• Published 19th Aug 2013
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Times Change - redandready45

A lonely guy operating a bed and breakfast learns more than he ever could imagine about the regular old pony he adopted years ago. And with the help of two strange guests, he is about to find out what.

  • ...

Prologue: Times Change

If there is one thing that is always constant in the universe, if it is not the heat of sun, or the hairs on your head,it is change. Things always seem to change, from the people in your neighborhood, to the face of Michael Jackson. While some of us can be excited about a little change, most of us are anxious about any kind of change, whether it be the change in your wardrobe, or changing your address. In this story, our hero will have to deal with big changes in his life, and though he may get hurt, he will learn how love, friendship, and faith can fight that hurt.

July 1970-

"What beautiful trees," thought Dennis as he drove through the town of Greenfield, New York. One could here the sounds of the wind in the trees, and the noise coming from his 1970 454 Chevelle. You would probably know the town next to it a lot better: Saratoga Springs, a wealthy resort town. It was founded in the 1780's by a man operating a hotel. Since it's very founding in the early years of America, its always been visited by people who want to visit it. After finishing college, Dennis felt like he deserved this vacation, as did his parents paying for it, and he certainly wasn't gonna complain. He was surrounded by nature, and the beautiful National Anthem was being played on his radio: Hendricks style. He did have one complaint.

"Stupid map!" he grumbled, and he tried to read it, while holding the wheel of his car. He pulled over to the side of the road, frustrated and unable to find his way. He saw somebody riding a horse, wearing jeans, a hat, and a white shirt. He pulled over, and ran toward the picket fence.

"Excuse me," he shouted ,"Excuse me! I am lost, can you help me, sir?"
"Sir," shouted the rider of the horse, which he now recognized as female, "excuse me? Whoa easy there Hannah" The horseback rider disembarked, and removed her hat, revealing long blond hair, soft lips, and face wide but beautiful. She looked to be in her early twenties. Dennis blushed, fealing either humiliation, or astonishment, he wasn't sure.

"I-I-I-I, I am sorry," stammered Dennis ,as he backed away from the white fence ,"It's just from behind-,"
"Save it, buddy," shouted the girl , "What do you want?"
Dennis, after recovering from shock, muttered ,"I'm trying to find the Knickerbocker Inn on Carson Street, can you tell me where it is?"

"Knickerbocker Inn?" asked the girl ,"Oh I know where that is! I know the owners, The Uhlenbecks,nice people." She gave him the map, and used her red-polished fingernail as a pointer. "Just keep going down this road right here, Stuyvesant Way, then turn left at the intersection, and keep going straight, and it will be on the right. "

"Thanks," said Dennis. "I guess I'll be on my way!" .

"There is one more thing you need to know, " said the girl as Dennis began walking toward the car.

"What's that," asked Dennis,turning his head around.

"They are all booked up," said the girl, smiling a bit.

"What!" shouted Dennis. "But my travel agent told me-",

"nope they are all booked up," said the girl, with a smirk.

" Can I borrow your phone and call them to be sure?", said Dennis

"Sure go ahead um..." said the girl, embarrassed at not knowing the guy's name.

"My name is Dennis," he said ,"What's yours?"

"Lindsay," she said. "Lindsay Taylor."

"I love that name," muttered Dennis.


"Nothing, get me the phone."

He climbed over the fence staggering a bit, before falling into the grass, head first. As he got up and wiped the grass off of his white shirt . He swore he heard some chuckling, and glared at the woman whose mouth was being covered by her mouth.

"What?" said Lindsay, snickering.

"Nothing," said Dennis. Normally he would not feel terrible after tripping, even when laughed at. Yet something about this girl made him feel less secure. He soon walked into the house. "Bright red," he said as approached the house ,How come I didn't notice that ." Dennis wondered, thinking what object distracted him from such a detail. His widened, and then continued.


"Do you know anywhere else I could stay," asked Dennis into the black phone, frustrated. "You're my family's travel agent, you are supposed to help me travel." (pause) "You don't put the last name in, and I end up homeless for the summer, that does not constitute a small error." (pause) "PITCH A TENT!? This isn't Woodstock.(pause)Well fine, Sobel, you can pitch a tent too, cause you'll be on the streets in a week.YOU'RE FIRED!" Sadnik screamed, slamming the phone down on the receiver.

"No luck," asked Lindsay

"nah, if worse comes to worse, I can always sleep in my car," Sadnik said dejectedly. "Thanks for letting me use your phone, I guess," he said as he turned around, walking away like a kid who missed a chance to see Disneyland.

Lindsay couldn't help but look troubled at such a sight, a young man without a hotel. "He looks cute when he's said," Lindsay thought. Just as he grabbed the screen door, Lindsay seemed to panic.

"Hey," blurted Lindsay.

Dennis turned around and asked, "What?"

"If you're looking for a place to stay," said Lindsay,scratching the back of her head, "I have a spare bedroom."

"Really, are you sure,I don't want to-,"

"Do you want the room or not," asked Lindsay.

"Sure," said Dennis, abruptly.

"Just let me ask my aunt, she owns the farm," she said and walked to a white door and the end of the hall and knocked on it, saying "Aunt Sarah?". She knocked , "Aunt Sarah? Aunt Sar-" The door opened, revealing a stout lady, with a fat pale face a wearing a blue robe, with curlers in her grey-ish hair.

"What," she asked in voice that sounded like an old man with laryngitis.

"Aunt Sarah, this is Dennis, he is a friend from-" she hesitated "-Stony Brook," Dennis turned to Sarah, confused ,"and his travel agent screwed up, so now he has no place to stay in Saratoga Springs. Can he sleep in the guest room."

Aunt Sarah walked up to Dennis, her bunny slippers scraping the floor, staring at him, with a frown on her face. Though Dennis was maybe six inches taller, her eyes looked harder than a lump of coal, and her girth made her seem more powerful. She turned to Sarah and said, "Get his luggage," and walked back to her room.

"Thanks Aunt Sarah," she said.

"I couldn't turn away such a handsome boy," Sarah said, with a tone that was subtle but seemed to display some whimsy.

Lindsay and Dennis soon caught the hint and looked away from each other, their faces blushing.

"He's not my boy-"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm kidding Lindy," and snickered, "just get his stuff and I'll make the room," she said in that harsh voice as she walked back to the room.

"Don't call me Lindy," said Lindsay, in an annoyed tone as she walked out the screen door.

Dennis told her "Thanks Mrs..."

"Johnson!", she said.

"Mrs. Johnson, good, I'll just help her get my stuff," Dennis said, as he walked out the door.

"Damn these shoes", said Dennis as he ran toward his car, where Lindsay was already grabbing his bag. It wasn't a run of excitement, but more of that stomp detectives use when trying to get to the truth.

"How did you know I go to Stony Brook," said Dennis, in a demanding tone.

" I didn't," said Lindsay ,"I go-well I graduated from Stony Brook. I was in environmental studies."

Dennis thought for a minute, then his eyed widened with realization. "Oh now I remember you. You wrote a article about industrial pollution in Upstate, you caused quite a bit of trouble there. I was on the Sea wolves baseball team."

"Well I don't watch much baseball, but I did hear a story about some guy called the Menace a couple of years ago who broke the umpires jaw with his throw." Her eyes also widened in realization. " That was you?"

"Yep, they called me Dennis the Menace. I played while studying accounting. I didn't like it at first, but then I hurt that umpire, and from then on, some of the opposing players who knew about me would strike out because they didn't want there jaws broken. Then a truly became a menace. I guess we are both celebrities then," he said.

"Yep," she said, but then forgot about that conversation and began staring at his lanky baseball body, becoming lost in her fantasy, until a light but sudden finger tapped her on the shoulder- and back into reality.

"Uh, Lindsay, you kinda spilled my stuff everywhere," said Dennis rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh, I'm sorry, " said Lindsay.

"Here let me help you with that," said Dennis.

"No its fine," said Lindsay.

"I'm staying here thanks to you and your great-aunt, I should help with the chores, starting carrying my own things," he said.

"Alright," she said with a strong but fake accent ," you cain heelp ciy boi."

"Where are you from anyway, I'm from Queens" said Dennis

"I'm from Queens too," said Lindsay ,"I just come up here every summer since my parents don't wanna pay for a vacation ,and I'm too lazy to get a job."

