• Published 16th Sep 2013
  • 846 Views, 50 Comments

Finding Home - Auto-Buscus

A young pegasus, with a tough past, goes to seek something which may have been with him the whole time. Join Cloudsdale's Singer Case, as he aims to achieve his goals, find true love and find his place in Equestria.

  • ...

The Last Straw!

It was a dark night, not just because of the night sky, but because of what had transpired during that fateful day. Singer felt lost, and that the only way out of this was to leave. He didn't want to stay home anymore. Not after what they, his own family members, had said to him. For the first time in his life, Singer didn't feel like talking. Not to any pony. Not even Violet could change his mind at this point, he knew he had to leave. The only one who was with him was his uncle Fender, who had thought up the idea to leave Cloudsdale and go to Las Pegasus to persue their careers in music. Singer had been on edge about leaving home, but knew he would have to evenutally. But he didn't want to leave like this.

While they waited for the right time to take off and head for the nearest train station, they were stopped. Belle had found them, thankfully. Singer was happy that his mother decided to come and be there, he needed to speak to her. He knew she'd show up because she, unlike her father and brother, she was the one family member he could count on to always be there and to always support him no matter what; or in other cases, to help him.

"Singer!" she cried out. "Wait! I got your note, are you serious? Are you really going to leave?"

"Yes..." he replied with a bit of regret in his tone. "I can't stay here any more, mom. I just can't... not while..." Singer almost broke out in tears there. He didn't want to leave his mom behind, and he especially didn't want to leave Violet alone. But his heart had been shattered that day. Any hope to earn the respect of his father and brother had been pretty much dashed at this point, as far as he could tell. She ran up to him and hugged him like she would never get to see him again, he gladly returned the gesture. He was already far bigger than she was, but that didn't take away the feeling that she had of holding him as a baby in her arms again.

"Singer..." was all she could get out as she too started to cry, while holding her youngest son.

As she and Singer both stood there in embrace, Singer's mind went back to the events of earilier in the day, both as a reminder of what had happened, but also why he had to leave.


It was a bright and sunny day in Cloudsdale, and the wedding planning and preparations had been done and over with. Brawn and Love Cloud were as excited as ever, and both waiting with anticipation for their big day to kick off. Brawn had been waiting anxiously for the ceremony to start. He wanted to see her, but it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, or at least that's what he'd always heard. He wanted this day to go perfectly, and so far it was going as such.

Singer wasn't particularly excited about that day, but none-the-less, he was happy for his brother. Love Cloud was one of his favorite teachers and the fact that he'd be able to call her a part of his family excited him. She was a great mare, and one he could trust. It was an honor to be there and witness her marry his own flesh and blood.

He had tried to distance himself from everypony though, in order to keep mishaps from happening, as accident prone as he was. His father had made it perfectly clear to him, that he wanted him to stay out of the way. He hadn't liked the way his father adressed him about it, in fact he wanted to give him a piece of his mind. If it had been any pony other than his own father, he might have. But although Briefs showed little respect to Singer, he still tried his best to respect him.

Singer would not be without good company, though. Singer's mother had given him permission to invite Violet to accompany him as a guest. For this, he was grateful. Violet was a big help to him, she'd kept him company and talked to him about the usual things in order to keep him from losing his mind. He couldn't help but notice that she was dressed in a really nice gown, not like the one she had wore to prom, but it was still nice. He even thought she looked exceptionally pretty, even telling her directly what he thought of the dress and how it looked on her.

Violet's face turned red as she blushed from the comment he had made. She took the compliment well as she nudged him playfully and smiled in acceptance. She was falling head over hooves for him, and she knew it. Singer, though strongly aware of something changing between the two of them, was oblivious to what was going on inside Violet's head and her heart. This wasn't unnoticed, but she hoped that he would eventually see it, so they could both reveal their true feelings for each other. She wanted to tell him, but she was unsure at how he would recieve it at this juncture. But for now, she was okay with being his friend, they had survived this long being friends, and they would continue to do so.

