• Published 29th Feb 2012
  • 2,968 Views, 100 Comments

Harbinger - Tealove

An unseen enemy is destroying Ponyville. How will anyone survive?

  • ...

Let the Flames Begin

Applejack was gentle as she placed a cool wet cloth on Rainbow Dash's forehead. Sitting back on her haunches, she frowned down at her best friend in sympathy. It only made Dash groan and look up to the ceiling of her tent. “Will you please, for the love of Celestia, stop looking at me like that?”

“It's goin' on ten days you been like this, Rainbow. How else you want me to look at you?”

“I'm fine,” grumbled the pegasus as she pulled the cloth over her eyes. “It's just a bug or something.”

“Nopony else seems to have caught this bug, an' livin' like we have been? Sure as spit there'd be at least one other pony in here just as sick as you.” Applejack fixed Dash with a stern gaze. “I can't keep makin' excuses for you.”

“I never asked you to make excuses for me.”

“You didn't have to. I'm your friend, like it or not, an' your second now. Ponies ask where you are an' why you're never around in the mornin' d'ya think I'm not gonna try an' save you face?” Applejack sighed. “Ten days, Rainbow. Nopony is sick for ten days, mornin's specifically, an' better the later the day gets.”

Dash yanked the cloth from her face and glared at Applejack. “Don't you dare say it.”

“Say what?” It wasn't an innocent question or one of confusion, it was a challenge. They both knew what Applejack wanted to say but the earth pony wanted to hear it from Dash herself. “What am I gonna say, Rainbow?”

“Get out of my tent.”

This was not what Applejack was expecting to hear and it showed on her face. “Beg your pardon?”

“Get out! I don't want to deal with your stupid looks or your stupid thoughts that aren't true! Just get out! Stop making excuses for me if I've become such a burden, I don't even care!”

“Quit your hollerin',” demanded Applejack, nonplussed. With an almost evil looking smirk she added, “You're just bein' hormonal.”


Chuckling to herself, Applejack left the tent and the irritated pony within. Twilight stood outside with a look of concern on her face. As soon as she saw Applejack she trotted over with an expectant expression. “Well?”

“She's in denial.”

“I've read that can happen sometimes, especially if a foal is conceived under duress.”

“Shh!” Applejack glanced around. “Will you keep your voice down? Bon Bon may not be here but there're plenty of other ponies around here that'd sure like some juicy gossip to spread.” She nodded toward the tent she now shared with Pinkie and the two ducked inside. “My main concern is what's gonna happen when the fightin' starts. You know she'll refuse to sit it out.”

“Even if she's...” Twilight glanced around even though they were completely alone in the tent, and lowered her voice to a whisper to finish her thought, “pregnant?”

“Maybe especially because. You know Rainbow, Twi. Out of all of us, she was the one who wanted to be a mother the very least.”

“So you think she'd deliberately put herself in a situation where...” Twilight trailed off sadly. “That's horrible. I think of Cadance who lost her foal and desperately wants to have one of her own, and to think Dash would do something like that.” She swallowed hard. “Do you think Soarin knows?”

“Sugarcube, she ain't even admitted it to herself yet. I'd bet anythin' that Sorain doesn't even have a clue. He's got good intentions, bless him, but he ain't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.”

“Well should we tell the princess? There has to be something we can do.”

But Applejack just shook her head. “This is somethin' she's gotta handle on her own.” She turned and grabbed her hat from her cot. “Come on, lets go get some breakfast.”

Twilight looked at her friend, distracted. “You go ahead. I've got something I have to do first.”

“Don't be too late or all the grub'll be gone.” With a wink, Applejack left then tent and trotted out across the field. Twilight stood watching her for a moment, then turned in the opposite direction with a look of determination on her face.

“Woohoo!” Pinkie Pie jumped happily, her pink curls bouncing about her face as she made her way around Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Epona like a tightly coiled spring. The three others sat together with their faces turned upward, Epona grinning like a madpony, Apple Bloom clapping, and Big Macintosh smiling proudly. Fluttershy hovered above them, her legs moving as if she were running at a gallop to make the mechanical wing strapped to her body move in tandem with her natural wing. “Fluttershy's flying!” exclaimed Pinkie. Fluttershy smiled down wearily and began to sink in the air. Her landing was clumsy and she stumbled, but both Big Mac and Epona were there to keep her from falling.

“That was amazing!” cried Epona.

“And exhausting,” panted Fluttershy. She stood still and accepted a hug from Apple Bloom as the others worked to undo straps and cuffs to take the mechanical wing off. “How long did I last this time?”

“I sang the theme song to 'So You Think You Can Prance' four times!” said Pinkie.

“That's almost a full song longer than last time!” cheered Apple Bloom.

Big Macintosh stepped back as the wing was magically lifted off of Fluttershy's body, then kissed her brow. “You're gettin' better by the day.”