"Alright," said Dennis, looking at his watch ,"let's get inside before winter comes. And my clothes are still on the ground,"
he said. Lindsay, embarrassed struggled to pick them up.
Looking from inside the house in a bleach white room was an old lady sitting at her desk, watching budding taking place. Though she was old, she wasn't blind to what was going on with her niece and the stranger he met. She smiled as she sat on her desk, which looked older than Hendricks himself. On the left side of the desk, was a black and white picture (dated 1935) of a young man in his late twenties, with a pale(white) face, and wore an old grey suit. A tear fell from her eye as she poked the face in the picture.

" 'He needs a place to stay,'" said Sarah, her voice softer as she ran her index finger down the center of the picture.

"I said the same thing about you Sam," she said quietly, her voice cracking.

She broke away from the picture, and looked outside seeing the two young adults pick up a wardrobe. She focused mostly on the girl walking toward the house, who seemed more focused on the boy, whose clothes she kept dropping on the ground.

She looked toward another picture, this time on her left (dated 1955) and she saw a young girl in a white dress, with pigtails formed from her blond hair, and she had a smile that shined brighter than the sun itself. In the photo,to the right was the same man from the other photo, only with grey hair and a black suit was placing his hand on the little girl's head. His other arm was placed on the shoulders of the woman on the left side of the photo, with a black hair tied into an updo, and with a blacker dress.

"Now you found someone who had no place to stay," she said in that same quiet voice. "You're growing up Lindsay."
She continued as she watched the new couple, who were still having trouble with the luggage.

"Oh what the hell", said Sarah in her usual harsh voice ,"I help them out. Winter will return soon at this rate," she said, as she got out of the room and marched out the door.

July 1971
"I could stare and this all day", thought Dennis Sadnik as he stood atop the Empire State Building, and saw the city of New York from the below. One could forget all the problems that befell the city in this time. Crime, disorder, pollution, the impending election of George McGovern; none of that mattered from up here. Especially to the woman whose hand he was holding. Her blond hair flew with the wind and covered half of her tanned face. Her casual red dress and shoes we're so natural on her, no one noticed them.

"Lindsay," he said quietly, never letting her go of her hand, and never looking away from her. "Ever since that first day we met, I've always wanted to come here with you.Do you know why?"

"Yes I know why," she said with some exasperation, but also with understanding ,"Because you could at this view and always be looking at for an eternity."

"Yeah", he said, "But the truth is, I would always come here but I would never have reason for looking at the view forever. Until I met you of course. If you would always be here beside me, I would always look at it forever, since you are the thing I live for." Lindsay was shocked as he saw him release her hand and bend down on one knee.

Out of his coat pocket, he reached for a black box.

"That is why I always want you standing beside me." He opened the box revealing a diamond ring, the third brightest thing in the area, the second being the sun, and the first, well , the priceless object before the thin guy.

"Will you marry me?"

Lindsay said nothing, and looked distraught as she took the ring into her fist and raised her arm. Dennis feared the worst, and looked down and began to cry, "I'm sorry Lindsay, but I just wanted us to be more, but it's fine, we can still be friends," he said, as tears hit the floor of the observation deck.

"I don't want be friends," she said quietly.

He looked up depressed until he saw a big grin on her face...and more important a ring on her left hand.

"I want you, city boi!"

They hugged, and kissed and we're greeted with the great applause...from the tourists surrounding them.

"Get lost," the couple said, and everyone turned around and whistled like nothing happened.

But once again things don't stay the same forever, for this is small part of his life.
March 1988

In an office room in Lower Manhattan, many of accountants struggled with their debits and credits. Above them hung a sign that said Bernstein, Ernst, and Smith: An Ambrose Kensworth Company. Among these drones was someone who stuck out, from his sheer anxiety.The grey seemed to envelop his otherwise dark hair and mustache. His blue dress shirt, which could not hide his girth was covered in sweat stains, in spite of the someone cool March weather. And his desk looked like the rubble from a plane crash. It would take little to set this man off.

"Sadnik!, someone screamed from the heavens., causing the man to jump out of his seat. "Ha got ya," said the voice, "but seriously, my office now!" He walked down an aisle of these corporate robots, whose behavior was no different. None of them dared look at anything other than their work, and kept writing into their balance sheets, never showing, or if they actually felt it, never dared to look away from there work.

"Mr. Brady sir," said the timid man ,"How you-",

", Where are the figures for the first quarter," the man screamed in a high pitched tone, while nothing or nobody seemed shaken, except for Dennis.

"Sir there almost done, but they are not due for another two weeks."

"Sadnik, sit down," said Mr. Brady in a compassionate, but somewhat demeaning tone. Dennis sat, calm but still cautious ,"Remember, when we started here 15 years ago, and we all found it the best place ever," he continued, as he walked up from behind his desk, and circled around Dennis like a shark around a pike.

"Yeah", Dennis replied, quietly.

"Well that was horrible time. The company may have done well but our country was in the toilet. All these radicals and liberals complaining about the economy, while the dollar was being destroyed by Carter and Volcker. Then Reagan came in, and our country thrived again. Once again business could do as it pleased. The conglomerates got rid of the waste in the workforce and brought in those who truly believed in the American Dream. Those who worked twice hard for no extra pay because the American Dream is all about; The conglomerate. The Kensworth Company got rid of all those workers that wanted handouts, and the company's too weak too draw the line. Buffalo Steelmakers.Maine Shoe and Sock. Those places forgot the American Dream. Now you seem to be forgetting it, Sadnik." Mr. Brady took of his glasses and leaned into Sadnik ," I know your busy and whatnot with the wife and kids and crud, but remember what Kensworth wants from everybody. Hard work and dedication. We've all had to take cuts in pay ,mywifeandkids, and work harder-," a beep came from his intercom ," Excuse me, he said," as he walked toward his office and turned on the intercom.

"Mr. Brady your masseuse/personal trainer is here," said the electronic but feminine voice.

"Thank you Pam," he said.

"Now where was I," he asked.

" 'Work harder,' "claimed Dennis in a burned out voice.

"Yes, thank you," said Brady as was once again circling Dennis ," Since BES became a Kensworth Company two years ago, we have pursued that American dream of hard work, and potential awards," he said as he walked to a golden rabbit cage, tied a stick to his rabbit and place a tiny carrot on the string.
" Sure you have been working later than usual just to earn the same pay you had two years ago, but you've manage to accomplish so much. You've made me so proud," he said in a praising, but void tone. "So if it means completing your work way before it's due, so be it." Brady then grabbed Dennis' chair from behind and stuck his head behind his ear , "Do you believe in the American Dream!."

"Well," said Dennis, when a lady with red hair and a green dress came in.

"Mr. Sadnik," she said ,"It's your son's school."

"Dennis jumped from his chair and said in an exasperated tone ,"What now?" He then ran to the phone, heard the report and ran to the exit.

"Think about it," said Brady ,"The American Dream!"

An old rusty Chevelle pulled over to the side of the road over to Austin Street in front of a nice white house, except for a still broken window. Two people emerged from the road. One was a man in his forties with his a sweaty suit, in front of him a boy about 13 years old, with dirty blond hair, with a blue t-shirt, green shorts, and a pale face. One would think the pair were very close. But the regretful look on the child's face, the jaded look on the man's face, and way it appeared the man was yanking on the boy's shirt to lead him into the house would reveal otherwise. They soon walked into the house and the door slammed, with a noise the astronauts could hear.

"This is second time, Jason, the second time in three weeks I've been called into the principal's office" he said in a dangerously calm voice.

"But dad, those jerks-",

" I know what they did okay", Dennis said in a frustrated voice , "I heard it 10 times. But is a few eggs worth picking a fight," Dennis asked.

"They ruined my lock-,"

"I said I don't wanna hear it!", Dennis shouted, but softened when he saw his son on verge of tears. "Go to your room," he said in a quieter, but still annoyed voice ,"We will talk about this later when mom gets home." "But-" Jason started until he saw the back of his dad's head. "I hate you," he screeched, and ran up to his room and slammed the door. Dennis couldn't help but cry, "First time he said that to me, he muttered," and when to the couch and watched TV.

6:15 p.m.

" Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North and Vice Admiral John Poindexter, have been convicted in federal court on charges of conspiracy to defraud the US," said a reporter on the television. Dennis just sat there, but was paying little mind to the news, as he struggled to complete those first quarter figures. Even his relaxation time was work. Besides, with a son a thin ice, how could won relax.

The door opened, revealing a middle-aged but still pristine young woman in sweat clothes, with two young girls, behind her, one about 11 years old, and the other 6. The 11 year old was wearing a tank top and mini-skirt, while the 6 year old was wearing a white shirt and pink overalls.

"I got a call from Jason's teacher saying he was suspended today," said Lindsay.

"Yeah, the teacher told me some kids threw eggs into his locker, so he punched one of those kids and knocked out all his three of his teeth," he said.

"That's great", she said, "The kid really is tough."

"Oh great, your encouraging him to be violent," said Dennis.

"No, shouldn't we teach them self defense," said Lindsay.

"Daddy," said the little girl,

"Not now Sarah," he said, "me and Mommy have got to talk."

"Daddy, can I ask you question?" she said, staring up at her father.

"You just did," he said.

"Can I have a pony?" she said hopefully. "No." "But-" "Listen Sarah, we've talked about this before. We don't have the space to keep it, we don't have enough grass too feed it, and we can't afford right now," Dennis said in a quick manner, having said these things before, "Besides you have all those ponies in your room."

"But they're fake," she said annoyed.

"Well make believe," he said. "Now go upstairs." Sarah went upstairs, pouting and with her arms crossed. She was followed by her sister, but was stopped by what she called the "Dad barrier."

"Bella, what are you wearing , you didn't leave the house dressed like that," he said.

"Oh the girls thought the pants you give me we're SO out of style, and bland, so they took me to the really cute store down the street, and bought me this. They said I needed clothes that made a fashion statement."

"What was the statement," he asked "I wanna freeze death? What happened to the sweater and jeans I bought you?"

"After we left the store, we threw them away."

"You threw them away, 20 dollars worth of clothes." He paused ,"Dishes, 2 weeks,"

"But Dad-", "no buts, and your gonna these skimpy outfits and returns them to your friends. Your friends wouldn't tell you to throw away the clothes your dad worked so hard to be able to afford. No girl your age should where these clothes"

"Dennis, please," said Lindsay ,"Fine, she shouldn't have let her friends throw away those clothes, but let her keep the outfit,"

"She is not going to walk around dressed like some tramp," he turned to Bella , "now get upstairs!"

"Why do you always treat me like some baby," she said in an annoying tone.

"Do grown ups let others tell them what to wear? Do grown ups throw away a perfectly good outfit? Upstairs!."

"I hate you," she screeched, and ran up the stairs.

"You know," she turned to Lindsay ," That's the second time someone in this house has told me that." Lindsay turned to her husband, a sympathetic look in her eyes.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I'll talk to Jason later. But you know he did the right thing."

"Getting nearly suspended is the right thing" he asked annoyed.

"No, standing up for himself," she said ," someone in this family has to stand up to jerks."

"What's that supposed to mean," he asked, his eyes narrowing.

"Oh come on, that son of bi-gun Brady is making you work from dawn to dusk. Even on weekends your trying to complete your work. Been that way for the past two years. I saw you in the chair in front of the TV. Imagine my shock when I thought you were relaxing, only to see some paperwork in your hands.."

"I work, he pays me, that's it," he said brusquely.

"Your his slave, and your letting him pick on you," she said ," and in the process, your letting our children grow past you."

"And what are you doing, huh," he belched ," Your telling Jason it's okay to hit every jerk he says. Your telling Bella it's okay to dress like that, and what did you tell Sarah that we should buy a pony?"

"Hey, are placing what's happening with the kids on me," she asked.

"You seem to be the one blaming me," he said.

"No, I'm not blaming- I'm not trying to blame you. I think it's this city that's making it hard for us all. I think we need to get out."

"We are not going back to Greenfield," he said.


"But nothing," he said walking back to his chair , "this discussion is over, I got to watch the news," he said, and turned on the TV.

Lindsay yanked the remote out of his hand, shut the TV off, and threw it away, shouting ," First I saw you doing work in that chair, now you suddenly feel like watching TV!"

"It's better than watching you," Dennis replied, rising from his chair.

"Just hear me out," she said, calming down ,"Greenfield is a nice town. My great aunt's house has so much space, the kids can have fun. All the gangs running around this town, it'll be like we are rescuing them. It'll be like those summers we spent there in the seventies-,"

"You're always living in the past," he said ,"instead of raising our kids, your thinking about what happened back then. Well this is the present and I got to work."

"You were happy then, and you still worked," she replied ," and DON'T ever tell me I'm neglecting Them! I spend more time with them then you! You keep going like this, and you'll be dead in a year."

"Well let me tell you something, Lindsay, I WORK," he shouted ,"I spend 60 hours a week trying to work so that you can put food on this table. Maybe you should spend less time thinking about what I was and thinking about what I'm doing now!"

Lindsay was quiet for a second, wiping a tear from her eye. "I have," she said ,"and I don't like it, maybe moving here we can go back to the way it used to-,"

"ENOUGH," he shouted , "This me now, whether you like you like it or not."

"Well I don't," she said, whimpering. Dennis calmed down for a minute ," your just either a nervous wreck or an atom bomb.Sometimes, I can't look at you without...without-,"

"What," he barked. Lindsay said nothing. "Well I help you out in that department," he said grabbing a hat and his coat walking toward the door.

"Where are you going," she demanded.

"McKenzie's", he said ," You don't want to see me, I don't want to see you."

"Don't you walk out that door," she said, before he walked out that door, slamming it.

"Idiot", she said.
At sundown, you'll find three types of people at a bar: the lonely guy, the guy who fights with his life, and blows of steam, and the bartender who listens to it all.

"I don't know what to do Jack," Dennis said, sitting in a stool, slouching with his chin on his hand, and a shot of rum under him, "I work hard, she's letting the kids run wild, and I'm the bad guy," he muttered.

Jack Mackenzie had been working in the bar for 20 years. You could seem in the bar, with his black hair, beard, and mustache. He was always accessible, with his trademark green apron, and white shirt with periwinkle stripes. There were two things are bartender needed to learn; How to mix a drink, and how to listen. And that was what he was doing. Listening, and only replying with a simple nod while cleaning his glasses.

"She wants us too move to Saratoga County, thinking that will change. Yeah, times we're easier, but-she's just living in the past. Well have a good night, Jack, I better get home before she kills me."

Jack just nodded as Dennis walked away.
The sun was going down fast, Jack thought, and looked at his watch, 5:45 p.m. He looked across the street. As the sky shined it's bright orange before the sun went down, it would soon be dark, and the street lights would soon be on. He walked over to a bench to sit down and think. He had not blown off steam, but his problem would still be at home.

What happened, Jack thought to himself. She's right, I'm not who I used to be, but that doesn't make me a bad person I don't want to move, but I just wish I had a sign, a sign of what I should do Please god just give me a sign. He sat around for a few minutes partially because he expected a sign, partially because he wasn't too keen on going home.

Nothing, he thought. He slowly got up, and walk away at the pace of a man trying to win the Slowest Runner race. "Well time to go ho-," a weird sound stopped him. He paused for a minute, than continued on his way. "rrrrrrr".

"There it is again, he thought to himself. He turned around a saw a large wooden crate in front of the bench he was just sitting in. It was rectangular, and the wood was grey and well worn. Where did that even come from, he thought, but then pushed those thoughts way, when the crate jumped and made the same sound.

He saw the top was partially unopened, but couldn't make out the shape of what was inside. He looked around and found an old crowbar, rusted red but still useful.

"Convenient", he thought. He smiled, remembering to wear mittens and such a warm night so he wounded injure his hands with a rusted objected. He stuck the crowbar into the opening of the crate, and yanked on it until the nails in the crate broke. He looked into the crate, unable to imagine what he saw

It was a little pony filly, as he later examined, no more than a couple of months old. It had a brownish coat, that was unkempt, a blackish mane, short little stubby legs, and a muzzle that was white. It's eyes, those eyes, dark, wet, just seemed to stare into his very soul. It took all of his self control not to hug it (her, as he saw), not for his heart to fail from that sheer sweetness overdose. He looked into the crate trying to find some shipping order, something to find who the ho-pony belonged to. He slowly walked away, but the pony whinnied again, and he saw it. He couldn't take anymore.

