• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 6,653 Views, 57 Comments

Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney: The Equestrian Turnabouts - TheBronywiththeBowTie

Not even Equestria is safe from the devious plans of Criminal Masterminds.....Innocent ponies are being framed for crimes they didn't commit....and it's up to a certain lawyer to prove their innocence!

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Turnabout Muffins - Part 3: Trial

Chapter 3
Turnabout Muffins
Part 3: Trial

The next morning, Applejack arrived at the Court once again. She had to tell Big Mac and the rest of the family her reasons for why she was taking another day off from the workload but they understood afterward. Proving Derpy innocent was important. As she entered, she saw Pinkie waving her over, she was standing next to Twilight, where they were talking to Phoenix and Maya. "How're things lookin' Mister Wright?" She asked.

"Pretty good..." Phoenix said. "I think if I present the toat bag we found to the Cakes, that should convince the judge to have Carrot Top testify again."

A small sigh of relief escaped AJ. "Well that's good news I reckon!" she smiled.

Pinkie nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! We're gonna get to the bottom of this!!!"

Twilight nodded. "Yes...this is very good news indeed! I wish you the best of luck, Mister Wright!" She said.

"Thank you, Princess!" Phoenix said. "We're going to bring the true culprit to justice!"

"Good tah hear!" Applejack said. "Know that ah'm behind ya, every step of the way!"

"Yepperoonie!" Pinkie chimed in. "Every step!"

He smiled and nodded, and walked inside the Defendant lobby with Maya. Derpy was sitting on the couch, she looked like she hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Oh no....you poor thing!" Maya said, rushing to her and putting a hoof on her shoulder.

"Are you alright, Derpy?" Twilight asked. "You loo-"

Pinkie interrupted her. "You look like Applejack when she refused to sleep!" AJ shot an annoyed glare at her pink friend, who didn't seem to notice.

"I'm fine...." Derpy said. "The other prisoner ponies kept me up all night with their shouting....."

A frown crossed AJ's face. "That place really ain't for ya, Derpy...."

"I know...." Derpy sighed.

"It's alright." Phoenix began. "We have all the evidence we need to find the true culprit!"

Pinkie clapped her hooves together. "YEAH!!! We.....do?" She looked over at Phoenix with a confused look on her face.

Phoenix chuckled. "You'll see."

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "I see........Oh! Howdy 'gain Mr. Edgeworth!" she greeted, tipping her hat as the prosecutor approached them once again.

"Good morning Ms. Pie........Wright...........Fey..........And I am sorry Miss, but I don't believe I caught your name yesterday, in all the excitement?"

Applejack smiled. "Name's Applejack.........Though I also go by AJ."

Edgeworth raised an eyebrow at this. "Ah.......well........Charmed."

"So, did you get my letter?" Phoenix asked his rival.

Edgeworth then looked to them. "I of course have spoken to my client, and there are certain parts of the story that make him uneasy......As you saw yesterday.......But I suspect there to be more than a simple framing.......Its never quite this simple.........As you know, Wright............Every source I have asked in town cites him as a relatively nice fellow who seems to have only the best in mind for his company. Such a move would mean bad news for his company should he be found out even if Ms. Hooves did cause a problem with one of his deliveries. I was also told that he frequently gets certain products from another business here in Ponyville called 'Sweet Apple Acres'. And you, Ms. Applejack, I presume are the proprietor of this business?"

Applejack nodded. "Yep. I run it with mah family."

He nodded. "Intriguing........"

"What does that have to do with this?" Phoenix asked, intrigued.

Edgeworth adjusted his cravat slightly. "I was told that the owners of it, the Apple Family, have had many business deals with Mr. Rich and his family for years and could testify how nice he was......Although I was continually told the opposite of his daughter......" he said the last part slightly exasperated.

The farm-mare nodded. "Eeyup. He's practically a family friend tah be honest. One could argue he's just dispensin' the pleasantries, but I think mah granny, an' I've seen 'nuff o' him over the years tah see that he ain't too bad a fella.......An' I don't believe he would do all this on his own choice." she explained adamantly.

Edgeworth listened intently. "I see......Thank you...." he then turned back to Phoenix. "Do whatever you deem necessary, Wright......But I truly do not believe either, my or your client is guilty. And while there is currently no proof........I believe if pushed far enough, Mister Rich might reveal a sign as to what's truly going on here. After all........our goal is to find the truth is it not?"

Phoenix nodded. "Right! Just leave it to me!"

