• Published 15th Sep 2013
  • 2,757 Views, 158 Comments

I Killed Fiddy Men, Not Ponies - LtMajorDude

After Cotton Hill dies, he is given another chance in life in the world of Equestria.

  • ...

Equestranauts Girls

Cotton let out a sigh of relief as he finished mopping the floor. As he dropped the mop and leaned against the wall, he noticed a teenager with a light green sweater and orange hair. He was sporting sunglasses. Right next to him was another teen with a green and blue striped sweater, grey t-shirt and black hair with white highlights. He was wearing a headband on his head and had a reddish glass eye where his right eye was supposed to be at.

Cotton raised an eyebrow. He knew who these two were. "Hey Mark. Hey Ben."

The teen with the sunglasses, Mark, gave Cotton a high five. "What's up, Cotton?" he greeted with a grin, "Did you hear? Some girl's gonna compete for Princess of the Canterlot High Fall Formal!"

"She's actually pretty cute," Ben, the other teen, commented with a smirk, "I'm surprised that no one hit on her yet, she's 'Vice Principal Luna' pretty, eh Mark?"

Mark immediately blushed. "Cut it out!"

"Hey, it's not my fault you have a crush on her."

Ben started to laugh, Cotton joined in and eventually, Mark also joined them. As soon as they were done laughing, Cotton cleared his throat.

"So, who's the pretty gal?"

"Twilight Sparkle, I believe."

Cotton shook his head in disbelief. "She got a baby purple dragon with her?"

Ben and Mark exchanged confused expressions. "I think I saw her with a purple dog."

Cotton twitched an eye. "How interesting," he mumbled. Wait a minute! Dale said something about Breaking Dawn being in Canterlot High or something like that? OK...it's official. Ah'm in that Equestranauts Girls movie.

"Well, we gotta go. Nice talking with you Cotton!"

As Ben and Mark left, Cotton placed his hand on his forehead. "Ah guess Ah need to meet mah son and his pals. Oh, and Mr. Kahn."

Cotton headed for the track, since he knew his son would be there. He was correct when he noticed a Laotian teenager angrily wave his fist at four other teenagers.

"Stupid rednecks!" He hissed as he walked away. He accidentally bumped into Cotton.

"Oops." Kahn replied as he backed away from Cotton, "My bad."

Cotton let out a raised eyebrow. He had expected a 'watch where you're going' or 'move it.' Then again, Cotton knew that, just like on Earth, Kahn knew that Cotton shared the same hatred towards Hank.

"No worries, Mr. Kahn." Cotton replied as Kahn walked away. Cotton headed towards the four teenagers. He noticed that they both looked like their teen selves back on Earth.

"Hello, sir!" One teen, Dale, shouted as he saluted him. Cotton saluted back. I guess in this world, I'm still a WWII veteran. Or just a veteran. Don't know if they have WWII.

"Fall in!" Cotton yelled, resulting in Dale and his friends running up to him, bakcs straight.

"Hey dad." One teen, Hank, greeted with a tiny smile.

"SHUDDAP!" Cotton barked at Hank. He then turned his attention to Bill. "Fatty!"

"Sir!" Bill, the obese teen, loudly replied as he tightened his back and closed his eyes.

"So, dang ol' colonel, sir," the final teen, Boomhauer, said in his infamous way of talking, "how's your dang ol' I dunno, day and how you doing and you doing alright and fine and dandy, yo?"

Cotton shrugged, "I'm doing alright. You guys stay out of trouble, OK?"

The teenagers nodded and then saluted. Cotton did the same gestures and then left them.

Cotton's House


Cotton took off his clothes as he walked to his room. He let out a yawn as he threw his clothes on his desk. He climbed into his bed and let out a calm sigh.

"Tomorrow's a new day," he muttered as he closed his eyes, "I wonder what Hank, his friends, Mark, and others are doing on Equest-something..."

Cotton went to sleep very quickly. However, he woke up when he heard a voice that woke him up.

"Who's there?!"


"What?" Cotton blurted out as he jumped out of his bed.




"I don't follow."


"Wait, ya mean that Fall Formal in that school?"

Yyyyeeeessss...sssshhhheeee mmmmuuuusssstttt wwwwiiiinnnn....

"Wait why?"


"Return? Ya mean get out of this hell hole?"

Cotton heard nothing but silence. He stood there, in thought.

"So, I need to make Breaking Dawn win that crown? To return the pony world?"

He put his hand on his chin.

"Eh. On the bright side, I woulda helped Breaking Dawn just to get even with that that stupid Sunset gal."

He went back to his bed, laying down in his bed in thought.

The next day

Cotton rubbed his eyes as he entered the school.

"Alright. Make that girl a princess here. Should be eas-"

"Hey Cotton!"

Cotton turned around and saw Mark and Ben running toward him.

"Hey Mark. Hey Ben. How's it going?"

Mark took out his phone.

"You know that Twilight girl who wanted to run for princess?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Sunset Shimmer just posted a video about this."

Cotton raised an eyebrow and stared at the phone as Mark put on a video

Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Princess. What does it say about our school if we give someone like this... such an important honor?

Cotton's eyes widen.

"Oh sh..."

"-eesh!" A Laotian teenager blurted out as he threw his arms in the air. He was immediately shushed by a tan skinned teenager.

"Quiet, dang ol' man!" The tan teen said to the Laotian teen, "Let the dang ol' master talk man."

"OK, so we just find the old man, right?" A teenager wearing a blue shirt asked to the walkie talkie.

"Correcto," Discord's voice came from the walkie talkie, "Find him then use that lil' red stone to teleport back to Equestria."

"Hey, Frenchie, you better not hit on these kids or something," a chubby teenager quipped to a handsome Cajun teenager.

"Hmph. Such manners," the Cajun teenager replied, facing away from the chubby teenager. "Must be from smashing cans daily."

"Alright, we have our orders," a skinny teen with glasses and a strange red stone on his palms, "Let's go find Mr. Cotton Hill."

"Dang ol' yo man."

Author's Note:

Oh christ, I am truly sorry for writing so late. I've been really busy. Sorry if this chapter kinda sucked.
Once again, thanks for reading.