• Published 28th Oct 2013
  • 11,268 Views, 45 Comments

Battleship - Equestria: Restitution by Railguns - Base-Delta-Zero

An insta-hurricane that came out of nowhere, just to the Northwest of the Bermuda Triangle, and a Battleship-Mounted Railgun system being tested while sailing to Hawaii. What could possibly go wrong here?

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A Plan In Motion

Chapter 1 - A plan in motion. By: Dasubur

Throughout history, there are certain individuals who are different from the rest.
Individuals who go beyond what would be considered possible, achieving things no one else even attempted, understanding things better than anyone else ever could. Ones who shaped the world with a single word or idea.

They are remembered as innovators, pioneers or captains of industry. But there are also those whose memories live only in infamy. The manipulative kind who use their influence to rule with an iron fist, one of which nearly swallows the whole world. Forgers of monopolies that rivaled the governments they supposedly served under. Monsters that are whispered of in the dark, all drawing from these few individuals.

Far out in the great mysterious sea, on an isolated island far away from prying eyes and questions of morals could reach, lay a property were countless lives were destroyed or changed forever, all on the whim of a single stallion who stood in his office, checking his weekly reports from his various organizations and operations that he made possible. Drugs, weapons, and even living souls were his prime trading ventures that backed his master plan. Of course he had numerous other endeavors and business all influenced behind the scenes by his efficient hands, illegal or otherwise.

After all, He mentally commented if it is not efficient then what purpose does it serve? But there were more important matters to attend to. It had taken years of personal involvement and underhanded wheeling and dealing, but now all the pieces of his plot to bring the world to his vision were all starting to fall into place. First the location, being one of the most important of details, providing the very means to even have a chance at success. The area of the world he currently rested his hoofs on was the now infamous Eastern Isles, a mass cluster of islands and small insignificant continents containing hundreds of small insignificant countries, all in one huge political firestorm constantly. It was also rife with crime and corruption. Originally it all amounted into small time pirate operations and dictatorships harboring said pirates. All he had to do was give it a push, and it became a perfect haven for his criminal enterprise.
An assassination here, a bribe over there, and few pirates supplied along the way was all it took to turn a minor annoying political environment into a massive Festering cycle of corruption and incompetence that he could exploit freely.

It was fitting that The Eastern Isles being one of his most successful projects would play an important role in his current plan, a plan that would make the previous one look like child’s play in comparison; the first step being a minor massacre to start the metaphorical ball rolling.

The unlucky targets of said assassination ended up being a one Princess Celestia, followed by the six ponies making up the elements of harmony. Their deaths would leave the great nation of Equestria without their most successful leader and their best weapon, in addition to rendering a massive blow to the morale of the remaining princess and to the leaders of the crystal empire, effectively killing two birds with one stone as the saying goes. The targets were right where he wanted them, passing through the Eastern isles, practically his backyard, returning from a diplomatic mission which he had stirred up. Traveling on the open ocean with a light escort would make them perfect targets for a band of pirates he had armed in exchange for the assassination. The band of cut throats he hired were not particularly special in any regard, in fact he chose them for that very factor making them the perfectly expendable to use as a tool and later dispose of. It did not matter, the weapons he had armed them with were more than enough, their instructions clear (or at least he had made them clear enough).

With that thought he decided he should remind the Captain one last time.

Rising from his chair, the earth pony stallion made his way across the sparsely furnished room, his hooves noisily crossing the wooden floor. As he made his way to his destination he took the opportunity to inspect his “Work force.” Gazing through the windows at the numerous sweatshops and indoor farms, slaves toiled at each of them, working at paces found to be most efficient by the very stallion that was now judging them. He ran his eyes over each one of them, endlessly computing numbers in his mind, comparing speeds and production quotas. Nearing the end of the hallway, almost finding everything in order, he stopped. One of the guards had left his post, said Pegasus was smiling and approaching one of the slaves, he was approaching with an almost skip in his trot. The stallion watched this display unfold while already heading through the door the guards straightening their postures when he came into view.
He knew who the guard who left his post was, and his face to on a frown as he watched what he predicted would happen unfolded.

