• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 2,074 Views, 30 Comments

Requiem of a Princess - KarmaSentinal

After banishing her sister turned Nightmare Moon to the moon, Celestia tries to remember where and what exactly caused Luna to change.

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Requiem of a Princess

“Damn you vile mare! Just kill over and let us rule our night in peace!” The nightmarish creature shouted in desperation as it became increasingly clear it was on the verge of defeat. It flew into the night sky once more in hope of blending in and to buy itself a moment of rest and to compile its options. Its opponent pressed the attack, unwilling to allow the creature a moments rest.

“No sister, please you’re not too far gone yet! We can still save you from whatever that holds you. Just stand down and let us help you.” The radiant mare pleaded as she took to the sky after her corrupted sister; her bloody and sore wings straining to keep her a lift as the fatigue from their long duel continued to claim her strength.

The Nightmare growled with displeasure as she watched her weakened sister climb to her altitude. She snarled madly at the persistent alicorn that longed for her complete and total imprisonment. It knew the longer this fight dragged out the more likely the alicorn may in fact have her wish and so readying itself for one final conflict, brought its mighty wings together and dove to meet its sister one last time.

Celestia watched with increasing sorrow as the realization finally set in, that mare descending toward her was no longer her sister. Her eyes blinked the last of her tears away as the distance between the two closed. Celestia lit her horn in response to Nightmare Moon lighting her horn.

With the pure radiance of harmony on her side, she summoned all six jewels, readying the Elements for their final act of harmonious judgment. They pulsed brightly with the majestic power that signaled their strength and sovereignty over those that threaten the peace of the land. Celestia closed her eyes as the purifying beam shot forth toward the nightmare, her sister, to pass its judgment upon her.

She didn't even open her eyes when both beams had hit their mark; their screaming became the only thing that filled her ears.

It lasted only moments but felt eternal to the weary and exhausted alicorn. Celestia finally opened her eyes when she felt herself being flung back toward the earth. The physical pain that followed only confirmed that she had been hit by Nightmare’s attack. She opened her eyes as she sped toward the ever nearing ground, and with reluctance watched the Elements work as the last whips of her sister vanish from her sight; her sister’s visage engulfing her moon prison completely.

Her remaining energy reserves left her beaten body the moment she finally released her claim over the Elements; the energy that had kept her fairly intact was no longer available, only increasing the pain she was feeling. Her fall from grace wasn’t anything elegant or grand as the tales of her foalhood had made most out to be; a final battle where the heroin prevails and gallops off into the fading sun to be remembered in legend and songs for the rest of time. This certainly wasn't such a tale.

“Why...why…” Celestia asked dejectedly. Their world, and their lives were going so well. They had managed to resurrect and even uplift the pony tribes in only 300 years after defeating Discord. The Discordian Forest where they had settled and build their country from was the only true lingerings from his era, the rest having been cleansed from the land forever.

She coughed violently trying to rid her lungs of the still settling dust and debris that pelted her body, but other than that she didn't care. The war to end all wars was over and she had won but at what cost? The entirety of her country was shattered, the government was in turmoil, the guard weakened to a state she’ll have to force a draft for the next century or so, but most all she’ll have to do it alone.

Her sister, Luna, the only one Celestia had ever called a friend and could rely on to always be with her through thick and thin was no more. Even since the earliest days of their foalhood, they had supported each other and helped the other survive. When one needed food, the other would steal some just so they could eat. When one needed a shoulder to cry on or to hug and claim things would be alright, they were there for that.

Who could do that for Celestia now?

“It’s all your fault. You and your damn power…” Celestia muttered with laced bitterness and loathing. She felt the clinging of hate in the back of her mind as she tried to fabricate some reasoning to blame any but herself; unable to accepted the war’s events as solely her doing.

“We struggled but we managed to survive up till that point without your assistance. The moment you entered our lives everything fell apart...its all your fault father.”

