• Published 11th Sep 2013
  • 1,698 Views, 42 Comments

Weekdays are too short - Jeweled Pen

Follow up to Weekends are too long, a few months after the two get together can Pinkie and Rarity survive a week of separation?

  • ...


Rarity stared at Cuckoo, her idol, for a few moments as a large grandfather clock bonged behind her. The earth pony merely stood there as the twelve bongs played and then glanced to Enigma. “May I come in?”

“Huh? Oh, ummm... sure,” he asked as he glanced back to the white unicorn. “Err... you're... not a friend of Rarity's, are you?”

“Truly, your grasp of the obvious is astounding,” the earth pony said as she took a few steps inside. “Miss Rarity, may I speak with you?” she paused as she glanced to Enigma. “Alone, without your coltfriend?”

“What? No, I'm not her, she's not my, my marefriends are... huh?” he glanced to Rarity and trotted over. He lightly tapped her shoulder before glancing back to the earth pony. “I think she's gone into shock. Just how scary are you?”

“... Quite. Would you mind giving us a little privacy?”

“Oh, um sure...” he squeaked as he walked down the hall and back into the living room. To his annoyance both Jadewing and Silverchain were against the wall and listening in. “I thought you were hiding and didn't wanna know about any of this?” he accused the pegasus.

“Are you kidding? That was the crying part! This is the surprise guest who turns out to be her secret lover from the past part, this is going to be awesome!” the pegasus said with a giggle.

“That's not, she's not, the mare is way older than Rarity! If they got together it would have had to be about... about...” red flared into his cheeks. “I mean, relationships don't usually work like that...”

“We're both older than you, and just look at how your relationships play out,” Silverchain said as she motioned to the floor. “Now sit down so we can listen, I just heard Rarity squeak so it's bound to get good!”

“There, are you with me now?” Cuckoo asked as she closed Rarity's workbook back up.

“Oh Celestia... y-yes. T-those designs were a mistake. I never meant t-” the unicorn said as more red flooded her cheeks.

“Enough. I frankly didn't intend to come here and I've spent more time than I'd like just trying to find where you ran off too. First, here is your book,” she said as she held it out. The unicorn gripped it in her magic as she raised a hoof nervously as if to defend herself. “Open it to the final page.”

Rarity gulped and flipped to the end. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. “What... is this a contract? Wait, this is for... is this for the design I drew up... but... you said...”

“That it would make a nightmare moon costume? Indeed I did,” the mare said with a wave of her hoof.

“I... I don't understand,” Rarity squeaked as she looked over the paper.

“Really? Don't you?” the earth pony asked with a knowing smile.

“... No. I really don't. Are you telling me I should make costumes?”

Cuckoo face hoofed so hard she nearly knocked herself out. “Ow! No. I should have expected this, the element of generosity, not of brain power. Allow me to spell it out for you. You're too thin skinned for this business,” she said as she put a hoof down to gesture to the dress. “You make beautiful, amazing and soul filled dresses. But you've failed to realize that there are only two ponies in the world that matter when you design anything.”

“Ummm... w-who?” she asked as she watched the hoof.

“You and the customer. No matter how beautiful or amazing a dress you make there will ALWAYS be some pony out there who wants to tell you how horrible or common your dress is. Ponies who will use every word they can in an attempt to cut you into little pathetic pieces until all you want to do is burn your clothes and never look at a sewing machine again. If you really want to become a designer then you to learn one important thing. Only two ponies matter when you create something. Are you satisfied that you did it to the best of your ability? Did you make something the customer would be happy with? So long as you have these it doesn't matter if you design dresses, hats or... kinky... fetish gear.”

“But... you said... why weren't you...”

“I know what I said. Dear, listen. When I first started in this job I made dozens of dresses that I tried to sell before I made it big. I know all the stories talk about how amazing I was and how everything I touched turned to gold. It wasn't like that. There were dozens of ponies who would have been happy to kick me down and keep the field dominated by unicorns. But I refused to allow it. I created every dress, every hat, every corset with all my talent and heart. Even when a dress only sold one or two copies I never let it get me down. It never mattered what one old dress maker said. All that mattered was that I was certain the dress was worthy of my talents and the pony I made it for was happy. If you really want to become a dress maker who does... whatever it is you want to do,” the mare said with a dismissive wave of her hoof. “You're going to need to learn this.”