As the family members conversed amongst each other, a few of them would poke fun and make jokes with Brawn, a few of them pointing at Singer. He couldn't hear them, but he knew they were probably making fun of him. He didn't let it bother him, though, at least not to the point where he felt anger. Violet, who was standing beside him could tell that he was getting a bit tense, and decided to try and comfort him a bit.

"Singer? Hey buddy are you okay?"

"I'm fine... I just... I'm glad that you are here with me. You always know how to make me feel better."

Violet smiled at this and put her hoof on his shoulder; he looked back at her and smiled. However their little moment was turned into about fifteen seconds when Brawn came up behind them.

"BOO!" he shouted, followed by a small manly laugh.

"Oh... Brawn... hey..." said Singer, a bit startled.

"Keeping out of trouble, squirt?"

"Doing my... best to..." chuckled Singer.

"He's not going to be any trouble" put in Violet.

"Oh I know he won't" said Brawn. "Because he knows, that if he does, he's gonna be in big trouble with me and the old man."

Singer looked down with a saddened face, then looked back up with pointed eye brows, expressing a tiny bit of anger towards his brother. "I will behave as long as everypony leaves me alone, and I won't cause trouble."

"Sheesh, bro... take a chill pill, I was only kidding around!"

"I... sorry... I didn't wake up very good today..."

"Eeeh don't worry about it. It's all good. Enjoy the ceremony, little brother."

Brawn turned and walked off in another direction immediately after he said that. Singer was a bit skeptical of his niceness, just now.

"Wow" said Violet. "That was... interesting. He was really friendly to you just now."

"Probably just an act since he's about to get married and such. But I do think he was serious about what he said about me messing things up."

"Don't listen to him. He's just being the same egomaniac that he's always been."

"Might want to lower your voice, this is his day after all." Singer, noted.

"Ooops... sorry..." she whispered, throwing in a bit of a sheepish smile, cheeks blushing with embarrassment.

"Though I can't say I disagree with you" he whispered back to her.

Minutes later, everypony was filing in the main room for the ceremony, and went to take their seats. The room was nice, and decorated in the typical wedding decor. The pony behind the pipe organ appeared to be enjoying his job a little too well as he started playing way too soon. Briefs had to fly over to the organ and smack him in the head to get him to stop. Singer and Violet took their places in the seats and awaited the arrival of the lovely bride.

Brawn stood at the altar, with his father as the best stallion and Uncle Fender both standing beside him. Brawn was evidently nervous, given the serious expression he had on his face and the small beads of sweat coming from under his mane. Singer could tell most of these features from where he sat, and couldn't help but feel the same way as he was now lead to think about what his wedding would be like and how nervous he'd be waiting for his bride-to-be coming down the aisle. He knew that it would be a long ways away from that time though, and there would be pleanty of times to work up the nerves for something like that... But perhaps maybe that's what Brawn thought as well.

The faces of everypony turned when the lovely bride, also known as Love Cloud began walking down the aisle. She looked very lovely in her long white wedding gown. She had a viel, flowers in her hair, which was rolled up in a bun. Brawn watched her as she came down the aisle. The big brute had turned into a big softie at the very sight of his love coming toward him with a warm smile. It was like nopony else in the room mattered but her. As harsh as that sounded, it was partially true in that instance. The two never fixed their eyes off of each other.

"Wow..." whispered Violet as she witnessed this. She was enjoying the sight of this. Most everypony else could see it as well, Singer not excluded... at least to an extent anyway. But Violet, joining with everypony else watched as the elegant light green mare continued on down the aisle to her beaming fiance. Violet tried to imagine herself in her place, with Singer where Brawn was standing. The very thought of it made her excited, she almost giggled at it. She quickly snapped out of it when she became conscious of her actions, but luckily no pony else was looking at her.

As she finally reached the altar, she was now standing face to face with Brawn. The two looked into each other's eyes and their thoughts deep into the moment. Both were very much in the moment, and knew that they were right for each other.

