• Published 11th Aug 2013
  • 21,322 Views, 923 Comments

Equestria Girls: The Edge of Destruction - Sidral Mundet

What happens when five normal girls are transported from the real world into Equestria? What happens when the people being transported are Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy?

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The Edge of Destruction

The Edge of Destruction

One month after the Fall Formal
Near the front entrance of Canterlot High

“Sorry I’m late… soccer practice ended later… than I thought,” Rainbow Dash panted. She was drenched head to toe in sweat and clutching her legs as if she had just ran there, mainly because she had.

Moving past Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack, Rainbow Dash sat down on the newly completed staircase to the school and tried to catch her breath. Looking at the people around her, she noticed a certain member was missing. “Where’s Pinkie Pie, she’s the one that called us here.”

“Haven’t seen her since class got out,” AJ replied.

“Nor have I,” Rarity said as she noticed a distinct odor in the air. “Please tell me you took a shower before coming here.”

“Yeah, I just ran straight home, took a shower and then ran back here in five minute,” Rainbow Dash replied with a mix of sarcasm and annoyance. “Pinkie wanted us here at six, soccer doesn’t let out until 5:30 and I’d rather not miss something she said was important just to smell nice.”

“Well you could have at least put on some deodorant,” Rarity said this to herself more so than anyone else. Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes.

“Uh, girls, I think Pinkie’s here,” Fluttershy was now pointing to a figure coming round the school armed with a sledgehammer. The girls soon ran up to the figure, who was indeed Pinkie Pie.

“Uh, Pinkie, what’s the sledgehammer for?” AJ asked with confusion.

“It’s for my experiment, duh,” Pinkie soon walked over to the statue in front of the school and placed the sledgehammer down on top of it. She started to make measurements with her hands, not paying attention to the others behind her.

“Uh Pinkie, Hellooo?” Rainbow Dash was looking puzzled and annoyed as Pinkie reached in to her backpack and withdrew a permanent marker. Going over her mental measurements, she placed a big X on the pedestal of the statue.

“Pinkie, what in tarnation are y’all doing?” Applejack was use to Pinkie being, well, Pinkie, but minor vandalism for no real reason just wasn’t her style, however one may classify it.

“Trying to open the magic portal silly.” Pinkie now turned around to face her friends, all of whom were in a mild state of confusion, or-in Rainbow’s case- annoyance.

“Now Dear, we all miss Twilight as much as you, but have to accept the fact that this is just a regular statue now and we can’t see Twilight for another 3 year,” Rarity stated with a look of concern and compassion on her face.

“Yeah, you’re way too obsessed with that portal,” Rainbow responded bluntly.

“Listen, why don’t we forget about the portal for now and head on down to Sugarcube Corner get somethin’ to eat?” AJ had thrown her arm around Pinkie Pie and started to lead her away from the statue.

“That sounds nice,” Fluttershy stated.

“Come on guys, I’m being super serious right now,” Pinkie shook off AJ the way a dog would shake off water and picked up the sledgehammer. She swung it around her head, as if prepared to strike the statue.

“Pinkie, what are you doing?” Rarity yelled as Pinkie swung the sledgehammer full force into the statue.

When the sledgehammer made contact, there was not the expected metal on steel sound one would expect, neither was there any visual damage from the strike. Instead a weird metallic clicking noise was staring up and continuing long after the strike, as if dozen of latches and gear were turning inside the pedestal. After about a minute of this, the clicking stopped.

“PINKIE, WHAT IN THE HELL A MATTER WITH Y’ALL?” Applejack grabbed the sledgehammer from Pinkie and tossed it aside, nearly hitting Fluttershy, who managed to step out of its way. “Y’ALL BETTER EXPLAIN YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!”

“Aww, shoot, and here I-” Pinkie was interrupted by a sudden jet of liquid bursting from the backside of the statue. The liquid was held in place by some unknown force and stood there for about a minute before retreating by into the statue. The backside of the statue now had a smoother, more liquid like appearance to it.

“YES!” Pinkie shouted excitedly.

“Will someone please explain what’s going on?” Rainbow Dash stated with a look of utter confusion on her face.

“Yes, I do think we need an explanation for what is happening,” Rarity replied, just as confused as Rainbow Dash but with more control in her posture and tone of voice.

“Oh, well that’s easy,” Pinkie stated nonchalantly, “All I did was rearrange the graviton flux meters so as to create the illusion of a double lunar event.” She smile at the end her sentence as if it was complete obvious to everyone present.

