• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 714 Views, 2 Comments

Serpotics - K_and_REDACTED

a secret villian created by the depresed 12 year-old Celestia returns, and its up to the6 to stop it

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Part 3: Scaring Memories

“Dreams are just remnants, of our past life”
They flew through the castle and into the court yard where the deeply depressed 12 year old Celestia sat, throwing rocks at birds.
The scream, one of a woman, rang out from the castle.
“Mother…? Mother!” Celestia shot to her feat, rounding corner after corner, following the body of the Serpotic device, she smashed through the doors and into the library, her heart skipped a beat, her mother lay dead, then it stopped all together, the body of the Serpotic device led strait into… the nursery.
Suddenly, the screams of a child rang out, her sister was about to die…
“No…” she said softly “no…” she clenched her fists and an angry tear rolled its way down her face. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” she smashed through the door into the nursery. The beast was about to strike. She sprinted towards her sister, and grabbed her. The Serpotic device flung a coiled row of spikes at them. It left a deep gash in the younger girls’ neck.
Luna rubbed the scar on the back of her neck. Celestia never told her where it came from… but now… she knew.
She ran, and ran, and ran.
The device gained on her slowly. She sped up, adrenaline coursing through her veins.
Her little sister held in her arms. Faster, faster.
The fainted castle rushed past them as they trailed behind, the Serpotic device drew back… then it flew out at a T up ahead, she ran through a door. She needed a plan…
They watched, she ran, a young girl spilling out blood in her arms.
She ran into a door, and waited. The sound of metal sliding on stone sounded outside. Celestia laid her sister down. They were safe, at least for the moment anyway. Luna lay on the floor, the back of her neck bleeding horribly. Celestia stared at her sister, she had seen the medic fix wounds before, and there was no harm in trying. She looked around for something to wrap it with… there was nothing. She looked back at Luna; her eyes began to lose life.
Celestia would not let this happen. She took off her jacket, and, with the remnants of adrenaline powered strength, tore the sleeve clean-off. She wrapped it around Lunas neck. It would do for now. She searched the cupboards franticly, the sound of metal on stone sounded back down the hallway, slowly approaching. She searched for a potion, or a medicine, something, anything!
There! She grabbed the bottle-SMASH!-the machine smashed through the door. It made an odd whirring noise.
“Princess…” its voice was oddly musical… it should sound more mechanical… and yet, her thoughts drowned in the sound of its voice.
“Princes-s-s-s-s… Just drop the bottle, and come…”
Her eyes were motionless, she took a step forward… Then she began to walk forward.
“Yes-s-s-s-s, that’s right, just forget about your s-s-s-sister and come hither…”
Sister…? She thought sluggishly.
Sister… she pondered it… what was it again?
Sister! Suddenly she snapped back to reality.
“Luna!” she yelled.
She stopped, and ran towards her sister, in a useless effort to save her. The device charged at her. Celestia stood and faced the machine. She kicked, her large black boot smashed into the head, the smell of burning rubber filed the room. She severed wires sending sparks flying. She scooped up the head, grabbed her sister, and ran. But without a head, would it still work? She didn’t know, and she wasn't about to find out.
She ran past the (possibly stunned, but hopefully dead) body of the device, down several halls, and into her room. She fumbled with a lock and opened a trunk, and then she threw the head inside and locked it.
Trying to run to the main exit would be too risky. She looked out the window, looked down…. A second floor room… it had seemed like a good idea at the time…
“Well,” she said taking a deep breath, “here goes nothing…” she jumped
-To Be Continued-

Comments ( 1 )

This is an interesting story. The "Serpotics" device seems very unusual and kind of neat. I find the whole idea of human/pony creatures hard to picture, though, but that might just be me.

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