• Published 23rd Sep 2013
  • 820 Views, 9 Comments

Equestria Brahs - FlareGun45

A humanified version of Friendship is Epic. Flare Gun and his sister Water Gun travel to the human world to locate Flare's stolen his prized black box.

  • ...

A Whole New World

That was certainly a Big Bang Theory when I was traveling through the space time continuum. I woke up in the middle of a sidewalk near a statue. “Flare? Flare are you alright?” Water asked.

”Water?! Why did you follow me?” I asked.

“I couldn’t let you do this alone!” Water said.

“Well that’s nice of you, Water, but- wow Water, you are the strangest looking ape I’ve ever seen.” I said.

“An ape?” Water asked as she looked down at her body. She was wearing a red sweater with her suitcase cutie mark on the middle of it. She was wearing blue jeans, and her skin was kind of a lighter blue than usual. Her hair remained the same though, pretty long and brown. “Umm… ok, I need an adult.” She said. I looked at my body and I saw fingers, legs, oh cool I’m wearing blue jeans! I’m also wearing a red shirt with my computer mouse cutie mark on it, an open blue jacket, and I was still the same color red as I always was, and my mane (or hair) remained the same. The both of us were still wearing our same shoes as before.

“Water…. I think….. I think….. I’M A CHANGELING!” I yelled.

“What?” Water asked.

“I changed into something I’m not; I’m obviously a changeling again!” I said.

“I don’t think we’re changelings, Flare.” Water said. Water and I looked around the area, and it looked like a high school. There was a street, and a lot of houses.

“Wow Water, this is trippy. I see vehicles that are not getting pulled.” I pointed out. “This is beyond even Swinebutt’s comprehension! This ape world is certainly weird.”

“Seriously, Flare? You’ve been complaining about how you wanted to be a human non-stop, and yet you don’t even know you’re one.” Water complained.

“I’m a human?” I asked. “Are you sure? I’m either supposed to be beige or brown, not red, unless I’m an Indian.”

“Or blue for that matter.” Water said. “I mean, I’m still blue… da be deed a ba die.

“Wow, nice choice of outfit, sis!” I said as I looked at her clothes.

“Oh thank you!” Water said. “You too! But I mean, it would’ve been nicer if I had a custom selection of clothing like on the Wii mii.”

“But you should get rid of those grapefruits that are inside your shirt.” I said, pointing to her chest area. “I mean they look weird.”

“You don’t like them?” Water asked.

“I… I really don’t know…” I said nervously.

“C’mon, we should find out what’s going on here.” Water suggested.

“Right! Onward, to the school!” I yelled. Water started crawling on the ground, and I was just trying to stand up. “Water, what are you doing?”

“Trotting to the school.” Water said.

“Get up, sis. You’re a human now. We have to walk like humans; otherwise people would think us weird.” I said. “Not that I find that there’s a problem about it.

“Ah, thanks for warning me!” Water said, trying to stand up.

“Well, if there’s going to be another pony going through that portal, I hope he or she gets the way things work around here as fast as you and I are.” I said.

“Hey the next ponies that are going through that portal are US!” Water said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I mean, we’re going home!” Water said.

“Home? But we just got here!” I complained.

“This place is strange and we shouldn’t be here. Let’s go through the portal before we cause any trouble.” Water suggested.

“No, there’s something I need to get. I need to find a spider bot! If we find a spider bot, we’ll find that black box!” I said.

“Wait, a robot took your black box?” Water asked.

“YES! I wouldn’ve came here unless it was important like that!” I said.

“Actually, you would, Flare.” Water corrected me. “You kept saying how much you wanted to be a human, now here we are! Wish granted!”

“Wow! Took me a while to figure it out, but yeah! I’m living the Equestrian dream, sista! I’m a human now! Wow, if only Lyra were here!” I said excitedly.

“Yeah, I’m here.” A human that looked a lot like Lyra said behind me.

”Lyra! What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Uhh, I go to school here. Good to see you, Flare! How did you know who I am?” Lyra asked.