“Run Star Light! Don’t look back, and keep running!” Star Light’s unicorn friend, Solar Flare kept shouting as the fillies weaved through the underbrush. They managed to dive through it fairly quickly and with minor scrapes considering how long the pair had been running for. The sound of wood scraping against wood and the snapping of branches reached their little ears, causing them to panic even more.

“Flare just go on. I… I can’t keep…” Star Light collapsed in exhaustion and pain from deadly gash she had received earlier.The blood loss and lack of oxygen having finally taken its toll on the young filly. Solar Flare paused to look back at her down friend, debating whether or not to flee or stay. She backed up as the bushes next to them exploded in fury, exposing the massive, lumbering wolf; its jaw opened extensively while extending its immense claws to reach the young filly. Star Light froze with overwhelming fear as the great beast slowly flew toward her, its sickly green eyes locking her in place.

Her fear was momentarily forgotten when a blinding light brought her back to reality. The wolf was caught off guard and missed its intended prey, instead lunging completely over her and crashing on the ground behind her.

“Run Star Light!” her friend Solar Flare screamed. The blue earth filly quickly regained motor control and hightailed it to where her friend was. Said filly only resumed her panicked flee once her friend was once more running next to her. “Come on Start Light, just a bit longer. Please just a bit longer.” Flare pleaded to her quickly fading friend.

Star Light weakly nodded and continued to push herself to go just a bit further. Her leg was throbbing with pain to the point she couldn't put any way weight on it, instead having to run three legged. This became less of an issue for Start Light and Solar Flare a blood curdling cry of anger and impending doom reverberated across the forest behind them, giving them all the motion they needed.

The fillies whimpered and cried as the rustling and breaking of bushes grew closer and closer. Start Light insisted for Flare to run on ahead and save herself. That way at least one of them would live on to see another day, but of course Flare had stubbornly refused to leave her best friend behind. It was this moment all of it fell apart. Start Light misjudged one particularly high branch and clipped it during her jump, causing her to lose control and land achingly on her side.

Solar Flare heard the impact and against her instinct, forced her herself to stop running long enough to look back. The world around her went mute leaving only the rapidly thumping of her heart to be heard. Flare knew what was going to happen next. That much was certain, but keeping her promise to Start Light, she galloped back to her down friend who was trying in vain to get up. Flare was next to her in seconds, wrapping her hooves around the down filly to start dragging her away. “GET UP STAR LIGHT! DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE... NOT NOW, GET UP!”

She desperately dragged her still struggling friend when the bush in front of them exploded once more to reveal the wolf. Its snarl mimicking a twisted smile having finally caught its prize after such a needlessly drawn out chase. The fillies closed their eyes to save them image of their final moments, choosing to seek the other’s comfort once last time before their lives ended...

“That’s right. That's how he first came into our lives…” Celestia thought.

The two fillies screamed for their lives as they clung to one another for comfort. The wolf had closed the remaining distance between them having had enough of this game. Readying itself to end it with one(or two) snaps of its powerful jaws and savor their tender meat. It had been awhile since it had something as tasty as pony flesh. Flare and Star’s screaming had been reduced to whimpering and crying, having lost all the oxygen in their lungs to keep it up. Both knew the beast was in front of them, blocking the sunlight and casting them in darkness; the fillies hugged the other tighter, silently making their goodbyes.

And then the light returned.

The sun returned to their closed eyes, followed by a mighty gust of wind after its sudden arrival. For a full second they sat in silence wondering why the beast was stalling…only after the sound of something massive impacting the ground did they open their eyes. And what they saw shocked them, reminding them of the powers of their lord, Discord. Two of the most magnificent and imposing creatures they had ever seen up this point were locked in an all out brawl of no rules and no restraint… a fight to the death.

Claw against claw. Flesh against bark. Timberwolf against...timberwolf? Two wolves. One made out of wood and the other of flesh and mortality; being forced to survive in the the most hostile forest in the country. Clearly their lord was truly the cruel and unkind pony he is said to be.

