• Published 3rd Oct 2013
  • 683 Views, 14 Comments

fluttershy's rabbid - kratos

fluttershy gets rabies (a story about ponies going crazy without the ridiculous explanation of insanity through traumatization)

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Fluttershy glanced around the interior of her cottage she was feeling rather off ever since that nasty timber wolf had gotten ahold of her. she smiled as her animal friends greeted her. she was about to begin her nightly routine of feeding the animals when, she remembered what the doctor had said about her hoof. she frowned. she really did need to feed her animals and, her friends were all going to do their part in the coming weeks so, she sighed and, motioned for angel to come forward the bunny came forward with his characteristic frown of discontent.
"Angel could you help mama with the chores tonight mama hurt her hoof while she was out and needs to stay off it all she can to help it heal."
Angel of course grimaced at the idea but, glancing at the hoof it looked quite nasty so, he gave little argument and, shook his head begrudgingly.
"oh thank you so much angel! Let's get started- if thats ok with you of course."
The small bunny shook his head vigorously. Angel never really did care for Fluttershy's pushover nature but, he loved her none the less and, therefore did mostly everything.He let Fluttershy do the bare minimum, just enough to let her think she was doing her job but no more. Afterwards she drew herself a warm bath and soaked for a hour or 2 reading a bad romance novel but, even this proved too much she had trouble focusing on any one word and kept seeing things jump at the very edge of her vision. She finally came to the conclusion that she needed some sleep 'The Mating Game' could wait for tomorrow. She got up shakily and got up out of the tub letting the water drain, as she walked down the hall things began to cast odd shadows but before she could be bothered too much sleepiness took over. She clicked off the lamp letting the darkness roll in. She descended into a peaceful sleep and into a strange dream she was in a pure white expanse. there was endless white in all directions it was hard to look at without squinting eventually, the timid pegasus began to trot forward zeroing in on the only differing thing in the desert of conscience. There was a strange sapling planted ,it was a tree sapling, but, it was rather odd looking each leaf was blackened burnt and, the tree itself looked blistered by fire although it emanated no heat but, when her light breath fell upon it sparks flew out like it had recently been aflame.
She nervously poked at it and soothing voice could be heard.
"Hello there young one who are you"
"I- m- my names Fluttershy. who are you- if you don't mind me asking what's your name?"
"I'm a lonely spirit some call me rabby I have no friend's or family i'm so lonely do you ever get lonely fluttershy"
"Then maybe we could keep each other company would you like to be friends miss Fluttershy."
the pegasus felt at ease around the voice and, she smiled.
"I think that i'd like that very much Mr Rabby."
"Thank you very much you are a very kind young mare but it is now time to awaken my dear but don't despair you can always hear me should I have something to say..."
"Oh ok goodbye Mr Rabby!"

Author's Note:

this is where it gets good!