"Alright, buddy, " John told the pony, "you can come home with me, spend the night in the garage, but then I'm taking you to the shelter first thing in the morning." Dennis went home, carrying the very light horse, hoping some little girl he knew didn't come charging at him.

The next morning

"Mom why do I have to spend my weekends helping you do errands," said Jason, in a loud voice.

"You need to be a taught a lesson son, you should not have gotten in trouble," she said unusually loudly.

"Okay mom," he said snickering, "I'll be good."

"You're only 40 dollars in quarters at the arcade, son," she said, quietly, but snickering.

"I guess I'll have to make do, " he said unable to control his hidden laughter.

"Honey, " she screamed up the stairs ", I'm gonna take Jason on errands, and no fun. we'll be back at noon."

Upstairs, a fat guy in shorts and a white t-shirt stirred, for a minute, muttering "keep it down in there," but then the realization hit. He bolted up an ran down the stairs, screaming, Lindsay don't open the garage, but saw his wife had already left he house. "Wait Lindsay don't-,"

"Will you stop being paranoid," she said, turning around, "I'n not gonna the Chevelle to the junkyard...", Dennis ignored her as he saw his son walking into the garage.

"Holy jeeze," he said. He ran out of the garage, and yelled at Sarah, who was riding her pink tricycle on the curb. "Sarah look there's a pony in the garage."

"Ha ha," she said in an soft adorable voice ,"your not getting me this time."

"But really-"

"Jason, I've told you to stop tricking your sister already, it's getting old," Lindsay said.

"But mom-,"

"She's right son, your still being punished, so don't lie to you sister, " Dennis said, forcefully. and with a smrik ,"I'll just get the car out for you," and began walking toward the garage.


"No buts Jason, now get upstairs!," he said. He looked around and saw his wife slipping in.

"Lindsay what are you doing," he asked.

"Pulling the Chevelle out," she said ,"Jason come over here your still doing "errands." "

"Stay out of the garage," he said, yanking on her arm, "there are a... termites."

They stood there grappling for three minutes, a woman in her dress coat, and a man wearing a coat over his underwear all the while, a little girl in a red sweater with a heart on the front and pink sweatpants , with a bit of annoyance.

"I can't believe I left my Walkman in the Cavalier, again," said Bella, as she walked into the garage.

"Oh my god," she said ," there's a pony in the garage." The two other children stormed into the garage, as did a wife leaving behind. Dennis counted down "three, two,one,"

Then came the shrill, the shrill of a little girl who got a free trip to the candy store.

"He is so cute," said Sarah, as she started hugging the cute pony, who whinnied and ran away.

"Sarah, careful, you'll scare it," said Lindsay as she tried to pull her daughter away from her prize.

"Where did it come from," asked Bella, as she turned her head toward the man in pajamas who was trying to get back into his house, as did the other members of the family.

"Dennis, come and talk to me," said Lindsay, her arms crossed.

"Well, I-"

"You got me a pony," said Sarah, as she ran to her daddy and gave him a big hug on the waste. "Thank you. Thank you."

"She gets a pony, and I can't have a new stereo," said Bella incredulously.

"Dad," said Jason ,"I need to talk to you about "telling lies"," he said, with a smug expression.

"And I need to talk to you about how you will spend the next two years tied to the ceiling," he said ,"kids I need to talk to your mother."

"Hear that," said Jason to Sarah, "there going to decide whether to sell it to the glue factory, or the dog food factory,"

Sarah screamed in fear ,"Daddy, please don't sell him." she ran and hugged his leg. "I'll quit school, get a job, just don't sell him!"

"Jason stop picking on your sister," said Lindsay. "Seriously guys, we need to talk, can you guys leave?"

Three siblings walked away, wondering what would happen.
(In the garage)
"So you found him it-"

"Her," said Dennis

"Her, in a crate, with nothing in else in there. No shipping order, nothing."

"Well I did find this," Dennis said, pulling a necklace out of his coat. It was made of pure blue crystal unscratched, and shining in the sun, and it appeared to be in the shape of a heart. The thread on the necklace was black, but it was too short to appear on a human's neck.

"You couldn't find anything on the diamond. No serial number, no jeweler," said Lindsay

"No. I am sorry for not telling you Lindsay, but after what we said last night," he paused, and swallowed something hard, " I didn't want there to be any surprises. I was gonna take to the shelter on Queens boulevard when I woke up, but I overslept. I didn't wanna break Sarah's heart, but I also couldn't leave it out there all alone."

"She is not the only heart you'll break," said Lindsay


"Dennis it is not everyday a man finds a pony on the streets of Queens, I mean people are lucky to find silver dollars on the street, let alone an equine. We could bring it with us to my aunt's farm in Greenfield."

"And whose gonna take care of it when it's not summer," asked Dennis. Then he understood. "No, we are not moving, we already talked about thi-"

"No," interrupted Lindsay ,"you stormed out of the house before I could say anything! Going to Greenfield, New York could be good for all of us. We could use a change of scenery. Imagine what living in the country could do for your health. Jason could grow up not surrounded by all these gangs, the cold weather will make sure that Bella never wears another skimpy outfit again, and you could as far away from Brady as possible, from a job you know is taking you nowhere but away from all of us. But this time we have real reason to move away", she said turning her head toward the filly that was suddenly staring at her, as if it had been an audience in this debacle, " an animal, lost and alone, that needs someone's care. We could open up a bed and breakfast when the kids go off to college to cover her expenses if your really concerned. How many caretakers in the shelter on Queens Boulevard know even a fraction of what I know about taking care of a horse. And what are the chances that someone in Queens will need a pony?"

"I am not taking care of this horse, I am taking it to the shelter, because I need to move on a realize my place in the city," said Dennis, after pausing for a few minutes.

Lindsay sighed that famous sigh of disappointment housewives are known for, but it had no effect on Dennis.

"Fine, take the Cavalier, go to the shelter, but you have to do one thing, and I wont say another word," she said, and began to go toward the door, before pointing to the girl in the window on the second floor ,"Take Sarah with you, and let her watch you destroy her dreams." She walked out of the garage and went to the the house. "Sarah, come down here," she demanded,"Daddy has to tell you something."

Dennis felt uncomfortable for some reason. And then he heard a whinny from some spectator foal whose innocent eyes seemed to hide some interest in this drama.

Dennis prepared himself, but was annoyed by the whinnies.

"What are you looking at," he told the filly who seemed to listen and look away.

"Look and me, I'm talking to a horse," he said to himself quietly. "You really got to go before I go crazy."

When he saw Sarah, he crouched down to Sarah's eye level, and told her the truth.

"Sarah, when two love people each other..."
In the Cavalier, things we're unusually quiet, except for the sound of an engine, and traffic, as Sarah was sitting in her safety chair, with her arms crossed and constantly pouting.

Dennis looked at her through the mirror, but he could also see in the back, a box with a filly inside.

"You know," he said rather apologetically, "after this is over we can get some ice cream if you want." The little girl never changed her appearance.

"I could buy you a new toy pony if you want," he said. But the Sarah's face only scrunched up some more.

"What so great about having a pony any ways. It's hard work to feed and take care of it. Oh sure you'll be happy to ride it. But you'll complain about her noise, and all the doo-doo she'll be producing," he said.

Still nothing. He sighed as he saw the sign, and pulled in.


He got out of the car, wearing a red polyester jacket and jeans, which was more professional than pajamas, pulled out the box which contained the unusually light filly. She looked up from the box with her little white head, those black eyes still shining.

"Already baby," Dennis said as he walked back to the car ,"time to get out."

The girl didn't even care, she continued ignoring him.

"I know your still mad, but you can't sit in there in the car, it's just not safe."

Still nothing

"Don't you wanna at least say goodbye to the pony," he said sympathetically.

The girl broke from her anger, but finally relented getting out of the car. She walked up to the pony and told her, "let's make the most of it." Than she stared up toward Dennis and said

,"I'm still mad at you, Father."

