• Published 2nd Oct 2013
  • 326 Views, 0 Comments

Take What You Can Get - Inspiration

Kindness and friendship can be misread. And in the case of Frost Bite, what he displays is horribly misread.

  • ...

But kindness is all it takes

Her home was...well...I helped build it when I was a carpenter. We were all wondering how anypony would want to live in the place. But now, it was occupied by a mare, a (quite horrid, evil) bunny, and countless animals that the mare cares for. How could somepony do that and NOT go crazy? She didn't seem to have any problems doing everything that she did. Almost second nature. I helped her feed her animals, and while we worked, we talked. Small talk, of course.

"So...I don't believe we every got each others names. I'm Frost Bite."

"Oh, um, I'm...I'm Fluttershy."

"Well, than, nice to meet you, Fluttershy."

"Nice to meet you too..."

And we carried on like that for a bit. Feeding animals, chatting. She's from Cloudsdale, I'm from Manehattan. She's an animal caretaker, I was a carpenter. She's the bearer of Kindness, the Element of Harmony, and I'm a courteous bum with a cold tolerance. It wasn't too bad, helping her, learning about her. She may be shy, but she's interesting. So, after we were done feeding the animals, we sat down and had some drinks (virgin Daiquiri for me, green tea for her).

"So wait, your friend...what's-her-name, thought you snapped the bear's neck, when all you were doing was massaging it?"

"Yeah, she did. Her name's Twilight. She ended up terrorizing three fillies later in the day."

"Wow. And this was all over a letter?"


"I think Twilight might have problems, than."

"Oh, nonononono. She's just...odd..."


"Yes...but I think you would like her. She's pretty nice. I can take you to meet her tomorrow, if you'd like."

"Miss Fluttershy, I would love to meet your friend Twilight. All of your friends, actually."

Author's Note:

Writer's. Block.
Ideas? And no, shipping will not happen. I'm crazy and inappropriate, but not THAT crazy and inappropriate.
Thanks for reading!
