• Published 19th Aug 2013
  • 8,641 Views, 189 Comments

Vegeta's Stay in Ponyville - GoodKnight

After beating Janemba, Vegeta thought he was going to suffer in hell again. Needless to say, he was wrong.

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Vegeta Takes a Stroll Part 1

It was 11:32 pm and Twilight couldn't sleep.

She paced around the library levitating a constant stream of books into a shelf before picking them up once again on her next pass. Sadly, re-shelving was all she could do to keep herself sane. Spike, her number one assistant, had long since gone to bed, shutting the door behind him and leaving Twilight stranded in a mild loop of paranoia. The unicorn never really had troubles sleeping, but after the visit from Rarity today, the mare couldn't help thinking that something was off. It wasn't the initial visit from her friend that made her worry, but the conversation after that had gotten her thinking.

The creature hadn't attacked or harassed anyone that she knew of. In fact, there wasn't any word about the creature at all. Twilight had thought that there would've been at least one sighting of the creature from the ponies around town, but it was the exact opposite. Nopony had seen anything strange, or Ponyville's definition of strange at least. On the one hoof, this was a good sign. The creature wasn't rampaging or threatening Equestria in any way. That, however, did not mean that it could. It was probable that the creature was toying with them, and waiting for the perfect moment to strike while there backs were turned. Horsefeathers, it could probably kill them all regardless of their position! These endless "what-if's" frightened the purple librarian princess.

What Twilight needed was a break.

After shelving 9,999 Magical Theories, she sighed in exhaustion. She really did need a break, and tonight, she would get one, even if it was a fleeting one. She turned around and trotted up to the balcony.

When the telescope came into view, Twilight already felt much better. It was as if a great weight had been lifted off her back. Even if it were not the case, she had read in a book that hobbies were meant to be something that the hobbyist found relaxing and enjoyable to do during infrequent idle free time. In Twilight's case, it was stargazing. To some, it was boring. To her, it was relaxing and nostalgic. Next to the telescope was a mess of notes and pencils. She quickly scanned her notes from the last time. She never really did get back to that weird phenomenon. Twilight had waited for the shower to pass, but ended up going to bed before taking a second look.

Whatever it was, it was probably never going to happen again. Phenomenon like that happened very rarely, and were often brief moments. Twilight once more sighed at the missed opportunity, but quickly dismissed the dismal feeling. She was here to relax, not regret.

She found a spot to settle in for the night and peered into the telescope.

What she saw certainly did clear her head, but not in the way she had hoped...

Vegeta was bored.

He had grown tired of sleeping all day. The rock he rested on was beginning to feel more and more like... well, a rock in his back. Pins and needles shot through his legs and feet that tortured him to no end. So, to sate his boredom, he decided to go for a walk.

In summary, Vegeta was bored enough to want to explore a place inhabited by bug-eyed, multicolored, midget horses.

He began trekking away from Fluttershy's cottage. The dirt road he traveled ion was completely sparse of anything or anyone, much to the surprise of the saiyan. He was not complaining, however. The less he had to do with these ponies, the better. If any of them were like the annoying pink one, then he was happy to never encounter another. On another note, if any were like the rainbow one, then he might enjoy himself.

After a while, he found the beginning of a wooden fence stretching alongside the road. It seemed to stretch as far as the road. Inside the whitewashed fence were rows and rows of apple trees. They seemed vaguely familiar to him. He then heard a dull sound in the distance. As he progressed, the noise grew in intensity until he reached a gate of sorts.


Vegeta looked inside and saw an orange mare in an old hat kick a tree. Apples soon fell into the buckets placed beneath.


Looking to again, he saw what would have to be one of the bigger ponies he's seen since he got here. His warrior's instinct could tell something was amiss by looking at the stallion. His simple looks and country façade didn't match up with something. It matched the atmosphere of the brightly colored farm, and the rest of this world. Despite this, Vegeta could not help but feel as though something was off.


He sensed it. It was small, but very prominent. The red one was holding back his strength. It surprised him a bit. Compared to his own power though, Vegeta was vastly superior. Seeing this level of control left Vegeta a little impressed.

Or maybe it was the mundane boredom wearing down his sanity.