Dennis sighed again, realizing this would take some time. He walked toward the building, which looked awful small for a New York Care Center. The building had a white exterior, with the words ANIMAL CARE AND CONTROL INC. in big bold blue letters, a clear glass door, and a row of hazy windows on the bottom.

Inside the care center receptions office, it looked like a zoo, with all kinds of animals being adopted or carried in by people and animal control guys in blue shirts. They included birds, dogs, cats, and even a pig. But no one could have expected a pony to come in the door.

Carrying the box, Dennis marched in with her angry daughter before setting the box down. He reached into his wallet to grab an ID for desk, but was distracted by Sarah.

"Baby," he said ,"why don't you say your goodbyes now, and then sit down on the bench over there, this line looks pretty long."

Sarah, walked up and then hugged the pony, crying a little , "goodbye pony, I wish we could have been together, but our love could never be, I never even got to name you," and a tear fell from her.

Dennis stopped looking at her daughter but was greeted with the glares of contempt from everybody in line, and couldn't help but hear words like "pony-hater," "creep", and "animal molester." Even the animals couldn't help but glare, especially some dumb pigeon, that look eager as if it wanted to poop on him. But the last comment drove him berserk.

"What a terrible father," someone muttered.

"Hey shut up," he barked to the crowd ,"why don't you all get a room he said." Everybody proceeded to turn around. He realized he was going to be in line for a while, and realized he had nothing to do. He listened in as a lady in a pink coat was returning what looked like a pampered but aged poodle. The woman was speaking to some lady in white coat, with tanned skin and brownish hair.

"It's just that Truffina won't play anymore, I just couldn't keep her ,she just didn't blend in all with the paint job," the woman said, in a voice similar to Katherine Hepburn

"Well..," said the receptionist with some disbelief at the rich lady's callousness , "you'll know she'll be well taken care off-,"

"RAWR", screamed a dog that jumped from behind the counter, scaring all the animals in the room. Some large animal control guy jumped over the counter shouting,

"Come back here you little bastard," and chased the dog around the room, startling the animals some more. The case continued until finally the guy kicked the unconscious, and dragged it back behind the door with one of those leaches with a stick attached to it.

"Well taken care of," said the receptionist with what looked like a forced smile. The rich lady, didn't seem care, handing the dog off in a cage, and walking away. But Dennis did. After that episode, he looked at the shelter, and looked at the filly with it's dark, beady eyes and looked at sign saying "2 weeks is the longest we carry these animals. Then they are put down." He shuttered and began to feel nervous.

"Maybe the owner will find him, maybe he'll be adopted and brought, like I could- no no that's all in the past, all in the-],"

"NEXT," shouted the receptionist, breaking Dennis out of a trance, and the next guy came in to "drop off" another animal. Whatever happened to adopt. Dennis thought, but remembered what he was doing. He realized he was going to be next, so he pulled out his wallet to get his ID, but a picture accidentally fell from his wallet. He looked up and saw it, but couldn't stop staring.

In the picture was a young woman with a hat with beautiful blond, wearing jeans and a red vest. Beside her was young, handsome man about a foot taller also wearing jeans but with a white, sweaty, tee-shirt that revealed a thin, but still attractive physique. Behind them was a young mare, about half their height, with a shiny brown coat, that didn't seem too interested in the photo, and was more interested in chewing the grass "Goodgrow" he thought to himself. In the background was a beautiful red farmhouse, with a great blue sky over it, with blades of grass on the bottom. But what stood out was how happy the young guy seemed to be, that nothing could that smile of his away."

He looked up from the photo to the filly he was carrying. He looked toward his daughter, still frowning, and just paused.

"Next," he heard from the receptionist. He couldn't move. "Next," the receptionist repeated. At the moment, he let a man cut in front of him. He looked back up, and finally made the decision that would change his life forever.

Dennis pulled up to his house, that day, a stepped out of the car. Lindsay saw him and noticed (before removing some purple hat from Jason's head for whatever reason) he noticed the solemn look on his face. He saw her daughter step of the car, walking toward her with a grim look on her face, she walked up to him with disappointing, until she saw her daughter's frown turn to a smile, and saw a curious muzzle peak out from under the car set.

She ran up to him, and smacked his shoulder forcing a "HEY," from Dennis.

"You jerk," she said smiling ,"you nearly scared me to death."

"Yep, I kept Crystal."

"Crystal," she asked.

"You know for the crystal I found her with."

"So are we-," she started and looked at Dennis' eyes. Their confidence was all she needed."

"Kids," she shouted at the house ,"we need to-,"

"Shut up lady," some bum said, "we all don't need to hear you talk."

She stopped, shocked and embarrassed and walked into the house.

"Crystal," Sarah said curiously."Lame!"
May 1988

Greenfield, New York

Two cars filled with luggage and people pulled into an old farmhouse, a rusty Chevelle, and a Chevrolet Cavalier. The wood needed repainting as one could see, and the windmill collapsed, but there had been a utility for 50 years so it wasn't that big a deal, getting power. Behind the Chevelle was a horse trailer, carrying small cargo.

Out of the cars, stepped Dennis and Lindsay, a happy young Sarah, and two annoyed adolescents. One was more vocal.

"I can't believe we are stuck here," Jason said dragging his feet on the dirt driveway. "Because Sarah got a pony, I'm stuck here."

"Hey," said Dennis ,"you know what you get," he asked, bending down on one his knees, which hurt since he was wearing grey shorts. Jason didn't reply, but looked at his dad. "You get a new house, a roof over your head, food, parents, and" Dennis, stretched over and grabbed a briefcase, and handed it to Jason,"you get to help us bring in the luggage." Jason grabbed the luggage, muttering constantly, so everyone could hear and ran into the house.

He snickered, and heard his son laugh a little too, but he knew that the move would take time to get used too.

"You too," he said to Bella. Bella looked annoyed but still quiet with her arms crossed.

Lindsay, as a mother, knew what was troubling her daughter.

"You know," she said, looking down at Bella ,"Greenfield isn't no where. Saratoga Springs, one of the busiest tourist towns in the state is nearby. I mean with all these tourist towns, there have got to be some really cool boutiques, she said.

Bella looked at her mother, with the gleaming eye of prospect, found on prospectors, property developers and venture capitalists.

"You mean..",

"Yes," Lindsay said ," a shopping trip, I mean you want to look good your first day, don't you."

Bella ran to her mother, and hugged her, and rubbed her face against hers.

"Your the best mom ever," she squealed.

"Hey," said Dennis incredulously ," What about the guy whose paying for your new clothes, with his own money."

"Yeah, sure dad, thanks," he said off handedly, before grabbing her suitcase and running into the house.

"Buying your child's love," asked Dennis mockingly.

"Says the man who gives his daughter a pony so she stops pouting," she replied, smugly.

"I told you," said Dennis ,"I remembered our time together on your aunt's house and realized the joy we could have from coming here."

"Sure, yah did," said Lindsay ," and I guess that ice cream cone in her hand was to cele-,"

"Well," Dennis interrupted , "At least we got two down. What can we give Jason so he will like this place,"

"I don't know," said Lindsay, frowning ," I can't understand what he really wants. He doesn't play sports, and his only hobby is video games."

"We already bought him the Nintendo. I guess he doesn't really want things." He sighed, thinking about his son.

"I guess he'll eventually get used to this place," she said. She sat for a moment.

"I'll get your suitcase." she said, walking back toward Chevelle.

"Daddy," asked Sarah ," can I take Crystal into the barn." In the window of the steel trailer, a filly was peering into the outside.

"Later honey,first we gotta unpack, and then we will help you open the trailer, and bring Crystal inside the barn." He pointed to the old barn, which, amazingly was pretty new, with it's red walls and black shingled roof.

"Dennis," said Lindsay, "I got your..," she paused as the suitcase reopened, spilling all the clothes onto the ground. She paused, embarrassed, as Dennis gave her an annoyed look. But then he startled chuckling.

"Just like old times, hay, Lindy," he said amused. Lindsay gave him her and look and shrugged.

" Yeah just like old times."
Lindsay sat with the kids in the middle of the living room. It was white, with an old Persian carpet covering most of the middle of the floor. There was also a stone fire place on one wall. On the opposite side, was an red, old, but still usable couch, which the Sadnik siblings used. In the middle one was a wooden coffee table with three drawers

"Alright ladies," said Lindsay, "since this horse is part of this family, you kids are gonna have to take care of it."