Edgeworth smiled slightly at this. "Always know I can........Phoenix." he claimed before turning to talk to his lobby.

Phoenix's eyes widened at that remark.

"D-Did he just call you...Phoenix?" Maya asked.

Pinkie, AJ, and Twilight all turned to him. "Isn't that...normal for him?" The Alicorn princess asked.

"No....it's not...." Phoenix said.

"But didn't he call you that yesterday, Feenie?" Pinkie asked slightly confused.

AJ raised an eyebrow. "Why does it matter?" Pinkie smiled and nonchalantly said " 'cause its a sign of trust!!!!"

Phoenix just nodded, then turned to the court room. "We should get inside! Court could be reconvening soon!"

They all three nodded as they began to head towards the gallery to watch. "Right. Hope all goes well....." Applejack claimed, Pinkie waving to them. "Show 'em who's innocent, an' who's a big fat liar-pants!!!" She said.

Phoenix, Derpy, and Maya took their places behind the defense desk, while everypony in the gallery rose for the judge as he entered. The Judge banged his gavel on his desk. "You may be seated." He said. "Court is now back in session for the trial of Miss Derpy Hooves!"

Pinkie, Applejack, and Twilight sat beside each other in the gallery as the Judge began court. Edgeworth had already taken his place at the Prosecutor's bench. He stayed silent as he awaited the judge to continue.

"Now, would the Prosecution please remind the court where we left off yesterday?" The Judge asked.

Edgeworth nodded. "Yes, your honor. In yesterday's hearing my client, Mister Rich, accused Miss Hooves of destroying a large order of muffins he had ordered from Sugarcube Corner. Her roomate, Miss Harvest, testified as to how the defendant would be guilty.........Until a worker at the bakery, Miss Pie, testified that while she was not there, her employers were. And so, that is exactly who I would like to call to the stand today." he recapped yesterday's events.

The Judge nodded. "Very well then! Will Mr. and Mrs. Cake please come to the stand?"

At this, the couple were sent to the stand. on their backs, they held the twins, but then placed them in their front hooves as they took the stand. Mr. Cake was tall and lanky, a short red mane visible from underneath the small catering hat he wore. He held his daughter, Pumpkin Cake in his hooves, while his more stout wife held their son, Pound Cake.

"Will the witnesses please state their names and occupations?" Edgworth asked.

"Coffee Cake. Baker and co-owner of Sugarcube Corner." Mr. Cake stated as he gently rocked his sleeping daughter.

"Cup Cake. Baker and Co-owner of Sugarcube Corner." Mrs. Cake stated, nearly mimicking her husband's statement and actions.

Phoenix watched them closely, while Edgeworth nodded slightly. "I see then.........And you were at the store on the day of and around the time of the crime?"

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Yes. We were both taking care of the store while giving Pinkie the day off."

Edgeworth nodded slightly. "I see then.....Please give your testimony."

"Right!" Mr. Cake claimed, before frowning slightly. "As you know, we have two separate parts......Mine, and my wife's.........Would it be OK if we split it?"

Edgeworth turned to the judge. "I see no problem with this. Your Honor?"

"I don't see a problem with it either!" The Judge said. "Please, proceed with your testimony!"

Edgeworth nodded. "Very well. It is to my understanding that you took shifts, hence why two testimonies. Let us start with who was out first. Mrs. Cake?"

The mare nodded. "Of course!"

------------------------------------------------------------WITNESS TESTIMONY-------------------------------------------------------------------

Mrs. Cake began "It was a bit after we gave Pinkie the day off, as per Mister Rich's request, that our first customer of the day arrived, Derpy. I was at the front at the time, while my husband was in the back taking care of the twins. She placed an order for a large supply of muffins, and paid the fee. However, it was as she was leaving that I heard the twins crying, and I had to go to the back to help my husband with the twins."

The Judge nodded. "I see....is that all?" The Judge asked.

Mrs. Cake nodded. "For what I saw."

"Should I testify next?" Mr. Cake asked.

"Or should the Defense carry out a cross-examination first, your honor? It might be easier to keep track going one testimony at a time....." Edgeworth pointed out.

"Hm....Alright!" The Judge said. "Mister Wright, are you alright with cross examining Mrs. Cake's testimony before hearing Mr. Cake's?"

Phoenix nodded. "Yes, Your Honor."

"Very well then. Mrs. Cake?" Edgeworth asked.

"Of course, Dear." Mrs. Cake responded.


"It was a bit after we gave Pinkie the day off, as per Mr. Rich's request, that our first customer of the day arrived. Derpy."


