” I asked.

“The one in the trenchcoat walking towards us,” Spike replied.

I turned and bumped into a student. I fell down on my butt and groaned. “Ow,” I said.

A male voice said, “You okay?”

I looked up...oh my gosh…

This...was the new transfer student...wow..when did it get so hot outside?

He smiled at me, as he offered me a hand up, and said, “You okay?”

I smiled, and took his hand, letting him help me up. I got a better look at him as I stood. He was wearing a trench coat and fedora, kind of old fashioned, but it did give him a certain mysterious quality. Plus...wow...he is kind of cute…

He smiled and said, “I’m Private, this Canterlot High?”

I nodded and said, “Yes, I’m Twilight Sparkle, a pleasure to meet you.”

We shook hands then and there, I don’t know why, but I felt...like this was meant to be…

Maybe Rarity wasn’t so crazy talking about “Soul Mates” after all….