She opened a calender, grabbed a pink marker. "Sarah, since you wanted the pony the most, you gotta work the most days; Monday, Wednesday and Friday," she said, marking those days pink.

"Aw," she said, disappointed. "The rest of us will work each one day to take care of Crystal. Dad has Thursday, Bella, you have Tuesday, I work Sunday, and Jason.."

"No," he shouted ," I didn't want the horse, so why should I be the one to take care of it?"

"You are part of this family, Jason," she said strongly ,"thus you have to help take care of it. Well that and if don't, you'll lose your allowance."

"But...But...," Jason just stormed upstairs and slammed the door. Sarah look dumbfounded.

"Mommy, why does Jason hate Crystal," she asked.

"Your brother," said Lindsay, wasn't happy with coming here, and he just blames Crystal for it."

"I blame her too," said Bella.

"Bella," said Lindsay.

"Mom you didn't make moving here official until Dad found the pony in a crate, like how you found Jason," she continued.

"First of all, we hadn't been thinking about moving here for a very long time before he found Crystal," she said ," and secondly, don't make fun of your brother like that."

"Fine, mom," she said.

"Okay dismissed," Lindsay said. Sarah and Bella walked up the stairs, but grabbed Sarah by her white shirt.


"Yes mommy?"

"Do you wanna learn how to take care of Crystal now?"

" Yes mommy!"

They walked outside the barn, outside in the dark, where the only sound they heard was the chirping of crickets and into the barn. In the center of the barn was the filly named Crystal, who came toward the two.

"Sarah, we are first going to learn about how to correctly wash her. Now.." she looked toward Sarah who was walking toward the pony. "Sarah, this is a pony, they get scared, so please don't do anything rash," Lindsay said, reaching out her arm. The pony and the little girl met in the middle of the hay-covered ground. To Lindsay's surprise, rather than jump on top of her, Sarah pulled out a carrot. The filly took the carrot into her mouth, and chewed on it. Than Sarah, went up and stroke the filly on the muzzle.

"That's it," she said gently but cutely ,"good girl."

Lindsay couldn't help but smile. At this point there we're things that Sarah could teach to Jason.

"Okay she said, let's begin."
Three weeks had passed since the Sadniks moved to Greenfield. Dennis got a job at an accounting firm in Saratoga Springs, and this time, his figures didn't need to come in two weeks early, not to mention, his hair seemed to come back in. Sarah learned about ponies from her mom, and couldn't wait for Crystal to get big enough to ride. Bella was getting noticed, having all the nest clothes.

"Come on stupid ,get in the tub," Jason said as he tried to forced Crystal into the poll, who was whinnying and yelling as if some monster was attacking her.

Jason was still Jason.

"Jason," shouted Lindsay, as she stormed into the barn ,"what are doing?"

"Trying to wash the horse," he said, but it won't go in.

"First of all," said Lindsay as he came to Jason, and yanked the sponge from his hand ,"it's a pony, not a horse. Secondly, as I have said before, you can't force a pony into a bath, just as you can't bring a horse to water and make her drink, you'll only scare her. You have to get her to come to her."

"I shouldn't have to do anything, she should come to me, " he replied.

"Why don't you listen to anything I tell you," she said in a frustrated tone.

"You didn't listen when I said I didn't want to move, so why should I listen to you," Jason replied

"Jason, I know your still upset about moving, alright, but we did this for you.."

"No," he shouted, "you did it for Dad! Everything you did was for you or Dad. You didn't care about those jerks in school, you cared about getting back to your love realm! About your dumb farm, and this dumb pony!"

"Jason, your right, I didn't consider everything, but one of the reasons we came up here was because we were afraid of where you might be headed in the city, with all the gangs. I know your upset, but you can't take it out on Crystal."

"You care more about that pony than about me," he said.


"Just leave me alone," he said, whimpering and running out of the room. Lindsay didn't chase after him. She just stood their, sponge still in hand dripping, with no creature on two legs with her.
"Lindsay, just come to bed," said Dennis, sitting in his bed, staring at his book The Tale of Two Cities, with a green blanket over him, and an incandescent light warming him, "Jason, will be fine."

Lindsay, just kept pacing around the front of the room.

"Jason is not fine," she said at last. "It's been three weeks, and he still acts angry, especially to Crystal. And he seems to be getting worse. He said I care more about her than about him."

"Look," said Dennis, putting his book down, and getting up from his cozy bed. "I know it's tough, but summer's around the corner, maybe the warm weather will calm Jason down, and he'll come to love this place, with the swimming, and the springs and such. Who knows, sometimes it takes a single spark to illuminate a dull mind.Things change."

"Hopefully for the better," she said, and laughed as Dennis came up to hug his wife from behind. "Come on, let's go to bed already, " he said, hugging his wife even tighter.

The next day saw Jason walking down the street in Downtown Saratoga, since it was Sunday, and summer didn't really start, the streets were awfully empty for what was supposed to be a tourist town. Living in New York, he learned how to travel on his own rather quickly. Thus he was able to get a bus to go downtown. Besides, he didn't feel like being at home. He just wished he didn't have to see the horse anymore- CRACK, he heard startling him. He turned left on the intersection he was approaching and saw who has set of the blast. Two kids who looked his age. One was wearing a black T-Shirt and jeans, and had blond hair, and some kind of burn on his left ear, while the other kid was also a blond, but had a blue sweatshirt and red shorts. And they both had a bag of fireworks.

"Hey," Jason asked ,"what are you guys doing," he asked. "I'm Jason,"

"Mind your business, kid, we're having some fun," said the kid in blue.

"Yeah," said the kid in black, in a voice similar to the kid in blue.

"Oh you guys are twins," Jason said, getting the picture.

"And you're dumb, but we're Tom and Tim Rickson."

"Nice to meet you, so are you from around here," Jason asked

"Yeah, we're from Greenfield,"

"So am I!"

"Yes!" "No one cares!" "Yeah!"

"So what are you doing,"

"Having fun," said Tom, the kid in blue ,"throwing firecrackers at the geese."

"Why" asked Jason

"Because it's fun," said Tom

"Yeah", said Tim.

"Here you try," said Tom, handing Jason a firecracker.

" I don't wanna blow the geese up," said Jason.

"You won't if your careful," said Tom."Just throw it."

Jason saw we he must throw, it was a park space, full of grass, a couple of trees, and devoid of life, except for a dozen or so Canadian geese, these just squawked, and waddled around.

"Just throw near them, and they'll run like chickens," Tom said, smiling, and handing him a lighter. Jason pictured his target, opened his mind...than lit the fuse and tossed the firecracker, having the desired effect,
scattering the poor geese.

Tom and Tim, started laughing uncontrollably, as did Jason, who was unsure what he thought was funny, them, or the geese scattering.

"Come on," Tom said, "There are more targets to be had."

"Yeah," Tim said.

"Like who," said Jason

"This new couple that moved in while ago. They live in this dumb farmhouse, and have some dumb animals on the property. and we are gonna spoke them," said Tom

"Yeah," said Tim.


"We will show ya."

After taking the bus and returning home, Jason and the TimTom twins reached their house, a familiar farmhouse, with red coat, and dark shingles.

Jason's eyes widened with realization of where he was. "Oh god," he said.

"This is going to be so funny, look here it comes," Tom said.

"Yeah", said Tim.

A pony went about, frolicking in the grass, and enjoying herself.

The group jumped into the bushes, hiding out.

"Guys,I don't think-,"

"Okay Jason, here is what is going to happen. Tim is going to light the fire cracker, and you will toss it. Make things more efficient." said Tom.

"Yeah," said Tim.

"Guys, this is my house, you can't make me attack my family's horse," he said ,"Let's do this someplace else."

"You know what Tim, he's right," said Tom in a calm voice. "We can't make him attack his own house."

Tim understood, and went behind Jason, and pushed him out of the bushes.

"We can do it ourselves," Tom said, laughing

"Yeah," said Tim, "beat it,"

Jason, rubbed his arm and walked away, thinking What do I care, it's just a stupid horse.