“But... but you were so mean... and... and I showed the princess horrible things with stuff,” Rarity said with a whimper.

“Yes, you did. I will admit that is quite... an interesting fact. Come tomorrow there will likely be dozens of ponies asking you to create them such things... I mean, the pony that dared to show... oh stop your crying and grow a horn,” the mare snapped. “You're hardly the first pony to do something like that. In fact, few years ago there was a stallion who flashed the mayor in the middle of her victory speech.” A loud burst of laughter came from the other room. “Within a few months every pony forgot about it. In the mean time just keep making your dresses and pouring your heart and soul into your work. I've seen a few of your clients after all. Princesses, singers and some of the richest ponies in Equestria. There are dozens of designers who would give up their left hooves to be in your position. Even with what you showed her highness.”

“R-really?” the unicorn asked as she sat down and lightly poked the floor with her front hoof. “But... what about, ummmm...”

“You have plenty of time to develop your art and achieve your dreams. Don't let a few ponies push you around and ruin your confidence, no matter how well known they are. If you keep making things to the best of your ability then eventually you'll achieve your goals. Who knows, perhaps even I'll buy one of your designs eventually,” the mare said as she turned and headed to the door.

“Y-you'd buy one of my dresses?” Rarity squeaked as she looked down at her work book.

“I never said it would be a dress. Perhaps something near the end of your little book,” Cuckoo said as she trotted out the door.

Rarity stared at the door for a moment before her mouth fell open. “She didn't, did she just, but she's so, how would she, what?”

“She did, yes, a little, with some help and mentioned she might order some of your fetish gear. Oh, that shade of red in your cheeks is just adorable,” Silverchain said as she stepped into the entrance way.

“You heard that?!” she shrieked.

“Of course. Why do you think we were laughing?” she asked as she stepped forward and patted Rarity's head. “Do you feel better now?”

“Uh huh...”

“Good. Then go cheer up Enigma.”

“... What?” Rarity asked with wide eyes. “Why is he upset?”

“You're going to have to ask him. He's just pouting a little bit so it shouldn't take long,” she said as she glanced off to the side with a slight smirk. “Though he is oddly adorable when he juts his lower lip out like that and kinda puffs out his cheeks. Reminds me of that time we took him down to the basement and-”

“Enough! I'll talk with him! Just, no more details! I already know more about your three's... lives that I'd ever wish too. No offense,” the fashionista said as she walked back into the living room. Jadewing trotted by her as she entered and winked at the unicorn. She glanced to Enigma and let out a little gasp.

He was adorable! He had curled up on the loveseat with a pillow over his head. His little lower lip was jutting out and he puffed out his cheeks. Even his mane and tail were all limp and pouty, reminding her a little of when her cotton-candy mare would get upset. He even had his little hooves crossed and refused to look at her.

“Awwww, Enigma, what's wrong?”

“Nothing's wrong. Hmph,” he said as he looked at the coffee table.

“Now dear, I know something's wrong.”

“... Why do you listen when she says those things, but not when I do?” he grumbled.

“... What?”

“I try cheering you up and telling you how great you are and you don't believe me. She comes here and tells you that you might be great and stuff if you work at it and not to listen to ponies who talk badly about it and you're all better,” he grumbled as he stuck his lower lip out even further.

“Now Enigma, that's not true. You made me feel a lot better. She was just... my hero,” she mumbled softly as she poked her hooves together. “If it's any consolation I'd probably be on the train home right now, crying, if it wasn't for you.”

“... Really?” he asked as he looked up to her. The lower lip was still pushed out, but his cheeks had lost their puffiness.

“Yes, dear. I would have gotten my things and gone straight home. Probably never try to design a dress again. Give up on my career, sell the boutique. If you hadn't stopped me and brought me here. Thank you,” Rarity said with a small smile.

“... Well, okay. Does this mean you're not going to give up? Are you still going to make the outfits for Silverchain and Jadewing?”

“I'm... going to go home. Lay low for a few months and work on a few of my other designs while completing my other orders. I'm going to settle the details for this contract too. I will create the outfits for your marefriends. After all the help you've offered me, it is the least I can do,” she said before glancing back to the floor. “Could you do me one more favor?”

