• Published 10th Aug 2013
  • 1,674 Views, 65 Comments

Let it Rain - Metool Bard

If somepony gives their love to you, be sure to give it back. Poor Thunderlane is about to learn that the hard way as two mares compete for his attention.

  • ...

Something Amiss

Cloudchaser paced back and forth at the entrance to the park, pausing every once in a while to look at the clock tower and tap her foot. Thunderlane was late for their Sunday stroll through the park, and she was getting impatient.

"I don't get it," she muttered to herself. "We always meet here at one o'clock, and it's been at least half an hour. What could possibly be holding him up?"

She pondered this conundrum for a few seconds, only to come up with a complete blank. She knew that while Thunderlane appeared to be lazy, he never missed a Sunday stroll. The more she thought about it, the more her imagination ran wild. A giddy smile slowly spread on her face.

Oh! I get it now! she thought. He must be getting me a present! Aw, what a sweetheart~!

She let out a dreamy sigh and stared back at the clock tower.

"Alright," she said. "I'll give him one more half hour, but that's it. And that present better be good."

"Oh, hey CC!"

As if on cue, Cloudchaser spotted Thunderlane soaring through the sky and waving at her. She waved back, smiling all the while. Thunderlane touched down right before her.

"About time you decided to show up," Cloudchaser said coyly. "Don't you know it's impolite to keep a lady waiting?"

Thunderlane blinked. "You were, waiting for me?"

Cloudchaser raised an eyebrow. "Um, duh. It's Sunday, remember? We always take a walk through the park on Sunday."

Thunderlane suddenly smacked his head with his hoof. "Augh, I'm such an idiot! I completely blanked, CC! Ugh, I am so sorry about this."

Well, so much for my present theory. Oh well, Cloudchaser thought with a shrug. She then patted Thunderlane on the shoulder. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it. It happens to the best of us. You're here now, and that's what matters."

"No, it's not that, CC," said Thunderlane with a sigh. "I, already promised Raindrops that we'd go over some Wonderbolt drills this afternoon."

Cloudchaser's smile vanished. "Wait, she wanted to train with you this afternoon?"

"Yeah. She said she didn't want to forget everything she learned at the Academy or something," said Thunderlane.

"Well, didn't you tell her that you already had plans?"

"I would've, but like I said, I completely forgot about our usual Sunday get-together," said Thunderlane sheepishly. "To be fair, she had an interesting point. Nopony usually makes plans for a Sunday afternoon."

"Except for us," said Cloudchaser with a pout. "Well, that's fine. Just go tell her that you can't make it."

"I, actually don't think that's such a good idea," said Thunderlane. "When I talked to her this morning, she seemed all jittery. I think she really wants to make sure Spitfire doesn't yell at her when we have our next session. You know how Spitfire has this way of making ponies nervous."

Cloudchaser couldn't really argue with that (after all, Spitfire made her nervous, too), but something in the back of her mind told her that this was not as innocent as it appeared. She let out a strained sigh.

"TL, look. This is our special day together, and you know that," she said. "Just tell Rainy that you'll train with her another day."

"Yeah, I don't think that's gonna work, either," said Thunderlane, flattening his ears and casting his eyes downward. "She said that this was the best day we could get together. After all, nopony..."

"Makes plans for a Sunday afternoon. Yes, you already said that," said Cloudchaser bitterly. She then groaned and rubbed the bridge of her nose with her hoof.

Thunderlane sighed. "Listen, CC. I'm really sorry about this. I didn't mean to blow you off. I just, forgot. Like you said, it happens to everypony every once in a while. I'll make it up to you. I promise."

Cloudchaser looked at Thunderlane out of the corner of her eye. "How?"

"Um, how about we hit Sugarcube Corner tomorrow; just the two of us? My treat. I'll even get you those lemon cupcakes you like so much."

Cloudchaser placed a hoof to her muzzle and furrowed her brow as she considered Thunderlane's offer. Finally, she sighed.