The two wolves fought bravely and fiercely against the other, refusing to back down. The Timberwolf struck the foreleg of the mortal wolf, causing it to lay off its attack momentarily. Seeing an opportunity to deal with this strange opponent, it lunged forward trying for its neck. A simple clamp and it would be over. The wolf noticed this and promptly leaped to the right of the timberwolf, placing itself between the timberwolf the two fillies.

The timberwolf growled softly, communicating with the strange wolf in some incomprehensible language only they understood. What was exchanged between the two death bringers was lost between the fillies, but once it ended the two renewed their attack in earnest. Learning from its previous mistake, the mortal wolf almost immediately jumped to the side of timberwolf the moment its paws hit the ground.

The timberwolf bolted passed the spot his opponent had just been, turning his head in time to see grey wolf connecting with his side. The timberwolf howled in true pain for the first time in its life as they went flying into the thicket, out of view of the two fillies. Their eyes watching with morbid fascination as the snippets of bark and flesh would appear and reappear between the many gaps in the foliage. Their growling had fully evolved into snarls and barks as the two violently tore at each other from behind their curtain, sparing the fillies from the carnage taking place. Star Light and Solar Flare cringed when an abrupt and blinding light consumed the entire thicket, sentencing them to silence.

And thus silence was had. The snarls and barks from the wolves had been extinguished, casting the area into perpetual silence; the birds and even the wind made not a sound. The pair waited and watched in suspense wondering where that sudden light had appeared from and was going to happen next.Their little ears twisted alertly trying to pick up something, anything that would give them something to take their minds off this torturous silence.

“Wha..what happened...Flare? Why is the… forest… quite.” Star Light asked weakly as she tried to remain conscious from the loss of blood. Her cobalt blue eyes struggling to remain open, looking to her friend for comfort and answers. It tore Solar Flare’s heart.

"I don't know Star Light, but whatever it was scared off the two timberwolves and for thought we should be thankful." Flare said not sounding as optimistic. If it was anything foals learned early, it was if it sounded like a good thing then it wasn't. Nothing in this world ever turned out happily ever after unless you were named Discord or had passed on with only a few regrets.

The simple truth was there was always some underlying thing or pony waiting to take your hope away, and Flare was once more proven right. The soft rustling of leaves gained their attention once more, Flare turning directly where it was coming from while her friend Star Light did her best to look but ultimately gave up. Flare’s lavender eyes widened in knowing disbelief as the injured, mortal wolf leisurely walked back into the forest opening; favoring its right foreleg more than the one that was struck earlier.. If Flare guessed, the wolf had further injured it in its final conflict with the timberwolf. With her fears realized,no pony or knight in shining armor to come to their aid, and her friend Start Light on the verge of death, Flare finally accepted her own end.

She watched with hopeless eyes as the creature continued limping slowly toward them, playing some sick game with them as it dragged their deaths out further. Its unnaturally enchanting, cerulean eyes kept her locked in place; Flare noted how the tension and fear that had built within her had seeming just melt away in one fluid motion. For another first in her life, Flare could say she understood what it felt like to be at peace.

The wolf had opened its jaws, panting from the effort or the excitement of claiming the meals it had worked so hard to take. She closed her eyes, giving thanks that Star Light wouldn't feel it and that they could maybe meet each other once more…

She woke herself from her thoughts at the strange and alluring howl coming from the wolf. Oh by the sun and moon it was beautiful! Flare’s eyes never opened so fast as she fixed her gaze on the even more strange beast. Perhaps it was calling its brothers and sister to join it or was performing some sort of ritual before it feasted, but what Solar Flare knew was nothing could compare to it. The melody felt like somepony had taken the thought and essence of tranquility and gave it form; it sounded so alive and rejuvenating that Flare couldn't describe it any other way than to just say she felt...safe. The kind of safe that only her parents could provide by hugging her close to them or telling her it would be alright.

“Safe.” Celestia thought. A word that she almost never heard of during that time.”

