• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 2,038 Views, 14 Comments

Antasma's Reincarnation - Shadowmane PX-41

The bat king Antasma has returned from the grave, Albeit not in the marioverse this time. He still wishes to conquer the new world he ends up in.

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Chapter 5: Flight Of The Flagships

Upon landing in the Crystal Empire, Sombra and Twilight notice some black specks in the distance.

"Why are the pegasi moving their storm to today?" Twilight asked as the specks grew larger and larger.

"Uh... I don't think those are storm clouds." Sombra said as the specks grew into what looked like a fleet of flying battleships, all tipped with spikes and guns. Ready to end the empire with one thunderous volley of firepower. There were 50-100 ships in the air, all of which enormous, and almost encompassing the entire sky. On the biggest ship's battering tip, a human was standing on the very point, magnificently keeping his balance, he was 6ft tall, white, and had big purple wings growing out of the shoulder blades on his back.

"Lifeforms of this so-called Crystal Empire." The human started to speak through a magical vortex which amplified his voice, "My name is Dark Lord Sharagan. Swordschampion 4th class of Lord Antasma's army, Sexiest male villain winner 3 times running, and your utter demise. I have come to this place for one reason and one reason only, to destroy the princess of magic and the king of shadows! Hand them over within 30 minutes, or my fleet will blow your empire to pieces!"

Twilight and Sombra looked partly surprised and mostly afraid at the fact that Antasma had somehow known they were coming to the Crystal Empire, "How did he know?" Twilight asked.

"He must have known that the heart was the only thing that would nullify his spell. So he sent someone in his army to destroy it, pretty sneaky, even for my standards." Sombra tried to explain as he didn't witness Antasma sending Sharagan first hand.

"I WON'T ASK AGAIN!!!!" Sharagan raised his voice, which caught the attention of the crystal ponies, "HAND ME TWILIGHT AND SOMBRA RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"

After he stopped speaking, he was slammed by a barrage of unicorn magic, causing to fly backwards and slam into one of his ship's hulls, which in turn deactivated the weapons momentarily, "Core Room!" He spoke into a comm unit on the ship, "Get those guns up and running again!"

"It will take 5 minutes max, Sharagan." The engineer in the core room said to him, "Until then, try hitting them with some of your other ships!"

Sharagan took note of this 5 minute delay, and flew onto another flagship next to the one he was already on, and motioned to fire the laser cannons, "Who wants some glue?!" He said as the cannons were turned and were now blasting the Crystal Empire's forcefield with little avail. But after one ship started firing, the others followed suit and unleashed hell on the forcefield, and after 5 minutes of blasting, the forcefield shattered, and the main flagship started firing larger lasers than the other ships, as well as heat seeking missiles and lightning filled mortal shells.

"With the power he's packing, he's gonna blow the empire into next year!" Twilight said as she cast her own forcefield on the Crystal Heart, causing another rainbow coloured forcefield to materialize around herself and King Sombra.

"Well, if you're not going to show yourself, Twilight, i'll just have to blast you out, like a rat in the sewers!" Sharagan said as he pointed the cannons at the castle, "UNLEASH HELL!!!!!"

The lasers were now coloured white, and were firing on the streets close to the castle itself. But what Twilight and Sombra were surprised about was that these new white lasers froze the streets solid in a row of tall, spiky, icebergs, entrapping them both under the castle.

"We need to get the heart somewhere safe." Sombra said as the streets were turning into fields of spiky icebergs, "And quickly! If Antasma or Sharagan catches us, it's game over!"

As the two ponies ran down the last unfrozen street, Sharagan started charging up his ice laser once more, aiming squarely at Twilight and Sombra.

"Well what do we have here?" Sharagan said as his aiming screen was pointing a red ring around Twilight and Sombra, "If it isn't public enemies 1 and 2! BLOW THEM TO ARCTIC ZERO!!!!!!"

The laser's barrel was now glowing pure white, and little white balls were flying into it out of nowhere. As this occured, the barrel's white light suddenly grew more and more powerful, until it shot a thunderous white laser at Twilight and Sombra. But moments before it hit them, they had vanished into thin air, and all that the laser struck was the cold empty streets.

"Now, let's wrap them up in juice and have snow cones." Sharagan said, his voice now calm and peaceful only to flare up once again to see that the ice in the streets did not contain the two ponies he was aiming for, "WHAT?!?!?!"

Suddenly, Twilight and Sombra appeared right before his eyes, only they looked a lot closer than they were a few seconds ago. He leapt back in surprise and drew his swords from his waistline scabbards, as if motioning a duel with the two equines.

"A fight?" Sombra asked with a hint of confusion, "With swords?"