“Oh, long story! I bet it feels good being a human, huh sista?” I asked.

”Yeah as if! What I’ve always wanted to be was a pony! Not just any pony though! A magical unicorn! I mean, ask my friend Bon Bon!” Lyra said, pointing to Bon Bon who was right beside her.

“It’s true. You should see the way Lyra sits in the park. She sits with her body on the bench, and her hands in front of her.” Bonnie said.

“Hey, it’s the American dream, Bonnie! Being a pony would be the best thing that’s ever happened to me!” Lyra said.

“America, huh?” I asked.

“Yeah, where did you transfer from?” Lyra asked.

“I’m from Mareami!” I said.

“Miami?” Bonnie asked.

“If you want to call it yours, then sure.” I shrugged.

“Ah the place where the sun shines, and the rain falls, and a place where it’s easy to get attacked by an alligator!” Lyra said.

“So what’s your name?” Bonnie asked.

“I’m Flare Gun!” I said.

“And I’m Jennifer!” Water said.

”Jennifer?” I asked.

“Don’t these humans have these weird names?” Water asked.

“But her name is Lyra Heartstrings and she’s still Bon Bon. So there’s still a little bit of pony in us.” I said.

“Oh…. in that case, I’m Water Gun!” Water said.

“You two brother and sister?” Bonnie asked.

”No we’re husband and wife!” Water said as she placed her arm around me, and moving her eyebrows up and down.

I pushed her away and blushed, “Shut up, Water! That’s freaky!” Water then giggled.

“Well, nice to meet you both! We have to get to class so we’ll catch you two later!” Lyra said, as she and Bonnie walked inside the school.

“Wow ain’t we lucky, Flare?” Water asked. “We’re already doing a better job than our first high school! We made two friends already!”

“You know, this is also my chance to enjoy high school! I mean back at home I didn’t, mostly because of Swinebutt and Herb Leafhorn, but now that I’m here…. I can get that high school happiness I never experienced before!” I said.

“That’s the spirit, Flare! Let’s go in!” Water suggested holding up three fingers.

“Hey, whoa! Didn’t you just say before you wanted us to go home?” I asked.

“Eh, that was a long time ago.” Water said.

“In a galaxy far far away?” I asked.

”Exactly!” Water said.

“Alrighty then! Let’s go in and enjoy school!” I said happily. We both walked inside the school, and I gotta say it was impressive! But what confused me is everyone’s skin was a different color. It’s not just white, or beige, or brown, or tan. I mean, I’m red still. Which is pretty cool though! I found my reflection on the window of the trophy case, and my hair was still the same, so were my eyes. I was wearing a red t-shirt with a computer mouse on it, and instead of a blue vest, I had a blue hoodie on. “Awww! I wanted a shirt with a mushroom on it saying, ‘I’m fun guy!’” I complained.

“Well, how is everyone supposed to know you like video games?” Water asked.

“What about Mario?” I reminded her.

“I don’t play video games, bro.” Water reminded me. “I have no idea what that is.”

“You don’t have to play video games to know who Mario is.” I corrected her.

“Is the giant monkey, right?” Water asked.

“Close… same series.” I said.

So we walked through the halls to see if we can find anything suspicious. Wow, everyone is here! I never expected to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders here. What do they do in this world though? Cutie marks are out of the question here, but it looks like they do something. Scootaloo nearly ran me over with her scooter. I didn’t know you’re supposed to have scooters on school grounds. I saw Big Mac hitting on the Liberian, which seems to be Cheerilee. I suppose now would be a good time to give Big Mac the old McDonalds joke because he might now get it. Modern technology seems to be popular here, not like in Ponyville when they stick to the Renaissance age. “Hey, sis? I have to use the lavatory.”

”Go ahead!” Water said.