Tim and Tom just giggled as they tossed a firecracker near the horse. BANG the result was expected, the filly jumped in fright, causing Tim and Tom to laugh even harder.

It's just a horse, Jason thought to himself, it doesn't no anything. He continued but then flinched after hearing another bang, followed by more fearful whinnying, and more laughter.

" This is just to much fun," from Tom

A young 8 year old boy with dirty blond hair, Bermuda shorts was playing in the schoolyard by himself, and was enjoying his toy truck in the sand.

"Vroom," he said, imitating the sound.

"Hey boys, " said somebody threatening. "It's Jay Jay and his baby truck,"

"Reggie, please stop," said the boy. But then he ran as the big boy as his friends stole his truck, and stomped on it.

"This is too much fun," said Reggie, as the dirty blond haired boy broke down and cried.
Jason returned to present day, and saw the twins about to launch another fire cracker.

"This is so cool," said Tom, as he tried too light it. He was so excited, he didn't notice anything else until a strong force block his lighter arm. He looked up a saw Jason, with a big glare and his face. If looks could, kill, Jason looked like he could cut a hole through a concrete wall.

"No," Jason said, and turned Tom's arm into a direction it was not mean to go. Tom grunted in pain, as his hand was forced to release the light, his other hand focused on carrying the firecrackers.

"Get him," Tom told Tim with clenched teeth, as Tim snicked up behind Jason with a big stick, as smacked him on the head, supposedly knocking him out."

"C'mon, let's get the lighter, I've wasted too much-" Tim said, before being tripped by some kids arms.

Dennis ran out after hearing a bang, and found Crystal running around like she had seen a girl.

"Crystal, take it easy, it's me Dennis," he said in a reassuring voice, but the filly kept running around. He looked toward the bushes on the right hand corner of the farm, and saw his son's head sticking out, looking down with fury.

"Jason," Dennis said, walking toward the bushes, causing his son to turn around, "What's going on," he asked as Jason got out of the bushes.

"Well,uh-," Jason stammered, before Dennis noticed the two dazed and bleeding twins in the bushes, and his son's own bloodied hands.

"And what's bag over there," Dennis said, walking over to the bag in the bushes, and finding some firecrackers inside.

Jason never felt so small, in his life, but the next words that came of his dad's mouth made head shrink to the floor.

"Office, now," he said chillingly.

" I don't get it. I try to take you out of the city, give you a decent life, to get you out of trouble, and what do you? You get back into it," Dennis told his son in his office.

"But dad-,"

,"and then you start a fight with those kid, and the I find out, that you've been terrorizing Crystal, who's done nothing to you, YOU LITTLE JERK!"

"But dad," Jason said, about to cry.

"You wanna be a man, stop hiding behind tears, and take responsibility, and learn to deal with the situation-,"

" I DID," Jason shouted, unable to take the verbal abuse. Dennis, stopped, unable to respond.

"I did," Jason said more quietly ,"I saw those kids playing those kids playing in the park. They we're throwing firecrackers at geese because they thought it was fun. And I threw one to because I wanted these kids to be my friend." He paused and took a deep breath. " They told me that there was farm with dumb animals they wanted to scare, I didn't no it was here. When I saw what they were gonna do to Crystal I told them "No," so they knocked me down, and then threw two firecrackers at her. I beat them up so they would leave her alone."

Dennis paused, feeling guilty about what he said.

" I'm sorry, Jason, I should have heard you out-,"

"YOU NEVER DO," screamed Sam. "When that jerk egged my locker, and I hit him in self-defense, you assumed the worst, when you gave me that glare in the principal's office." Dennis thought for a minute, and drooped his eyes in shame.

"You knew when I was defending myself, you still accused me of causing trouble, all because I'll pulled you away from one office day with your stupid boss. I mean yeah I was causing trouble in school, and I can't blame you for being upset about that, but when I did something right, you didn't hear me out. And now you accuse me of causing trouble, for protecting something you love, more than me," ]Jason said, the dam breaking in his eyes, causing him to collapse, sobbing.

He thought back to what Lindsay had said "He said I care more about her than him" but what was worse than him hearing about it, was being told it to his face. He finally sat down next to Jason, and said.

"Jason, you're right, I haven't been giving you credit on what you did right. Look I was not upset at you that day. I was more mad at my boss. I guess I felt the way you do; never getting credit for when you do something right, always just getting more blame. I couldn't control my life, and I kinda directed my anger toward someone I loved," he said, and looked toward Jason, who only looked away. "When I saw your fists and those kids, I thought you were causing trouble, and I pulled that number today, because I was afraid you would be falling back into the trouble I tried to pull you out off. I'm sorry for being so irrational and stupid. I really am. But don't ever think I love Crystal more than you. "

"That's not true," Jason muttered ,"your just saying that."

"You wanna know why that is true," Dennis said whimsically. He waited for a response from Jason, but never got it. "Because if I loved Crystal more than you, you'd be sleeping in the barn, and she'd be sleeping in your room."

Jason thought about that, but couldn't help but chuckle at the candor in that statement.

"Yeah, that's true."

"But I still like her, you know, and I'm happy you stood up for her. That was a smart move," Dennis said.

"I just didn't want to disappoint you Dad," said Dennis.

"Jason, as long as you stay out of trouble, and don't rob the Vatican, I'm always gonna be proud of you."

Then they just hugged, and it was a hug neither of them could ever remember doing in a long time.

"What about the TimTom twins," asked Jason.

"Don't worry, your mom is taking care of them," said Dennis, with a pride a man could only have with a true mother for a wife
In the living room sat an angry mother, and two beaten kids, but in this case, the kids didn't get the sympathy of the mother because they weren't related . For the past half, she had been getting nothing but incomplete answers and inconsiderate lies. So she pulled her favorite card.

She walked over to the boys with their feet on the coffee table and asked them, "Maybe you'd like me to call your parents, and tell them what you did."

"We told you," said Tom, smugly ," our parents don't have a phone."

"Yes I heard," said Lindsay ," but there is somebody else I could call. The police. They'd be very interested in two kids who we're carrying what is considered contraband in the state of New York, as in, not allowed.

The twins started to turn white.

"Oh you didn't now that," she said. "I'm not sure the county judge believes in ignorance of the law, especially since they we're being used to injured an animal, and damage one's personal property. You kids could get I don't know, 6-7 months in the juvie. But hey, you'll meet interesting people," she said, with a smile.

The boys turned even whiter, and flinched when she picked up the phone. Just as she pressed the key pad, Tim jumped,

"We' ll give you the number for our parents, just please don't send us to the juvie" he begged, already on his knees.

She paused for a minute, enjoying the suspense, before holding out the phone.

"Please dial the number," she asked of the twin still frozen in his chair.
It was next Saturday, which meant once again Jason had to do his least favorite chore, taking care of Crystal. But rather than complain, he felt more relaxed about taking care of Crystal. He didn't understand why.

He first made the bath, in the usual white plastic tub, filling it with the warm water, and pouring the blue disinfectant soap into the mix. Now he just needed the add the pony into the mix, and his concoction will be complete.

"Please get in the tub," said Jason to Crystal. She just turned her muzzle away, and trotted around the barn. " Crystal, please get in, I don't want you be smelly for the rest of the week, just get in."

Crystal continued to pay him no heed, which only got Jason more annoyed.

"Why can't you do what I say you stu-," Jason caught himself. A week ago, he wouldn't have hesitated to say "stupid horse." Jason learned the consequence of fighting for something. When you defend them, you can't truly say you hate them. That is when Jason got an idea. He ran outside the barn, leaving behind an animal that couldn't truly care where he goes. He returned with something hidden in his left and under a napkin.

"I can't force you to do anything," Jason told the pony, currently resting on it's haunches ," but I guess I enjoy this tasty morsel all by myself," said Jason, uncovering his secret prize, a sugar cube. Crystal looked up and couldn't take her eyes off of it.

"Come on," Jason said in an unusually soothing voice ,"come on." Crystal got up and began here way toward her white gold, she walked across the barn. Jason, remained still, not wanting to startle the month's old filly with sudden movements, and wanted to make a little noise as possible, wanting her only noise to be the sound of the pony's hooves touching the floor.
The pony cautiously came up to Jason, looking at her prize in his hand. Jason put his hand to her muzzle, and she took in that sugar cube, crunching it. Jason surprised himself, when he then put his hand on the the filly's muzzle and stroked it.

