• Published 25th Feb 2012
  • 1,402 Views, 23 Comments

The First S.P.E.A.R. OF ORION Colony - Silver Centurion

With Salvador defeated, the 8th armored scans for the rest of the SPEAR... but theyre all gone......

  • ...

Team Bravo

All was silent over Ponyville as a lavender unicorn drifted away to sleep. But silence usually means one thing. A battle is coming. The silence was soon broken by the all too familiar sound of an object hurtling throught the atmosphere at great speeds. But this time it wasn't just a stray meteor or comet, oh no, it was something much worse. It was the SPEAR OF ORION's troops deploying across the general ponyville area.

" Listen up! And listen good!" A captain shouted to his men in a SPEAR dropship. "We have been informed that we are to drop, and then rendevouz with Alpha and Charlie squads right outside this forest." The captain then pulled up a holopad map of Ponyville's geography. No settlements were present of course, as contact hadnt been established, and only very general maps had been mad from low orbit.The captain pointed to the Everfree's treeline and then to where the 3 squads woul be deployed. "Alpha will drop here.." he said pointing to the general area of Zecora's hut. "Bravo here..." pointing to the center of Ponyville. "And Charlie over here..." the captain said pointing to a swapmy area. The captain then deactivated the holopad and prepared to jump.

"Alright men, LET'S DO THIS!" He exclaimed as the bay doors opened and he jumped out headfirst. What he saw shocked even him. Several hundred meters below was a village that resembled ancient human structures.

"Captain what the fuck is this?", a soldier commented over the com.

"Ya, seriously commander, what on Earth is this?", another soldier chimed in worriedly.

The commander remained silent, dumbfounded by what he was approaching until he finally spoke up and said " Hit the brakes men looks like this recon op just got a lot more complicated..."

The other 10 soldiers did as they were told and and activated their brakes fairly high ,up. As they drifted closer to the ground they noticed creatures moving. Albeit there were few, the soldiers didnt know what to think of it, yet.

The soldiers impacted the ground as softly as you possibly can from a HALO drop. As the soldiers took out their weapons, they scanned the area briefly and decided that it would be best to take refuge util they knew what they were up against.

The captain softtly whispered over his com to Alpha who had certainly landed by now. "Alpha, there is lfe on the planet, i repeat sentient life forms are present."

"I read you bravo, we'll inform the commander.", said a low gravely voice over the com.

"Charlie this is Bravo, we've discovered sentient life on the planet. Do you read?", said the captain once more over the com, this time to Charlie squad.

No reply for a few seconds until a despera sounding soldier replied " We're under attack! Bravo send help qui-" , the com cut out abruptly leaving the captain wondering what had attacked them.

"Charlie? CHARLIE? Dammit.", the captain said as he brought up Charlies statistics on his HUD. 3 soldiers were KIA, and another 4 were injured.

The captain radioed to Aplha and stated coldy " Alpha, this is Bravo. We are postponing the rendevouz. We'll send you the new coordinates once a safe zone has been established."

" Alright Bravo. We'll hold our current position for the time being. Be quick about finding a safe zone though, a couple of the soldiers think they saw something moving in the brush. And we heard what happened to Charlie. Find a safe zone, ASAP. Alpha out."

A few soldiers started to shuffle around the commander, until one taped him on the back. The captain turned around to face a SPEAR soldier clad in Aegis armor.

"David, I think we found a refuge. Lights are off, looks deserted, windows seem to be unlocked." a soldier sated gesturing to a large treelike structure...

"A tree?! A fucking tree?! C'mon Aquilla, you cant be serious.", another soldier this on carrying a sniper, commented.

"Can it Jason! It's our best shot for the time being.", Captain David growled at Jason.

" My god lets just get this over with..." Jason muttered as he followed the rest of the group towards the tree.

The soldiers, knowing using a jetpack to get to the window wouldn't work (too loud) hopped up on the limbs of the tree. Each of the 13 armor clad figures found ther own ways in. The captain found a window which seemed to be unlocked and slowly creaked the shutters open until he was just able to fit through and close the window again, all without a sound.

All of the soldiers regrouped in a back room where most had found their way in.

"Alright, Brown, take inventory of the men and equipment. Aquilla, you got your shotty?", David asked quietly.

" Always." Aquilla said taking out his large pump action instrument of death.

"Good... I want you to sweep the house. See if anyone is still here, just in case."

"Roger that captain." , Aquilla whispered as he opened he door which lead into the main library. He began to search the large circiluar room until he had determined nothing was present. He then proceeded to advance up a set of stairs that led to a small platfrom which overlooked the main library. After a quick scan Aquilla singled out two lumps that were... breathing?

He approached cautiosly with his shotgun raised. Every step he got closer to the lump in a large bed , he could hear it breathing more and more clearly until he finally got close enough that he could practically hear it's hearbeat. He examined it for a few seconds, but couldn't really make out what it was. As he was about to lift the covers, a voice came from behind him and thesoldier whirled around concernedly and without a second thought fired his shotgun. Aquilla had completely forgoten that this was a stealth mission and mentally faceplamed as he arroached the bloody mess he had created.

But before he could make out what the creature was in the dark, he heard somethng waking up behind him. He was hesistant to turn around.

All Aquilla could say before spinning around was "Oh' shiiiiiit..."

Aquilla whirred around and, learning from his previous folly brought out his knife and approached the shifting lump. He went in to remove the covers from the creature, but before he could, the creature removed them itself.Tthe lavender colored creature was laying in bed staring up at the large robotlike man in confusion.

The feeling was mutual...