"Dearly beloved we gather here today to witness the unity of Brawn and Love Cloud in the eternal bond of holy matrimony" began the priest. "If anypony feels that these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace!"

Nopony said a word.

"Brawn, do you take Love Cloud to be your lawful wedded wife for better or for worse, for rich or poor, in sickness and in health til death do you part?"

"I do" he said, followed by an excited giggle from his bride.

"And Love, do you take Brawn to be your lawful wedded husband for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health til death do you part?"

"I do" she returned and glanced back up at Brawn who now had a big sideways smile going on.

"Well... then by the power invested in me, I no pronounce you husband and wife... mare and colt, however you wanna say it."

They both laughed lightly before they leaned in for a kiss. It was a pretty magical moment for the two, and everypony there was happy, giving their applaus while the newly married couple stood in front of their friends and family.

Singer, despite all that had happened between he and Brawn, was among the happiest of all the witnesses. He had little realization of how much he loved his older brother, and how happy he was for him until that moment. He was about to take it upon himself to make sure that he had the best post-wedding reception ever. Would that be such a good idea? His father did tell him to stay out of the way, but he wanted to prove himself and do something right by his brother for once.

At the reception, everypony took their seats at their designated tables and waited for the married couple to cut the cake. Singer sat in his seat, anxiously waiting for an opportunity to help in some way or form. Violet, who was sitting with him, noticed his facial expression and her curiosity was awakened. Usually when he had made this face, he was about to do something a little crazy.

"Singer? Are you alright?"

"I'm great!" he said excitedly. "Thinking of ways to help out here and show my family that I'm not a total screw up."

"How do you plan on doing that, exactly?" she asked cautiously.

"I'm going find some way to do something helpful and I'm going to do it right. He's my brother and he and his wife deserve nothing but the best on this day."

"Singer... I don't know about this."

"Do you not believe I can do it?"

"It's not that, it's just I think maybe you're thinking about all of this way too much."

"Oh please..." he scoffed. "I'm going to..."

"Singer... please think more clearly about this. I don't want to see you get hurt again."

"But you just said that I was putting way too much thought into it."

"I know I did, but... maybe a little further thought about the potential dangers of trying to butt in somewhere where you're not needed."

"Huh..." he said dejectedly. "I never... thought about that. Good point, Violet."

"I'm sure just being here and being supportive of him will be enough. And staying out of trouble will do you some good by your father. Sitting here minding your own business would be the best way to do so."

"I guess that's true. But I am at least going to walk over there and congratulate him."

Violet only nodded in response to this. What harm could come from this, right?

Singer excused himself and began to make his way over to the happy newly weds. As he trotted over to them, somepony stuck their hoof out to trip him, succeeding. He gathered himself up and looked around to see who had done it. But he remembered that he was at a wedding reception, so he decided to let it go. However when he turned around to continue over to Brawn, he found that his left back hoof had been tied to the nearby table he was standing at, but realized too late for when he made that step the table slid forward, spilling everypony who was sitting at the table's drinks all over their fancy clothing.

"Singer! You clutz!" said a stallion, grabbing a napkin and wiping off his clothes that were now stained with punch.

"I'm sorry, sir. I really am. I don't know how this happened."

"Save it! I know exactly what happened, that stupidity of yours is acting up again."

The rage inside Singer, building up in the words that he just spoke to him was rapidly building up. Almost to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. The disrespect he had gotten from so many ponies over the years was starting to build up in his mind and he couldn't contain the anger from it all any longer. He grabbed the stallion by the coat and pulled him closer to him, glaring at him. Singer had never done anything like this before. He'd never been angry like this before, either.

He then began to speak in a soft, but growling angry voice. "Listen, you... I've had enough of other ponies putting me down like that. I am not stupid and I am not a clutz! You just have your saddle in such a twist, that you'd rather nit pick at me than focus on your own short comings. You're no different than all of the other shallow hypocrites who point and laugh at me, just because they can. So why don't you just sit back down, enjoy your punch, get over the punch stains and enjoy the wedding, huh?"

