• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 757 Views, 10 Comments

Harmony at Heart - AMinorDisChord

Is it possible that the first two meetings Discord had with the mane six were intended, and per planned by the princesses?

  • ...

My Stars, Your Heart

The sun was about to set upon the horizon, creating a picture perfect scene in the gardens.

Luna and Discord had traveled to the beginning of the maze in silence. The two did not enter, however, but instead stood without a word between them. Luna found herself trying to catch the eyes of her heart several times, but all she managed were expressions of deep thought, sometimes peering at her, but back to the floor before she could be certain. She wondered what he was so concerned about.

It would be best to wait for him to bring it up, she told herself. When he feels ready, he will tell. Rushing it will only make matters worse. Besides, it should be interesting to see how close you can get to the right answer. You might even come up with a solution to the problem before he asks about it.

Before she could start the process, however, Discord spoke up.

"What do you believe I'm worried about?" He whispered. The question caught her by surprise, and annoyed her a bit, as she didn't have time to figure it out.

"You keep looking at me with a sideways glance," she began aloud, so he could hear her thought process. "You walked here instead of floating, you haven't said a word, and somehow attached your beard again without me noticing until just now."

That last one surprised her, as she didn't even consciously realizing that she did notice. She then felt her anger rise.

"Stop doing that to yourself! I don't want you to be hurt!" She yelled.

"I actually just grabbed it when you weren't looking," he explained.

"Oh," she felt horrible. "I'm-"

"We all make mistakes, you don't have to ask for my forgiveness."

A hushed air quivered between the two, before Discord spoke up a second time.

"Is that all that you've spotted?" Discord probed carefully.

"For now," she answered quietly.

"What do you make of it?"

"This has been bothering you for quite some time now, and you're afraid of the outcome. In fact, you've been putting it off because you don't know how I will react. This isn't something light in any sense, and will change our relationship forever."

"So what did the beard tell you?"

"That you aren't about to propose," she felt tears sting her eyes.

"So what choices are left?"

"Why are you asking me?" She interrogated defensively.

"I want to know if what I am about to do is the right thing."

"You are either going to ask us to slow down, or you want to break-"

She stopped speaking entirely. Her voice constricted as she discovered what he was going to do.

"Luna," Discord tried to calm her down, reaching his hand to pet her mane, but she charged into the maze, tears streaming behind her, like free falling stars.


Luna kept running from the draconequus. She didn't care what he had to say. She didn't care that he was using his chaos to put traps in her path. She couldn't even remember that she could fly. She just had to run.

She felt her body give out under her. The ground rushed up to her like a trap. In her mind, she was hoping it would knock her out, even kill her.

I can't live without him, she knew. It's not a life worth living if he's not there.

Before she landed, a lion paw caught her lightly. It's grip held steady as she writhed against it.

"If you have ever loved me, stop struggling, trust me and listen," Discord commanded. Ignoring her mind's will, she stopped moving. He began to float again, rising over the tall trees, still holding Luna. He started scanning the foliage, until he found a clearing with a tree in the center. He descended quickly within the clearing, and put Luna down, but snapped his fingers, blocking off the escape with more trees, and put a band around Luna's body, constricting her wings.

"Now then," he announced. "First off, I never intended to break up with you, nor will I today, or tomorrow, or any other day in the continuing continuum. I love you with all of my heart, and I won't be able to have the will to live if you aren't here with me."

Luna stopped sobbing as he stated it. She felt her heart stop entirely. She raised her eyes to his anxious gaze. "W-what?" She could barely trust the hope in her heart.

"You were wrong Luna, on every account. I don't want to slow down, I certainly don't want to break up, I'd rather go to Tartarus than do that, and while I'm not proposing, necessarily, I have a request for you. But first, tell me where we are."

She hated to, but she forced her eyes away from his, feeling what she thought was a blown candle light up brighter than before. The clearing was simple, but she would recognize it anywhere.

Of all the places, she mulled. After so long ago.

Three thousand years in the past

"Thank you for walking me home," Luna said appreciatively.

"Or at least trying to," Discord grumbled.

