• Published 14th Sep 2013
  • 1,898 Views, 23 Comments

The Broken Crown - Inspiration

Celestia becomes very hostile towards Twilight after she refused her offer to become a princess. And with underlying problems, they both might snap before stopping eachother from doing the unthinkable.

  • ...

Consign me not to darkness

Twilight, after days of nightmares, knew what she had to do. But, at the same time, she didn't. She gathered her friends to tell them what was happening, but she knew they weren't going to like anything she was going to say. Especially Fluttershy. Fluttershy was too sweet and innocent to be able to stand the news. But sadly, it had to be done.

They all sat in silence for a few minutes, drinking tea, waiting for Twilight to tell them what was what. Finally, she composed herself enough to speak up. "...You're all going to hate me for what I have to tell you...but I can't keep it a secret..." Twilight was thinking of how they would all react to the news. She was sure that Fluttershy would faint, however.

"Darling, we won't ever hate you, no matter what you say." Rarity reassured her. Rarity knew, though, that from the way Twilight looked, and the way she talked, that it was something unspeakable.

"...Yes, you will..." Was all that Twilight could say before a single tear fell down her face.

"C'mon, now, Twi. We won't ever hate you." Applejack said, though she knew what Celestia had been saying to Twilight.

"Yeah, Twilight, just tell us. We don't have all day." Rainbow Dash was always impatient. She couldn't help it.

"...Ok...ok...here we go." Twilight was crying. She couldn't stand the thought of what she was about to say. "Girls...for the last few nights...I've been having nightmares...of...of the Princess...k...killing me." She looked at her friends expressions of shock. "But...last night, it...it was...different..." Her tears turned into a river of saltwater. "Last night...it...it was all...all of you who...who died...and...and I think that...that I might...might have to...kill the Princess."

The expressions of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were filled with shock, amazement, and confusion. Just as Twilight expected. "Girls...I...I'm so s-sorry..." Twilight couldn't contain her tears any longer. She allowed the dam to burst.

The rest of the group just sat there, staring at Twilight in a pure mix of shock and confusion. The thought of Twilight killing anything was insane, but the Princess? There was no possible way for Twilight to really think that...could there?

"...Twilight," Pinkie Pie said, after a few moments of silence. "What in Tartarus could make you think that?" Pinkie knew a thing or two about these things. She couldn't let them know, though.

"I...I d-don't..." Twilight couldn't complete a thing she said. Her mind was clogged with regret and sadness, and her throat was clogged with her words. "...I j-just...these dreams are...C-Celestia said..."

She got t ackled by her best friends, and was suddenly in the middle of a hug. "Twilight, dear. No matter what you think needs to be done, we will help you see to it. Right, girls?" Rarity was being the most reassuring one for the last few days, amazingly.

"Um...yes...I guess..."

"Yeah, Ah'll follow ya' into battle any day."

"I've been begging for a call to action, so I'm in."

"I'll bring the party cannon for defence!"

After she composed herself, with the help of her friends, Twilight was able to speak again.

"...Thanks, girls..."


The next few days were spent gathering supplies, doing training in stealth and combat, and mentally prepping themselves about that they were going to do. They couldn't believe that they were going to kill the Princess. But with the threats being made, they had to do it.

"C'mon, Twilight, we've been training for days, we're getting tired of this!" Rainbow Dash was always impatient. That was a good thing right now.

"Rainbow, normally, I would be telling you to be patient, but I think we're ready to go." Twilight was feeling ready. She felt, though, that something was watching her. "Are we all ready?"

"I made the suits like you wanted, but I threw in some extra features." Rarity levitated the suits to her friends. "I'll explain what they are when we go."

"I gathered up the gear and weapons," Started Pinkie, who began pulling everything she said from nowhere. "I have the whinnychester's, the .45's, the stars, the mini-zookas, the Party Cannon, the radios you wanted, the food, the cupcakes, the-"

"Pinkie, we get it. Ya' got ever'thang." Applejack was putting on her suit. "Ah made sure that out families understand that we're jus' takin' orders."

"I gave all my animal friends have enough food to last a year." Fluttershy was putting her suit on as well. "And if we meet a dangerous animal out there, I'll handle it."

"Alright, we have everything. We set out as soon as the day meets night."

And so, the horrors await at Canterlot.

Author's Note:

I'm actually having a tougher time writing these with every chapter. I really, REALLY need you all to aid in the writing process. Thanks!

And, if some of you don't get it,"whinnychester" is a horses whinnying and a Winchester rifle.