The stallion, now frightened only nooded in response as Singer released him. He then looked around, seeing everypony else staring at him. He first looked toward Violet, who's features expressed concern and worry for her friend, but when he turned his head to his father, his features expressed fury and anger, as well as lack of surprise at what was happening. Brawn looked rather surprised, as did his newly wed wife, however Brawn too turned angry at this sight as well. He didn't see his mother, but he knew she was there somewhere, he just didn't take the time to single her out. He couldn't. Violet's, Briefs', Brawn's, and Love Cloud's stares of disappointment were enough, he couldn't bare to find out what his mother had been thinking at that moment.

His face red with embarassment, he started to make his way out of the room, not realizing that his foot was still tied to the table. After dragging the table a couple of inches, he bit the rope with his own teeth, snapping it in half and walked out. He didn't stop when Violet tried to call for him. He just kept going.

Singer's father gathered himeself mentally and looked around at the other ponies who were at the wedding. "Words cannot describe how sorry I am for my son's behaviour today. But know that I will take care of this problem, and I will pay for the damages that he caused during his little tantrum here today. But, let's not make this all about that. Let's get back to celebrating, shall we?" he said before heading off in the direction that his son went. Briefs angrily trotted towards the door, looking to go confront his son, however he was stopped midway by Violet.

"Mr. Case, it wasn't his fault. Honestly."

"Not now, Miss Petals." he said manuvering around her and walking out the door, leaving Violet standing there and basically feeling helpless at this juncture.

Outside, Singer had been kicking the cloud dust under his hooves, feeling great remorse for letting his anger get the better of him, but anger towards the stallion and everypony else who gave him fits remained. He then paused from his action when his father, who had flown the short distance between him and the building, landed right behind him, glaring at him. Singer wanted to run, but he knew that it wouldn't help. It was time to face the music.

"Why? Of all the days, you decide to screw something up. Why did you pick today, huh? Are you really THAT jealous of your brother? Why can't you be like normal..."

"Hello to you too, dad."

"Answer my question!"

Okay, you asked for it....

"I am NOT normal, dad! I never have been, and I never will be! So you are just going to have to get over yourself!"

"Watch your mouth!" he said shaking a hoof at him.

"No! I'm so sick and tired of you putting me down, making me look like a bad kid! I have tried my hardest to impress you, but you are making it so freaking impossible! The whole time in there, you looked at me like you were expecting me to mess something up. But did you try to help me keep that from happening? NO! I'm starting to think you like yelling at me!" He couldn't take it anymore. What was said, had to be said. The hurt and insult he had felt from his father, whether intentional or not, over the years had finally taken it's toll.

"That's not true and you know it!" said his father, now a bit hurt.

"Is it? Is it, dad? You've never taken the time to get to know me. The only time you ever paid me much mind was when I was doing what you wanted me to do, and the only one you ever cared about was Brawn because he was the one living up to your expectations. And most of this is because I didn't stick with atheletics in school. You had one atheletic son, but for some reason that wasn't good enough for you. Did you know that I got my cutie mark in the FIRST GRADE? The first grade, dad! I was one of the first few in my class to have a cutie mark, but you never acknowledged that. I was prom king, but not even that was enough to impress you."

"Son... I..." began his father remorsefully, about to apologize until his pride began to take control. "wish you would grow up. All of that stuff is irrelevant. You have been nothing short of a clown since you were a kid, which I don't get. Why don't you just grow up?"

"This is about those snobby co-workers of yours, isn't it? They can't face facts that one of their own actually has a kid with charisma and personality and is actually NICE to other ponies..."

"Oh yeah, what you did in there was real nice!"

"Shut up dad! Just shut up! If you are going to care more about what some lame-os at work think, more than you do your own son, than maybe I don't want to be your son anymore! In fact, I don't even want to know you anymore."