The two were lost in the maze. They had been aquatinted for a few months, nothing more than friends, against what Luna's heart was telling her.

"Just take the compliment," she demanded playfully.

"I can't."

"Why not."

"I haven't been walking."

"Is that your only excuse?"

"Do you need more than one?"


These sort of witty conversations had been shared between them since the day they met. However, Discord didn't answer immediately, and Luna began to fret.

Oh no, she thought. He's the once person that accepts my crazy antics, and I just pushed him away. What am I going to do? He's my one true friend, and potentially something more. If I lose him, I- I don't- I can't- I-

"I guess I can just say that since you are walking, you are the one who walked the other home," Discord broke her emotional train of thought.

"But isn't it the male's job to walk the mare home?" She returned as she felt the sense of pointless worry leave her.

"Fine," Discord huffed, defeated. "But isn't our home in the same place?"

"Call it a bonus to not having to walk far."

"If we get out of here. We've been stuck in this clearing for half an hour!"

"Wait, can't we just go out the way we came?"

"No, the gardener didn't see us, and put a bush there."

Luna considered his statement. She actually asked the gardener to put the plant there once they got inside. She just wanted to know how Discord would react. She also knew the easy solution, flying, but didn't say anything.

Discord sighed again. "Maybe a good rest will give us an idea," he mumbled as he spotted a tree. He started to head for the shade, but remembered Luna. "Go ahead, my lady," he offered awkwardly.

"No, I'll be fine, and it's Luna, to you. I thought I got that through your head a few weeks ago."

"I insist, and when is it wrong to give a mare a compliment?"

"You're more tired than me, and it makes me sound old."

"I'll be fine, and you-"

"You were the one who suggested we rest, and don't you dare finish that sentence."

"I was going to say that you are far from any point to be called old, your highness."

"Lie yourself down over there and address me as Luna!"

"Your needs before mine. And you're still the princess!"

"Let's compromise. We both sleep under the tree, and you continue to call me Luna."

"Seems like you have the better end of the deal."

"Take or leave."

"Consider it theft," he caved. They moved over to the tree, and laid down in the shade, Discord facing away from Luna.

"Rest well," he murmured.

"See you in your dreams," she answered. Discord and Luna closed their eyes. Luna, however, chose to stay awake.

An hour later, Luna made her move. She got up and relocated to where she was looking at Discord's face. She lied back down, and studied her friend's face. His bushy eyebrows, thick beard, and several other things seemed to readjust to make his appearance somewhat more attractive.

"Is it wrong that I find you handsome?" She whispered to the unconscious Discord. "That I would be willing to be yours if you asked me, that the thought of seeing you at all would bring a smile to my heart?"

She leaned in, letting her lips touch his own. She fell in love with the sensation, making a mental note to kiss Discord as much as possible. Closing her eyes, she deepened the kiss even further. In the back of her mind, something seemed to change, but she didn't care. All that mattered was Discord. This was the one thing that-

"How long?" Her lips moved without her muscles. Realizing that it was Discord's voice, she kicked herself, remembering the click was a warning of when someone was awake. She jerked her head back in shock. She just kissed Discord. For the first time. In his sleep. And he was awake for it.

"Wha- what do you mean?" She whimpered, trying to hide the blush coloring her fur.

"Luna, I can still feel the pressure of your lips, and I know you were awake, because you didn't enter my dreams. How long have you had a crush on me?"

Usually, Luna was able to think her way out of any situation, but being around Discord made her lose a certain level of intelligence. She could only silently gawk as Discord sat upright.

"I will wait until you can answer," he promised.

His words rang true, for Luna was still in shock by the time night had fallen. Instinctively, she rose the moon, still entranced by the fact that she had been caught.

I've lost him for good, she panicked. He might have been able to handle the other things I've done, but now I have gone too far. Please don't hate me. Unbeknownst to her, she had mumbled the last part aloud.

"I don't hate you, Luna," Discord whispered. "And I can't think of a reason to ever hate you."

Luna's trance broke as she heard this. "Y-y-ou d-don't hat-te me?" she hadn't noticed, but she had been crying the entire time.