“Errr, what is it?”

“Could you come with me to get my things tomorrow? I really don't want to walk there alone. I didn't quite reach my goal, but I feel I have enough to keep myself afloat for a year or so. Especially with the rate your marefriends are paying for their... outfits. Not to mention the contract. With all those I should be fine until this blows over,” she mumbled as she poked her hooves together. “D-do you think she meant it? Will t-this really blow over?”

“I'm sure it will. How about you get some sleep and we can go grab your things first thing in the morning?” Enigma asked with a small smile and a pat on her head. She scowled in response. “Are you okay sleeping on the love seat? I ummm, it's namely cause I don't think the loveseat can hold three of us...”

“Three of...” her face turned bright red as she shook her head. “N-no, the loveseat is quite alright! I... do not believe I would wish to sleep in that bed anyway. No offense intended, darling. Just... errr...”

“Yeah... I'll go get some blankets and pillows and bye!” he squeaked as he darted off. He barely made it out of the room before he was grabbed by his tail by Jadewing.

“Hold it,” Silverchain said with a glare. “Didn't you forget to ask us something?”

“O-oh, right. Sorry,” Enigma squeaked as his tail was let go. “C-can she stay over?”

“What? No! Not that. Of course she can stay, she's your friend. No, I meant something very, very important,” the earth pony said as she narrowed her eyes.

“Ummmm... I have nothing, sorry. Please don't be mad, you know I just don't always-” the unicorn was cut off as the stronger mare pulled him close, burying his face in her mane so he went silent.

“I was talking about your plans to go to the event with her,” the mare said as she guided his face up with her hoof. “Don't you think you forgot to ask a pair of very attractive young mares if they might like to come and see? Besides, what if the princess is there? It would be marvelous to meet the famed returned princess!”

“O-oh... well um, if you want to come I don't see why you can't,” Enigma said with a nervous shuffling of his hooves. “I-I didn't think anything like that would interest you though... I'm sorry,” he mumbled as he gazed downwards.

“Oh, dear. Relax, I don't expect you to know all my desires simply like that,” Silverchain mumbled as she gave the stallion a kiss on the cheek. “Now run along and get the blankets for your friend. It's late and if we want to get up early enough to get her things without causing a scene, we'll need our rest.” The stallion nodded and turned to trot off. A sudden light swat to his flank made his cheeks turn bright red and his pace quicken.

Jadewing grumbled as she nuzzled into the earth pony's neck. “You know I could use a bit of comforting too, you know. I was the one who got told my flank was too big for that outfit today.”

“Oh?” Silverchain said as she gently stroked the pegasus under the chin. “Well then, we'll just have to make sure you feel extra comfortable tonight, won't we?” she mumbled as she reached around to give the light blue coated mare a light swat on the cutie mark. “Now come along dear,” she said as she turned to trot down the hall towards the stairs, her tail lightly swishing across the other mare's face as the winged pony's cheeks turned red.


The sun hung high in the sky as the four ponies made their way to the large exhibition hall. Unsurprisingly, ponies were flooding inside as the final day of the event carried on. Rarity was wearing a subtle green dress, yellow scarf, thick sunglasses and a big blue hat as she tried to keep as low to the ground as she could.

“I knew it would be like this if we came after they opened,” the mare said with a slight whine.

“It happens. We stayed up too late,” Enigma mumbled as he glanced back to the other two mares. They were each wearing form fitting backless dresses, Silverchain's was glittering light blue while Jadewing's was a dazzling purple. They had even worn jeweled heels for the occasion. He was wearing a black tux. “Besides, you all look radiant. I'm sure every pony will be too busy staring to remember what happened last night...” he grumbled as he poked the ground a few times with his hoof.

“Now Enigma, you know it's a black tie event,” Jadewing said with a roll of her eyes.

“I know... I still wish I could have gotten a pretty little outfit too,” he grumbled as he poked his tie. “It always has to be the suit though, while you all get dozens of different dress styles...”

“I know. Sucks to be you,” the pegasus said as the trotted inside. After a few steps she moved close to him and nuzzled his neck. “Don't worry, you look adorable, even if it's just a tux.”

