• Published 28th Sep 2013
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Luna's Hope - The High Seas of Equestria - Midnight Sprint

Follow the travels of Captain Silver Stern and his crew, as they travel the seas of Equestria aboard the vessel 'Luna's Hope'. Many surprises lie ahead for everypony in the lonely reaches of the oceans of Equestria.

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Chapter 1: Through the Storm

Cold, salty foam sprayed across the mighty wooden deck of the vessel known as “Luna’s Hope”, rocking to and fro in the fierce tail end of a sea storm. The ship had been at sea for only two weeks, and the task was to search out new lands previously uncharted in the distant east. Hoofs clattered across the deck, while every pony hurried from station to station. Atop the highest point of the deck upon the ship’s stern, stood the second tallest pony, but the highest ranking. Captain Silver Stern, a steely grey unicorn with a mane of black planted his hooves upon the railing beside the helm. A gold and red compass rose marked his flank, tucked underneath his navy blue captain’s jacket. Brown eyes glanced sideways to his navigator, helmsman, and fellow unicorn known as Lodestar.

The captain continued barking orders as the harsh winds yanked the vessel back and forth, attempting to fight its way through the edge of the unforgiving winds. “Hard to port! Take us to half sail before the lines snap!” Assorted deckhooves of both the earth pony and unicorn variety darted with intent and caution alike, in order to prevent disaster. Helmsman and Navigator Lodestar turned his rose red eyes to the captain, as the magic from his horn gripped the wheel with unyielding tenacity, commanding the vessel to its side. The shining star cutie mark on Lodestar’s white coat continued to be pelted by the baleful rain, while the brick red mane that lay beneath a long black scarf wrapped firmly around his neck and head managed to stay relatively dry in comparison.

“Captain! We’d better come out of this quick, or I have a feeling we’ll be swimmin’ to shore!” Lodestar hollered over the howling oceanic winds. Silver Stern scowled, barking more orders to the crew, his voice piercing even the most intense of gusts. The Captain turned back to his navigator. “Just keep at it, Lodestar. We’re almost there.” From high atop the mast, a female voice shouted down to the deck. “First Mate Headsail! I see the end of the storm! We’ve turned too far! Hard to starboard, and quick!”

The little pale blue Pegasus sitting tight in the crow’s nest was Skysail. Many ships would acquire pegasi for their ships to take care of scouting positions like the crow’s nest, as well as search and rescue operations. Her hair was cloudy white, and she stared down upon the deck with amber eyes. The First Mate known as Headsail marched across the deck, relaying orders to deckhooves, and ensuring jobs get done himself.

The First Mate was an earth pony mare with brown coat, blue eyes, and a seaweed green mane. A dark blue scarf was wrapped around her neck, but unlike Lodestar, it was only upon her neck. Her duties as First Mate were too important in the current situation to allow her the luxury of a protected face, as the muting from the scarf would distort an already wind-muted voice. Underneath a light blue jacket, her cutie mark was visible only when she moved with haste, showing a dolphin upon a cloud.

“You heard the Pegasus, Headsail! Hard to starboard! Keep her at half sail, and let’s get the hell out of here!” Headsail trotted with mixed poise and authority across the slippery deck, her hooves finding distinct grounding, despite the occasional folly that the deckhands found. She was an experienced sailor, having traveled with Captain Silver Stern for a long time, and the storm, while frightening, was little more than a bit of rough waters to her.

She relayed each order like it was her last. “YOU HEARD THE CAPTAIN! Hard to starboard, keeping at half sail! Keep us steady and watch for rogue waves!” Everypony aboard worked in astonishing speed and devotion. The Luna’s Hope was a tight knit crew, who laughed and lived as friends aboard the vessel, but became an efficient machine when functioning as a working team.

The bow punched through a startlingly tall wave, causing a wall of salt water to wash across the deck. Sailors slipped, and Headsail leaped from point to point, ensuring each life remained on board. She cast her gaze to the helm. “Everyone’s here, Captain! Direction’s good. Just a little longer and we’ll be out!” Silver Stern nodded, and trotted down the stairs around the wheel, leaving Lodestar to the piloting.

The Captain approached Headsail as the winds lessened, and the merciless storm began to echo behind their tails. Lowering his voice in light of the dramatically weakened winds, he spoke to his First Mate. “Good work, Headsail. I couldn’t have handled the crew better myself.” His neck craned behind to look upon the storm, thunder cracking high in the sky, making Skysail glad she hadn’t flown.

“Once we’re clear of this mess by a log, have the crew on deck for a roll call. I want to be certain that everypony is accounted for. Everything looks clear, but you can never know for sure. Sometimes, only when it’s too late.” Headsail gave an “Aye, sir.” in response. They both sighed a breath of relief, despite having survived worse. The high seas could be a fatally dangerous place for a bunch of ponies, regardless of experience.

Once distance had been set, the Captain called for no sail, leaving the ship ghosting in the water. The ship was a small exploratory vessel, and only a basic crew was required to command it. Silver Stern exited his quarters atop the highest deck, and walked to the wheel, overlooking the main deck. Headsail trotted up and down the line of ponies. “Captain’s requested a roll call, sailors! When I speak your name, you will answer with an ‘Aye’ or an ‘Aye, ma’am’!”