"You're sure Derpy was the first one who arrived?" He asked, putting a hoof to his chin in thought.

Mrs. Cake nodded. "Yes. It wasn't long before the crime either."

"So you were there when the robbbery happened?" Phoenix asked.

"Well........In a way.....I was in the back area. I didn't know anything had happened until it was too late." Mrs. Cake said in a matter-of-fact sort of way.

'Hmm....she seems to be telling the truth.....' Phoenix said to himself in thought. 'But I'm not too sure.....' "You're SURE you didn't see anything?" He asked.

"Yes. The last thing I saw was Derpy turning to leave the store." she answered.

Phoenix nodded. "Alright then....please continue." He said.

"She placed an order for a large supply of muffins, and paid the fee."

Phoenix saw nothing wrong with that statement, and nodded, signaling her to keep going.

"However, it was as she was leaving that I heard the twins crying, and I had to go to the back to help my husband with the twins."


"Did you hear anything from the front when you went back with your children?" Phoenix asked.

"Only the door opening and closing..........After that, only them crying........They get rather loud......" Mrs. Cake answered.

"Alright then...." Phoenix said, a little irritated he didn't get any worthwhile information out of the baker. "No more questions for Mrs. Cake...."

Edgeworth nodded. "Thank you Mrs. Cake. Now will Mr. Cake please testify."

Mr. Cake then stepped forward as his wife took a step back. "Of course."

------------------------------------------------------------WITNESS TESTIMONY-------------------------------------------------------------------

"I was in the back with the kids for a good part of the morning while my wife was out front at the store-floor. However, when the twins started crying we switched places. Its a bit of a walk from our house area and the front due to the hallway that separates the two parts. My wife had told me about Derpy's visit so we could get started on her order. When I got to the front I saw the door closing, but nopony in the store. I thought maybe Derpy had decided to stick around for a bit. And then later we discovered the scene of the crime."

"I see...." The Judge said. "Mister Wright! You may cross-examine the witness."


"I was in the back with the kids for a good part of the morning while my wife was out front at the store-floor."

Phoenix nodded for him to continue.

"However, when the twins started crying, we switched places."

"Keep going..." Phoenix said, finding nothing wrong with that statement.

"Its a bit of a walk from our house area and the front due to the hallway that separates the two parts."


"Is it really possible for babies to cry that loudly?" Phoenix asked.

Both of the couple looked to each other. "Er......its best to take our word for it........" Mr. Cake answered.

Edgeworth then slammed his hooves on the table. "I apologize Mr. Wright, but as they are their parents-" but he didn't finish, as the sound of his hooves slamming down woke the twins. It took them a moment, but the Courtroom then filled with two loud, simultaneous cries. "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Their parents tried desparately to shush them. Pinkie, meanwhile stood up and bounded out of the gallery.........Much to Applejack's confusion.

Phoenix blushed and looked around nervously, knowing The Judge would blame him for making the twins cry.

Edgworth stared blankly, as the twins continued........When Pinkie bounded back in with a bag of flour. She stood in front of them, and then dumped it upon herself, causing them to stop........and laugh instead. She wiped her brow slightly as she looked to the judge. "Sorry for the mess Your Honor! Its just this works every time!"

The Judge just stared at the flour covered mare, wide eyed. "Ahem....very well then!"

Pinkie the bounced out of the court once again to clean herself up, the twins falling back asleep. "Er.....does that answer your question, Mr. Wright?" Edgeworth asked trying to get the court back on track.

"Yeah....it does....please...continue, Mr. Cake." Phoenix stammered.

"My wife had told me about Derpy's visit so we could get started on her order."

"Please continue...." Phoenix said.

"When I got to the front I saw the door closing, but nopony in the store."


"You said that Derpy was the only pony you saw, correct?"

Mr. Cake shook his head slightly. "I didn't actually see her. My wife was out front when she was there. I only saw the door closing."

"Well, I can prove that there was more than one pony there, and I can prove who the real thief was!" He said, as he layed Carrot Top's tote bag out on the defense desk. "This was left at the scene of the crime!"

This made the court uproar in chatter. The Judge banged his gavel to make them stop. "Order! Order in the Court!"

"Wha!?!" both of the Cakes gasped as they saw it.

"Miss........Harvest? Did either of you see her at the bakery that day? Be honest." Edgeworth looked to them.

Mr. Cake then answered "We did........But it wasn't until a few hours later when she arrived to place an order!" Mrs. Cake then responded with "We didn't mention her because it seemed like she had nothing to do with the events!"

