• Published 6th Oct 2013
  • 907 Views, 6 Comments

A Darker Side - RoadBurn

The hero always tells the story. But what about Evil's side? It's time for the villain to tell the story.

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Discord's Story: Tyranny and Strife

Chaos. It's crazy. It doesn't make any sense. But why shouldn't it? Ponies call it madness. The Princesses call it idiotic. Discord calls it fun. Do you know what Discord means? It means a lack of harmony between ponies. Miss Cheerilee taught us this. So did the Cutie Mark Crusaders. This is where Discord's strife started once more.

Discord sits on his bed in the Canterlot Castle. How could he be good now? He was the King of Chaos, the Bringer of Chocolate Rain. Now he was continuously under the watchful eyes of the princesses, using his magic for good and not evil....sometimes. What makes things worse, he has a full view of the Canterlot Sculpture Gardens, where he was once placed. The only thing worse than seeing your old, happy, fun self every time you look out the window, is seeing what you wanted to originally be. Every time Discord glances out the window, whether it's a quick look or a long, meaningful stare, he sees his story. And no pony wants to see their story, not even Discord.

Discord's POV:

I stare out the window, at my old stone pillar, now naked without me. The stone casing was uncomfortable, yes, but it was also boring. Nothing for me to do but remember my defeat. It was like a recurring nightmare. I now have to live with the very ponies who defeated me? This is one hundred percent, NOT Discord approved. I wanted nothing to do with those princesses or Elements of Harmony, but no. That was too much to ask. Now, I see them continuously everyday. My destiny could not have ended this way. It couldn't have stopped here. It had to have more planned. My story was also ended that day. But my legend lived on, mainly in the Canterlot Castle's stained glass windows. My story, you want to know about it? It will be short, possibly long, but you may never know. So I'll tell you.

I was a young draconequus. Do you know what that is? it is a animal with different animal appendages, and a legendary creature in Equestria, almost impossible to find. I came across Canterlot. A beautiful city it was indeed, unlike today. It was graceful, and everypony was kind. Even Celestia. One day, I came across the castle. The royal sisters were frolicking outside, and playing in the day their mother brought forth, before it was Celestia's duty. With her little eyes, Celestia spotted me. Luna wanted me to play, but Celestia didn't. But, with Luna and her little puppy eyes, I was able to play. Did you know that Celestia, Luna, and I were once best friends? No? We were, I promise.

We played many games. Mainly ones with dragons, fair maidens, and knights in shining armor. I was usually the knight, Celestia the maiden, and Luna the dragon. We had fun, yes we did. Until night always ruined it for us. I had to leave every night, but everyday I was back. We played for hours without end. Until one dark day....

Their father had found out that they were playing with non-royalty. He had yelled at me, forcing me to leave with his continuously grinding words, "A draconequus? Not royal, not royal at all! Flee young, ignorant one! And never return! My daughters will find royalty to pass time with, not an animal." An animal? It was a rude quote indeed. It scraped a heart and pierced my soul. I did not intend to get yelled at, nor did I deserve it. I was young and naive, what did their father expect? From then on, revenge is what I vowed. My heart only grew darker through the passing of days. My magic also developed. Soon, I was able to turn a small forest into my vacation home, and I was able to become one with stained glass windows. I thought that with my magic, I was able to do anything. I scared the ponies of Canterlot....a lot. I was able to turn into a parasprite and gain the certain ponies' trust, then throw it back in their faces. No one saw me coming. It was fun too! I wasn't seen nor heard, but I liked it that way. I was a shadow, but it wasn't bad. When I was that age, I actually liked being ignored. It didn't matter anyway. The only thing that was on my mind was strife and revenge.

Once I grew stronger, I realized I was able to do more than pull pranks. I was able to get my revenge. I flew to Canterlot Castle that night. The Princesses, King, and Queen were quietly sleeping in their beds. The land was darkened by the night the Princesses' petty father brought forth, and the subjects were sleeping in their homes, enjoying the coolness from the moonlight. I flew around the towering castle, looking for a way in. I stumbled across an open window. It was from the kitchen. The chef had usually left it open. You could smell what he was cooking from across Equestria. I quietly slithered in, and down the hall to the King and Queen's bedroom. I slowly opened the door. It eeked and squalled, making the King toss in his bed. I quickly flew to his side, and stood over him, my shadow cloaking him. His eyes fluttered open, and looked up at me. He frowned in terror and confusion and jolted up, waking the Queen as well.

"Beast!" he yelled. "I remember you! Leave now!" I smiled at him.

"Your highness," I said. "This is my last gesture to you!" I snapped my fingers and his wings and horn disappeared. The same happened to his beloved wife. I laughed aloud, trying to breathe. But of course I couldn't. No little ponies! I was laughing too hard! They would suffer. What the King said to me.....It wasn't right. Not right at all. I was young, I was naive. How could he have said that. And there.....I thought he was a King.

"How dare you......" I said. The Queen grabbed her husband's hoof. "You fool......How dare you....." The King, confused by my words, looked at me questioningly.

"How dare I what? What are you saying man?" he said. I grew furious.

"What you said to me! You idiot! Do you not remember? Well, your highness, I'll give you something to remember!" With a snap of my fingers, they turned to stone and rolled off the bed onto the ground. I laughed out loud, injuring my throat from the laughter.

"Ma??!" a voice called. It sounded like Luna's.

"Papa!!" another yelled. That was Celestia; I knew that for a fact. I turned my head to the door to see the two princesses staring at their parents' bed in horror. I laughed maniacally.

"That's right princesses! I did this! I did it all! This is what happens when you double cross Discord!!!....." I tried thinking of a name. I couldn't be just Discord anymore. I needed something that sayed I beat the King and Queen, something that popped. "I! Discord! The King of Chaos! Goodbye princesses!" I forced a portal to open right behind them. I didn't know where it led, but I didn't care. Revenge was the only thing I cared about. They are sucked into the glowing vortex, and forced out of Canterlot.

That day, I slept well. No pranks, no games. I just sat in my throne, happy with what I had done.....until I heard Celestia's voice.

"Discord!" I looked down to see Celestia and Luna in shining armor, each gifted with six twinkling gems. She smiled triumphantly at me, as if her sister and she had already won.

"We present...." Luna said, holding up her gems, telling her older sister to hold hers up as well. "The Elements of Harmony!" With that, a rainbow of lights blinded me, filling my eyes with nothing but white light. When I had woken, I truly did wake. I was cold. I couldn't move my body. And the most frightening thing of all, was that I was overlooking a happy Canterlot, smiling princesses, and a joyful King and Queen.....And I wasn't apart of it. I was alone. I wasn't the King of Chaos anymore, or so I thought.

That is my story, my legend......my tale. But I am not confessing, NO! Remember little ponies, without chaos there is no order. And without order, I will always bring chaos!

Author's Note:

This is in Discord's point of view. Oh! And sorry it's taken so long to update. But man! I think I really tripped up on this. :applejackconfused: Did I? Please tell me if I did! For some odd reason, when I read this I hear Discord's voice. I think it'd work well. :pinkiehappy: (Oh yeah. I'm doing the villains' point of views in the order they appeared in the show--including Sunset Shimmer from Equestria Girls--just in case someone gets a little lost wanting to hear another villain's story.) :raritywink: Hope you like it! And Chrissy's story is next! Huzzah! I'm looking forward to doing hers!

And remember, for all you Doctor fanatics, today (11/23/13) is Doctor Who's 50th anniversary!!! Yay! Make sure to celebrate Pinkie Pie Style!

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