"Luna, you are the closest of my, albeit very small number, of friends," Discord said, using a relaxing, calming tone. He reached over and started brushing Luna's mane with his claw. She loved it. "I can't willingly hate you. Judging by how you acted, I am guessing that this is the first time that you have ever kissed me."

her face held a wry smile. " I thought I was the clever one," she argued.

"Not since you smooched me in my sleep," Discord retorted dryly, still using his placating intonation. Luna froze, remembering again what she had done.

"But seriously, how long have you had a liking to me?" Discord inquired. "And while we're at it, why?"

"I've liked you for a while now," Luna admitted, regaining some of her composure, although continued to look at the ground. "At some point, I realized that you didn't seem to care how insane I am, and that you were willing to spend time with me, whereas I would have to beg Tia to go on so much as a walk with me. I liked you because you liked me for who I was, all wild and quirky."

"Luna," Discord began, but Luna wasn't finished yet.

"You were always there for me when I was feeling alone, you always put a smile on my face when I was hurt-" she stopped, and chose to use a different idea. a melody was rising in the air, and she sang.

You've made my world into a heaven
The stars, they sparkle just like you
Of all the hopes I've had before, I need this one to come true
If I spent the rest of my life, loving with you

You made our nights
Something I do not mind living by
It's true that when you stole my heart
I didn't think that what I felt was right
Cause who could make me love again?
When I felt my life had fallen apart
Well you, have made my days
A place where I won't find a broken heart

If I ever loved something before
It was never to this extreme degree
Can you see how much I need to live as you and me
I just hope that maybe I could

Be some pony that maybe you love
Loving, the way your eyes gleams
When I'm unsure
Of anything and everything I do

I'd do anything for you
You make, my fears just fade away
with every song you make
I can hear angels when you say

Saving, my heart and keep the peace
Piecing, they things you've ever
Said to me
To see that if you like me too

Today, you've left me without words
Words used, to express my hearts desire
Forever praying
That you kinda sorta secretly
Blushing when you say to me
That the biggest thing I've hoped and dreamed
Is true

You've taken from me lonely days
And put the times we've spent in place
I cant deny I'm in love tonight but before I couldn't reveal,
How much towards you I really

Feeling your eyes glance upon my face
Can't run my feet are stuck in place
my heart is beginning to run a race
Feeling all the power of your grace

I can tell my time is falling fast
has the right day finally come to pass
I don't want let my chance surpass
But I still hesitate to ask

Oh oh, oh

You've made my world into a heaven
The stars, they sparkle just like you
Of all the hopes I've had before, I need this one to come true
If I spent the rest of my life, loving you
If I spent the rest of my life, loving you
If I spent the rest of my life, I love you

She finished the song, and promptly fell asleep with her head falling into Discord's paw. The buildup of stress was too much for poor Luna, and since it was close to her own personal curfew, she became unconscious.

Discord laid her head softly upon the grass, and draped his wing over her.

"Goodnight, Luna," Discord whispered in her ear as he lied down next to her.

The Next Morning

Luna's eyes fluttered open, surprised by the strength of light in her room. Did I leave my windows open? She thought to herself. What did do to my bed? Did I roll off onto the floor? And why is my blanket so leathery. As far as I recall, we don't have leather anything. And what a weird dream last n-

Just like a character from one of her sisters romance novels, she realized it wasn't a dream. Oh no, she felt her heart race. No no no no no... Oh by Celestia's beard I did. This is bad, this is bad, this is bad. By my own mane! I told him, I told him I like him. Why did this have to happen? Now he will say he just wants to be friends, and it will be over and- and- the world will explode!!

She was freaking out, big time. Her entire body was freezing, despite the warmth emanating from the draconequus beside her. For the first time in her entire life, she knew what it felt like to have her mind go entirely blank. All she could do was feel fear flowing throughout her body, the ice cold worry would have given her frost bite if it could.

Suddenly, she felt a shift at her side, as Discord began to pull her closer to his form. Still in shock, she had no capacity to ponder why he would do this. She could only register it in the back of her mind. Her eyes wide open, she saw the blurry figure of a reindeer head. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she saw it was Discord's head leaning in close to hers.

