• Published 9th Sep 2013
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The Immortal Hero And The Nightmare Queen - Gravitiaxis

You are the Immortal Hero. A legendary hero who's exploits will be witnessed throughout time. Throughout the ages you have lived countless lives and have saved many more. Your nearing you next life and it's time for the next adventure.

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Chapter Two: Personalities

"Are you sure? Is that your final choice?" The woman asked.

"Yes." You said nodding your head. With a snap of a finger you felt your body become engulfed with a bright and warm light. You watched as your own body began to change right before you. Turning into a taller more muscular form of body. Your once short black hair began to become longer and more straighter.

(If you have any better pics don't hesitate to show me.)

Despite the new body you couldn't help but feel incomplete. You still felt tasteless and boring. Sensing this, the woman informed you that despite having a new body, you weren't done yet. "In order to be whole you will need to have a personality. Something which will define who your are and what you will become." She said forming three different colored orbs. A white, grey, and a black one. "Each orb represents a personality that will define the new you." She said focusing on the White orb.

"Will you be a paragon? A man who does good for the sake of others. Choosing this path cause you to become a very calm and collected mage, even under the most dire of circumstances, leading to many people to confide in you. However, your stoic demeanor will irritate your companions since you respond to their thoughts with sighs or grunts. By your own admission, you have spent most of your time focusing on improving your knowledge and skills and almost no time at all on cultivating friends. This lack of companionship means that you value whatever friendship you manage to create, and will be genuinely saddened when you end up outliving them, especially if you've known them for a long time. Opposed to how you were a few hundred years ago you’ve become a very caring man, and are often willing to take on an extremely deadly opponent alone in order to allow your allies to escape.

In combat, you surprise your opponents with a wide range of powerful magic unknown to most of the population, aiming to end a fight as quick as possible rather than to let drag on. If you can quickly talk someone out of a fight then you would gladly do so, but if you can’t your enemies will find that despite being a pacifist you are not to be taken lightly.

This personality has a very forgiving nature, consistently extending an offer to help even to your most dangerous enemies before putting a stop to their evil deeds. However when your patience has reached its limit or they were duplicitous, your enemies will never get a second chance, and you would often give them a fate worse than death. It is no secret that this personality has some anger issues. You will have to learn that in this world that no one is perfect, and that following the rules to do good is not always going to work. It will necessary sometimes to bend the rules. Choosing this personality will put you on better terms with Celestia, while causing you to distance yourself from Luna.”

The woman at last showed you the black orb.

"Maybe you'd like the life of the free spirit. Your drive for knowledge is one of your man focuses in life. You will often be seen as batshit insane due to how crazy you act sometimes. Most of your choices and actions are solely based on impulse, you move on instinct and think on a whole other plane than the rest of your kind. Most people tend to think of you as a mad scientist, who does what he does for science. While these people are technically correct, only a small amount of people can see that you are a lot more sane than you appear. While the other personalities were born the way they were, something made you into the crazy person you are today. Perhaps the realization that you are destined to out live everyone you will ever come to love was too much for you to bare, or perhaps you saw something that made you go mad with revelation, no one knows because your answer is always changing.

Throughout your time as being immortal you have witnessed every flaw of the human psyche. You are no longer moved by the swells of human drama, and sees beauty where others cannot, such as the simple things in life. You try to keep the number of friends that you have at an all time minimum due to the fact that you'll just out live them or worse forget them.

Despite all of your knowledge you will become rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything your way, whether for good or bad, in stark contrast to the (Good) personality who is calm, and more focused on his objectives and the (Neutral) personality who prefers to stay in the background. You spend most of your time acting as an adviser for the Princesses, giving them useful advice on matters they cannot handle by themselves. On your free time you will often be found in a library reading or in a lab concocting some crazy experiment.

When in a fight, you either come off as crazy and unpredictable, which can be described as an intimidating scene. You are feared in battle due to you tendency to adapt to new fighting styles, and use them against your opponents by taking bits and pieces from their strategies while making up the rest on-the-go as you combat with them, making you a force to be reckoned with.

While naturally a good person you will find yourself naturally conflicted between doing what you want and what others need you to do. Most of your intentions are good ones, but upon supporting freedom of choice you will have a problem with learning how to find balance between doing what is best for yourself as well as for others. This personality is on good terms with Luna as opposed to Celestia.”

The woman then showed you the grey orb.

"Maybe you will want to play the role as being True Neutral. A man who only betters himself rather than others. You only do good because it’ll be most convenient for you at the moment or the long term reward will benefit everyone in the long run, and if you don't see an opportunity for you to benefit off of, you will often refuse to participate in it until you are guaranteed compensation. You are mage who is "just looking out for number one", who provides advice for the Princesses when necessary. It just so happens to be luck that you end up doing more good than bad. You will hold traits from the white and black orb. Your insanity was more developed than caused, you see the world as black and white, you think of the people around you as either entirely good because they do more good than evil or entirely evil because they did more evil than good, because of this you are seen as having a less than stable mind. Due to this realization, you have made yourself neutral by not choosing a side. If it means saving more lives you will gladly do good, but if choosing a morally bad choice for the sake of saving more lives is better, you'll choose this as well, or even choose a third option all together. You will be a shrewd, calculating, and intelligent trickster who uses wit and deceit to attain your goals, preferring to end disputes verbally instead of by force.

In combat, you prove to be a skilled mage capable of holding your own against even the most powerful opponents, but you choose to use your superior intelligence to your advantage during fights, exploiting your environment to turn the tables on your foes rather than relying purely on your skill with magic. When this doesn't work and you find yourself outmatched, you use your immortality and inability to become tired to quickly wear the enemy out. You will usually prefer the strategies of non-violent negotiations or turning your enemies against each other, reasoning "Why fight when you can negotiate? All one needs is the proper leverage." You will invoke parley and tempt your enemies away from their murderous intentions and encourage them to see the bigger picture.

Although an Archmage/Advisor and willing to kill your enemies in a fight, you sometimes show reluctance to kill people who do not actually wish you harm, such as enemies who are only after you because it is their job rather than because they have personal issues with you. You have seen much destruction and death in your life, most of which you were apart of, you will try as hard as you can not to add anymore. However if you see no way to spare them you will show them no mercy.

While at heart you are a very emotionally secured person, if one were to delve deeper into your psyche, he/she will find a broken and fearful immortal that has experienced much pain and suffering throughout the one thousand years that he has lived. This personality will be on neutral terms with both Celestia and Luna.”

The woman expanded all three orbs allowing you to choose who you would like to become.

Author's Note:

Alright there ya go. Aetherraent had just made a last minute recovery. For those who wanted Legak, don't worry, he'll have a major part in the story later on.