• Published 5th Sep 2013
  • 700 Views, 11 Comments

Sonic and Rainbow Dash's Adventure - TheSTHMC

Eggman has taken over Mobius and now wishes to conquer the Universe. Sonic failed to stop Eggman and has lost more people than he has saved. Sonic is under Eggman's control and is in his Dark form. What will happen to Sonic, who will save Mobius

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Chapter One: Return

The screams of ponies being slaughtered filled the slaughterhouse as Sonic the Hedgehog, in his Dark state, pulled down the lever and the saw which was activated sliced through a green baby foal clean in half. The ponies were delivered by the Search Drones; they rounded up all of the ponies that it could find, looking through every building, crook and even a millimetre wide crack within its range. Few, if any ponies could escape its eye. Not even babies could escape. Once delivered, a crane with a hook would pick up the ponies and escort them to the ‘Saw’, as the escapees called it. Few ponies were able to live a single day after capture. Even less were able to live three days. Only one pony has lived since his capture, and that was Big Macintosh, or traitor to everyone else. He shared information about the pony’s weaknesses and even the easiest ways to kill one. Eggman agreed to the deal of letting him live in exchange for information. This was one of few deals that Eggman actually kept.

Sonic pulled down the lever yet again, and once more, a pony was divided clean in half. Sonic smiled evilly. Twenty executions later, Sonic pulled down the lever, and the saw cut through the body of Rarity, a white and posh Unicorn. Sonic smiled once again, but when Rarity screamed of pain, Sonic’s eyes widened. Then, Amy appeared in his mind, her bloody face, her pain filled eyes, her dying body. Sonic came out of the trance and felt that he had control of himself. Sonic was still in his Dark form, but he felt that he had control over himself. He looked at his hands; they were covered in droplets of Pony’s blood. A robot walked up to Sonic,
“We have one left, and that’s it.” It said in a robotic voice. Sonic nodded and looked at the wall fifty feet away from him, where the ponies were being slaughtered.

Another pony was flown across to that spot. It was a purple unicorn and she was bleeding. The crane’s hooks had pierced her shoulders, and she was crying in pain. Sonic just stared at her. The robots noticed that he was taking too long in the execution, “Hey, get on with it.” It said. Sonic turned,
“Let’s give her a quick death, she’s already suffering enough as it is.”
“No! We make them suffer until they die! Now pull that lever and get out of here!” the robot raged pointing at Sonic. Sonic looked at the lever, and then the pony clamped by the crane. Sonic had to keep under cover, and he pulled the lever, but he didn’t look at Twilight Sparkle’s demise. She screamed, and then silence.
“Good, now get to your bunk. No-one has held out for this long, not even Eggman!” a robot said in shock.
“I can hardly imagine why.” Sonic in his Dark state walked off into his bunk.

The Moon shone brightly, as did the stars. The sky was unusually clear and peaceful, Eggman hated peace and quiet, it meant that something was going to happen, and ‘something’, did happen.

Sonic, still in his black fur looked at his blood-covered hands. There was a bit of blood droplets here and there. Sonic just stared at his murderous palms for a solid half-hour, until screaming interrupted him.
I thought that they stopped for today. Sonic thought to himself. Sonic stood and looked out of his barred window. He witnessed a pony being captured by Eggman’s robots. He didn’t like what he saw. The pony was screaming and running to the best of her ability. She was silhouetted by the Moon, but Sonic could still make her shape out.
“No, please no! I beg you no!” she yelled as the robots grabbed her and beat her until she was unconscious. She collapsed onto the ground, and the robots laughed at her state,
“Ha! Pathetic pony, you would never have out run us! Come on, we won’t hurt you any more. Oh, hang on, we’re Eggman’s robots. We don’t work like that. Ha!” the robot slapped the knocked out pony’s head. The three robots picked her up and dragged her paralyzed body. Sonic watched in horror as the main gates of the settlement closed, the pony’s fate decided, death was inevitable. Sonic lay on his bed, and didn’t sleep for a single second, but as he is in his Dark form, he doesn’t need to sleep, however it feels nice to.

Author's Note:

So, what do you think? I know that this is only short, but at least it's a start. Tell me if there were parts that didn't make sense or if there were spelling mistakes, I will explain and edit the passage. Anyway, I hope that you will like this story.