“Oh no. No no no. Oh no no noooo!” Rarity squealed with horror as she stopped and stared at her display. Once again a small crowd had formed around it to stare. Five royal unicorn guards of the night stood in front of it, at attention. “They're here to arrest me! Is showing the princess those kind of things against the law? No no, it must be! I can't do this! I can't go to prison! The dungeons! How will I survive? I won't look good in yellow! How will I survive without my silk sheets? What will every pony think?! Do you know what happens to mares like me in the dungeons?!” she shrieked.

“Oh, oh! I know!” Enigma said as he waved a hoof. “When Silverchain got this warden outfit she also grabbed a video called 'Ensnared mares' and... sorry,” he squeaked as all three mares glared at him.

“Now, what I'm sure Enigma meant, is that I don't think you're under arrest,” Silverchain said with a pat to Rarity's withers. “I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Come along, dear.”

Slowly the group moved towards the assembled guards and Rarity raised her hoof. “H-hello, sir,” she said to the closest one. “C-can I help you?”

“Are you miss Rarity?” the pony asked as he glared at her. She found herself unable to speak as he looked over her. “Well are you?”

“Y-yes...” she squeaked softly as she tried to hide behind her earth pony companion.

“Very good. I have a letter from Princess Luna to hoof deliver,” he said as his horn glowed and a letter flew out from his dark armor.

“W-what? For me?” she asked as she took the letter with wide eyes.

“Yes, madam. Have a pleasant day. Guards, attention! March!” the pony said as the guards quickly marched away. The crowd only got larger as more ponies tried to catch a peep of what was going on, while simultaneously pretending to be interested in other affairs.

Rarity slowly opened the letter and nearly choked.

“What is it?” Enigma asked nervously as he gulped.

“A-an apology and a few things she would like me to create for her...” she squeaked as she stared at the parchment.

“Hah! I knew she was into that stuff! You owe me fifteen bits, Enigma!” Jadewing said with a cocky smirk.

“What? No!” Rarity squeaked as her cheeks turned even redder. “Not those kinds of things! Dresses!”

“Awwww...” the pegasus grumbled as she kicked the floor.

“Let's just get my things and go. I don't-”

“Miss Rarity! Oh, I'm so thankful you came. I was worried I might have missed you,” a voice said from behind the three. The fashionista turned to see the mare she had helped the day prior running up to them.

“Oh? Errr, how can I help you?” she asked as she cocked her head to the side.

“There was a mare who came by for you last night. A small pink earth pony with a balloon cutie mark,” the mare said as she gazed nervously at the ground.

“Pinkie Pie?” Rarity asked as her eyes went wide and her hoof moved up to her mouth in shock. “I... I should have known. I suppose five days without seeing each other is quite long. Nearly seven with the travel. Where is she though?” she asked as she looked around. “Knowing her she's off making friends...”

“She's in the hospital. There was an accident last night and she had a nasty fall,” the mare said softly. Rarity just stood there, completely frozen with the smile on her face. “I'm afraid I don't know where they took her, but I thought you should know. Miss?”

“.... I think she's in shock,” Enigma said as her poked her head. “The nearest hospital is the Goldenwing memorial hospital so they probably took her there. Rarity? Blink once for yes.”

The mare's lips twitched before she suddenly grabbed Enigma by the collar of his tux. “WHERE?!” she yelled in an almost demonically deep and menacing tone. The hall went quiet as every pony turned towards the frightening sound with horrified looks.

Enigma squeaked, “T-take a right at the exit, t-two blocks down then head left. K-keep going and it's on the right. Please don't kill me and devour my soul...” he said pathetically as he stared up at the mare with frightened eyes.

As the unicorn let him go and ran off Jadewing looked to the cowering stallion. “You know, you're old friend is kind of scary when she does... whatever it is she just did...”


Pinkie was jarred awake by something warm, slightly heavy but plenty soft landing on her stomach. She opened her eyes to look at the beautiful white unicorn that was hugging her tummy.

“Oh my little cotton candy mare, what have I done?!” Rarity cried, “All the time we could have spent cuddling, but I wasted it feeling sorry for myself!” she wailed as she lay her head on the earth ponies stomach. “As Celestia as my witness, I shall never go four days without your company again!”

“Okey dokey lokey,” Pinkie said as she patted the mare's head.