I really had to go pretty bad! I ran towards the restrooms and I saw two doors. Aw Luna, you kidding me? I didn’t know which door to take! The signs! I don’t speak human! One looked like there was a triangle on the sign, but I seriously didn’t know which room to go in. So I went into triangle one, but then I heard a screaming in there. So I left quickly and went in the other door. “Sorry, ladies!” I said. I went inside the restroom and I saw…. what were those things on the wall? They looked like toilets, but they weren’t toilets. Were they sinks? Nah, the sinks are right here. I didn’t know what those things on the wall were, so I went inside the stalls. Aw c’mon, the toilets look different! Back in Equestria, the toilets were in the middle of the stall, so we were able to have room for our legs, and the stalls look smaller too. There is so much of this world that I have yet to know, but it’s no use singing about it. I already sang something in the opening, and I’m not going to sing every 5 minutes like what Twilight and her friends do. I finished with the bathrooms and I went to wash my hands. Are you kidding me? These sinks have these facets that you just push down, and the sink is only on for a few seconds. What, you want me to wash one hand at a time? If you’re afraid of kids leaving the sinks running, then use those censor sinks, that makes the sinks turn on automatically, and then once you remove your hands, the sink turns off. Oh, at least this place has blow dryers, but not those automatic ones, it has a button! This blow dryer wasn’t very effective though. Took me 4 tries to get my hands clean. I should’ve just wiped my hands on my jacket.

I left the bathroom, and met back with Water. “Hey, how was the restrooms?” Water asked.

“Trust me, you don’t wanna know.” I said.

“So now what?” Water asked.

“Well since we’re here, we might as well pick a class to go to.” I said.

”Without even signing up?” Water asked.

“I don’t think signing up is necessary. We just blend in, like a smoothie!” I said.

A cutaway shows someone making a smoothie out of bananas, strawberries, and oranges; and the guy places the smoothie on the table. “HEY, banana? Remember your restraining order?” the strawberry asked.

“What do you mean?” banana asked.

“Keep 30 feet away from me at all times!” strawberry demanded.

“Well excuuuuuse me! I have no choice, I’m a liquid now!” banana said.

“Hey, hey strawberry?” orange asked.

“Oh no, not this guy!” strawberry complained.

“Nyeh nyeh nyeh, nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh!” orange flipped his tongue many times, annoying the other fruit. The gag ends there. Wow, even in this universe I can still do cutaway gags! Leet!

“So Flare, are we going to do first? How are we going to find your box?” Water asked.

“Water! I’m surprised you’d even ask something like that!” I said shockingly.

“I was just asking how are we going to find your box.” Water said.

“We do what all brave students of high school do when something is stolen from them! We go to the principle’s office.” I said. So Water and I went over to the principle’s office to see if he or she could help us. It was a she. I did my famous Sheldon Cooper knock on the door; knock, knock, knock; “Principle?” Knock, knock, knock; “Principle?” Knock, knock, knock; “Principle?”

“Come in.” the principle said. So Water and I entered the principle’s office and there she was. “Ah, a couple of new students, I assume? Welcome to Canterlot High. My name is Principle Celestia.”

“Umm…” I thought.

“Hello, Principle Celestia!” Water said.

“Yeah, where’s Luna?” I asked.

“Really, Flare? You just meet Princess Celestia’s human counterpart and then you just go on and ask where Luna is?” Water asked.

“Somebody call for me?” Luna asked as she walked into the room.

“It would appear you have some guests, Vice-Principle Luna.” Celestia said.

“Hmm. Who might you be?” Luna asked us.

“I knew I’d see the day when Celestia would dictate Luna.” I said. “C’mon Water, I don’t think they could help us.”

“What do you need help with? We’d be happy to assist.” Luna said.

“Please excuse my brother. He’s lost a valuable box that’s very important to him, and we think somebody in the school stole it.” Water said.

“Mmm hmm. Well, our lost and found is right there in the corner if you need to find anything.” Celestia offered. So Water and I looked in the lost and found to see if we could find my box. We didn’t find the box but we did find a lot of jackets, a cellphone, a USB storage device, a couple of lunch buckets, and… what’s this vibrating thing? Oh wait, that’s the cellphone again. Why is it on? After a while of searching, we gave up and left the principle’s office.