"What? Are you kidding me?" said his father, outraged. "You know what? Fine! Keep acting like an immature brat! I don't need one of those as a son, anyway!" He then, turned around and flew rapidly back inside.

"You were never supposed to be born anyway" said a voice from behind him. Brawn had followed his father outside. Apparently he too had had enough of Singer's "antics".

"What?" said Singer, recognizing the voice and was now even more hurt. He then looked to his left to see his approaching brother meet him outside.

"You were a mistake. You weren't planned. Our parents never wanted a second child, but when you were born... everything changed."

"You're making this up..."

"I am not. And don't bother disbelieving it or saying I don't know, because I was there."

"Well so what. Maybe you and...him didn't want me, but I know somepony who does... actually three someponies." By three, he was referring to Violet, his mother and his uncle.

"Brawn! Stop talking, right now!" said another surprise voice. It was his uncle, Fender.

"Singer's been through enough drama today. Go back in there and enjoy your bride's company before you say something else, you'll regret saying later. This is your day, don't ruin it by being a jerk."

Brawn didn't say anything else, he just turned around, flapped his wings and went back inside as well.

"You alright, brah?"

"No... I'm not. But thank you. At least one fellow stallion in this family isn't a complete jerk."

"Well, I try to be a good example, thought it doesn't always work out." He chukled. "But don't pay any attention to what they said, alright? They didn't mean it."

"I have to disagree, Fender. They did mean it. It's for the best, anyway..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Remember our plans to leave for Las Pegasus?"


"Let's go tonight... as soon as possible! I've had enough of both of them and it's time for me to move on from this town."

"You sure about this?"

"Yeah... dad wants me to grow up, my brother obviously doesn't care whether I exist or not. I do not belong here. Not right now. It's time to move on, in life. We've got talent to share in the music industry and you're not getting any younger..."


Singer lightly chuckled before continuing."I just want to get out of here."

"What about your mom, or Violet?" pointed Fender.

"It's not easy leaving them, but I have to. I can't stay here any longer. Believe me, leaving here isn't easy, but it has to be done. I've put up with everything here long enough."

Fender nodded in agreement and didn't say much else, other than for him to meet him at the edge of town later that night and that both his mom and Violet deserve a bit of notice before he left.

Later, while at home he was gathering his belongings, grabbing everything he could stuff into his bag. Tears falling from his face all the while. He had to do this while nopony was home, and right now was the time to do it. He then reluctantly wrote a letter to his mother. As he wiped his tears, he wrote:

Dear Mom,

I am sorry for everything that happened today, it was irresponsible of me and I do feel great remorse for my actions.

And I also want you to know that, I can no longer stay here either. The weight that dad has been piling upon me since I was younger has finally broken me, and it's time for me to leave. I can't handle it any longer. This is the hardest thing, I've ever done but I have to do it. I cannot be myself while I am here, not that I don't appreciate your efforts. I do. I just can't do it anymore.

I also hate to ask this of you, but could you please tell Violet that I am sorry as well? This is very hard for me to leave her, the only friend that I've ever had. I love her and I will miss her, but I can't tell her to her face that I am leaving and besides, she's got plans for her life and I can't ask her to come with me. And I will try to come back to see her as soon as I can, same goes for you too, mom.

I just want you to know that no matter what happens, you will always be my mom and I will always love you. I'm your little boy forever.

If you can manage, I'd like to see you one last time before I leave.


As Singer stood there, embracing his loving mother in the moon light both of them shedding tears. She reached for his hoof and held it tight as she looked up at her son.

"You've grown up, Singer. I just want you to know how proud I am of you and all you've done while you were here. I love you, my son and I always will, no matter where you are or where you may go or what you do with your life. Just promise me something."

"Anything, mom."

"Do not change. I've always loved your enthusiasm, your funny jokes, your energy, all of it. It's a part of who you are." She pushed him back a bit while they hugged so she could make eye contact with him while she said this.

"Thank you, mom. You have no idea how much it means to me to hear you say that."