He then picked the filly up and placed it in the tub. This time she wasn't scared because it was as if she knew he wouldn't harm him like she thought before.

Jason, with a sense of pride, began washing the filly, and began admitting to himself, (but not his friends) that yes he liked a pony.
January 1992

3 p.m.
"Come on, Dad," let us into the kitchen, said Sarah wearing jeans and a pink shirt, "we're hungry." Sarah was sitting on the couch with her teenage sister, wearing a casual blue dress, and some high heeled shoes, and both we're ratty with hunger.

"I told you guys, I need the kitchen," he said. "Today is the anniversary of your mom and me getting married, and I need everything perfect. I can't be distracted."

To call the kitchen a mess would be an understatement. The entire metal gas stove was covered with pots of various boiling concoctions; matzo ball soup, beef stew, and some vegetables. On the wooden counter top was a big plastic bowl, with a salad so rich even the biggest meat lover couldn't possibly turn it away, and a pecan pie in a plastic container that showed it was store bought. The table in the middle of the room was covered in a fancy table cloth, two good china plates, silver silverware(yeah ironic), expensive linens, two fancy wine glasses, and in the middle, a plate where a large turkey was destined to be and a bottle of champagne.

"I know dad," said Bella ," you said we'd eat with the Uhlenbecks and they'd come to pick us up at 6, that's fine, but can't you let us in for a snack?"

"Sorry," said Dennis ,"My hands are tied, and I can't have anyone come in, right now." He went back to doing what he was doing, stirring the stew with one hand and tossing the salad with the other.

"Where did daddy learn to cook like that," Sarah asked.

"Why can't we eat with our friends, like Jason," Bella asked ignoring her sister's random question.

"Because Jason's going with his friends to a restaurant which he assured me was good," said Dennis.
"One Big Mac, extra cheese, one large fries, extra salt, and one large Milkshake, extra sugar," the cashier said, to the tall dirty blond boy. His height and muscles indicated this guy at a lot. "3.79," she said.

"Wait a minute," said Jason ," I didn't want cheese on the Big Mac, please take it off." He paused, "oh and take the vegetables off too."
"For you guys, having dinner with friends is eating candy and chips. The Uhlenbecks are nice people, they'll make you good healthy food."

The two sisters only continued too moan.

"Alright, fine," said Dennis ," I give you a snack." He came through the door with two giant carrots, and handed them to each of his daughters."

"Carrots," Bella said incredulously ,"who are we, Crystal?"

"A truly starving child would be grateful that she would be getting anything," said Dennis ," besides they are very healthy. Look it's just one night. Your mom has been getting all these headaches, and I just want her to feel good tonight. When this over tomorrow, we can all go to Merino's for a pizza ,okay?"

"Fine," said the two sisters.

"And make sure you feed Crystal. I don't want a starving mare in my barn,"

This day will be just perfect, thought Dennis
6:30 p.m.

Lindsay drove up in the Cavalier, and stepped out. She had spent the whole day with her friends, who kept her busy with shopping, and the art gallery. Her friends kept her on her feet for hours, feeling unusually faint. She looked at her house, with all the lights off.

"Where is everybody, she wondered", and march cautiously to the front door. She walked in, and was greeted with all the lights turning, on and a guy in a tux in a bad French accent

" Welcome Madame Sadnik," he said.

"Dennis," she said faintly but sweetly, "I don't know.."

"Shh. Your dinner awaits Madam."
They sat down, Lindsay, who was now wearing a fancy blue silk dress, was so enamored by the candlelight dinner and tablecloth she barely said a word.

'We shall start with a tasty salade," said Dennis ,"prepared by a man with excellent taste."

"Oh you," she said teasingly.

He tossed the salad like a mad man, and accidentally dropped some on his pants.

"Ohps," he said, "let me get this cleaned off, " he said, walking out of the room with a vinegar covered lettuce piece on his pants.

He went to the bathroom, and wash it off, turning on the faucet, and putting his thigh on the sink, when he heard a scream , and then crash on the floor. He ran back to the kitchen/dining room and saw the fancy dish shattered on the floor along with the salad.

"Lindsay," he said quietly, not seeing her his wife. He walked over to an saw his wife on the ground, not moving. He slowly walked over and saw her on the ground not moving with her eyes open. He bent down, suddenly felt her hand smack him in the face. He fell backwards, annoyed

" What was.." but stopped, when she saw her arms and legs flail out of control.

"LINDSAY," he screamed, and rush over to her.
3 weeks later
In the waiting room in Saratoga hospital, we're are large group of people. A young girl, a teenage girl, and teenage boy. They all we're dressed casually, but there faces and looks of both despair and patience. On the opposite side of the room we're several middle aged women, their faces also filled with sadness. In the middle standing up was a couple in their late 50's. The women had short, blond, greying hair and pale fat face. She wore a blue light blouse, and jeans. The man holding her hand, wore a flannel shirt, and white khaki's. His face was tanned and wrinkled, his hair totally grey. They both looked at each other.

"Mr. and Mrs. Uhlenbeck," said a nurse to the couple," I think you should sit down and relax. Dennis will be out soon."

They ignored her, and continued standing up.
In a bed rested a young lady. She had her head bandaged up, her arm was fed an IV, and she looked faint, no one made a sound, not even the man standing in the corner, his head lowered in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, baby," he said. "It's my fault, I was so focused on the dinner, and kept away from you, and didn't pick up on those headaches. If I did they, would have found it sooner," his voice cracking. He bent over, closing his eyes so not to rain tears on his wife, but opened them when he felt a soft hand rub his face, and saw two dim, but warm eyes staring at him.

"No one can really suspect a brain tumor," she said. "Besides, even if they found they found it sooner, I wouldn't have sur.."

"DON'T SAY THAT," Dennis screamed. "You would've had a chance, you would've, if only I hadn't been so stupid, I'm such a terrible hus.."

"Shut up," Lindsay said firmly but faintly." I love you, and always will, and you know you meant well. Only a good man plans a dinner for their wife. You wanna promise me something, Dennis,"

"Yes," he said faintly,

"Promise me you will always love our children,"


"You will look after Crystal and protect her,"

"Yes, I promise,"

"Always live life to the fullest,"


"And remember me, because if you do, then I can never truly leave you."

"Yes I will," said Dennis, his eyes moistening

"I love you.." Lindsay said before she slept, and a flat line was heard.

The moods of everyone changed little in the time left, before they heard a cry of anguish.

"NO!", they heard, followed by intense sobbing.

The Sadnik siblings hugged themselves closer and cried.

The Uhlenbeck's and the three friends all did the same thing.

They knew at that moment, a person dear to them was gone, and man closer to her was in grief.
A week later
Dennis began hammering nails into one of the beams of the the barn. With him was mare who laid on the hay, silently watching him. His face was stoic, a large frown locked into in. A silence filled the air, the only noise was Dennis's hammering away, each hammering causing Crystal to shake her head. After finishing the hammering, he climbed down the ladder, quietly. He walked along the side of the barn, carrying the hammer, but turned when he saw something on the wall by a nail and black string, and grabbed it with his hand. It was a red and pink ceramic heart, with "Den and Lin 4Ever," engraved on the front. He clenched his fist, and yanked the heart, with the nail, out of the wall, and through it at a beam with a scream, breaking it in two, and then through the hammer through a window, shattering it, startling the little pony with a whinny. He screamed again, feeling tears flow down his face, before collapsing into the soil, curling into a ball and crying.

He covered his eyes with his hands, until he felt something nudging him. He saw Crystal, her eyes almost filled with what looked like sympathy. He look up then hugged the pony, still crying, having something to hold. The pony seemed to settle in, and wasn't at all afraid. Dennis felt the pony's warmth, and continued to sob.

All rights reserved to Hasbro.

Author's Note:

This is my first chapter. I may revise it later, so you guys please give me any advice. Oh, and I didn't name the character Sadnik because he was sad. Sadnik is Russian for "Horseman."

What annoys me about a lot of "pony on earth," stories is that most of them run with the "ponies being on earth," and not on the characters themselves. I'd like to create story where all the characters, and not just the ponies, actually play a role in the plot.