• Published 7th Aug 2013
  • 4,899 Views, 80 Comments

Steel Shoes - Sir Hat

Corey has a very simple job, make, fit, and maintain horseshoes. business is good, but unfortuately for him his customers find these great chances to chat and gossip.

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Saturday (What if #2)

(What if I walked out of the club)

Not to mention the ponies losing their minds on the dance floor. This kind of music really wasn't my scene, I glanced down at my watch, about seven thirty. I could always go to a pub or something... A pony rushed past making me spill my drink on another patron, "God dammit..." Yeah screw this, sorry Vinyl I can't deal with the over enthused fucks.

I stepped out of the bar, rain dowsing the waiting line. I walked the length of the line finding an excited looking mare at the back of the line, "Hey you," I pulled the band over my wrist, "Have fun..." I reached over pulling the band over the mares leg.


"Just show the bouncer, better than it getting wasted," She beamed me a wide smile before jumping the barrier and wrapping her hooves around me.

"Thank you thank you thank you, best birthday ever!" She bolted off towards the door, she got in without issue. Well at least I made someones day.I started off towards my local pub, good whiskey.

I managed to reach the pub after being thoroughly soaked by the rain. I leaned into the door, being assaulted by a rush of war air. The pub had a health amount of ponies lounging and enjoying the warm atmosphere.

I rushed over to the counter slamming a load of bits on the table, "Just get me the bottle...too damn cold out there," The barkeep looked at me apprehensively before passing me a full bottle of whiskey. I scooped the bottle up and threw myself into a booth, "*sigh* tired..." I uncapped the bottle and took a short swig. I slammed the bottle down with a sloppy swurk, my entire jacket was soaked.

I pulled the jacket over my head and tossed it aside. I just sat there drinking alone, trying to relax and warm up. I leaned back into the soft booth closing my eyes and exhaling. I was abruptly snapped back by a warm breeze rushing past my ear, my eyes shot open, starring forward, "Didn't see you when you walked in," I felt my face form a stoic frown, "I'm glad you decided to show up," I slowly rolled my head to the side met with the visage of my old customer.

"Oh god..." I felt her press her hoof into my mouth.

"Shhh, just relax," She leaned into me heavily, almost causing my to topple onto my jacket. As rustled as I was, I had to admit it felt nice to have a warm body pressed against me. She had laid her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes, much less aggressive than before. I simply looked down at her, my face slowly turning from a grimace to a more neutral frown. I reached my free hand over grabbing the bottle and taking a larger gulp than before. A surge of warmth ran through my body as the bitter cold that had followed me in was obliterated.

I leaned my head back to stare at the ceiling, Berry still happily perched on my shoulder. I was thankful that she was so calm, after our first encounter I was sure if she had A chance like this she would try to mount me without pause, "Thanks for coming..." She cooed, not lifting her head.

"to be perfectly honest...I had forgot about you until now,"

She looked up at me, "Really, I thought I made a powerful first impression," I turned my head down meeting her in the eyes.

"Trust me you did...why you did, I don't know,"

She nuzzled hard into my neck, "You really don't get it, I thought I was obvious," I felt her exhale upward into the back of my hair.

"No I get what you want...I just don't get why,"

"You do realized we've talked before right, this isn't out of the blue,"


"In here, I see you in here almost every Sunday, you order a light drink and sit in this booth each time," I looked back to her again.

"How do you-"

"You really don't remember, we talked before...maybe you were too drunk," That could have been, a few times I get so screwed up on Sundays I walk into work hungover, "It was just that in the shop...I don't know, you seemed so-" She nipped my earlobe, "focused~, I can't help it if a hard working stallion excites me," I could feel myself reacting to her advances. Still only a man after all. She looked down at my lap, "And that a hot mare excites you~" She thrust a hoof downward, only to be stopped by my hand.

"No- not now, definitely not in the bar." She pulled back and I released her hoof, "You really need to work on that," I said leaning forward and slumping down onto the table, my head resting next to the bottle.

"I know, but come on, can you really say you don't want this," I felt her pull my hand to her, a distinct heat gracing my fingers before I pulled away.

"Seriously stop, just let me drink for now...maybe when I'm too fucked up to think, then you can have your fun," I rolled my head to look at the bottle, Berry mirrored my pose staring me in the eyes.

"But I don't want you just for that, there's more too it,"

"Then why are you so grabby," I jerked my head up so that I rested on my chin. I was about to pull the bottle to my lips when It was wrenched away, "Hey I-"

She leaned in and gave me a deep kiss, her tongue darting into my mouth before I could protest. When I pulled away and sat upright the look on her face was...different. No longer the crazed lust of before, something more gentle, something longing with a fire being held back, "Please-" I Snapped over grabbing my damp jacket and forcing my way out from underneath her weight, "Why..." I managed to stand before turning back, a hurt look across her face.

I can't leave her like this can I...fuck me- "Get up...can't fucking believe it, I live close by, now come on," And appreciative smile graced her face before she stood and walked over to me, brushing past my leg. I rolled my eyes defeated, "Here, it's a little damp but It should work for the walk," I draped my hoodie over her.

A short walk later

I leaned into my door shoving the key in quickly and forcing the door open, "Hurry," Berry rushed past me as I wheeled inside and pulled the door shut, "Jesus- you think they'd let up with the rain a little," Even after such a short walk to my cottage we were soaked again. I reached over pulling the now sopping wet hoodie off of her and unbuttoning my shirt, "It's barely halfway through fall and I'm using the damn fireplace," I walked her and the clothes to my den and began piling logs in the fireplace, "Bloody bullshit-" I jammed some newspaper below the wood and lit it, a fire quickly spread to the extremely dry wood.

I turned to see Berry sitting back in my couch, I decided to join her and try and warm up. I looked around finding the clock, about half past eight. By the time I reeled my head back around Berry had thrown her hooves around my midsection and was slowly leaning more and more into me, "Just- please-" She kept putting more and more pressure until I eventually flopped to the side with Berry atop me, "Even if its just for tonight, just stay with me," I could feel her rubbing her entire body against me.

"Maybe," I said positioning her so that she was straddling my waist, "Lets see if you can convince me," It felt warm, between her, the fire, and the rising tension it was enough to break the cold that followed me.

Well at least it's been warm night after all.