• Published 7th Oct 2013
  • 1,834 Views, 88 Comments

Mutant - Romaji

The lab team has done it. They've made the mane 6, complete with magic. Of course, science needs proof, so they record some tests. Cue the gun using mob out to kill them.

  • ...

Things I wish I didn't know

Dev was in his house, just organised by the filly that now calls it home.

That filly just said 5 words that hinted at her condition. Things I wish I didn’t know.

It’s incredible, sometimes just how much 5 words can say. And, in some ways, what they don’t.

Dev came back into focus. He didn’t realize it, but he picked up the crying filly while he was zoning out. That’s odd. I don’t… Nevermind. “Could you tell me? That would help I think.”

While Twilight tried to find her voice, his phone began playing a song. “Ermm… Well…”

When will I learn it’s never that simple? I’m going to slap … Oh right, can’t. Filly in my arms. Should I just… I should just wait. Dev thought.

Suddenly, after several minutes of crying, tongue tied, Twilight spoke up. “I wish I didn’t know the lab. I wish I didn’t know the other ponies. Because you know what freaking sucked the most about being on the street?”

I didn’t know she knew that word. She’s less innocent… That doesn’t make it any better. “No. I don’t.”

Twilight spiked with rage for a moment. “THAT MY FREAKING BRAIN JUST KEPT TAUNTING ME!

Dev, how the fuck are you going to handle this? Dev thought as he just stood there.

Twilight’s rage passed, and she began singing along somberly. “And it disappeared at the /same speed/As the idealistic things I believed/The optimist died inside of me…

Come on, I think I’ve got an idea. Just have to wait a moment for the plan to be ready. Dev thought, moving over to the closed window.

Twilight continued, ending with “No sunlight/No sunlight/Anymore

It’s go time. Dev opened the window shades with his body, and said to the crying filly, “Look there's sunlight.”

Twilight looked up through her tears, and said two words: Thank You.

Dev looked back into his arms, where the filly lay. “You’re welcome. Do you mind being placed down?”
Twilight shook her head.

Dev carefully placed the filly back down on the floor.

Twilight walked off slowly, like something was forgotten.

But there would be nothing else said.

Twilight came into a bedroom. Shutting the door behind her, she sat down.

She heard murmurs from Dev, leaving the hallway now.

Her mind turned back to the moment she just had with him. I don’t think he knows what he’s doing. I mean, he did stop me from sobbing, but he really didn’t fix the tears. He just pushed them back into my eyes.

Momently distracted by her own horrible choice of metaphor, her train of thought shifted to Ugh… That’s gross. What I really mean is that he fixed the results of the problem, not the problem itself.

Climbing up onto the bed, she investigated her ideas further. Well, of course! The problem is inside me! The only way he can fix it is if he cut me up!

An awkward pause and a facehoof later, her thoughts continued. What are you doing brain? Brain. Stop. Anyway, he can provide support. Really should learn his name at some point. I still have to work on my problems. A staircase isn’t an escalator after all.

Dev stood in the hall, and he saw Twilight enter his bedroom. I had something I wanted to say. I knew I did. Why couldn’t I remember it?

He turned to the stairs, was about to take a step, and stopped. It’s nothing. How much could one line help? It’s not like I know what it’s like anyway.

He didn’t notice, but he muttered his last sentence he thought out loud.

He began walking down the stairs. Maybe that’s why I can help. I don’t have to deal with it.

At the bottom of the staircase, he checked the CNN app on his phone. One headline caught his eye.

Was this Op-Ed the Cause for the Attack on the Revolutionary Genetics Lab?

I’ve got to read this. There is no way. Right?

A tap and a swipe later, and he was looking at the Op-Ed in question.

I believe that this creation from the lab is an abomination. A terrible project that should have never been conceived. These "fillies" are why gene mutilation should not exist. They are horrible,despicable mutants.They must be euthanized. Scratch that, killed. They don't deserve to live. They are harbingers of the apocalypse.They are a destruction to the agreement between man and God. They will steal our civilization from us. With their sorcery,they will kill us all.We have created our usurpers.We should get them all killed before they crush us with their magic and lack of morals. We humans will not fall into their hooves. Get your shotgun. Fight back. They are Evil. I have one objective to give you all: Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill,Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill…

He stared at the “Op-Ed”. This is horrible! You’ve got no evidence, you’re enticing people to kill another intelligent being, and you don’t even have proper spacing! Who would let this slip through the cracks?

He heard the creak of his bed. She’s in my bedroom! She could ruin the bed! Why didn’t I realize this?