Epona set the wing down and inspected it. “I adjusted the weight like you suggested, Fluttershy. Does it feel a little more balanced now?”

The pegasus nodded. “It feels a lot better now. Thank you so much, Epona. I'm just so grateful.”

“Are you kidding? I had so much fun coming up with this thing! I'm just glad it works.”

Fluttershy tucked her good wing in and smiled up at Big Mac as he dipped his head to nuzzle against her cheek. “I forgot how good it feels to be in the air.”

“Your side looks really good, too.” Epona examined Fluttershy with a tilt of her head. Her fur had begun to regrow over the area of damage, the color slightly lighter in shade to make it look like she simply had a patch sewn on. The scar left over gave the skin a slight wrinkle and a pucker that would always be there, but it was healed quite nicely. “Of course, I'm not doctor,” Epona conceded.

It had been five weeks since the secret nuptials of the timid yellow pegasus and the stoic red stallion, and life in Fillydelphia was starting to feel normal. Though there were always space and privacy issues it almost felt as though they were their own village inside the stadium. Fall was upon them now with cold night winds that hinted at what was to come and talk had turned to plans for the spring. Winter was going to be tight as far as food supplies went, but several ponies were working on setting up a sort of garden center in hopes of growing inside during the colder months. The attack they'd all been waiting for had not come and doubt was beginning to creep in that there ever would be one. So life went on and ponies adjusted.

Life outside the stadium went on as well. After a few days of inactivity both the gryphons and the dragons began to grow restless. Several of them decided to take it upon themselves to fly out to the outer regions of Equestria to look for survivors. In all their voyages they'd found nearly a dozen, most of them ponies who had found some way to stay hidden and alive until they felt the threat was over. On several occasions these trips away from Fillydelphia led the gryphons and the dragons back to their homelands. When they found there was very little to return to the journeys ceased. It was the general consensus that the harbingers were making sure everything everywhere was destroyed before coming in for the final kill. If there was in fact even going to be one.

Many ponies, once the initial fear of a heavy strike wore off, had begun to believe it was over, that their enemy was satisfied in knowing he'd destroyed so much. Maybe he wanted something to come back to later and inflict himself upon again. They questioned whether or not it was even necessary to stay inside the stadium. But as the days went on and both dragons and gryphons began building nests and homes of their own inside the city it became quite clear that the stadium was the only place the ponies really had for now. The carnival rides were all torn down and Epona and her crew, ever crafty, had begun on armor and things for the gryphons and dragons as well.

Celestia no longer secluded herself in her luxury box, but stayed in a tent like everyone else. She enjoyed sharing the space with Luna and little Pipsqueak and found it beneficial to be more available, especially now that Rainbow Dash seemed to have taken ill. The dynamics had been interesting for awhile; ponies didn't know whether to look to Dash for leadership or to Celestia. In the end they agreed she was still in charge of everything, but Rainbow Dash was working directly under her and ponies should listen to her before going to Celestia with questions or concerns.

The alicorn sat now in the mouth of her tent, watching as life went on around her. She was pleased to see Fluttershy recovering and thrilled to witness the ingenuity of Epona. When things returned to normal Celestia had great plans for her. Twilight Sparkle had begun teaching the younger unicorns of the settlement about their magic and how to use it. There had yet to be any catastrophic awakenings in these young fillies and colts and Celestia fully believed a large reason behind that was Twilight and her guidance. Dinky seemed to be doing especially well, and the princess could see a bright future for her.

Clover and Pinkie Pie combined their creativity in the kitchen and came up with their own sort of system, “hiring” staff and running meals like they would be run at a normal restaurant. Braeburn and Applejack headed up a team of ponies focused on growing food and keeping everyone well supplied with water, something Apple Bloom found she enjoyed a great deal. Silver Spoon found her niche in the medical tents helping Nurse Tenderheart, and Pipsqueak tagged along after Pokey when the unicorn was on a mission to add some levity to the air and get a small game of hoofball going. Rarity and Fancy Pants continued their grief counseling, though it seemed they were needed less and less as the days went on, and helped Cadance teach all the younger ones basic schooling when they had time to spare. During the day Soarin would work with adult pegasai to teach flying maneuvers and at night he and Dash worked with the younger ones to teach them to fly, as they were now. The hoofball stadium was becoming its own village.

Luna yawned as she sat down beside her sister and looked sleepily out at the busy ponies. “Evening.”

“Good evening, sister.” Celestia smiled at the innocence sleep left on Luna's face. “Did you rest well?”

“I did. I had some strange dreams but I slept like a foal.” She yawned again before looking up at Celestia. “Did I miss anything?”

“Fluttershy is flying better, Apple Bloom seems to have found her green hoof, and I believe Spike is working with Scribes to help write what will be the first history book of our new civilization.”

“Now that's entertainment.”