Solar Flare continued to blissfully listen to the wolf’s engaging melody; a rare moment in her short life were she felt so relaxed and peaceful. The wolf had to pause only three times to catch its breath and other than had kept the howl going uninterrupted. It finally stopped when a minor burning sensation on its left paw came into existence, signaling him that it was enough. Just as quietly and suddenly it appeared, it disappeared only leaving its memory to those that were lucky enough to listen to such a thing. It lowered its large head to study the two fillies sitting before him. The blue earth filly didn’t look any better than before but still drew breath and that for now was fine. Its companion, a white unicorn filly still clamped to its friend unwilling to give her up which was something that warmed its old heart just a bit. It tilted its head when the unicorn made no notice of its continued approach, still lost in the melody it had howled into existence.

The poor thing was going to be in for a shock. It had managed to limp as close to them as it could before finally adopting a crawling posture for the remainder. The wolf was within striking distance before the young unicorn had snapped of its daze to realize its mistake. To her credit, she didn’t scream or leave her friend to run but instead remained sitting as the wolf continued crawling up to them. Never moving or flinching as its breath began hitting her, only looking forward until finally Its large, cerulean eyes were the only thing she could see.

One moment. Two moments. Three moments. Nothing.

The only response the wolf received was her increased breathing, but nothing else. It pondered how it could provoke a response when suddenly the brightest light filled its vision. If it were any other lesser creature he would have likely been left permanently blinded by it. It so happened to be he wasn’t a lesser creature. The light lasted three seconds before dying out and returning the world to its original state once more. It noted the filly was still there on the verge of having a panic attack.

“Ease yourself young pony.” The beast spoke. “Else you beat your little heart out.”

His words had some effect but not the one he was hoping for. The little unicorn’s breathing increased 10x fold, her eyes dilating even more that the wolf had thought possible. Clearly talking to her wouldn’t calm her nerves so maybe taking her mind off him would work better.

“Please young one. Worry not about me but how your friend is faring." That did the trick. Her lavender eyes widen some before shifting to the sleeping filly in her embrace. She watched her sleeping friend with uncertainty and worry, examining her friend’s injured hoof looking for the gash but found none.

“Wha..what did you do to her?” Flare asked the beast that continued to defy her perceptions

What I did was an act of kindness and compassion that is in short supply these days. The wolf stated, but cut her off when she tried to speak. “And no, it was not magic or the same kind that your race uses, but a power more ancient. A song of healing.”

“A song of healing he called it. A simple and accurate description and yet Luna and I could never replicate it to its full extent. Still it did make the perfect lullaby when he would howled us to sleep.”


“Where are we Mr. wolf?” Solar Flare gazed in wonder and concern at ruins before them. Ruins that crumbled but still held an air of power and time that would shadow anything pony kind could ever create. Even the few cities and structures they had created before settling in Equestria all those centuries ago seemed more like sand castles; built to be enjoyed for the moment and torn down when it longer held importance. This ruin held no such premise. The very ground they walked was a hybrid of dirt and stone cut cleanly in squares a pony would see in the castle Grand Hall of old.

The party kept walking, Star Light still asleep on the wolf’s back as they cross what Flare could guess what acted as the arch way of a once mighty door. The room it brought them in was perhaps the only remaining room that was still walled off from the outside forest. Judging by the massive broken columns that were evenly spaced along the wall, Flare took a guess that the long lost ceiling at one point could have housed a small lake. A thought that both intrigued and spooked her at the same time.

“What creature could build something this grand and enduring?” She asked herself as they passed the “guards”, two statues of stone standing upright. It reminded her of the earth dogs Discord uses from time to time.

We young one, are in the heart of the… Discordian Forest as your kind likes to call it. But more importantly we’re in the ruins I have called home for centuries.” He paused his stroll to look down at the curious unicorn whose eyes reveled in delight at learning more. If things were different in his youth, the wolf felt he would have been more like her. Maybe things would have been so much more different…

He raised his established, regal looking head at the emblem that somehow defied the odds and had remained in place on the stone above the doorway. Solar Flare followed his gaze and noted what it was that held his attention, not fully understanding why he looked at with such familiarity for it. A simple Triangle with a smaller one having been cut from it filled her eyes; a triangle that flared its wings and talons in a display of power and mystic.

