• Published 8th Sep 2013
  • 3,001 Views, 63 Comments

Annabelle's Book - -GLaDOS-

Annabella was never a normal pony. She was blessed with the gift of being incontinent. To be more accepting of her problem, she starts a journal.

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Journal: 16th

Alright... One problem doc. I am glad I'm entertaining you, but I don't care how nice my story is. The problem is that I am lonely, depressed, and poor. As sweet as my story may be, along with how much feeling I put into doesn't matter. What matters is that I am improving, and I honestly am not. Where was it thought that me, a fully grown mare now, would improve by writing in a journal. It sounds like a school house punishment. I am just seeing how big of a buck up I really am with this. That is why I drink. It isn't hurting me or anything, I've drank since I was a teen, it helps me more then anything. Makes me forget how messed up things really are right now. Is that the wrong way of thinking? Yes it is. Then why am I killing my liver, and just making myself more sad then I already am? I figured it out today, all of it. It is pretty simple really, and I have been angry all day because of it.

Okay so first, yesterday. How usual, I didn't do much. I restocked my supply of undergarments, food, and other things. I decided to buy another dress too, that isn't so plain. It is kinda frilly, so it isn't so tight against my flank. I walked around the city, and bought lunch on the street. The diner was closed oddly, so I just went home and ate a tub of Ice Cream, while listening to this special on the radio. It is when all these ponies call in and talk about their problems. I think I have talked about it before, but it is just a bunch of whiners. Hey, let's be honest. I whine, a lot... but I do it in here. It is what I was blessed with, not much I can do to change it. I embrace it. Anyway, a bunch of ponies call in and whine about their special someponies... Ha! At least you have one! Talking about how they 'Cheat'. Really?! You are telling me that some stallions and mares are so lucky to have two ponies that love them? Some of us need to get our facts straight. Like you. Yeah, you doc. You aren't nearly the same as me. You have a baby... I have nothing....

Alright, so you ready for this? Today I really had good luck. I probably stepped on too many cracks, walked under too many ladders or saw a black cat. But Miss Annabelle, I thought those things were supposed to cause bad luck? Oh really? I mean't bad luck. I always have bad luck, when don't I? I had the bad luck to be stuck in a diaper, like some type of oversized baby, who can't control her bodily functions. Too the point where you are made fun of by the ones who are supposed to be wearing them. I am just so... Off, today. I am really mad about this.

I was walking down the street today. It was a normal morning, and the streets were clear. It was that really cold overcast kinda weather, typical for this time of year. Along with this time of year comes the smells of the season too. That smell of pumpkin pie, with other dinner items eaten on the holidays. I always liked this time of year when I was a filly, everything was so festive. I heard the ringing of the bells too, along with choirs. This part of the year is honestly magical... For most of us. So it was beautiful! I wanted to get into the spirit, so I decided to walk into Neighcy's super store. Why not right? Get to see all the cute toys, maybe a couple of excited kids waiting to see Santa. It was the most festive place to be.

I saw this really cute toy. It was a jack-in-the-box, that was old fashioned. It played a cute little melody when you played it, then it popped. I really liked it, and thought about buying it. As I continued to fiddle with it, a little filly walked up. "Excuse me miss" The little filly chirped as I looked down.

"Oh..." I hesitated "Hello sweetheart... What is it?"

"Can I have one of those?" The pink filly replied, reaching up at the table. I had other concerns, while I grabbed one for the little thing.

"I will... But, where are your parents?"

"My mommy? She's shopping!" The filly waited patiently as I handed her a box.

"Don't you think you should be with your mommy? I am sure she is wondering where you are. She probably would be really upset if she lost you" The filly shook her head at my response.


"Hmm... Well, does she know where you are?" I said getting on eye level with her. She was indeed little, probably only three. I have to admit Lee, she was fricken adorable. She had the smoothest pink coat I have seen on a girl her age, with a curly, but long blonde mane. Her neck had a scarf around it.

"-No...." She shook her head with the response. The melody played as she winded it up with her hoof nervously.

"Little filly... I think you should go back to your mommy" I offered her a hoof. But she pulled away "Please... I don't want you to get in trouble sweet-"


And like that, we both jumped. I chuckled a little, it really got me. But... I look down, and there that cute little face is, tearing up. Seconds later she started bawling her eyes out, and I had no idea what to do. All the parents nearby started staring at me. All I could do is stand there, hoping the mom would show up or something while I looked back and fourth frantically. At the same time, that audible hiss was heard. I closed my eyes, rubbing my head as I wet myself. Typical. My dress didn't really hide it either. I cursed Celestia. "Please... Little filly... It was just a toy, it is okay" I said as I put the box back. The three year old finally calmed down, her sobbing turning into whimper as I rubbed her head. Boy, was she cute... But... then it got even worse.

"S-scary..." The little filly sniffled. I helped her up.

"I know... Let's go-" I said as i picked her up, but then I turned around and bumped into a mare. A older mare, probably in her 40's.

"What in the hell do you think you are doing with my child?"

"Uhh" I hesitated which was stupid "I-I- I was just going to return her to you" I smirked awkwardly. I wasn't lying, but it probably looked like I was. The mare snatched her child back.

"Sweetheart... Did this mare hurt you?" The mother asked as she cradled the little pegasus. She nodded. What a traitor! I didn't lay a hoof on her! "We need to call security!"

"Ma'am, I swear I didn't lay a hoof on her. She was startled by the Jack-in-the-box, I s-swear!" I said, shaking my head.

"You freak! Don't ever lay a hoof on my daughter again!" The mare looked at my back side... What do you think she noticed? My diaper. Of course. With my luck, she didn't have sympathy, she didn't even notice it was incontinence. Instead, she chuckled "Pedophile" The mare said, walking away. That moment, my heart sank deeper into me. The words stuck. For having a disorder, I was called a pedo.

"Is that mare wearing a diaper?"

"Eww... What in the world is that girl wearing?"

"Wow... What a freak"

"Mommy! Mommy! Why is that mare wearing a diape? Isn't she a big girl?"

All the voices came from the crowd gathering around me. Stupid city ponies, they all laughed, giggled, made comments. I teared up, like the foal I was. Emotions bottled up, and all I could do is scream at the top of my lungs. You would think they would get it, but after a silence, they just cracked up. I ran out crying. I'm done writing. I don't have anything to say. I just want to see how you fix this


Author's Note:

Just a chapter I'm posting to show I still exist