• Published 24th Aug 2013
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The Twinkie Group Collab! - Drizzle Quill

A collection of short prompts all featuring Pinkie X Twilight, totally not stolen from the FlutterDash and Rarjiack groups, who totally didn't steal it from the AppleDash group or anything...

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Color - YourBronyGod

Author: YourBronyGod

Prompt: Color

Someponies favorite color can tell a lot about them, even if they don’t realize it.

“So Twilight, what is your favorite color? I must know if I am to make this dress perfect,” Rarity asked as she looked down at her sketch.

“Pink,” Twilight answered without missing a beat.

“Pink, dear? I must say, I’m a little surprised dear, not many mares your age are a fan of such a vibrant color, or one seen as juvenile as pink.” Rarity said, still not looking up from her sketch.

“What’s wrong with being a little juvenile at times?” Twilight asked. The slight edge in her voice causing Rarity to finally look up from her many sketches.

“Is something wrong dear? I didn’t mean anything by it. I was just saying that many ponies see it that way. I myself don’t. Thinking of any color as too ‘this’ or too ‘that’ to work with would hurt me considerably as a fashionista.” Rarity explained, causing Twilight’s ears to fold down.

“Ah, no. It’s alright. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by how I acted. I’ve just been tired recently.” Twilight explained with a tired sigh.

“I can tell, darling. You look it. What’s been the problem?” Rarity asked as she abandoned her sketches and made her way to her friend.

“What makes you think there’s a problem?” Twilight inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“Because you don’t get like this when you study too long. You always make sure to catch up on sleep. You said it was because a ‘tired pony is a poor excuse of a researcher’, I believe. Now, Twilight. Please, tell me what’s been bothering you so badly. I just want to help,” Rarity al but pleaded with her friend.

“Fine. There’s this mare-“ Twilight began.

“Ooh. Do go on.” Rarity said.

“I was planning on it,” Twilight grumbled quietly. “Anyway, there’s this mare and I’ve fallen for her. Hard. But I can’t say anything.”

“Why ever not dear?” Rarity questioned as her mind attempted to think of whom it might be.

“Because I don’t want to risk what we have. I don’t want to see her sad, especially not if it’s to let me down gently. I-I just don’t want things to change. But, every night I’ve been having dreams, wonderful dreams about her and I being together. But, they always turn into something horrible.” Twilight, explained as she tried to make sure she kept her eyes dry.

“What happens, dear?” Rarity asked as she rubbed her friends back with a comforting hoof.

“It varies. But, it usually goes in the same pattern. For example, last night. We were sitting on the hillside as the sun was setting, it was so beautiful. Then just as I had worked up the nerve to try to kiss her she, all of a sudden says she has to go.” Twilight begins to finally let her tears escape their ducts at this point as Rarity continues her efforts to comfort her friend. “That her coltfriend is waiting for her. She thanks me for a nice time and leaves. Then I’m alone. She never comes back. It’s always the same thing. It feels romantic; it feels close and comfortable, like we’re together. Then, it always comes crashing down, leaving me alone and sad. Every single time.” Twilight finishes explaining as her tears begin to slow.

“Twilight. They’re just nightmares brought on by stress. You of all ponies should know what the mind can and will do when a pony is stressed.” Rarity explained as Twilight’s tears began to slow.

“I know Rarity, I know. It just-it hurts. Every time. It feels as though somepony is stabbing my heart. I don’t want to feel it in reality, I don’t think I could take it.” Twilight explained as she continued to cry, though the pace was continuing to slow.

Rarity pulled Twilight into a strong hug and allowed the mare to cry herself out. As she did, she looked about her room, her eyes catching her sketch from earlier, along with Twilight’s defense of her favorite color, things started to click.

“Twilight, dear?” Rarity asked quietly.

“Yeah?” Twilight asked, lifting her head up to see her friend. Her eyes were slightly puffy but the tears had stopped.

“How would you feel about getting out of my stuffy old home and going to get something to eat, hm? Maybe get something sweet to eat, visit with Pinkie?” Rarity asked carefully.

“Yeah... yeah. I-I think I would like that.” Twilight said as she gently slipped out of her friends hold. “I think I’d really like that.”

“Excellent, dear.” Rarity said with a large smile.

One thing that Twilight remembered best out of her conversation with Rarity while they made their way toward Sugarcube Corner was, that while making a dress for Pinkie, Rarity had asked her what her favorite color was.

She said, ‘Purple.’

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