• Published 28th Aug 2013
  • 1,897 Views, 26 Comments

Mind Swap - Flames173

Big Mac wakes up in Rainbow Dash's body and she herself wakes up in Big mac's body.

  • ...

The final day

"So where do we start?" he asked, adjusting his rainbow mane.

"Granny?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Granny Smith got out of her chair. "First, you must make the confession of secrets."

Both ponies hesitated, Mac checked Granny's face, she had an expressionless face, she was obviously telling the truth.

"I lost your virginity." Mac said.

"YOU WHAT?" Rainbow Dash shouted.

"SHUSH!" Granny scolded. "Now, whats your secret Rainbow?"

"I, I, I always had a crush on you Mac."

"Ok, now you two need to hug." The two ponies looked at each other and did a quick awkward hug. "Ok, that's good enough I guess." She said. "Now kiss." the two ponies looked at Granny then at each other, then they kissed each other on the cheek. "Lips." They quickly made lip contact. "Longer." she said. "I will say when to stop." Then the two kissed, they kept their eyes closed in disgust, it must have felt weird to be kissing yourself on the lips. "Keep going, keep going, keep going."
Then Rainbow Dash, overtaken by the male hormones inside her, tried to go for a make out. Big Mac was just short of shoving her away and running when Granny finally said "Stop." A slight grin reached the old mare's face, but the two ponies were too focused on what happened to see it.

Mac was coughing and cursing at Rainbow Dash. "What the fuck! You should've fucking asked me before you did something like that you dick!"

"Well, I'm sorry, but it just, felt so right, and I thought we had something."

The two ponies continued to argue for a few minutes until Granny Smith interrupted. "We still have a few more things to do. See that mountain?" Granny asked, pointing at a giant hill behind the Apple house through a window. "Meet me at the top." she said as she got out of her chair and slowly worked her way to the back door. Mac went first as soon as the green pony vanished from sight. His Rainbow tail swishing back and forth in the air with every step. He paused at the door.

"You coming?" he asked Rainbow Dash.

"OH, yeah sure." Rainbow Dash said, quickly running up to Mac before they started walking to the top of the hill.

They reached the top panting, after 4 hours of climbing.

"Wow, you two are slow, I've been waiting for ever!" Granny Smith said.

"How did you beat us? We started a minute after you and were traveling five times as fast, easily!" Mac said.

"I took the stairs." Granny said pointing at the staircase on the side of the hill.

"There was a staircase?" Rainbow Dash asked, her jaw dropped.

"FUCK!" Mac shouted.

Granny Smith laughed. Then the sun began to rise. Shit, they took too long, I can't do my plan now. Damn. Guess I took this camera for nothing. Well, at least I got the kiss, oh they owe me so much now. "Now, one last thing." she said.

"I swear to Celestia its sex, you're a dead Mare!" Rainbow Dash said.

"No, it isn't, drink this potion." Granny said, handing each pony a bottle of red liquid. "Hurry, before the sun gets too high in the sky!"

Rainbow Dash and Big Mac took a cautious swig of the mysterious liquid. Next thing they knew, they were back in their own bodies.

"Yes, thank Celestia!" Rainbow Dash shouted as she darted into the air and flew around a bit.

"Thank you Granny, thank you so much!" Mac said, giving his grandma a hug.