They stared at it for maybe 3 full minutes in silence, one reliving days of his past and the other none the wiser to its meaning.

“Its an emblem of power and importance young one. A sign of peace and strength for a land that was constantly threaten and attacked by dark forces, much like what is happening now.” He lowered his gaze once more to look Solar Flare in the eyes as he spoke his next words. “An emblem that I had served and fought for with dedication the likes I never knew I had. An emblem that has left its mark on me, and I upon it... Welcome, Solar Flare to the final resting place of evil’s bane. Welcome to the Temple of Time.”


Celestia abruptly awoke into another cough fitting trying to rid the last particles of dust and blood from her lungs, a normal routine for the past hour or so if she were take a guess. Every time the blanket of sleep would come to cloak her in its cool grasp, it would violently be taken away. She disliked it so. With her ponies safely evacuated from their capital before the fighting had started, she knew the chances of being found or anypony coming back were almost non existent. So laying here until either for the rest of her life, or until she gathered enough to strength to climb out of the chasm were her only options and right now the former sounded good. Somewhere else her thoughts continued drifting to and from memories and other thoughts that should have remained buried.

It was precisely this reasoning that Celestia wanted to sleep to stem the tide of returning sorrowful memories coming back to only add to her already depressed and somber mood. She tried to weakly deter the rushing feelings but eventually gave in to the warm feeling that had became more noticeable in her chest; a restoration of a time she only knew as a carefree filly living with her sister and father in the Discoradian Woods. A time and creature she now wanted to forget and blame for the loss of her sister, but still dearly missed so much. The wolf she called father and had sought to live to his standard of morality and compassion; who had nurtured their thoughts and philosophy of right and wrong and had molded them into the mares they were.

A father who had loved them as his very own and still willing placed the weight of the world on their shoulders.

“Damn you…” Celestia whispered spitefully. The figurative blade that cut her heart twisted and stabbed some more, releasing the tears of a broken pony. There was no more need to hid and present herself as a being above mortal functions anymore for the sake of others. Celestia whimpered and sobbed joyously for the first time since their binding to the Elements; having remember what it was like to be normal and mortal once more.

DAMN YOU FAAATTHERRRRRRRRRR!” She howled, a habit she had picked up from him when she became angry. It irritated her even more knowing that under his guise of love and nurture was an underlying motive for it. That even now he was still apart of her very being. She roared her pain away in utter bliss as the emotions and feelings slowly left her body and aching muscles, bring with it a cascaded of much needed relief to her now tender body.

It was a short lived but much needed release for Celestia. With more of her pent up aggression being released, she felt the cooling blank of sleep returning to her. Celestia laid her head once more upon the gravel, snorting one last bit of anger out of her before returning to the dreaming recounts of the past.


The night had just fallen for the first time in two days, allowing its cool touch to grace the sunburned land. What better way to welcome the night than to summon a hurricane? Following his over the top taste for the random and his love for the spontaneous, decided the land need a good drink and so the ponies now hid from the hailing rain. Perhaps one of the only ponies in the country not bothered by the rain was content watching it fall from one of the older parts of her home.

“Sister why are you standing out in the rain? Surely this isn’t a habit you wish start now do you?” Star Light asked, waiting under one of the few spots that had a roof.

Solar Flare continued watching the raging storm that assaulted those living outside their forest. A thought and habit she had developed since living within the forest and old temple, wondering how the world was faring since they had left it. Flare was happy here in their little slice of harmony, nonetheless her heart went out to all the ponies still living in an unpredictable world. A thought and concern that continued growing more and more throughout her youth. A mare just old enough to barely be considered an adult and already thinking of social problems of pony kind; a rarity that sadly she and her sister could do freely without fear of the rain flooding their homes or fire that actually thrived on water. If the flickering mass of orange in far off distance was what she thought it was, then she’ll be grieving for their loss tonight.