"Pinkie Promise me you'll be there," she said, turning to face him.

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," said Thunderlane without missing a beat.

Cloudchaser smiled. One thing she knew about Thunderlane is that when the chips were down, he always kept his word.

"Okay. I forgive you," she said. "I can't stay mad at you, anyway."

"Thanks, CC. You're a real pal," said Thunderlane, giving her a brief hug. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Right, seeya."

With that, Thunderlane took off. While his promise of a date put her at ease, she still couldn't shake the feeling that something was, off.

"Well, that's my entire afternoon down the drain," she said with a sigh as she raised herself off the ground. "Guess I'll be helping Flitter foalsit Rumble today, after all."


When Cloudchaser arrived at Thunderlane's house, Flitter was busy playing a board game with Rumble.

"Oh hiya, Cloudy," she said, looking up for a brief moment. "I thought you weren't going to be able to help me today."

"Change of plans," said Cloudchaser curtly. "And don't you dare gloat."

"Cloudy, would I really do that?" said Flitter.

"I dunno, you made a big deal about it yesterday," said Cloudchaser brusquely.

Flitter gave her sister a confused look. "Sheesh, what's eating you? You're usually a lot happier after spending time with Thunderlane."

"Well, you just answered your own question, Flit. Congrats," said Cloudchaser.

Flitter sighed. "Alright, what happened?"

"Thunderlane blew me off," said Cloudchaser. "He said he forgot about our plans, and he promised Raindrops to do some Wonderbolt drills with her."

"Oof, tough break," said Flitter. "Well, at least he'll make it up to you, right?"

"He said he was gonna take me out tomorrow to Sugarcube Corner," said Cloudchaser.

"There you go, then. You've got no reason to be upset," said Flitter, turning back to her game. "Let's see here... Sky Five."

"Miss!" said Rumble smugly. "Cloud Nine."

"Aw, you zapped my weatherpony~!" exclaimed Flitter in a playful tone. "Looks like you win again. I'm telling you, Cloudy. Rumble's a master at this game."

Cloudchaser sighed. "Flit, you know that Thunderlane never forgets our Sunday stroll."

"Well, he did this time," said Flitter with a shrug. "After all, ponies don't normally make plans for a Sunday after—"

"I know!" Cloudchaser yelled, interrupting her sister. "Ugh, sorry Flit. Thunderlane said that Rainy used that line on him when she said she wanted to train."

"Line?" asked Flitter, raising an eyebrow. "What are you implying, Cloudy?"

"Something tells me that this isn't a coincidence," said Cloudchaser. "I think Rainy's up to something."

"Really?" said Flitter, her expression becoming deadpan. "Cloudy, just yesterday you were saying that Raindrops was a wishy-washy klutz that Thunderlane would never fall for in a million years. And if I recall, you also mentioned something about her not swinging that way."

"Wh-what, am I not allowed to be wrong about something?" said Cloudchaser, her cheeks turning a rosy pink.

"No, you're allowed," said Flitter. "But I think you're wrong about the wrong things. Like I said, I'd wager that more than half the town knows that you're carrying a torch for Thunderlane. What are the chances that Raindrops doesn't know about your feelings for him? Face it, Cloudy. This was all just a misunderstanding that you're blowing out of proportion."

Cloudchaser sighed. "I, guess you're right. I'm probably just being, silly. Love makes you do that sometimes, y'know?"

"What, get paranoid for no good reason?"

"I, wouldn't put it that way," said Cloudchaser sheepishly. "Look, you'll understand once you find your special somepony."

Flitter shrugged. "Okay, whatever. Hey, you mind playing with Rumble for a bit? I need to check on dinner."

"Alright, sure," said Cloudchaser. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that Raindrops was up to no good.

C'mon, Cloudchaser. Stop being ridiculous, she scolded herself mentally. Rainy isn't that kind of mare. Thunderlane is still your special somepony. There's nothing to worry about. Yep, nothing at all...