“In English, please,” AJ had a look of annoyance on her face, her patience wearing thin.

“Okay, so you know how Twilight said the portal only opens once every 30 moons?” Pinkie started, “Well, I looked into the lunar cycle after Twilight left and notice that the portal opens every time the Moon was at its closest point to Earth in its orbit. However, the portal doesn’t open every time the Moon gets that close, which was strange until I thought about what might been on the other side of the portal. I thought that Twilight’s world must also have a Moon which goes through a similar orbit to ours and that the portal must open whenever both Moons are at their closest to Earth.”

“And just how does that open the portal?” Rainbow Dash replied, not truly believing what she was hearing.

“Tidal forces.” It wasn’t Pinkie Pie who responded to Rainbow Dash, but Fluttershy.

“And how does the tide open portals?” Rainbow stated in the same manner as before.

“Well, uh, if I get this then the gravitational force of the two moons, according to Pinkie, are enough to activate some kind of on switch, which is what we probably just heard. Pinkie must have somehow duplicated the force needed to open the portal with her hammer,” Fluttershy stated.

“EXACTLY, couldn’t have said it better myself, except then I’d be both Fluttershy and myself, I mean me and Fluttershy being one person would really weird and who’s voice would I be talking in?” Pinkie rambled on before seeing an annoyed Applejack.

Gathering around the newly opened portal, the group of girls looked at the shiny surface in both awe and confusion.
“What do we do with it now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I say we get some authority down here and have a looksee at this here portal,” AJ leaned in closer to better examine the portal as Pinkie Pie started to back up.

“We can’t do that,” Rarity responded, “Principal Celestia was barely able to keep out the reporters and special forces right after that terrible business with Sunset Shimmer.”

“You know I’ve been meaning to ask about that, just how much influence can a high school teacher really hold?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Uh, girls?” Fluttershy wasn’t looking at the portal like the rest of them, but rather behind her.

“Well, I think she just was able to persuade everyone that nothing out of the ordinary really happened here,” Rarity was now seriously thinking about the question now.

“Yeah, cause growing wings and horse ears are things that happened all the time.” The sarcasm in Rainbow Dash’s reply was thick enough to cut with a knife.

“It ain’t like anyone record it anyhow, seein’ as everyone else was under some kind of mind control,” AJ retorted.

“Uh, girls, I think you better move,” Fluttershy, still looking behind her, started to sidestep to her right.

“Exactly, Principal Celestia must have told the reporters that nothing of significance occurred here,” Rarity continued the conversation, ignoring Fluttershy.

“Nothing happened?” Rainbow Dash yelled in a tone that suggested she thought the idea was beyond stupid. “The entire front of the school was destroyed and there was a massive crater in the ground. No reporter on Earth would believe that.”

“I heard Principal Celestia told the press that it was a gas explosion that cause the destruction. I mean it might not explain everything, but it be more believable then all of us changin’ into half horse people and shooting down an interdimentional demon with rainbows,” AJ offered as a reply.

“Yeah, I guess that’s true,” Rainbow Dash said with a tone of acceptance. “But that still doesn’t explain-“

“Girls!” Fluttershy yelled, interrupting Rainbow Dash.

“What is it Flutter-,“Rainbow Dash stated as she looked up.

During the conversation, Pinkie Pie had backed up far down the walk way leading up to the entrance of the school and was now running straight towards the portal opening. Problem with that, however, was that Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were directly in her path. By the time the three of them had looked up to notice Fluttershy standing to the side of the statue and saw Pinkie Pie running at them, it was too late for them to do anything as Pinkie Pie slammed into them and they tumbled straight through the portal.

Fluttershy, moving back in front of the portal, examining the strange gate which had just swallowed her friends.

“Girls!? GIRLS!?” Fluttershy started to panic. “I’ve got to get help.”

Fluttershy started spinning around, hoping to find someone.

Suddenly, someone had grabbed her wrist.

“WAAAAAA!” she yelled as Pinkie Pie’s hand, emerging from the portal, pulled Fluttershy in.

Next Time: A Journey to Cathay (Equestria)

Author's Note:

Bet somebody already knows the theme to the chapter titles.

First attempt at fan fiction, constructive criticism welcomed.

don't know exactly when part 2 will be done.

Edit: Now with better grammar! (Probably still not perfect though).