• Published 1st Oct 2013
  • 1,061 Views, 26 Comments

Canterlot Burns, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Demon - Iamnotabrony456

A botched demonic ritual unleashes a force of evil that tops all previous villains in Equestria combined.

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Chapter 1:Can You Feel the Sunshine?

In Equestria...

It was near morning in the land of Equestria, and Celestia was about to raise the sun. She stood out on the balcony, hair flowing in a seemingly near-invisible breeze, with a calm, serene smile on her face, watching peacefully over the sleeping city, full of her precious little ponies. Just as she was about to lift the sun over the horizon though, a small time-space disturbance made her blink in surprise. She dismissed it though, after all, it was only as big as... a pony? She focused her magical senses, narrowing down on the disturbance's origin. In fact, it was a pony, but only on the outside. Its energies were, however, a different story. It's energy was like a small, ugly, green and black flame, which usually wasn't a good sign. Celestia decided to ignore it however,and raised the sun anyway, because it seemed so small,and probably couldn't do much harm, which was definitely a mistake.This thing was anything but a bringer of good news.

The Messenger exited out of the portal, his newly-formed eyes smarting from the sudden presence of.. sunshine. His analytic 'brain' started processing everything around him. Odd, he wasn't supposed to have a corporeal form, maybe something happened to the Gate? He activated his long-dry 'movement' centers of his 'brain', because he had not had a corporeal form in a long, long while. Millennia, actually. The Messenger was usually a manifestation, a simple tendril into reality, through which all messages of the 'Internet' entered the real world. Of course, the only market for those kind of things were the 'Creepypastas', as the other parts of the 'Internet' wanted no part of reality, completely content with the 'Internet' into which they were born. But, enough time-wasting. He had a job to do. This time, it was the 'Tails Doll' who had wanted his help , surprisingly enough, as he never usually bothered using the Messenger, preferring to stick to his media of the game 'Sonic R' to do his work. However, the 'Tails Doll' had said that this was a special case, as the inhabitants had never known 'true' fear, living relatively sheltered lives.Therefore, to the 'Tails Doll', it was like a candy shop to a young child, and he could have anything he wanted. This wasn't the first time the Messenger had been sent to anther dimension, but it was one of the few times it had been forced to take a corporeal body. The boot up of it's 'brain' was finally complete, and three new senses flooded into it's consciousness. It positively identified them as 'Touch','Smell', and 'Sound'. It felt a particular feeling flooding up from it's.. hooves? so, it was an equine analogue, which made no logical sense, but the Messenger had long ago stopped trying to reason out each new dimension's laws and just decided to accept each one without too much puzzling. The Messenger activated its 'movement' center and slowly began walking. It had entered inside an apparent 'forest' full of what looked to be 'trees'. The similarities between this world, and the world on the planet known as 'Earth' were many. There were 'grass' analogues, and there appeared to be a 'sun', and the 'sky' was blue, and there were 'clouds', and... there was a 'village'? It certainly looked like one, there were 'houses' and.. 'ponies'? The similarities came to a glaring stop. Those were definitely 'ponies', though the colors were definitely not 'normal'. They were all colors of the 'rainbow', and there was even a rainbow-'maned' cerulean 'pony'. Their 'manes' were also different colors, as well as their tails, but what interested it the most, was that each one had a different mark, almost like a 'tattoo' towards the back. Also interesting, but not of any note, was the fact that they could obviously speak. And in 'English', no less. As it drew closer, it was able to activate it's 'Voice' in time to speak with the nearest 'pony', a 'female' orange-colored 'pony' with a yellow 'mane and 'tail' and a trio of 'apples' on its rear, interestingly enough, wearing a 'hat' its memory banks accurately identified as a 'Stetson'. 'She' was leaning against a 'plow', taking a 'drink' from a container that looked like a 'mug'."Hello", it said in a computerized-sounding voice," Do you know where the 'pony' named 'Pinkie Pie' is?"

Applejack took a long swig from her mug of apple cider before answering."Nope, ah haven't seen her yet, but if she's not awake yet, she'll be down at Sugarcube Corner. Why's you askin', anyways?"

The Messenger said "Delivering this letter. Goodbye", and walked away, heading into town

Applejack scowled as he walked away, mumbling to herself about "Stallions these days..."