“Standing in the rain isn’t but wondering about the tribes is dear sister. We live in a place one could call a fantasy while the rest live in that...” She jabbed her hoof toward the glowing inferno off in the distance. “... that mess of world Discord carelessly plays with as if it were a simple toy.” Flare to her credit noticed and quelled her rising anger. A process that had taken lots of practice but one that Flare felt was worth it.

“I understand sister, but what can two runaway ponies such as us do against a god?”

Solar Flare turned to face her sister, ignoring the rain pelting the side of her muzzle. It was a question she had pondered over and over and still came up with the same solution. “Its simple sister. We need another god if there’s any hope of ending Discord’s rein and it just happens we know where to find another god.”

Star Light walked slightly closer in interest at her sister's words. If there was a chance of ending his reign and bring this peace to others than it was a chance they must take.

“ Who howls us to sleep at night?”

“Fa..father! Sister please you must be losing your mind. Sure father has recounted his tales of youth and adventures before raising us but that hardly means he is a god.” Star Light advanced next to her sister in the rain, the wind having died some sparing her from the needle like drops. “He may have powers strange to us but what makes you think he can confront the lord of the land and win?”

Flare snorted in mild irritation.”Sister do you think so lowly of our father that you doubt his skills! He the one that saved your life with sound alone, and told us of his battles with creatures that would even terrify a griffon." Solar Flare pressed her advantage. “Our father, the holder of sacred knowledge and powers as dictated by gods of a world and destined to bring order back. Our father, the bringer of light. ”

“But you know as well as I he said that is nothing more than a tale, for why would he lie to us if is the champion? If he really is the very same one in that old legend than why would he let the world suffer at the talons of that beast Discord!” Star Light yelled not wanting to believe what Flare was suggesting. Knowing their father possibly had the power all along to end everypony’s suffering… and even could have saved both their parents.

“Lets ask him together sister.” Solar Flare said as she embraced her for a hug. They have relied on each other since they first met and sadly it seemed they would continue to only have each other to rely on.
“Our first steps to enlightenment. The day we grew up and finally decided to take action and not rely on others. A day we both had gained and lost…”

“But father you must do something! The world suffers and bleeds at the talons of Discord, and you yourself raised us with the understanding if you have to the power to stop something then do it!”

You twist my words Solar Flare!” Their father snapped back. They flinched back in surprise at his unexpected outburst. Realizing his fit of temper bowed his head in shame, pinning his ears back.“I apologize dearly for that outburst, but I said if you have the power to stop an injustice than do so in reason else you become the injustice. True Discord is running amok and needs to be stopped but I can't do it.”

Overcoming their fathers outburst and accepting his forgiveness the sisters continued their questioning. “But why can’t it be you if only you have the power to confront him? Why hide and let him do as he pleases?

“It’s not that simple my children. There are many unseen factors that prevent me from stopping him myself.” They raised their heads with unsuppressed interest to finally hearing the reason they had wanted to know. “Its because I’m not this world's savior. I faced him when he was just coming into being, turning clouds into smog, and water into slime; he won easily and drove me into hiding. With my power all but useless against him, I fled to the only place that still radiated with the golden power, the Temple of Time.“ He lowered his gaze to his left paw which burned brightly with the Triforce of Courage. His daughters watched in amazement and excitement to see the mark for the first time.

“The mark of a Hero. They claimed it was a sign that the one would shoulder the world and become the guardian so desperately needed. For a time it was true, but I gave up that right when I selfishly made a wish upon the Triforce out of personal gain. It granted me the wish nonetheless, but not in the form I wanted it.”

“And what was that father? What wish did you make?” Start Light asked.

“I wished to live in a world that would allow me to see my one and only love, the Princess of Twilight.”

“Till that day Luna and I had never seen you so sad before father. Even with my hate for you right now I can say I understand what you were experiencing. To do everything for the ones close to your heart and still have it end in failure isn’t something many can come back from.”