Twilight sat on the bed. So that’s what I have to do. It’s a crazy plan, one I’d normally throw away, but normal is dead anyway. I wonder how far away New York is anyway.

Just then she saw Dev open the door. He looked at the filly sitting in the bed. “Well, it could have been worse.”

Twilight looked up. “What could have been worse?”

Looking a little confused, he replied “You making a mess of the bed.”

Twilight looked at the dirty sheets she’s sitting in. “Oh. Wait! What is your name?”

Picking Twilight off the bed, he said. “Wait, I’ve never told you? My name is Deviant Andover.”

Looking down to measure the distance she’d fall if Dev’s loose hold dropped her, she said. “My birth name is Twilight X42. Or, later renamed Twilight Sparkle.”

Dev momently loses his grip. “Wait, so the account that’s logged in on that laptop is you?”

Twilight took the fall like a champ. Right onto her back. “Ow.”

She then recovered. “Yes it was me. Who did you think it was? Also, watch what you holding.”

Reaching back down, He said. “Wait, so you watch The Daily Show? That explains your foul language.”

There was a silent cleaning of the filly. Which was just as awkward as you’d think.

Leaving the bathroom, Twilight shyly looked back at dev. “Thank you.”

Dev looked a little shocked. “For what?”

Twilight tilted her head. “For this. Food, shelter, cleaning, arms. I’d be dead within a week without you.”

Dev blushed a little. “Anyone could have done that. Most of them better than me. You’ve had, what, two breakdowns while you’ve been with me? I wouldn’t call that a good run.”

Twilight looked with eyes that radiated honesty at Dev when she said. “Well, it doesn’t matter if they could have done a better job. Because they didn’t. For better or worse, you’re my father now.”

Dev stepped back, eyes wide. “Hey, I wouldn’t go that far. You’re trusting like a dog.”

Twilight almost, but not quite got what he said. “What is a dog?”

Wow. Didn’t see that one coming. Dev thought to himself. “Umm... It’s a four legged animal that is very trusting of it’s owner, among other properties.” Wow, that sounded very technical.

Twilight nodded her head slightly. “Oh. I know what you mean now.” I really don’t know much. I need to to research.

Dev looked around for a clock. The time was 7:42 PM. “Well, It’s kind of late, and we’ve both had a long day, so I think you should have some dinner and then it’s off to bed.”

Twilight’s eyes got wide. “WHAT!? But, research! Daily Show! Loving and caring moments!”

Dev looked down at her. “Sorry. But there will be time for that tomorrow. Besides, you look tired.”

Twilight scrunched her face. “I. AM. NOT-” She yawned. “TIRED!Stupid yawn.
Dev’s face looked at her condescendingly. “Nice try.”

After she had a dinner of bread, (Dev correctly guessed that was all she’d be up for) Twilight was put to bed on a bean bag chair relocated in the upstairs bathroom.

It was now 8:17. Time to catch up on what happened yesterday.

Twilight was asleep, after a good while worrying about the prospect of nightmares.

Twilight was in a vent shaft, listening to a conversation through the cracks.
“Good news sir! I have killed Kittery, and the news still thinks it’s a mob.” A familiar voice said. It wasn’t Kittery, “Yog-sooth” or Deviant though.
“And the bad news is…?” said a deep, gravely voice.
Twilight thought she heard a small “eep!”.
The bad news is…?” asked the deep voice.
We were able to get the yellow one, but we couldn’t find the others. Honest!” The other voice replied.
“I know that’s not all. I have the security footage right here that shows that you let Twilight, or as you call her, the purple one through. You had her KOed, you had the ammo to kill her, N*****!” ...Did he really have to say that?
“Well… I was trying to keep up appearances that I was part of a mob.”
LIKE SHIT THAT’S WHAT A MOB WOULD DO! What do we ‘convince’ you for? Think about it N*****, a mob goes in looking to kill a target and leaves without killing the target? I’m surprised the news isn’t all over it.”
“Now before I send you back to the convincement chambers, how’s Fluttershy’s convincement going?” I think ‘convince’ is a code word for something else. I don’t think I want to know what for.
“Fluttershy isn’t doing so well. You’d think she’d have rage because of her missing parent, but she doesn’t. She also keeps insisting that she’s a tree.”
“She doesn’t know we did it, right?”
“She doesn’t.”
“That’s the only way you didn’t botch this mission up, N*****!”

Twilight woke up. What was that? Did I just have a prophetic dream? No, there’s no way that happened.
Dev snored in the distance. Perfect. He’s asleep, so I can start working on my plan.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait guys!
Also, there were a LOT of questions about the unrealistic nature of the mob seine. I hope this clears it up some!