“Indeed.” Celestia smirked. “I like the effect being with all these ponies has had on you.”

Luna's brow wrinkled. “What do you mean?”

“It's been weeks since you've slipped into the royal 'we' and you're using contractions more. It's a nice change.”

The younger alicorn's cheeks colored slightly. “I didn't realize...”

“Being around friends changes you, Luna. It changes everypony. It's a good thing, I promise.”

“Friends.” Luna smiled impishly. “I know I've called Pinkie my friend for some time but it really feels like I have many friends now. I feel like one of them.”

“Pipsqueak has softened you as well.” Celestia searched for the little pinto colt in the movement on the field and found him playing tag with Archer and several other young ones. “Have you decided what to do about him?”

“I think he decided for me. The other night while he was sleeping and I was laying there reading, he snuggled up close to me, completely out of it mind you, and called me mom. I'm certain he was dreaming about his real mother but after that I can't abandon his care to somepony else. I'll find a place to live on the ground with the others and still maintain my duties for as long as I have them.” She took a breath in slowly. “Had this not happened, Tia, we would still be so untouchable. It is one change I am thankful for.”

“I miss the palace and all its comforts,” Celestia admitted. “It has been wonderful getting to know our subjects but I do think having some distance between us is a good thing. I have felt a loss of respect and fear that oftentimes kept wilder ponies in line.”

“I don't miss that.” With a wide grin, Luna looked up at her sister. “When things get out of hoof I just send them to you!”

Celestia poked Luna in the side with a hoof and the two shared a laugh. Then there was a call outside.

The dragons often trumpeted to one another as they flew, simple quick calls of greeting, farewell or even victory of a hunt. But another dragon cried, and then another. Everypony stopped where they were, forgot what they were doing and looked up to the domed roof above them. Another cry, something urgent and easily recognizable in the long single note. It sent chills down the spines of everyone who heard it, Celestia and Luna included. The doors to the main exit crashed open and Merry May, Raindrops and Shining Armor came tearing inside.

“Something's happening!” cried Raindrops as Celestia and Luna reached them. Dash was seconds behind and soon everyone was closing in.

“Way out past the city,” said Shining Armor, “toward the Everfree Forest there is a fire on the horizon.”

“A f-fire?” asked Fluttershy nervously.

Merry May shook her head, fear in her eyes for the first time since many there had known her. “It's a black fire with no smoke and it looks like it's getting bigger and bigger by the second.” Luna waited for no command from anyone before hurrying past the group to make her way outside. “The sun is sinking on its own,” continued Merry May. “Clouds are moving in and the wind has died completely.”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Princess Celestia for direction. When the alicorn gave a pensive nod Dash took to the air and began barking out orders. Immediately ponies scattered knowing exactly where they needed to be and what they needed to do once they were there. Armor had been laid out for weeks, goggles, weapons, all ready to be used. Now as ponies ran by they grabbed what they needed and hastened to their assigned spots. Toward the back of the quickly moving crowd stood Cadance, her group of students and Spike surrounding her with terrified expressions.

“Stay here,” Dash told the princess. “Somepony has to stay with them and they trust you now.”

“Rainbow Dash!” Cadance took a step away from the children and fixed the pegasus with a pleading gaze. “You should stay as well.”

“What? Why?” The very second the question left her mouth she realized why Cadance would say such a thing and anger swelled up inside of her. “Applejack told you, didn't she?”

“No, Dash,” said Twilight, coming up behind her with Applejack. “It was me.”

Dash swiveled her head to glare venomously at Applejack. “You told Twilight!”

“She guessed! We all pretty much guessed, Rainbow!”

“I don't need anypony telling me what to do,” Dash barked. “I'm not staying inside while everypony fights, foal or no foal!”

The stadium had all but emptied out now and it allowed her to hear the sharp intake of breath just off to the side. She turned to see Soarin standing there, his expression frozen in shock. “Foal?” he managed weakly.

“Soarin, I...”

“Foal,” he repeated, his voice stronger now. “Rainbow, are you...?”

“I don't know. Maybe. Look, it doesn't matter! We have to get out there-”

“Doesn't matter? Doesn't matter? We'll be fighting a war out there! Of course it matters! Were you ever going to tell me?”

“Who said it's even yours?!”

The words seemed to float into the air in slow motion, suspended enough so Rainbow could realize what she was saying but too far out of reach to take them back. They fell on Soarin like a kick to his face. He flinched back looking more hurt than he had the night he'd gone to Dash's tent for comfort. “Okay then.” With nothing more to say he took wing and flew out of the stadium.

“Rainbow,” Applejack said, touching a hoof to her withers, but Dash shrugged her away.

“It's his.” She looked after him in shame but did her best to recover. “I'm not staying. Let's go.” She flew toward the exit leaving the other three mares to share one last look before Twilight and Applejack headed out as well.