“Well that was all work for no reward.” I said.

“Oh on the contrary, I did find this cool rubber bracelet that says ‘get your green on’. I dunno, Flare. Do you think green suits me?” Water asked.

“That was certainly strange though. I keep seeing familiar faces around this school. I wonder why? Who shall be next that we’ll see?” I asked.

“Hey, you want a snowcone?” someone asked me.

“Oh, ok! It depends what flavor it-“ before I could continue talking, I take a look at the person giving me a snowcone, and she looks just like my friend Crystal Iceblast from Ponyville! Her mane was kind of longer than pony Crystal’s, she was wearing a white undershirt with her cutie mark on it, and she wore blue jeans.

“What was that?” Crystal asked.

“Oh I was gonna ask what flavors you have.” I said.

“Strawberry, banana, and orange.” Crystal said. Wow, what a coincidence! I just did a cutaway gag that had a strawberry, banana, and orange in it!

“I’ll take the strawberry!” I said, taking the snowcone.

“Hey, that’s cool!” Crystal teased.

“HA! I get it! COOL!” I said, nodding.

“How about you? You want anything?” Crystal asked Water.

“Oh, nothing for me, thanks!” Water said.

“Suit yourself! You must be new here!” Crystal said, smiling at me.

“What was your first clue?” I asked sarcastically.

“I can tell because you don’t know our dress code. You can’t wear holey socks.” Crystal said.

“I’m…. how do you know I’m wearing holey socks?” I asked.

“You just took off your shoe.” Crystal said, pointing down at my foot. Yes, my shoe was off.

“Bro, why did you take off your shoe?” Water asked.

“My foot was itchy!” I complained.

“Aw c’mon, you wore shoes when you were a pony.” Water said.

“Yes, but I wasn’t wearing holey socks.” I said.

“Oh snap!” Crystal said.

“Heeeeeey! She said ‘oh snap’! Just like OUR Crystal!” I said excitedly.

Crystal starts to laugh. “You guys are crazy!”

”Of course we’re crazy! What made you think we were sane?” I asked.

“I like you two! My name is Crystal Iceblast! You should come and eat with me at lunch today!” Crystal offered.

“Why that sounds lovely!” I said.

“Alright, 12:30, table 9, see you there!” Crystal said.

“Alright, see ya soon, Crystal!” I said as I waved at her and she walked away, and she gave someone a hug. That particular someone looked a lot like my skateboarding friend, Black Thunder. It’s kinda weird he has that name, since he’s white. Just then, the bell started ringing.

“Aw man! What now? We don’t have any classes!” Water said.

“Of course I brought glasses with me!” I said as I put on my sunglasses. “I wasn’t going to put them on until I say a pun, and then go YEEEEEEAAAAAH!” My YEEAAAH echoed across the halls.

“Alright bro, just find a class.” Water said.

“But which one? Uhh, I guess I’ll pick astrology I guess.” I said.

“Astrology? I was going to go do geometry!” Water whined.

“Alright fine, I guess we’ll have to separate for now. Meet me back here as soon as class is over.” I instructed her.

“Got it!” Water nodded and she ran off. I ran to the opposite direction, but I did not know where astrology was. I just ran, and ran, but as I was running I bumped into someone, and we both fell on the floor.

“OW!” I yelled in pain, rubbing my head. “I’ll sue you!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry about that.” A familiar voice said.

“Ok that’s alright, I-“ I stopped talking because that particular person I bumped into was Crèmepop! She was wearing a yellow undershirt with blue butterflies on it, some purple short-shorts, and she had sandals on instead of shoes.

“Are you ok?” Crème asked. “And before you answer that, please ignore the band-aids on my shins; I just started shaving my legs today.”

“I-I-I….” I stuttered. “Nice to run into you!” I laughed.

Crème giggled. “I need to go to class. Sorry about hitting you.” Crème said, picking up her stuff.