“Navigator and Helmsman Lodestar. Unicorn.” The First Mate called, to which Lodestar immediately answered. She moved through a few more deckhooves on the list. “High Tide and Low Tide. Earth pony siblings.” Two ponies stood side-by-side, efficient as a duo, and lumped together for convenience during roll call and other business. High Tide was a lightweight mare, while her twin brother stood noticeably taller. Both had coats of teal with charcoal grey manes and purple eyes. Their cutie marks were ocean waves facing in mirroring directions. The twins answered roll call in tandem.

“Second Mate Broadside. Earth pony.” Previously unseen, as he had been commanding the inner workings of the ship while the Captain and Headsail directed the top decks, this earth pony was a dull blue, with emerald green eyes, and an ashy white mane held down below a grey skull cap. He was older than most of the other sailors, including the Captain and First Mate, but respected and loved his position as Second Mate. His mark was a galleon ship.

“Crow’s nest and aerial scout Skysail. Pegasus.” Already seen in command of scouting and a multipurpose Pegasus, Skysail answered “Aye!” clearly and with pride. Now that she stood on deck, one could see that she still donned her sun faded red bandana. This was to allow her crew to located her in the sky, due to her blue and white colors, which sometimes caused her to camouflage unintentionally.

The First Mate approached the final two in the crew lineup. “Arms director and cook Drop Shot. Unicorn.” The unicorn responded with a slightly dull “Aye, ma’am.” as he was a gruff pony by comparison. He was friendly, but intimidating to those who did not have the time to get to know him. Drop Shot’s coat was a dark, deep brown, complimented by black mane and tail hair. He had one purple eye in his right socket, while an eye patch covered his missing left. The mark resting on his flank was an iron anchor.

“And finally,” First Mate Headsail spoke clearly. “Devil Seam. Earth pony.” The pony stood forward, glancing over his shoulder back at the storm for a moment, and then back to the First Mate. She looked him in the eyes. Close though their crew was, she still expected professionalism during operation. “Something of interest, sailor?” Devil Seam gave an involuntary shudder out of fear. The earth pony was new to the ship, by only as many weeks as the Luna’s Hope had been at sea. Seam had signed on at the last dock, looking to join a crew that sailed with direction and purpose, but without the immediate military overview of the Royal Command.

Devil Seam’s natural coat was a faded orange, like the skin of a Valencia orange that had remained on the branch until the last moment. His hair was a muddy, earthy brown, and his eyes rested an unremarkable royal blue beneath his brow. The mark upon this one’s flank was a cracked wooden chest. What it represented nobody knew, and Devil Seam hadn’t felt close enough to anyone on the ship yet to open up about himself.

“No, ma’am.” He answered tentatively. “I’m just grateful that we all made it out of the storm.” Headsail stared at Devil Seam as though analyzing the pony. She finally pulled her head up and proper, and marched back down the line away from Devil Seam, who released a sigh of relief. The First Mate spoke up to the whole crew. “Indeed, Mr. Seam. This is why we as a crew share the camaraderie we hold dear. Our trust and friendship lies not with just our Captain…” She began, while Silver Stern stood on the edge of the helm by the railing overlooking the main deck. He nodded with a smile to Headsail, and then upon his crew with pride.

“We are all equally valuable. Valuable to each other as brothers, sisters, friends, and as a single working force. Just as our kinship keeps our hearts warm with belonging and purpose, our cooperation as a team keeps us alive, healthy, and able to continue doing what we love. Never forget that. We all share the same devotion to the sea, one another, and the desire for freedom. Stay true to one another, and we will always emerge triumphant!”

The crew gave a cheer, as the First Mate dismissed them. Taking the vessel on half sail on a continued course through some nearby shallows, a small passage became visible on the horizon. Headsail approached Captain Silver Stern, which the Captain met with a grin. “That was a rather eloquent speech, Headsail.”
“I thought it was a rather pleasant little motivator.” She answered with a genuine smile.
The Captain nodded with an expression of surrender. “I admit it was. Honest, as well. We can’t let any of us forget why we’re out here, and what keeps us going.”

“Captain!” A panicked voice cried out from high above. The Captain and First Mate stare up towards the crow’s nest, where Skysail was resting in the pony sized bucket. “Captain! On the horizon!” The Captain and First Mate narrowed their eyes, squinting to see what the Pegasus was referring to, but with the lowering sun, they were unable to locate the object of concern.

“We’ll drop anchor tonight in the shallows, and continue in the morning.” The Captain called up to the crow’s nest. The Pegasus, however, shook her head fervently, and explained. “No, Captain! It’s not that! There’s a wrecked ship on the other side of these closest channels! I can see what looks like an old S.O.S. on the shore! There might be somepony stranded on the islands!”

The Captain and Headsail looked to one another. “If somepony’s there, we have to go ashore and find them.” Headsail nodded in agreement before replying, “Even if it’s old, we have to try. If there’s anyone alive, we may be their only chance of escape. If we’re dropping anchor here tonight anyway, we’ve nothing to lose.”

Captain Silver Stern looked up to the Pegasus. “Good eyes, Skysail!” To which she saluted with her hoof, and kept a watchful eye on the islands. “Headsail, have the necessary crew take us through the nearest channel. We’ll drop anchor in the little lagoon near the spotted S.O.S. message. From there we can go ashore.” Headsail also saluted, and marched off to direct the needed crew ponies. Speaking to herself, she whispered, “I only hope they’re still alive.”