Is that truly what you feel Solar Flare? What say you Star Light?” Their father asked unsure. In truth he could tell from their tone they had meant every word, but it didn’t stop the old wolf from giving them the chance to back out

“Yes it is father, Discord must be stopped once and for all. We can no longer sit by and continue to watch him terrorize everypony.”

“We agree with our sister father, this no longer must be allowed to continue. If you are unable to lift a paw against him, then perhaps we can do something?”

“Yes you can, but this isn’t a choice to be made in ignorance. You both must be absolutely sure you understand the burden and power that would be placed upon your young shoulders; once placed it can not be taken back.” Their father unwilling declared to his daughters. An exchange of words he hadn’t prepared for and now felt he was being forced to cede his power to unknowing children: his children.

Solar Flare and Star Light looked to the other for agreement and permission to push forward which after one look from Flare, Star Light riddled her mind of any questioning thoughts and nodded. Their father lowered his head in defeat with a noticeable sigh before correcting his stature for what was to come next. Adopting a stance both sisters knew all too well, they watched as their father released a howl into the sky. It started off similar to the “song of healing” he’d always called it but quickly it became something more important than just a howl meant to ease their weary eyelids; it was a howl with such power and grander behind it that it shook their very soul.

They knew all of this just by how he howled it.

The howl wasn't loud when compared to his other howl, in fact it sounded more like he was trying to hum. A tune with one lyric just repeating over and over, but the more it repeated the more they felt the shiver run down their spines. They couldn’t place it but it sounded more like a call than a tune meant for their enjoyment… and they were right.

Flare and Star Light stepped back from their father when the light surrounding his left paw became too much for them, forcing them to look away. It didn’t last long, only as long as their father howled whatever it was he was howling but when it ended so did the burning light. When they opened their eyes once more the room where they stood was vastly different than the one from before. No longer did they stand in ruin of a broken room staring at the night sky, but for the first time since they could remember they were actuallyinside. The mixture of hard floor and grass beneath their hooves was replaced with cleanest white title they had ever seen.

It was a different room, that was certain to the sisters as they continued to be amazed and awestruck by the room's design and elegance. Nothing was in this room save for a small platform in the center where a single ray of sunlight shined upon their father who sat directly in it. The sisters moved closer to the platform optimistically and oblivious of what was to come. The closer they got was the moment they started to feel uneasy. Their father looked...different. In appearance, he was very much the father they've known and loved but seeing him now caused doubt to form within them. It felt like they were meeting this wolf for the first time.

“The contract is sealed.” the wolf stated.”You've been accepted by the golden power of this land to wield and control it. Use it wisely and most of all use it to maintain the balance of this world.”

The sisters gave the other an unsure look to the other before stepping closer to the wolf once more. “You mean we’ll have the same power as you? Would we be able to fight Discord and…”

“and more.” The wolf interrupted. “ You have been chosen to receive my power, and with it the titles of Guardian.” Flare and Star Light beamed at the news. Finally they could do something about Discord!

“Thank you so much for the gift father! We promise we’ll use it responsibly and for the good of ponykind everywhere!” Flare joyously thanked their father, who for a moment faltered in appearance. It was quick but the one that loved and raised them came to the surface once more.

“It’s not a gift Solar Flare and Star Light but a curse I didn’t want you to ever have.” He lowered himself closer to ground, spreading all four paws out readying himself for what was to happen next. “I hope one day you would be able to forgive me. Let the power of old be passed on to you…” he said before lunging at the mares.

It was a memory Celestia had completely forgotten after the first couple of centuries; her time being divided amongst rebuilding and governing their ponies had left her forgetful. But after reliving the moment with such clarity, Celestia found herself being overran by emotions and thoughts she had long since buried and forgotten. Thoughts that Luna had kept alive and continued seeking answers for until just the past couple of days.