"You're welcome, and I will talk to Violet for you. I know how hard all of this must be for you. But please don't take what your father said to you to heart, Singer. He didn't mean it, he really does love you and cares about you. Your brother loves you as well."

"I wish I could believe that, mom. But I don't think they care."

"Maybe someday, they'll show you otherwise."

"Yeah... maybe."

Fender had been standing beside them, the whole time wiping tears of his own. His bag, his guitar case and everything else at his side. But time for visiting was almost over, they had a train to catch in the town, below them.

"Singer, Belle, it's time..." he said softly.

Belle tightly hugged Singer one last time, before letting him go ultimately. Singer then walked over to his uncle, who was about to make the plunge down to the nearest train station, to join him. When they jumped and used their wings for balance, Fender's load nearly turned him upside down, but Singer helped keep the heavy side stable so Fender wouldn't hurt himself, and they were on their way down... a place that neither of them had been in a long time.As she stood at the edge of Cloudsdale, watching as the two stallions flew down with their loads, she began to cry. But she was thankful that she got to see him off before he left. However, there was still only one thing that remained for her to do... tell Violet everything.

It wasn't an easy conversation, but Belle had explained everything to Violet in the privacy of Singer's room when she came over to see how he was doing. She explained to her how it wasn't just the wedding incident that did it for him, making him want to leave, it was basically everything. Violet had understood this as well, seeing as how she and Singer told each other everything. A few tears trickled down Violet's cheeks, as Belle told her why he left without saying goodbye. She took it a lot harder than she expected her to.

"I know this is a stupid question, but are you alright?" asked Belle of Violet.

"No, Mrs Case. I'm anything but fine with this. You see, I have a secret. One that only my brother and my dad knows of, regarding your son and me."

"Care to share?"

"I like him... like, like like him. I've had a crush on him for... let's just say a really long time. Him leaving breaks my heart." she could barely get that last part out before she started to sob.

Belle moved closer to Violet and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry, I had no idea."

"He was my only friend, and now he's gone."

"I wouldn't say he's gone. He's just going away for a while to find his destiny. But I feel your pain, I really do."

"I know you do."

"But... I know how we can make this a little easier for the both of us."


"I am now missing my son in my life, and you've been without a mother for years, and practically raising your own little brother. I would very much like to have you two over quite a bit while we wait for him to come back. I've always loved you like a daughter, Violet. You and Singer were always such good friends, heck I even halfway expected you two to be dating by now. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I'd like to be friends with you."

"You'd do that?"

"Of course. And don't worry about Singer never coming back. I think somewhere deep inside, he cares for you just the same as you do for him. He just has things he needs to figure out, is all."

"Thank you Mrs. Case, and I'd very much love to be your friend. You kind of did sort of become my unofficial mom, when I lost mine."

Violet hugged Belle, instantly after saying this, followed by a small giggle from the latter.

"Thank you, Violet. Oh and one more thing. You don't have to call me Mrs. Case anymore. Just call me Belle."


["I look back on that day, sometimes and realize how selfish I was being for leaving my mom and my best friend behind. But enough was enough, and unfortunately it wasn't the end of my struggles in life... no, my life was about to get even more complicated. Good thing I was mentally prepared for Las Pegasus.

Author's Note:

I realize that the title should say "The Last Raw", but I wrote it like that on purpose because I've always liked the way it sounded. lol

I know that it's been a couple of months since I posted a chapter, but I'm back. I've got other projects that I've been scratching my head over trying to get them done and I'm trying to get back into the swing of updating my other stories again as well. I can't wait to get further into this story.

This chapter was so tough to write, I cried a bit while I was writing it. I didn't want to drag it along too much, but I felt like everything said here was necessary. I hope everything in this chapter made sense. And sorry about all of the hugging. I love hugs. ha ha.

After so many weeks of trying to get this chapter finished, I finally realize the similarities in it with Singer and Uncle Fender with Prince Zuko and Uncle Iroh from Avatar:The Last Airbender. At least that's just me.