Carrot Top's eyes widened. She knew she had been found out. "Oh....oh no...."

Derpy gasped. "Carrot Top?!?! Why?!"

Edgeworth looked to her sternly. "Care to explain, Miss Harvest?"

Carrot Top fell apart, tears streaming down her face. "Ok!! Ok!! I DID IT!!! I didn't want to....I was desperate! DESPERATE!! My carrot farm was going under in funds....and Mister Rich offered me the money I needed to steal the muffins and frame Derpy! I'm so sorry....and if you never speak to me again, Derpy, I won't blame you...."

Maya's eyes widened. "Nick! Did ya hear that?!" She exclaimed.

Phoenix nodded with a smirk on his face."Yeah! I knew Rich was involved with it somehow...."

Edgeworth raised an eyebrow, now turning to a rather freaked out Filthy. "Well, Mr. Rich..........Any comments?"

Rich looked down. "OK, OK........Its true.......I paid her to do it........but you gotta believe me when I say I didn't want to!!!"

"Well I think now I know where we stand." The Judge said. "I rule that the court should call Mister Filthy Rich to the stand, so he can explain himself."

Edgeworth nodded. "Of course. Mr. Rich?" Filthy then walked to the stand, the couple leaving with their children. Mr. Rich looked down, and rather depressed as he stood there.........Not saying anything. "Well........?" Edgeworth asked in anticipation.

"Well.......I........uh........I.......can't do it! Saying anything would mean the end of Barnyard Bargains! You've gotta believe me!"
Edgeworth sighed as he pounded his desk once again. "Sir, NOT saying anything will mean the end of your company........At least with you at its helm."

The Judge banged his gavel. "Mister Rich, if you do not testify at once, you will be held in contempt of court!"

Rich sighed as he adjusted his tie. "Alright.......Alright........"

-----------------------------------------------------------WITNESS TESTIMONY--------------------------------------------------------------------

"I set up the crime...........Ms. Harvest was hired on since she was so close to the one we were supposed to pin it on...........Ms. Hooves, due to her messing up one of the company's orders once and costing us a lot of money ...........However, you gotta believe me when I say I wanted no part in this.........I............I was forced to do it by higher-ups!!!"

The Judge nodded his head. "I see....Mister Wright, please Cross Examine the witness."

"Yes, Your Honor." Phoenix responded.


"I set up the crime......"


"Why did you set up the crime?!" Phoenix asked as he slammed his hooves on his desk. "Why make an innocent mare betray her best friend!?" He pointed at Rich with his left hoof.

Rich frowned and looked down. "I.........didn't want to do any of this..............I........I was getting to why I set it up..........but nopony forced Ms. Harvest to do anything........She took the job." he pointed out.

Phoenix nodded. "Alright.....keep going.

"Ms. Harvest was hired on since she was so close to the one we were supposed to pin it on..........."

"Please continue." Phoenix said.

"Ms. Hooves, due to her messing up one of the company's orders once and costing us a lot of money ..........."


"That sounds like the perfect motive to frame Derpy!" Phoenix shouted. "How do we know if these, 'higher ups' your talking about aren't just a lie?"

Filthy frowned. "I........I know it sounds suspicious, since I'm the CEO.........but.........due to some foolish decisions..........I'm not fully in control anymore............." he seemed to be on the verge of losing it.

"OBJECTION!!!" Edgeworth intervened. "So you are saying that you are more of a puppet at the moment?"

He looked down. "Uh......I suppose if you wanted to put it that way..........."

Phoenix slammed his desk, wanting the truth. "Who are these 'higher-ups'?!" He demanded.

Rich looked down, on the verge of tears. "I......I can't say.........They'd have my head if I said anything......."


"This is a double edged sword your dealing with, Rich!" Phoenix shouted. "You tell us and your higher ups will be upset! You don't tell us, and you'll be held in contempt of court! Now who made you do this?!"

Rich shivered a bit. "I..........I..........I.........." before falling to the floor unconscious.

Edgeworth frowned. "Well........These events have become very interesting....." he said simply.

Phoenix wiped the sweat from his brow, and sighed, irritated. "Great....now we're right back where we started...."

Maya nudged him a bit. "Gee, Nick....maybe ya pushed him too hard?"

Edgeworth sighed as he waved over a couple of the guards to pick up Mr. Rich. "Your Honor, I suggest we send him to detention for the moment......."