The slave in question was working at a more than efficient pace, the baskets around her were already filled with the various harvested narcotic plants that grew in this farm.
The guard whose name was Shimmer Wing, finally reached his target. “look at you, workin’ like the bitch you are, what’s your name sweety?” Shimmering asked, a nasty grin taking up his face. The Zebra slave before him hesitated for only a fraction of a second before resuming her work, her hands working faster than before.

Shimmer wing sneered viscously. “It ain’t polite to ignore ponies like that.” He said in a sickeningly sweet tone, he suddenly shot his right leg forward, his hoof connecting with the Mare’s right shoulder bone with a sickening thump! The Mare fell to the floor, crying out in pain as her fall knocked over one of her baskets, scattering the freshly harvested plants as she collided with the floor with a meaty smack.

“Shimmer Wing.” Said a voice directly behind Shimmer Wing, he whirled around at the call of his name. In an instant the sadistic grin was wiped from his face has he beheld the casually attired form of the stallion that employed him.

“Oh…hey boss.” Replied Shimmer Wing as he shifted nervously in his armor.

The stallion’s neutral expression bored into the Pegasus before him. “Why are you away from your post, disrupting the flow of work and damaging the merchandise?” he asked in a calm tone.

“Well boss I was just havin’ a little fu-“


Shimmer Wing collapsed to the floor, a hole neatly punched through his forehead. The back of his skull ripped open from where the bullet had exited. The room fell silent for just a second before the slaves all resumed working. The Zebra slave before him started to pick herself back up. He looked her over quickly calculating wether or not injuries would affect her performance.

“What is your name?” He asked her as he stowed his still smoking weapon.

The mare hesitated a bit before looking him in the eyes.”I..Ime.” she said hesitantly.

“Grab his corpse and follow me.” The stallion stated simply, already heading for the door at a brisk pace. Ime, confused by the surrealness of the request, paused before realizing the reality of the situation and grimaced as she grasped her former tormentor by his hooves and hauled him through the door after her “Owner.”.

After a few minutes of struggling, she managed to catch up to him, he walked down the hallway while she struggled to drag the body after him, her sweat soaking into her ramshackle clothing as she put more and more effort into her work.

After a few agonizing minutes of walking/dragging the two finally arrived at their destination, before them stood an impressive Iron portcullis with several heavily armed guards on patrol. With few words from the earth pony a few shouted orders from the guards in response. The portcullis rose revealing the barracks, packed to the brim with guards all in general states of time wasting. As soon as they walked in the room fell into a deafing silence only broken when The stallion looked at two nearby guards and said

“You two, dispose of the corpse.” He said pointing towards Ime still holding the decaying tormentor. As those two hopped too their task, he turned to the next nearest guard, who quickly stood to attention.

“You’re his replacement, please escort miss Ime back to farm 15.” He stated simply
The guard and Ime briskly left without a word, while the stallion continued onwards into the second most heavily guarded spot in his compound. As he passed through the next doorway the guards standing beside it swiftly sealed it, blocking any noise and prying eyes from witnessing what was inside.

Inside lay the object of the stallion’s whole venture, before him lay a complicated array of crystals and magical runes on various mechanical parts all connected to a small panel a little ways of from the main contraption in the center of the room to which the stallion approached with vigor in his step. He twisted a few knobs and the contraption sprang to life. The crystals sprang to life as projected image was formed by the now glowing crystals. The visage of a grizzled griffon with several scars came into focus, that visage belonging to none other than Blood Beak the Pirate.

“wat’s can eh do fer yah Boss?” Rasped the gruff captain. His face alit with a smirk.

“I would like to go over the plan with you one more time with you…” the stallion replied calmly. Blood beak only frowned in response. “Really Boss?” he replied with a hint of frustration. “This bein’ the fifth time youse told me this, why don’ I just recite it to yas?”

“If you are willing too….” The stallion replied emotionlessly.

The now thoroughly peeved captain sighed before rolling his eyes and began reciting the plan. “First wes gonna lay a trap for the pretty princess and her band of merry mares, then using this shiny new ‘ardware you so generously stocked us with, promptly blow ‘em to bits.” The stallion’s gaze remained unchangeing throughout the whole process. “Remember to use the special weapons on the princess herself, the rest is up to you but leave no survivors.” The earth pony concluded with finality.

“What’evrs you say boss.” Blood Beak replied before the connection was terminated.

Author's Note:


[The Plot Intensifies]