"Yes." Sharagan said to him, "I trust you ponies know how to wield your swords without eating them?" He said as a little joke.

All Twilight did was shoot a death-glare at him, and materialized a purple sword with her cutie mark engraved on the handle. Sombra did the same, only his was black as night with blood covering the whole handle, and spikes tipped all over the blade.

"I'll take that as a yes." Sharagan said as the bridge that they were standing in suddenly lost it's roof and started moving up to the roof of the ship. as they were being lifted to the roof by the elevator-like throne room, Sharagan picked up his sword and charged at Sombra and Twilight, casting death stares and a weirdly evil-happy grin at them.

He was one hard human-like manifestation of darkness to kill, as he was constantly teleporting split-seconds before his swords landed their slashed, constantly throwing Sombra and Twilight off guard, and knocking them to the floor writhing in blood.

"Foolish little ponies! You thought you could beat me?!" He laughed manically as the roofless control room without its' men was now locked in position at the very top of the ship. The wind was strong up here, albeit there were no pegasi in sight, and it was quite nice for them to see the sky again. This compelled them both to stand up and heal their cuts with a healing spell which only alicorns and entities of darkness could perform, "Very well, ponies. Try and fight me, although a quick heads up, i won't be holding anything back now!!!!"

"We're not scared now, Sharagan!" Twilight said with vigor as she shot magic at him,and then immediately rushed over to his next teleportation landing spot, and slashed his appearing figure perfectly in time with the magic spell hitting his dissapearing figure, "You see, after taking quite a pounding, me and Sombra here were able to analyze your dark powers thoroughly. You rely on dodging to save your hide, so that's when it hit us. Where would you run to, if there wasn't anywhere to run to?"

"Now that we've managed to isolate your powers, we won't be holding anything back either!" Sombra said as he did the exact same thing as Twilight did earlier, dealing another successful and surprisingly painful looking slash to Sharagan's stomach, causing to flinch back in agony and fall off the bridge, only to start flying again thanks to the wings from his shoulder blades.

"Well, this i wasn't expecting." He said as he was starting to recover from the previous slashings, "I applaud you, it's not everyone who's been able to slash me off of my ShadowStorm Ultima. Actually, scratch that, it's been no-one! This is going to be an epic finale!"

"SHADOW FORM INITIATE!!!!" He said as he was wrapped in a cocoon of black veils of magic, being lifted higher and higher from his current airborne position. When the cocoon shattered, it revealed Sharagan with a lot of changes. His skin was dark purple, his swords were longer, sharper, and more wrapped in dark magic than they were before. And just to finish it all off, his wings were no longer black angelic, but more, black demonic. He looked like the perfect interpretation of Sunset Satan's darker, eviler, more maniacal unmentioned husband. "Come at me bro!"

"This doesn't look good!" Sombra said as he was eyeing down the demonic hellspawn that was once Sharagan.

"Tell me about it, i've handled a demon before, and let me tell you, they are just sinister!" Twilight responded to the black unicorn.

"Try to catch me!" Sharagan Devil Form said as he teleported to another ship far off in the distance, only to re-teleport to another ship, and another ship, and another ship. Twilight and Sombra could tell he was going to be hard to defeat now, not to mention hard to reach.

"Twilight. It's time!" Sombra said as his horn started glowing dark magic.

"You know it!" She said as her horn followed suit only with her brand of magic.

"MAGIC EVOLUTION DUOS!!!!" She said as a purple cocoon was wrapped around herself. Once it burst, Twilight was now able to hold her human form with wings even in Equestria. What's more is that she was now wrapped in magenta battle armour, and brandishing two rainbow coloured swords with all six harmony marks on each handle, "Dual Form Twilight, READY!"

"NECRO FORM ACTIVATE!" Sombra said as he was wrapped in his own black cocoon. After his burst, Sombra was now a black snake-like dragon with swords in each of his new body's hands. His dragon form had no feet, but he didn't mind that a bit, as the hands closer to his tail region were now glowing dark purple, as if to signify that that part of his body was utilizing dark magic, "Fear Dragon Sombra, READY!!!!"

"WITH THE POWER OF THE LIGHT AND DARKNESS AT OUR DISPOSAL, YOU WILL NEVER CONQUER EQUESTRIA!!!!" They both said in perfect unison, as they posed for a close up shot.

"This makes it even better!" Sharagan said as he was charging at Twilight and Sombra, who were, surprisingly, charging at him, "LET'S END THIS SILLY DEBACLE ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!" He said as they came inches between each one another before the screen held them in a manga like picture.


Author's Note:

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I decided to at least put my best ideas into this one for 3 reasons:

1: I wanted Antasma's commanders to look threatening

2: I quite liked Twi's final form in Equestria Girls