“Pinkie! You're alive! Oh my dear, sweet, delicious and soft cinnamon mare!” Rarity cried out as she hugged the pony close. “I was so worried! I feared you would never awaken! That our love would-”

“Would yah knock it off already?!” a pegasus, wearing a white coat and having a stethoscope around his neck, called into the room. “I told you she was going to be fine! Save the drama for the soap operas! The rest of us still have a lot of work to do!”

“Sorry,” Rarity squeaked. “How is your hoof feeling, darling?”

“Mostly fine. The doctor just said I shouldn't walk on it for a week,” Pinkie said as she happily nuzzled the unicorn. “I missed you so so so soooo much!”

“I... I missed you too. Far more in fact than I thought I would...” Rarity closed her eyes and took a deep breath of her loving marefriend. She could still smell the soft scent of cinnamon in the mare's hair.

“Did you make a lot of sales and become super duper famous and impress all the ponies with how amazing and pretty all your gowns are?”

“... Actually I more made a fool of myself and possibly ruined my career. How was your week?”

“Oh! I got wings for a little bit and the stove broke and we went para-sailing but it didn't work well and apparently I have a fracture in my front right hoof that I need to keep clean and off it until it grows out!” the excitable mare finished off by leaning in and giving Rarity a long, powerful and passionate kiss that made the unicorn's horn spark.

“I-I see... Well I... I was planning to head home early. Will you be okay to travel or would you rather stay in the hospital for a few days? I can delay my ticket if need be.”

“Oh... do we have to leave already? I just got here and I was thinking we could spend some time together,” Pinkie said with a mischievous grin. “Just me, you and the towns ponies. Oh, that reminds me. Do you have other lovers?”

Rarity inhaled so quickly she started choking on the pink pony's hair. After she pulled away and managed to cough up a few strands she turned wide eyed to her marefriend. “Do I WHAT?! Of course I don't have any lovers! What in Equestria would make you think something like that?”

“Oh I went to the hotel you were supposed to be staying at but she said you were gone and that you had lovers and were breaking stuff so I went too-” Pinkie suddenly had her mouth covered by a little white hoof, though she continued to speak around it.

“No, no. I have no lovers. That was just an old friend. A very old friend and we were getting re-acquainted. He is really quite sweet, but most definitely not my type.”

“Oh... can we stay with him then and check out the city?”

“... I suppose. I'll have to ask him, but I'd honestly rather just go home,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes and nestled back into the shoulder of her marefriend. “I'd love to just be home with you. Back in my nice, comfortable bed. Woken up by another one of your little surprises... Pinkie... I have something I need to tell you...”


“When I first left on this trip I was feeling... I was getting tired of you. No, not quite how I meant! I just... I need alone time...” she mumbled as she nestled in. “but the longer I stayed the more I began to realize I've started to depend on you. Without your constant cheer to help keep me happy I just feel... so lonely. Whenever things got really bad, all I could think about was how badly I wanted you to be there with me. What I'm trying to say is... I'm sorry. I never should have felt that way about you.”

Pinkie wrapped her hooves around the mare. “Awww, it's okay. Sometimes good friends need some time to themselves. I guess marefriends are the same,” she said as she leaned in and nibbled the unicorns horn. “We can go home if you want, as long as we can go together.”

“That would be nice. Have you ever thought about where you want... us to go down the line?” Rarity asked as she slowly pulled her head back.

“Of course, silly! Our anniversary party is going to be wild!”

“What? Anniver...” she squeaked as she looked around. “Oh dear, oh dear! I've been so busy I hadn't even- mmff!” as the unicorn turned back to the party pony their lips touched.

“I'd love to,” Pinkie said with a smile.

“L-love to what?”

The pink mare took a deep breath before beginning, “Move into your home with you so you don't have to stress and worry so much about having to pay off the entire thing month to month all by yourself and worry that you might suddenly fail or run out of money and not be able to finish paying it off. Even though you're too nice to actually ask even though you want to because you really like cuddling up to me at night and I do with you and you don't really know how much I make or if the Cakes would be okay with me leaving.”

“I... what? How did you know I was wanting to... ask that?” Rarity said with a soft squeak as she poked her hooves together. Her cheeks were burning bright red.

“Just a hunch. I can do that now, ever since the girls! Isn't that awesome?” the mare asked as she leaned in with another soft kiss.

“Y-yes. Awesome. So you uhhh, do wish to move in with me then?”