The Judge nodded. "I agree. I also rule that the court take a short recess while the witness recuperates....." He banged his gavel. "Court will reconvene in ten minutes! For now, we are adjourned!"

Edgeworth nodded as he began to step out of the court. AJ was on her way out, when Pinkie came back. "Aww.......It's over already!?" she pouted.

Twilight put a hoof on her pink friends shoulder and shook her head. "Not yet. We still need to find out who made Rich hire Carrot Top to frame Derpy."

AJ nodded. "Right.......Question is.......how?"

"Why don't we just go to the Barnyard Bargains building and investigate there?" Maya asked.

Twilight nodded. "That does sound like a good plan...."

"This session was quite a surprise........I did not expect it to go the way it did........" claimed a familiar voice.

"Hiya Edgey!" Pinkie grinned.

Edgeworth cringed. "Please Ms. Pie.......Edgeworth........"

Phoenix nodded. " Yeah.....I knew something was fishy when we found the tote bag at the scene....I feel kinda bad for making those foals cry though...."

Edgeworth chuckled slightly. "Yes, that WAS an interesting event....."

Pinkie seemed almost out of characterly serious however. "Try foalsitting them! They're a HUGE hassle! But worth it! like one time-"

AJ then cut her off. "Focus Pinkie....."

Pinkie giggled a bit. "Right! Sorry......."

"Alright...to Barnyard Bargains! We only have ten minutes though, so we have to be fast!" Phoenix exclaimed.

Edgeworth frowned a bit. "Are you sure you have enough time at the moment?"

Applejack nodded. "He's right......Its a bit o' a trek tah the business buildin' despite it bein' 'bout 3 blocks way from here...."

Phoenix frowned at that. "Filthy will probably faint again if I try to press the information out of him! It's our only option!"

Edgeworth shook his head. "The stress is causing you to not think clearly, Wright. If one of us isn't there in ten minutes, then the case will have already been lost........But the main matter is that we must be in the court in about 8 minutes.........However, that doesn't mean they have to be." He gestured towards the four mares. "Perhaps your friend Maya could lead an investigation with Ms. Pie, or Ms. Applejack? I can stall us for time..........That is if the Judge doesn't truly believe Filthy, by having Ms. Applejack testify still.........Though it is unlikely he will go for it at this point........" he said slightly frustrated at their choices at the moment.

Applejack nodded. "He DOES have a point........" Pinkie nodded. "Hey yeah! WE could go and see if we can't find the higher-ups!" Pinkie said excitedly, still not seeming to understand what was at stake.

"...Alright, sure." Phoenix said. He then looked to his excitable assistant. "Maya, lead the investigation. Make sure you don't leave until you find CRUCIAL evidence!"

"You got it, Nick!" She said with a wink.

Pinkie grinned. "Alright! Investigating buddies!" she exclaimed bounding towards Maya.

Applejack looked to Wright and Edgeworth. "Should I join 'em? Or should I stay here?"

Edgeworth frowned slightly. "I........am not sure.......I feel as if you would do well in keeping them on track.........However I also feel you might be able to help us stall for time here........What do you think, Wright?" he asked turning to him.

"Hm...." Phoenix said in thought. "I can stall the court on my own. AJ should make sure they stay on task."

Applejack nodded. "Right.......We'll try tah be quick.....Though I ain't too sure how long this'll take us....."

Edgeworth nodded. "There is still an available day for the trial......However we need something so the judge doesn't rule a guilty verdict today.......We'll do the best we can..........but I suggest you try to find some sort of evidence quickly........"

Phoenix nodded. "Yeah..." He began. "Edgeworth, you've never been in this sort of situation before...mainly cause you've forced me into it a lot of times, so follow my lead when it comes to bluffing."

Edgeworth smiled a bit at that. "This IS true. Ha, this is quite an interesting situation we are in, Wright...."

Phoenix nodded, chuckling a bit. "Yeah..."

"Well......I suppose it is about the time for us to go back in.....Good luck to us both, Wright." Edgeworth claimed beginning to head back to his area.

Phoenix nodded, and walked back inside the court room, leaving the four mares outside.

Author's Note:

Whoo! Three chapters done in only two days! YEAGH!!! ADRENALINE RUSH!!!! Seriously though, I can't believe how popular this fic has gotten in only two days...thank you all so much for the support! Keep the comments coming! And please, BE BRUTAL with your critiques! I need every last one of them! To be continued in Turnabout Muffins - Part 4: Finale

Until then, Know that it doesn't end here!