”Oh don’t worry! I’m fine!” I said as I helped her out. When I was helping her pick up her last book, her hand went on it first, but then my hand went on top of hers. We both blushed after that. I gotta say this was a nice little bonding moment the two of us just had. My hand on top of hers, her hand on top of a book, the book on the branch, and the branch on the tree, and the tree on the root, and the root in the hole, and the hole in the ground, and green grass grows all around all around, and the green grass grows all around. Just then, after that bonding moment we had, I just grabbed the book and stood back up quickly. “HA! Mine now!”

“Hey! That’s my book! I need it!” Crème complained.

“If you want it, you have to get it!” I teased her as I held her book waaaaaay over our heads. I was taller than her so she couldn’t reach it.

“Oh c’mon, that’s not fair! You’re taller!” Crème complained as she tried to reach for the book.

“You want it? You have to reach it, sista!” I said.

“AY-YA!” Crème yelled as she punched me in the stomach which made me drop the book and hold my stomach. “You jerk!” she yelled at me.

“Yeah, well, this world is strange to me. I dunno how humans are supposed to comprehend around here.” I said as I held my stomach in pain. The both of us then smiled and we both started laughing. I could tell the two of us are off to a great start.

“You’re funny. I like you, dude!” Crème said.

“I like you too, sista!” I said. “Hey, umm… you… you should be getting to class right?” I asked nervously.

“I should.” She nodded. “That was a fun little moment we had. I’ll be seeing you around, buddy!”

“Hey you have an awesome day!” I said.

“You too! I’ll see you around!” Crème said as she ran off. Ok, just to let you know, Crèmepop is NOT the Flash Sentry in here! She’s actually gonna do useful stuff in this story! Besides, she was in Book 2. Anyways, wow, human Crèmepop! I never thought I’d see the day! She was even hotter than the pony Crèmepop! D’OH! What am I saying? Crèmepop is my special somepony! This Crèmepop, I… I don’t know what to say about her. Aw jeez…. I didn’t ask her which way to astrology. Oh, well lucky me! Astrology class seemed to be right in front of me. I was about to head inside, but someone on the other side hit me with the door.

“OW! Dang it, Psyche!” I complained. “Always have to get in my way!”

“Whoa, you a jumpy one, aren’t you?” human Psyche asked. This Psyche was wearing a purple hoody with three stars on it, and like the rest of the main characters so far that appeared in this story, he was wearing blue jeans. He was also wearing purple sneakers. “Wait, how did you know my name?” he asked.

“You, uhhh… you look like a Psyche that’s all.” I fibbed.

“Uh huh. Sorry about hitting you with the door.” Psyche said.

“Oh it’s cool, brah!” I said as I got back up.

“I need to head to the library to do a little research.” Psyche said.

“The Lie-Bury? The bury that lies?” I asked.

“You got it!” Psyche said.

“Oh cool! Can I come? I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now, and after you hit me with the door, I’d rather not take astrology.” I said.

“Hey, no problem! C’mon, let’s head over to the library.” Psyche said as he lead me over to the library. “Hey, would you like a jelly-baby?” he asked.

On the way to the library, we passed a work shop class. Now there was something strange about one of those humans inside that class. Well of course, it’s Engineer! Red Engineer from Ponyville! There’s not much to say about him other than he looked even more like the engineer from TF2 more than the pony Engie did. Only difference is that this Engie was orange like the Engie from Equestria, and since he was a teenager, he didn’t have a shadow-beard.

“Hey, Psyche?” I asked.

“Yeah, Flare?” Psyche asked.

“I never told you my name.” I corrected him.

“Yeah you did, on the way over here. You forgot?” Psyche asked.

”You must’ve hit me on the head harder than I thought.” I said. “Either that or it was Crèmepop.” Psyche looks over at what I’m looking at and he makes a glare.

“Why are you checking out Engineer’s work?” he asked.

“Well, he’s a good builder isn’t he?” I asked.

“Pfff! As if! He’s such a show-off you know?” Psyche asked.

