• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 858 Views, 56 Comments

Spike the Dragon: A Tale of Redwall - Redwallfan2000

When Spike is visited by Martin The Warrior, Spike and Princess Twilight Sparkle makes an unbelieveable Journey to find Redwall Abbey and the two discover more of their destinies.

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own MLP: FIM or Redwall. Brain Jacques owns the Redwall Series while Lauren Faust created MLP: FIM.

The next morning in Equestria followed. Twilight Sparkle woke up with Spike for once already up before she was. This wasn't normal for Spike to be up before she was. Normally it was her that was getting him up even after he had grown a bit. She then remembered which might've been why he was up. He said he was visited by this mouse in armor warning him that the mouse's home was in danger. She gets out of her bed and walks down "Morning Spike!"

"Morning Princess Twilight" Spike said to Twilight Sparkle.

"Morning Spike" Twilight replied she noticed Spike was looking threw a book "Trying to look for some clues?"

"I am" Spike said "But so far I haven't even seen the one I saw in my dreams in any book."

Twilight Sparkle looks at her number one assistant "How long have you been up?"

"About two hours" Spike answered.

Twilight Sparkle walks up to him "So, what do you say you take a break? Rainbow Dash is visiting, and also so is Princess Celestia. Perhaps you'd like to tell us your dream. Surely if I don't know anything about what your saying in your dream, then Princess Celestia may."

"Sure thing!" Spike said "I was just looking threw them to see if there was anything that could be a clue."

The two make their way outside where Rainbow Dash had been waiting for them "Hey Twilight!"

"Hello Rainbow Dash" Twilight Sparkle responded "Glad you could make it today."

"Are you kidding?" Rainbow Dash asked "I'd love to spend time with any of my friends!" She then notices Spike still troubled "What's wrong with Spike?"

"Hey had a dream last night" Twilight Sparkle explained.

"So did I" Rainbow Dash said "Unless his dream was a nightmare-"

"It wasn't a nightmare" Spike told her "It was more like a warning message. Or a plea for help."

"Now you have me curious" Rainbow Dash admitted "What was the dream?" she turns to Twilight while asking the question.

"I'm not sure" Twilight admitted "Although I was woken up last night when Spike was having his dream. So I believe him."

"So, the meaning of this breakfast, is to find clues?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight Sparkle shakes her head "Yes, Princess Celestia may know what Spike is dreaming about. I don't know what the dream was about but I want to know as well. If if Spike said that the dream was a warning, then we must figure out what the place is."

The three walk towards Canterlot where they immediately meet Princess Celestia. Princess Celestia was a white Alicorn Pony. She was taller then Twilight Sparkle perhaps twice as tall as Twilight Sparkle was. Her mane was a mixture of four colors, the first color was light blue, followed by light green underneath the first color, followed by a another light blue color, and underneath that color was pink. Her tail was also the same color. On Princess Celestia's flank was a sun.

"Good morning Princess Twilight Sparkle" Princess Celestia spoke.

"Morning Princess Celestia" Twilight Sparkle reported.

Princess Celestia leads the other three into the kitchen where the group would have breakfast. Princess Celestia looks at Twilight Sparkle "So anything new going on Princess Twilight?"

Twilight Sparkle answers "Of course, first of all thank you for inviting me, Spike and Rainbow Dash."

"You're welcome" Princess Celestia said.

Twilight Sparkle then turns "Spike had a dream last night."

"Really?" Princess Celestia "What was it about?"

Twilight Sparkle shrugs "I was too tired last night to know what he was dreaming about exactly. So I figured he can explain it here."

The three ponies unanimously agreed Twilight did the right thing. Spike looks at the three ponies then explained his dream "Alright, last night I had a dream, but it wasn't like any other dream before. Where it was a long one. It was short but also it was if whom I dreamed about was asking for help."

Rainbow Dash turns her head "So short but you got the message this pony you dreamed about."

"Yes" Spike admitted he then explains his dream "In my dream, I dreamt of this beautiful red stone castle. Full of peaceful creatures."

The three ponies had their careful eyes and ears open listening to the Dragon. Spike continues "Anyway, this red stone castle seemed very peaceful. Then all of a sudden I saw this dark cloud and you know something, that cloud was so dark that there was no doubt that something evil or dark was approaching the castle."