“Only if you want me too. I'll make sure to give you a bit of alone time as well, so you can work on your dresses. Okay my little marshmallow cream puff?”

“Mmm hmmm my little cotton-candy nibble mare...” Rarity mumbled as she pulled back a little bit. “How about we get you discharged and we can head home, okay? It's a long train ride home and... well, I'm happy I'll be on it with you.”

“Okey dokey lokey!” Pinkie said as she pushed off the covers and hopped out of bed. She walked on Rarity's left side, leaving on the white mare as she kept her hoof off the ground.

“We'll just need to swing by the exhibition first. Hopefully Enigma and the others aren't too angry with my sudden departure...”


Rarity stared at her little section of the hall with wide eyes. It. Was. FINE! All her dresses and supplies had been repackaged and were ready to be moved. There were no crowds, no panic and no pony was causing an uproar. In fact, when she arrived the three were sitting on one of her suitcases and flipping through magazines.

“I'm back. I hope everything went well?” Rarity asked as she looked to the three.

“Easy as could be,” Enigma mumbled as he glanced up. “You know how good I am at packing things. Is this Miss Pinkie Pie I've heard so much about?”

“Uh huh!” Pinkie said happily as she waved. “Nice to meet you, Enigma! I'm sorry I'm kind of hurt right now or we could have a super duper awesome party!”

“Oh? You told her my name?”

“Actually... no I didn't,” Rarity mumbled as she glanced to her marefriend. “Did I?”

“Nnnope!” the pink mare said as she leaned on the unicorn's should. “I'm not going to have to pull the cart again, am I? I'm not supposed to carry heavy things.”

“What?” Rarity asked as her mouth fell open. “No! O-of course not darling! I'd never make you do such a thing with your hoof in such a state. Besides, we have such a big, strong, capable stallion who can pull it for us,” she said as she smiled at Enigma.

“Oh come on,” he grumbled as he looked around. Jadewing and Silverchain were smirking at him. Slowly he lowered his head and sighed. “Very well... if I have too. I guess it's not to far.”


“P-please... j-just bury me h-here...” Enigma whined as he collapsed on the pavement outside the train station. Sweat drenched his body as his chest heaved up and down with each struggled breath.

“Oh, please darling. I managed to pull it all the way there myself, I know it wasn't that heavy. Just a little further.”

“I-it wasn't a s-super hot and sunny day though,” he whined pathetically. “and you all keep walking too fast...”

“Come along, dear,” Silverchain said as she moved besides him. “I tell you what, if you go the rest of the way, then when we get home me and Jadewing will...” she whispered the last part in his ear as his face went red.

After a few moments he jumped to his hooves and took off. Rarity looked back to the earth pony with wide eyes. “Just what did you tell him?” she asked.

“You're better off not knowing,” the mare responded as she trotted after the stallion.

Soon Rarity and Pinkie were on the train and gazing out the windows at the three ponies sending them off. The pink earth pony held the window open as she waved wildly at them. “Byeeee! I'll make sure we come and visit! Next time we'll have a really big party with balloons and cake and music and it'll be super duper fun!”

Rarity smiled as she gazed down to the pink mares flank, which swayed with every wave. A grin formed on her lips as she waved as well. “Bye Enigma. I'll make certain not to let so many years pass between visits this time,” she called out while not moving her gaze.

“Goodbye Rarity!” Enigma called back. “I'll make sure to call you tomorrow,” he said as he glanced to where the other unicorn's eyes were watching. “or maybe a few days when you're not so busy.”

A loud whistle split the air as the train began to slowly move. Final waves were given as soon the train pulled out of the station and began its slow trip back to Ponyville. Rarity pulled the energetic earth pony close and softly nestled her cheek. “Well, it's going to be a very long trip back. Anything you'd like to talk about?”

“Mmm hmm... how did you meet your friend?”

Rarity paused for a moment before pulling out her workbook. “That's a very long story. I'm not sure how you'll feel about it but... I just want you to know. After you find out I ummm... I understand if you changed your mind about wanting to move in.”

Pinkie giggled and laid her head on the unicorn's shoulders. “Did you forget already?”

“Forget what?”

The earth pony leaned up and kissed Rarity firmly on the mouth. “No take backsies, sister.”