While 'she' had been talking, the Messenger had quietly slipped into her mind and had grabbed the appearance of this 'Sugarcube Corner', and now it had found the oddly-shaped candy lookalike house. It politely 'knocked' on the 'door' to the 'house', tapping its 'hoof' on the 'door' thee times. The door was opened by a light yellow, tall, and lanky 'pony', with a'carrot'-orange 'mane' and 'tail' and a trio of pink and chocolate squares that looked like some sort of 'confectionery'."Hello, what can I do for you?" the 'pony' asked." Do you know the 'pony' 'Pinkie Pie'?" The Messenger asked. "Um, yes?" the 'pony' replied uncertainly. " I need you give this letter to 'her' ." the Messenger said, and a envelope appeared in his mouth,with what looked like red scribbling on it. It handed the letter to the 'pony', and nodded to it."Take care, and watch the shadows in the dark." It said, and trotted off towards the 'forest', its job done. The letter would act as an anchor, pulling the 'Tails Doll' through dimensions, until it got here. Then, this world would know true fear.

Mr. Cake watched the strange pony trot off with an odd look, before shrugging and going inside. He trotted up the stairs, before coming to Pinkie's bedroom.Since he still had the letter in his mouth, he knocked on her door with his hoof,leaving the letter at the door, and saying "Pinkie, you have mail."

Almost immediately, the door was opened, to reveal a pink-colored mare with a mane and tail that were somehow pinker than her coat and styled in big fluffs like cotton candy and a tattoo with three balloons on her rear, with baby-blue eyes that seemed to sparkle, and an ever-present grin which would have been creepy, if she hadn't always looked happy anyway.


"Pinkie, the letter." Mr. Cake said, putting a hoof to her mouth.

"Oh,right!The letter!" exclaimed Pinkie, grabbing it and dashing into her room, slamming the door. Mr. Cake sighed, shaking his head. "I wonder where that mare gets her energy from, I really do."

Pinkie took a look at the front of the letter, it said, in jagged red script,

To PInKiE PiE, FrOM, ThE TaIlS DoLl

"Huh, I've never heard of this Tails Doll thingy." Pinkie wondered to herself. "I wonder if Dashie did this?"
She opened it. The rest was written the same way.

DEaR PiNkIe PIe,

I aM ThE TAiLs DoLl.I dOnT tHiNk YoU hAvE HeArD oF Me, bUt I aM CoMiNg fOr YoU . DoNt Go tO SlEep iF YoU wAnT tO LiVe.

Pinkie laughed. "Dashie's a silly filly if she thinks Ill fall for this. she giggled to herself. "I should prank her back, we could have a prank war!" She bounces out, not noticing as a picture falls out of the envelope.

Rainbow Dash was sleeping on a cloud when a letter drifted out of the sky and hit her, waking her up."Whats this?", the rainbow maned cerulean pegasus asked with a yawn.

To RaInBoW DaSh, FrOM, ThE TaIlS DoLl

"Huh, I wonder who this 'Tails Doll' guy is. And whats with this writing?Definitely weird." She thought.She opened the letter.

DEaR RaInBoW DaSh,

I aM ThE TAiLs DoLl.I dOnT tHiNk YoU hAvE HeArD oF Me, bUt I aM CoMiNg fOr YoU . DoNt Go tO SlEep iF YoU wAnT tO LiVe.

"Well that's just crazy. Probably a prank though." She yawned." I need to sleep, I'm still exhausted from all those stunts yesterday." Just as she was about to close her eyes, she saw a pink blur.She jumped, startled, to see Pinkie Pie dissapear through the cloud.

"Hey Dashie, just came to let you know your silly prank didn't work on me, silly filly, Noppie nope! And now I'm declaring a prank war!" She said, still bouncing on a pogo stick.

"Wait, what prank? Though I like the sound of a prank war." Rainbow said, scratching her head with her hoof.

"You know, the one that says, IM THE TAILS DOLL, AND I WILL KILLYOUUU! That one." Pinkie said as she shot through the cloud again.

"I never did tha- Wait, did it come in a letter?and it was really weird scribble?" Dash asked, now on alert.

"Yeparooney, that one!" Pinkie said.

Dash shivered. "I-i-got the same one..."

Pinkie stopped bouncing. "N-not possible..." she said, and her mane and tail flattened a little. "It cant be true.. can it?"

Dash suddenly stopped shivering."Of course its not possible!" she yelled with a burst of courage." Somepony couldn't send us the exact same letter, with the exact same thing on it, in the exact same writing! It has to be a prank! And we'll find out who it is and prank them back, big time!"

The pink mare's hair puffed up again, and she smiled at her friend, completely confident she could do what she said.

"Now, lets go get Twilight, she'll know what to do!" Rainbow Dash said.

Pinkie smiled. "Okie dokie lokie!" she said, her usual cheer returning, as she and Rainbow headed off to the Ponyville Library.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading, next chapter coming soon, feedback is appreciated, and its voting time!

Like the "Strike terror into everypony and jack stuff up." arc if you want that, or the "Loses memories, becomes friends with Mane 6 and kills Discord and other baddies" arc if that's your cup of tea

Edit: when I said like this, like that, I meant the comments. just saying.

Edit: voting closed. Hope you enjoy! Next chap in a day or two