• Published 21st Sep 2013
  • 1,784 Views, 40 Comments

Three Kings - MorseCode

Three brothers find themselves magically transported to Equestria.

  • ...

A Facade (Part 1)

Author's Note:

Years later. Back to writing. Life got busy, but I hope to be able to write more now. I went and edited the earlier chapters. Nothing really changed, just changed some details and drastically improved grammar. This story will continue to take place between Seasons 3 and 4. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy

Gary sat in his new apartment in Brooklyn. He always enjoyed the big cities. There was always something to do, and fun was always a few steps away. That was Gary's favorite thing in life, fun. That and helping people, but he always said that was something anyone enjoyed. He gave a quiet chuckle at his thoughts. He stood up, grabbed his laptop and a cigarette and stepped out onto his balcony, which had a spectacular view of the Brooklyn Bridge. Gary lit the cigarette and took a seat, enjoying the light breeze. He liked it here, but he wondered how long he would stay. He always found that something always pulled him forward to the next place. He had been around the world and back, but he never found a place to stay for very long. Maybe he was destined to do this, wander on from place to place and never stop until he dies.

Gary let out a long sigh and pushed the thoughts from his head. If only he could find some direction and stability. He had just gone with the wind since he left high school. He picked up his laptop and started it up. He immediately went to his email to see if there was any news on his first published novel. He saw that there were thirty-two messages in his inbox, so he started at the bottom and began to check each message. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. Spam. More Spam and More Spam. Just as the hope to find anything important was leaving, he saw an email from Leonard King, his father. Gary quickly opened the message and quickly scanned its content.


How has it been? No one's heard from you since you and Mitch went to Paris. Anyway, I've moved. After you know... I couldn't stay. Everything reminded me of her. I needed to move on. I wish you could have come to the funeral. If not for her then for me, and if not me, then for Danny. He misses you, a lot. He admires you. Every day he gets more like you, and like Michael. I want you to visit for the week. I'd love to see you again, and I know Danny would even more so. Mike should be here too. If you want to come just print out the tickets from the link, if not, I love you and hope to see you sometime soon. Danny says he loves you too.

Gary contemplated for a moment. It had been so long since he left. He sighed. His parting was not a good one and the emotions were high and everyone was upset when he left. Could he really go back? Should he? He missed his father, but most of all he missed his brothers. He hadn't seen any of them in a long time. It wasn't likely they would all be together for a while. As he tapped out his cigarette Gary opened the link and smiled.

"Guess I'm going to Nashville, I better pack."


Gary strolled through the quaint streets of Ponyville absentmindedly enjoying the cool late afternoon air. Going on solitary walks was something Gary possessed a great fondness for. Walking as he was, he couldn't help but be reminded of Earth. 'Guess no matter what happens or how much time passes, I'll still be human.' He thought to himself as he looked at the ground and smiled. His thoughts were interrupted by a barking dog. Gary looked up to see that he had made his way to the center of Ponyville's market where many ponies were busy going on with there day. Gary looked back down to see a small brown and white dog happily smiling and wagging its tail next to Gary's leg. The small canine rolled over and Gary gave it a few pats on its white underbelly.

"Hey there..." Gary says as he read the dog's collar. "Wiona." Gary stood back up, and, as quickly as it had come, the dog ran off. Gary shrugged and continued his walk. He began to look around the semi-busy streets of Ponyville, noticing the cheery atmosphere of the town. He began to hum Sinatra's "That's Life" quietly to himself and continued on his way to Carousel Boutique. His walk was relatively peaceful; it seemed that not many ponies were used to the presence of humans yet, but some did give Gary a polite greeting as he passed.

Gary stopped for a moment. It suddenly dawned on him that he didn't know where the boutique was. He knew it was in town, but nothing more. He decided to forego bothering anyone for directions and instead go from the central market and work his way around. Gary stopped as he rounded a corner to leave the central marketplace. Right in the direction, he was heading was that mint green unicorn from the other day.

She was sitting, in a way that had to be difficult and uncomfortable for a pony, on a bench on the side of the road. That wasn't even what bothered Gary. He stopped because, as soon as she saw him, she had a comically grin on her face and was staring intently at him. After several seconds, Gary decided that maybe she was just a little crazy, and he would just continue walking without paying her any mind.

This plan, like many of Gary's plans, was poorly thought out, and as he neared, the unicorn hoped down from the bench and approached him. She remained silent and walked alongside Gary as he continued down the road. Eventually, the silence became overbearing and Gary spoke up.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a light smile, hoping to remove the creepiness of the situation.

"You," The unicorn replied. "You're a human."

"That I am," Gary said with a grin. "And you're a pony. Anything else?"

"I'm Lyra." The pony said, extending her hoof. "I'm so excited to finally meet a human."

"Well, I'm Gary," Gary said as he gave her hoof a light shake. "I didn't think any pony knew about humans."

"Most don't," Lyra replied. "Most think they're myth or legend or just fake."

"Oh, like aliens."

"Don't be silly. Aliens don't exist, but humans do." Lyra said laughing loudly. "As you can tell."

"Well. I'm glad I could help." Gary said with a grin still on his face. "Was that all?"

"Well, I'd love to know more about humans," Lyra said with a sheepish grin as she blushed slightly. "If you'd like to visit sometime."

"I don't see why not. You should visit Twilight. She has a ton of notes from the information I've given her." Gary replied with a light chuckle. "After that, give me a place and time and I'll be there." Lyra nodded enthusiastically, glad to get more information.

She began to trot away when Gary remembered something and stopped her.

"Do you know the way to Carousel Boutique?" He asked with a shy smile. Lyra laughed and gave him directions. Gary turned and walked toward where Lyra told him to go as she trotted off happily. He was glad to know he wasn't far from the boutique.