“Tell me about it! He just sits there and lets machines do all the dirty work where every other class gets their hands during out in the front lines. I mean really!” I said.

“Oh… umm… yeah, alright.” Psyche said. “Yeah that too.”

“What else there could be?” I asked.

“I really hate that guy.” Psyche said.

“Wait, you’re not friends with Engie?” I asked.

“Why would I? He thinks he’s smarter than me and yet I’m more of an honor student than him. He may know his way around technology, but I know science!” Psyche said.

“But… how could this happen?” I asked.

“Look it doesn’t matter. Are you coming or what?” Psyche asked. So I followed him over to the lie-bar-ree. I wanted to go take a seat, but I saw a familiar looking pink fella with glasses on and a labcoat sitting on one of the computers.

“Excellent! Excellent! I Dr. Porker Swinebutt has found a way to power up my machine! I just need a good power source! It’d be nice having treasure like that!” the pink dude said.

“Wow, human Dr. Swinebutt!” I said to myself. “Wow, he really needs to cut down on the food. He looks uglier then the Swinebutt in my world!” Just then, I saw a spider bot near his legs. That particular spider bot looked exactly like the spider bot that took my treasure. Of course! How could I not see it before? Well, actually, I kinda did, but regardless. It was Swinebutt this whole time! I started walking over to him with a big glare on my face, and I wanted to give him a piece of my mind! Before I could have a chat with him, I tripped over a water bottle, and fell on the floor. “OW!” I cried. “Whoever left this water bottle here is getting sued!” I yelled.

“Shhh!” Cheerilee shushed me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I was lookin’ for that.” A guy that looked a lot like my friend Aquatic Armor said. Wow, even human Aqua wears armor! All I could say about Aqua right now is that he looks like a human version of pony Aqua. Nothing was really different about him, not even clothing.

“Oh, well what do you need it for?” I asked.

“I need this bottle for an experiment I’m workin on. Thanks for findin’ it.” Aqua said.

“Oh no problemo, brah! The name’s Flare!” I said.

“How ya doing, mate? I’m Aquatic Armor, but my friends call me Aqua.” Aqua said, holding out his hand. I put my hand into a fist, and I brofisted him. “I was actually hoping for a handshake, but whatever.”

“So what is this project you’re working on, brah?” I asked.

“This project I’m workin’ on is a way for me to turn filthy water, into fresh spring water.” Aqua said.

”Wow, fancy!” I nodded. “Can you turn it into summer water, or winter water?”

“Yep, and if I continue my research, I might be able to turn ocean water into fresh water.” Aqua said.

“Wow, look at human Aqua! He’s a scientist! Pony Aqua knows nothing about technology!” I said.

“Uhhh…. Ok?” Aqua said confusingly.

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m a random one!” I said chuckling.

“Yeah, just like Pinkie Pie.” Aqua nodded. “Anyways, I gotta get this done for Chemistry. Gonna go enter it in the science fair.”

“Ah, yes, I remember chemistry! It was pretty cool, very challenging though! I dissected frogs, and I didn’t feel disgusted at all.” I said.

“Uhhh…. that’s biology.” Aqua corrected me.

“Ehh, all science is confusing to me, I failed all of them.” I said.

“Ok then, well, I’ll be at class if ya need me at all. Maybe ya can meet me at lunch later. 12:30, table 9.” Aqua offered as he walked out of the library. I turned over to see if Swinebutt was still there, but he was already gone. “Dang it!”

“Having fun hanging with losers, Flare?” Psyche asked.

“What? Are you not friends with anybody?” I asked.

”That’s not true, I have friends. I have a senpai!” Psyche said.

“I don’t even know what that is. Quit your gibberish, brah!” I said. Just then I heard the bell ring.

“Well, I guess it’s time for next class.” Psyche said. “Hey, if you wanna meet at lunch, meet me there at 12:30, table 9, got it?”