"How are you feeling, Luna?" Discord inquired. Luna fell back into full mental consciousness.

Horrible, afraid, hurt, she wanted to say. Safe, comfortable, loved. Uncertain, weak, vulnerable. Protected, hopeful, peaceful.

Instead, she mumbled "good," as if trying to escape the inevitable.

"Luna, we have to talk about this," Discord said defensively.

The princess was in no position to argue. She just prepared herself to mourn the best friendship she ever had. Discord saw this as an opportunity to continue.

"I never expected you to like me. Oh sure, we were friends, but most ponies see me as, well, this," he gestured to his body. "And run. I also never expected you to try and kiss me, mostly for the first reason, but also because you didn't seem like that kind of mare."

Luna directed her eyes towards the ground. "So what happens now?" She feared for the worst.

"To be honest, I have two requests for you. The first is that you don't kiss me again," he said. Luna gasped, and felt tears once again sting her eyes, but Discord continued.

"Without giving me the chance to kiss back."

Luna's head snapped up, and she gasped a second time, clogging the rush of liquid depression. What did he just say? she wondered, fearfully.

"And my second request," he paused for dramatic effect. "Is will you be my mare friend?"

Her body was once again frozen in time. Everything stopped before her eyes. A few seconds later, she charged back into reality, giving Discord the strongest hug she ever gave anyone, and kissed him with vigor. Discord kissed her back, allowing her to remain true to his request.

"So, is that a yes?" Discord asked, giggling.

"I don't know yet, I need some time to think about it," she could barely keep a straight face, gazing at him winsomely. "What do you think?"

"I can't, some pony kissed me so hard that I can't think straight."

"I'm jealous of her."

"If it's that important, I'm sure I can let you kiss me."

"Won't she get angry if you cheat on her?"

"I'm asking you, not her, to be my mare friend."


"Tell you what, you kiss me, and I won't tell her about it."

"Fair enough," she snickered, and she leaned in again, letting the kiss last for what felt like hours. Discord had to break the kiss, much to both of their displeasure.

"Do you think anyone will notice we're missing?" He asked.

"Celestia might realize I'm not down for breakfast."

"Or lunch, or that meeting with the sea serpents, dragons, and gryphons, the weekly checkup with our healer, or the walk that I agreed to go on with you," a motherly voice called from the top of the brush.

"We are so in trouble," Luna and Discord winced in unison as Celestia flew over the bushes and landed in front of them.

"Also, half of Canterlot probably thinks something happened to you when they heard you scream," Celestia continued. "Nice catch by the way, I didn't think you had it in you to go for it."

"Did your sister just compare me to a fish?"

"I'm afraid so, and we both know that her fish idioms mean trouble." Luna joked.

"As if I would have a problem with you two dating," Celestia brushed off the implied insult. "I was just going to ask if you still wanted to go on that walk."

Luna looked at Discord and smiled. "You know, for once, I don't mind sitting one out."

"No doubt. However, may I have a word with you?" She directed this at Discord.

"I'm worried of what you're planning to do to me, but if you insist," Discord mumbled. He pulled Luna aside,and kissed her. "if I don't make it out alive, send my best regards to my mare friend," he whispered.

"I shall tell her personally."

"If you two are done," Celestia interrupted.

"Of course, your majesty," Discord stepped forward. Celestia leaned in to whisper in his ear, and he quickly agreed to something. Luna did not know what, as her sister spoke too softly for her to hear. After the short exchange, Discord moved back to Luna's side.

"Do I want to know?" Luna asked.

"She just wanted to clear something up."

"Have fun you two," she called as she began to fly off. "Not too much though." She quipped as she disappeared into the heavens. This caused the two lovers great distress.

"Celestia, the least you could do is be original about such matters!" Luna yelled, knowing fully well that she could be heard.

The two continued blushed at Celestia's comment, and began to kiss again.

In the Present

"Do you want to know what we talked about?" Discord asked. "You know, when Celestia pulled me aside?"

"Does it matter?" Luna questioned tentatively.