Gary opened the door to the large, colorful boutique causing the bell on the door to chime softly.

"Just a moment~" an elegant, sing-song voice called from the stairs toward the back of the building. A moment later, the young mare known as Rarity entered the front room. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and tres Magnifique." She paused for a moment after noticing the tall human in the doorway. "Oh. Hello, Gary. How can I help you?"

"Parlez-vous français?" Gary replied in his best attempt at a foreign language.

"Oui, monsieur. Et toi?" The unicorn said with a happy smile as she fluttered her eyelids gleefully.

"Ah, tres jolie et intelligente. Impressionnante." Gary said with a wide grin, which caused Rarity to blush. "Oui, Je parle français."

"Lovely, not many ponies here speak Prench. Certainly not in Ponyville." Rarity said with a bright smile. Gary paused shortly, again distracted by the similar pony pun name.

"Yes, though I prefer my native tongue if that's alright with you." Rarity simply nodded and smiled.

"Well, it's lovely to see you darling, but the look in your eye says you're here for more than pleasant conversation."

"Very perceptive madame. While I enjoy your company, I find myself without any clothing other than what I'm wearing. I figured a talented seamstress such as yourself could design clothing for other species." Rarity gasped and then blushed at the compliment.

"Of course dear, I have made clothing for Griffons and Donkeys before. It shouldn't be to difficult a jump. Plus, I have your other clothing to go off of." She paused before letting out a loud *squee*. She then began running over to her equipment. "Oh, where to begin? Three piece suits, new slacks, maybe even a new ensemble...." She began to trail off but was stopped when a gentle hand was placed on her back. She let out a quick yelp of surprise before looking back at Gary's calm, ice blue eyes. She found herself almost enchanted by them. She reeled back as Gary cleared his throat.

"One thing at a time Rarity. I appreciate the offer, but right now we desperately need casual clothing." Gary smiled lightly, "Just about two or three outfits each, similar to the ones we already have."

"Of course dear, I just got exited. My apologies." Gary gave a nod in return, "Well, first things first, I need your measurements." Gary face-palmed.

"Drat, I didn't think about that. I'll be sure to send my brothers tomorrow. Also, feel free to take as long as you need, and we will pay whatever your normal cost for clothing is."

"Oh no, don't be silly darling, I could never ask a friend to pay full price, much less stranded creatures far from home." Rarity noticed from Gary's gaze that he was going to give up without paying something. "Fine, half price. 30 bits each. 10 per outfit, but I will not accept a cent more."


"Now be a dear and come over here so I can get your measurements." Rarity said, pointing at a small stand in the room. Gary obliged and stood patiently as the ivory unicorn grabbed the tape measure and a pair of glasses. 'That is so cute,' Gary thought to himself as Rarity put on the glasses and began getting measurements.

It didn't take long, and Rarity was nearly finished with her measurements. Just Gary's chest and neck were left unmeasured. After, measuring the human's chest, Rarity paused.

"I'm sorry dear, would you mind taking your shirt off, so I can get a better measurement."

"Miss Rarity! A bit soon to be making such demands, wouldn't you say." The unicorn simply deadpanned, so the human complied while laughing to himself. Rarity paused before continuing.

"I didn't know humans had cutie marks and such elaborate ones at that." She gazed at the markings on the human's chest. A large elaborate circle surrounding scales in front of a blue flag with a yellow cross.

"Humans don't have cutie marks." Gary replied with a laugh, "It's a tattoo. Humans sometimes get these when that have something that means a lot to them. You pick an image, and then it's painted on you for life."

"Ah, I see. Griffons, Zebras, and Minotaurs often do something similar. What does this mean to you then?"

"The scales are a constellation on Earth, Libra, and the flag is of the country where my mom is from, Sweden." Gary winced lightly, "I have another on my back. It's the National Guard emblem of where I'm from on Earth."

"You were in the guard? My, Gary, you certainly are the interesting one." Gary smiled at the compliment as Rarity rounded to see his back. She nodded at the design, but then winced as she noticed the large, heavily bandaged wound below it. "You were hit quite bad before arriving weren't you?"

"Ah, that's nothing, just a parting gift from Earth." Gary laughed. "I had to protect my little brother, otherwise that could've really hurt him. All I really remember was covering him and Mike as soon as I saw the flash." Rarity nodded.

"I can relate. I would do the same for my younger sister." She continued speaking as she finished her measurements.

"You have a younger sister? That's lovely. What's her name?"

"Sweetie Belle. She's with my parents right now, but she comes by often. I'm sure you'll meet her soon enough." Rarity continued to talk while Gary listened intently. She again found her self drawn to his eyes. They were a bright blue, and they seemed to pick up every detail they could find. As she continued to look, she noticed his left eye was slightly different. It seemed a bit hazy compared to the other.

Rarity stopped herself from staring or questioning any longer, as she finished her measurements.

"Well then Mister Gary, you're all done for now. I'll start working as soon as I have your brothers measurements." She smiled widely at the human. "It was a pleasure, I really enjoyed the company. I will certainly have to have you over for tea soon."

"That sounds wonderful," Gary said while redressing." I will hold you to that, and my brothers should be over tomorrow." They shared a quick hug as Gary began to leave. Just as he reached the door, he stopped.

"I almost forgot." He said as he turned back to the unicorn. "My brothers and I would really like to repay you for saving us. If there's anything you need or want, please. We will do our best to help."

"Oh dear, that's far too generous of you," Rarity said, shocked. "Meet me for tea later this week, and we'll talk about okay dear? Now you really should head out. It's getting late, and I need to work. Ta-ta." Gary waved back as he left. 'Another good day' he thought as he began walking in the direction he was pretty sure led home.