"That's freaky!" Rainbow Dash kindly interrupted.

"It really is" Twilight admitted.

Princess Celestia agreed, she hated anything that threatened peaceful areas. She eyes Spike "Please continue."

"Of course" Spike responded and he continues "So, continuing on. This dark cloud came over the castle and there was no doubt about what it meant. Next I saw war between the castle's peaceful inhabitants against something dark...Then he appeared."

"He?" the three ponies asked.

Spike nods continuing "This mouse in armor appeared before me. Then he spoke to me these words 'Spike, my home is in grave danger. You and two others must find my home to warn them of the danger and to forefil your destinies."

Spike lets this set in before adding on "And just like that the dream ended."

"Did this mouse in armor say whom was the danger?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"All he said about that it was from something we knew" Spike answered.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was puzzeled "Red stone castle? Princess Celestia, there aren't any red stone castles in Equestria are there?"

Princess Celestia answered standing up "Not one that's been confirmed to even my knowledge. I have however heard of rumors of the said place Spike is talking about."

"You have?" Twilight Sparkle asked her "Yes! I knew you'd know something about Spike's dream if it was real."

"That's the thing" Princess Celestia responded "From what I've heard these are said to be rumors only, not confirmed."

"Then you don't know where it is?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

Princess Celestia stands up "If Spike dreamed of such a beautiful place, and this mouse came to him asking for his help, then that place has to be real."

"What exactly do you know of this Red Stone Castle by the rumors?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Princess Celestia answers "One is, exactly how Spike dreamed of it, it's a Red Stone castle that is a very peaceful place. Peace there is equal to Equestria's peace. Plus there is said that if something is interested in conquering it, the reason maybe that that place has treasure which I highly doubt if there is such a rumored thing."

"Do you by any chance know where this Red Stoned Castle would be?" Spike asked Princess Celestia.

Once more Princess Celestia answers "This Red Stoned Castle should be in what is rumored to be Mossflower Country. Now where that is, not even I know."

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle hung their heads. Spike also wanted to hang it, Princess Celestia noticed this and spoke "However, if this mouse in armor came to Spike asking for Spike's message, he must find where that Red Stone Castle is and Mossflower Woods. He'll need two others with him."

"I'll go with him" Twilight Sparkle announced "After all I'd like to be the first Pony to discover if the rumored castle is true."

"I'm going with them as well" Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow..." Twilight Sparkle began "Why?"

Rainbow Dash answers "You'll need me to help teach you flying, and I can't exactly do it if I'm staying in Ponyville."

"True" Twilight Sparkle said "I wonder if we can get our friends to come with us."

Spike turns to her "I'd love to have them join us but the mouse specially said only two others can join me. Why that is, I don't even know but I'd like to try to keep on the current task he asked me. So you two would help me?"

"Of course" Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle replied "We'd help you out in a heartbeat."

"Thanks" Spike told the two.

Princess Celestia stood up "Then I guess you three on a wonderful journey. I wish you three luck on it, and I'd like to hear every bit of it when or-" she pauses as if she knew the three wouldn't be returning "If you return."

"Why wouldn't we return?" Rainbow Dash asked Princess Celestia "We love Equestria and we'll return back."

Princess Celestia eyes the three "According to Spike's dream, this mouse said something about one's destinies. I have no other idea what destinies lie ahead but I have a hunch that it's something for good."

Twilight Sparkle gets up "Thank you for the info Princess Celestia, well Rainbow Dash, and Spike I guess we should be on our way."

"Let's go!" the two shout with the newest Princess.

The three head off on their journey. Princess Celestia watches the three leave her castle thinking Good luck. I hope you find that place and succeed on your mission Spike.

Author's Note:

That wraps up the chapter. Spike has told everypony about his dream and now he, Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash are off on a journey to find Redwall Abbey and Mossflower Woods.

I have decided that Princess Celestia probably wouldn't know of Redwall or Mossflower Woods mostly to try to keep viewers that read this to know that Princess Celestia doesn't know everything or been everywhere. She has heard rumors of it though.

The next chapter, we'll get to see this fanfic's Redwall inhabitants!