“I think that’s going to be tough to remember, but I’ll give it a try.” I nodded. “I’ll see you later, brah!” I ran out of the library so I could meet up with Water back at the lobby, but once I got there, she wasn’t there. I just stood there for a little while, but Engie walked on by and he slipped something in my pocket. I pulled out my pocket and saw a little note that says; ‘Meet me at lunch at 12:30, table 9.’ It seemed like a familiar message though. Do I have to meet someone else there? Eh, I don’t really remember. Just then, the bell rung around the time, my sister was nowhere to be found, so I decided to just go. Since gym was a piece of cake for me, I decided to go to the gym.

Once I got to the gym, I immediately noticed the gym coach was Spitfire. She blew her whistle, and she yelled; “C’mon! Move it! Move it! C’mon, sissies! Is that the best you can do?! YOU’RE A LADY SKYBLAZE! A COWARD! WELL DONE, THUNDERLANE! GOOD WORK, BULK BICEPS!”

“YEEEEEAAAAH!” Bulk Biceps yelled.

“C’mon, Goldheart! Stop being a sissy!” Once I heard Spitfire say ‘Goldheart’, I immediately knew Blaze was here! That was him running around the court- no, that was Soarin. OH! That’s him on the rope, right there!

“Wow, Blaze as an ape!” I said excitedly. “Is he a freak of nature too just like his pony version?”

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING STANDING THERE?!” Spitfire yelled at me. “GET TO A STATION AND WORK IT OUT! GO! MOVE MOVE MOVE!” I ran over to the rope, and I tried to climb it.

“Nice work out, eh brah?” I said to Blaze.

“Uh huh!” Blaze said, continuing to climb the rope.

“You know, back at my old gym, I used to just pull the rope, and say ‘ding dong’, like I’m ringing a doorbell, man!” I said.

“I see.” Blaze said.

“B-T-W, the name’s Flare!” I said.

“Goldheart, Blaze Goldheart!” Blaze said.

“Hey, Blaze, you wanna see something cool?” I asked.

”Not now.” Blaze said. Just then I start swinging on the rope I’m in, and start making a Tarzan yell. As I was swinging, I accidentally knock into Blaze, and we both fall off the rope and land on the mat on the ground.

“Hmm… F.” Spitfire said as she looked at her clipboard. “Next up on the rope is Woodenshy.”

“AAAAAH!” Woodenshy cried as he was trying to climb the rope, but it turned out that he didn’t even get off the ground yet. He was really struggling to get up there, but he just fell back in exhaustion and tried to catch his breath.

“Hmm…” Spitfire thought his grade over. “D… next.”

“D?! We were higher than him!” Blaze complained.

“Yeah but Woodenshy tried harder. I like that!” Spitfire said.

“Ugh!” Blaze groaned.

“Just like pony Blaze, he groans a lot.” I said.

“You sissies! GIMMIE 40 LAPS!” Spitfire yelled at Blaze and I as she blew her whistle. So Blaze started running around the track; I got up and followed.

“Hey brah, it’s great breaking a sweat you know? It’s easy to break, because my sweat is made of glass? LAWL get it?” I teased.

“That’s cool, but I’m really not in the mood right now for jokes.” Blaze said as he continued running.

“That’s cool!” I said. Blaze took a look at the way I was running and he gave me a weird look. My running looked pretty girly. I was swinging my arms around and kicking my legs behind me as I was running. “What?” I asked.

“Is that seriously how you run?” Blaze asked.

“I dunno. This is my first time running.” I said.

“Ah.” Blaze nodded.

“So what do you do at this school?” I asked.

“Well, I’m quarterback for the Canterlot Wondercolts, and I’m one of the fastest students on these grounds, along with my girlfriend, Rainbow Dash.” Blaze said.

“Oh that’s awesome! Which one is Rainbow Dash? The one with the flaming hair?” I asked. I actually know who Rainbow Dash is; I was just playing stupid, since I’m the new kid.

”No that’s Coach Spitfire.” Blaze said.

“How about the one in the cowgirl hat?” I asked.

”That’s AppleJack.” Blaze said.

“How about the one with the blue hair?” I asked.

