• Published 1st Mar 2012
  • 1,966 Views, 75 Comments

One Soul, Two Worlds - Sparkleman

A human ends up in Equestria as he dreams.

  • ...

The First Dream

“Aaaahhh, man I’m tired. What time is it? Holy Bejebus! (That's what I say, deal with it) It’s already midnight. Ok, this can wait in the morning; I got a get some sleep.”

Yea, so basically I’ve just returned to college to become an engineer, first major project of the year due at eight in the morning, waited till last moment same old same old. Went over my mental checklist of stuff needed for the morning, got it together and ready. Changed into some more comfortable to wear to bed instead of my cargo pants (not complaining about the cargo pants though).

Now all ready to hit the hay I climbed into bed. As soon as I lied down my brain went into trolling mode again not letting me sleep. Going over my current life about myself being a little overweight, my vision impaired eyesight, and my luck at getting any form of friends kept me up for about another thirty minutes or so.

My mind slowly drifted away into the awesomeness that is my little pony. I think to myself how amazing it would be to live there instead of this crummy world I live in. Yea I got a good life ahead of me and should be happy, but living in Equestria would be amazing. Just as the happy thoughts began to sink in my eyes finally shut for what would just be another zombie survival filled dreamed night.

Oh how wrong I was…

Slowly I opened my eyes and let out a groan while getting myself upright. It was way to bright. "Oh Shit! Did I oversleep! What time is it!" I then realized I was in a strangely familier forest. I then realized that I was in my green polo shirt and brown cargo pants I had on before I went to sleep. "What the..."

"Hey there sleepy head! I Though you would never wake up! But why were you way out here near Zecora's hut sleeping anyways?" the voice was way to energectic for the morn...wait did the voice say Zecora's hut.

I slowly turned my head to see an all to familiar pink pony with puffy hair and three ballons on her flank.

"What in world is going on here?"

"Well you just woke up in the Everfree Forest silly filly," said an enrgetic Pinkie Pie.

"Waaahhh," was the only thing I could let out before I fainted from pure shock.

“AH! What?” I then realized that I was back in my dorm. I looked at the time. “I’ve only been asleep for ten minutes. That doesn’t seem right.”

I decided not to worry too much about my unusual dream and decided to get back to bed. I was going to need the sleep for the work that needed to be done in the morning.

Sleep quickly took over my eyes again and the Z’s were going in less than a minute.

My eyes slowly opened and I was looking at a strange ceiling. “This isn’t my dorm,” I thought to myself.

“What strange creature you have brought to me, my dear friend Pinkie.”

Was that?

“Well sure Zecora! I couldn’t just leave him out there is those spooky wookie woods. What is he got attacked by a creepy scary thingy?”

OK, now I know I’m dreaming. Better let them know I’m here so that I can control this dream like one of my other lucid dreams.

“Uh, hey. What’s up?” I wanted to let them know I was up. I was not expecting what cam next though.

*Very long gasping sound* “I thought that you had died since when I met you because you feel down almost instantly and I though you hit your head and got hurt or that you were ill or that you were some wacko creature that couldn’t stay awake for long but then Zecora said you had just fainted but it had been ten minutes and when every Rarity faints she always got back up in like five seconds but I was still worried for you since I have never seen your kind before and I wanted to make sure I say you when you woke up but it was taking so long so I created a party here in Zecora’s hut for when you woke up and now here he are so HAPPY WAKING UP PARTY!” Pinkie said very quickly and with one breath as she often does.

“Ah thanks, I guess.” I only caught about half of what she said. “So do you want to know what I am?”

“Inform us of your plight, so out knowledge can come to light.”

“Ok, so I’m a human, and I don’t know why I am here for the last thing I remember was falling asleep. I know that this isn’t a dream because I’ve tried to manipulate it like other dreams I’ve had so I think I’m really here but I don’t know how. But I’ve seen this place before through some visions and other dreams I couldn’t control. Your Zecora the potions master and she’s Pinkie Pie the number one party pony of Ponyville.”

Ok, so I lied a little about the visions thing, but hey, I’m in a land that is filled with magic so I presumed that they wouldn’t suspecting anything.

“Wow, visions, you should meet my bestest best friend Twilight Sparkle and tell her of your visions! Like, RIGHT NOW!”

“Ah ok, well, see you Zecora.”

“Be careful sir of that filly, she can be a little overboard on the silly.”

That was the last thing Zecora said before she closed the door. It was at this time that I realized something. My body felt lighter than usual. I look down and gasped. I was fit, not just skinny, but I had muscle. I then noticed that I wasn’t wearing my glasses but could see better than ever in my life. How did I miss this in the first visit. Oh, yea. I fainted within five minutes or so.

The sky suddenly got lighter, so I looked up and noticed we were out of the forest. I could see Ponyville in the distance and my heart skipped a beat. I realized that my dream, along with that of the thousands of other bronies, was coming true.

“Hey, let’s stop at Fluttershy’s house. She’ll love to meet you, since you’re kind of a new species here and all.”

I was going to meet Fluttershy! As Rainbow Dash would say, “Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh, Ohmygosh!”

“Yea I’ll be happy to meet her, let’s go!” I said calmly trying not to show my over enthusiasm.

Ok, so it's my first time writing a fanfiction for anything before. This idea came to me one night after I dreamed a oddly real dream of being in Equestria one night and was like, what the hell. When an idea comes use it for you might lose it. Ok, so back to the important stuff. I plan on doing two or three updates a week on this and could use some help from a second person for corrections and editing and stuff. Also any feedback or ideas would be great. Anotherthing, I WILL NOT BE TRANFORMING INTO A PONY JUST TO MAKE THAT CLEAR. I will maintain a human form the whole story, so no idea giving about that. Well now that we got that clear, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter and look forward to more.