The orange one approached the larger red one as Vegeta entered the orchard

"Well, Big Mac, once we get the west fields, that should cover--" Applejack was interrupted by her brother's gaze shifting somewhere else. She followed it, and her expression changed to a soft scowl. "Oh," she mumbled vehemently. Vegeta returned the look with his own scowl.

An awkward silence reigned over them.

"What do you want?" the spat resentfully. "Shouldn't ya'll be at Fluttershy's?"

"What's it to you?" Vegeta shot back. "I can come and go as I please."

"Then leave," she ordered with a stamp of her hoof. "We got apples to harvest, an' we can't afford to waste time."

Vegeta raised a skeptical brow. "You mean to tell me that's how you harvest apples?" he asked a little too sarcastically. He was all in favor of power and control, but this didn't add up with saiyan.

"Yup!" she shouted. "My family's been harvestin' apples like this for generations! I can get a field done by the end of the day- two if it's a good one." Applejack grinned a bit as she said, "I even own the equestrian record for the most apples bucked in a single season." She turned away with a huff and began to trot off towards the west fields with an air of confidence.

"Oh really?" Applejack froze. She had thought she had told him off and won. The fact that Vegeta had come up with any response made the mare want to grind her teeth together.

"If you hold the record, then he must hold the world title," Vegeta chuckled while gesturing to Big Mac. He didn't want to interact with ponies, but sadly he was that bored. Besides, if she wanted to try and out wit him, Vegeta wasn't about to give in so easily. Meanwhile, Big Mac wore a confused expression as he was somehow dragged into the conversation.

"Leave my brother out o' this!" The orange mare turned to face the Saiyan once more. "If you think you know so much, let see you try to beat it!"

Vegeta smirked. "Alright."

The saiyan saw vast hills, with hundreds upon hundreds of apples. Vegeta glanced back at the mare who smiled triumphantly. She thought that he'd back down, and she'd respond with something along the lines of "I thought so." After that, the mare would offer lessons to him. She wouldn't do it to gloat in front of him, but more as to show him what apple-bucking is all about. Of course, he w asn't exactly a pony, but that could be figured out later.

"Hmph!" the saiyan grunted as he took a few steps towards the fields. Applejack donned a confused and opened her mouth to say something, but hesitated as Vegeta took up a stance. She was curious to what he was going to do and watched carefully.

A moment passed and a calm breeze wafted through. Vegeta hadn't moved. She had enough. If he wasn't going to do anything, then shewasn't going to stand around. She turned and thought of something witty to say to him. Just as Applejack was about to speak up, the wind grew harsh and quickly turned into a violent gale. The mare held her hat down with a hoof, squinting through the wind. She wasn't expecting a storm from the pegasi today. "Is it a twister?!" Applejack asked aloud, looking around frantically.

"Nope!" Big Mac called over the wind. He pointed a hoof towards the saiyan. Applejack was shocked to see what was happening. The wind was whipping around him fiercely and the ground beneath him began top crack underneath him. He could feel energy beginning to surge inside him. It was like an explosion ready to be released. Normally, in his world, he would keep going on beyond this and keep it at a constant, but this was all he needed. With a swift movement, he smacked both of his hands together. What came from it was a powerful shockwave that blew the trees back. It caused the ponies behind the blast to skid back a few inches and guard their eyes. However, the appletrees were unchanged.

"Ha!" Applejack scoffed loudly. Before she could continue, she could hear something in the distance. At first it was small and low, but then it began to grow. It sounded like a wagon rolling down the road, then a crack of thunder. She stood slack jawed at what was transpiring.

She shook herself and nudge Big Mac who was just as shocked as she was. "Get the carts! Hurry!" she shouted before running off. Meanwhile, Vegeta wandered off the property with a smirk on his face and his ego thoroughly.

Author's Note:

The key ingredient to foreshadowing is, of course the cliffhanger. Anything other than that is mostly just personal preference, or regional influence depending on your outlook on life. The way I do it simple yet effective. I start out with a nicely cut cliffhanger sprinkled with a hint of what's to come next, bacon bits, and minced onions. After some thorough shaping and editing, I'll put it over a low burning flame over a long period of thyme. I'll usually wait for a good while before posting the eventual relief to the dramatic tension so that it can boil down into a nice solid broth to bring out the flavor.

If you do it my way, don't wait too long or you might get something like this.

Puns? Yes there are...