”That’s Soarin, and he’s a guy.” Blaze said.

”Aww, why wouldn’t you want to date him?” I asked.

“Because I- just hush up.” Blaze said, feeling annoyed.

“He’s not your type, huh?” I asked.

“No, I- WHOA!” Blaze then trips over and falls on the ground.

“What kind of exercise is that?” I asked.

“It’s not.” Blaze said as he moaned in pain.

“Wow, listen to you moaning in pain. You sound like Clancy Brown.” I said as I helped him up.

“I’m fine, but quit talking to me while I’m working out, ok? You’re distracting me.” Blaze asked.

“Sorry, brah.” I said.

“It’s ok, I’m on break now anyway.” Blaze said. “Would you like to sit with me?”

“Sure! Hey did you know Clancy Brown voices both Mr. Krabs AND Savage Opress from the Clone Wars series? My mind blown when I found that out!” I said as I followed him to the bleachers to take a break, even though I only started working out at this gym three minutes ago.

“So you new here?” Blaze asked.

“Yeah, why?” I asked.

“Why don’t you have gym clothes on? You shouldn’t run around in that jacket!” Blaze suggested.

“Why? I like it!” I said.

“Well, the last kid that was here wearing a jacket, he passed out. I don’t want you ending up the same.” Blaze suggested.

“I’m fine, but thanks for your concern, Blaze!” I said. “I mean my jacket is no vest, but it’ll do. I’m still waiting for human me to show up. Does this universe have a me?”

“What?” Blaze asked.

“Nothing, brah.” I said.

“Ok. Anyways, that right there is Rainbow Dash.” Blaze said, pointing to her.

“Ah, that’s the little one she’s with, right?” I asked.

“No that’s her sister Candy Cotton. That’s Rainbow Dash!” Blaze corrected me.

“You mean the one just standing there, not doing anything?” I asked.

”Hey, she’s helping her sister out!” Blaze informed me.

“Uh huh, right.” I nodded.

“Maybe you should meet her. HEY RAINBOW, COME OVER HERE!” Blaze called out. Rainbow started running towards us. Wow, she’s pretty fast! She runs manlier than I do.

“What’s up, Blaze?” Rainbow asked.

“Not much, I just want you to meet my new friend, Flare!” Blaze said.

“Yeah, I’m his new friend Flare!” I mimicked him.

“Nice to meetch’ya! I’m Rainbow Dash! I’m super fast, super athletic, and super awesome!” Rainbow said.

“And super girly.” Candy teased.

“Oh shush, sis.” Rainbow instructed her. “I only tried on that dress ONCE.”

”That’s my girl!” Blaze said.

“Wow! How about flying though? You a good flyer?” I asked.

“Uhh, if I had wings, I’d totally be an expert in flying in the first day!” Rainbow said.

“So I could tell.” I nodded.

“Well, I better get back to helping Candy! Love ya, Blaze!” Rainbow said, giving him a hug and running back to Candy.

“Love you too, Dashie!” Blaze said. “Hey, Flare? Why don’t you meet me at lunch later?”

“Alright! I’ll be seating at table 9 at 12:30!” I said. “Why? I dunno, it was just… something random in my head that I wanted me to say that.”

”Oh, I usually go at 1, but ok!” Blaze said.

“Great! I’ll see you then!” I said. I must say, my first day at this school, I’m pretty……. confused. I really don’t think my time here is making much sense to me, but at least I’m going to classes. I’m taking the high school setting seriously. I have the feeling Twlight won’t if she ever had a reason to come here. If she does though, I hope she doesn’t have to use the bathroom.

Author's Note:

This chapter is mainly for the humor after Flare and Water arrive at CHS. Not much happens in here except that we get to meet some of the main characters in this book, which are actually alternate versions of the Noble Six, Cremepop, and Swinebutt.

Originally, Shining Armor was the couch for CHS, but since human Twilight isn't at this school, why bother adding Shining Armor? So I had Spitfire take over for that position afterwards.