“Why did he leave us?” She finally asked the question that had plagued subconsciously. Somehow even drained of all her power and energy, Celestia managed to curl up her beaten body into the posture a sleeping foal would take. It felt right for the moment.

“What did we do wrong? Did we misbehave so badly that you just couldn’t stand us?” She felt it before she understood what it was; a single moist drop on her cheek, followed by another and another. It had been decades since Celestia had just set down and cried like a foal. From the lines of ponies wanted her and her sister to bless their foals, earth ponies offering them tributes of food they didn’t want, to various loveless marriage proposals they had held their emotions in check. For the sake of their ponies and for their own sakes, it was a sacrifice they had to make to keep up the mask of a strong leader.

“Another sacrifice.” She whispered between the sobbing and breaths of air; letting the words saturate in the air as she continued crying herself out. Celestia hated the feeling of being so weak and vulnerable. Normally she left it to Luna when it came to dealing with such feelings, but with her gone so was her motivation to keep up the strong act. It only remained her even more how much she had admired their father and wanted his strength, confidence, morality, and the way he made everything seem it would be alright.

She had wanted all of his virtues so much that she had pushed her sister into accepting his power even though she never really wanted it. They both had wanted to end Discord’s reign but the more she had stared out into that burning night, the more she thought about the power they would need…

Power that their father had and would give up to protect and better the lives of his daughters.

“Oh father I’m so, so sorry!” She wailed with renewed sorrow and grief, ignoring the pained echoing coming from around her. How could she have taken advantage of her family? How could she even stand to look at her own reflection from now on knowing what she did and that she still tried to blame their father for it. The pain and regret was becoming too much for her. She needed to get rid of it, shed it and be free for the first time since their transformation.



She heard her name whispered far above her desolate body. Celestia tilted her head to look toward the surface of her tomb, but was unable to see nothing but the black void that isolated her from the world. She waited for it to call for her once more, but after hearing nothing decided to call out to it.



That wasn’t her father’s voice… Celestia opened her eyes wide with surprise, looking back into void. Yes. It was faint but she could see the tiniest speck of gold against the dispiriting backdrop of her tomb. Celestia watched in foalish innocence as it continued growing in size toward her, and for a blissful moment she knew true peace, and it was so beautiful.

“Princess Celestia! Oh thank the sun we found you! We found her, tell them we found her!”

Celestia continued watching the golden light, ignoring the earth/unicorn duo that was being lowered to her. She ignored their calls and shouts, pushing them to the back of her mind as it all came together. Why her father saved them that day, why he raised them the way he did and why he gave his power up so willingly to his his young daughters. All of it an act of pure unselfishness and a desire to give them a fighting chance in the world.

To give everypony a chance to thrive and prosper freely without worry. That was her role as Princess of Equestria and heir to their fathers’ legacy, and that's what she’ll do. Her ponies needed her to be stronger than ever before with Luna gone now. She had asked for this power personally and it was time she stop thinking about herself, but focus on those under her care; the ones that in a way had became her children and needed her complete attention.

Her little ponies.

The duo had finally hit ground of the massive chasm, both immediately rushing to their sovereign and savior. Even with their training to deal with such aspects of life, both couldn’t hide their emotions when the severity of her injuries finally came into view. Held back tears became a myth to the pair, both freely crying in guilt and shame for allowing such a fate to befall their Princess.

“Oh by the sun Princess, we’ll have you out here before you know it! Can you ever forgive us for allowing such a thing to happen?”

Their pleas and crying calmly brought her from her mental reflections to ponies that were begging for forgiveness. She watched them both for a moment, trying to figure out just what to do or say to these two ponies that were not at fault in anyway but truly felt they were. She tried to find the words that would ease their anguish but having stemmed it off long enough, Celestia felt the exhaustion began to claim her. With her eyes weighted down, Celestia finally gave in to its comfort.

“I hope one day you would be able to forgive me…Solar Flare and Star Light.”

“I do...father.” She whispered contently, letting a smile grace her muzzle for the first time since she became Celestia.