"It might. She told me to never let you go. I admit that I failed to follow through when I was put in stone, but aside from the one thousand years, I didn't do so poorly."

"Why would you tell me now?"

"Because I'm going to ask you if you want other people to know about us."

"I, I honestly don't know."

"I'm just as uncertain as you are."

"I mean, I doubt some ponies would care, but how would we explain it? And then there are the zealots that would take strong action against us. And I want to be able to kiss you in public, believe me, it's just, it would be very dangerous."

"I honestly hate how difficult of a question this is for you. I hate how much pressure there is. I don't even know my own answer, and here I am asking you the very question causing me discomfort."

"Nonetheless we have to confront this. We can't stay hidden forever."

"But would what we share be able to continue without interference?"

"At some point, there will be ponies that want to interfere."

"What would we do to even start? You can't just go out and say 'hey, look I'm dating an ex-psychopathic tyrant who wanted to rule the world with chaos and chocolate rain!'"

"Yes, that does complicate things."

"I should think so."

"Thus most of the, what is it? 'Hating', shall be directed at you. I can't say I will enjoy letting you be targeted like that."

"But I'm willing to do it if you are."

"Again, where would we start?"

"How about the Elements of Harmony?"

"Even taking your being Fluttershy's 'friend' into account, do you think they will trust you?"

"With your help."

"And how, pray tell, will Nightmare Moon help in that endeavor?"

"How about Celestia?"

"That could actually be the answer."

"You're not the only smart creature here!"

"I never thought I was."

The two leaned into each other and melted into a kiss. This meeting of the lips was a promise to always be there for the other. This was a promise they intended to keep.

You're the mare of my dreams.
Well you've never stopped believing in mine.
You've enchanted the times we've spent together
Since the day fate made our paths collide

For you I'd change the universe.
But you know I'd never ask you to.
If only angels would hear our only need,
To leave our hearts in each others hooves.

This marks a brand new day
Where what we hid away
Will be shown so every pony can see

They all soon will know
That you've come to grow
On me more than any other could be

I won't feel petrifiied
If you are at my side
Every night
You are my
Angel of starry skies

I'm not the type of mare
Afraid if ponies cares
Love is blind
You are my
Perfection of every kind

We own each others hearts
They can't force us apart
From my core
You underscore
The best in me

You know that till the end
I won't let go again
Cause you are
I know you are
My destiny

You brought harmony to me
When I thought chaos was all that i made
But I vow to my heart and my mind
That my love for you will never fade

your magic is in my heart
But I see yours when the night begins to rise
If only they could see that you and me
Is nothing less than soul bound lives

There is a world out there
Filled up with other mares
But I'd choose you every day and night

The time we'll share will be
Open and ever free
No more secrets from other ponies sight

I won't feel petrifiied
If you are at my side
Every night
You are my
Angel of starry skies

I'm not the type of mare
Afraid if ponies cares
Love is blind
You are my
Perfection of every kind

We own each others hearts
They can't force us apart
From my core
You underscore
The best in me

You know that till the end
I won't let go again
Cause you are
I know you are
My destiny

"So," Discord started awkwardly. "How are we going to explain this to The Elements? We can't say that we've been dating for three thousand years."

"That their trouble was all because of their very existence."

"That everything that I did to them was pre-planned by me and Celestia."

"Yeah, that's going to be difficult."

"I'm thinking we need to talk to Celestia about this."

"Agreed. I wonder how she's been doing since we've left."

"I actually made a pact with Glimmering Shield that if he goes and listens to her, he can do whatever he wants to me."

"You did WHAT?"

"Relax, if I know Celestia, she's going to tell him about me."

"And how certain enough are you?"

"That I risked my own safety to do this."

"Why? Why would you allow the one I love dearly to be put in any sort of danger?"

"Because she needs this Luna, more than you and I are willing to imagine. The stress is getting to her."

"And are you certain she will trust him?"

"I saw his record. He was chosen specifically because he can keep secrets."

"Why do I get the feeling you've planned this?" She felt a glare reach her eyes as she said this.

"I didn't plan for him to go off on me today, but it helps the situation."

"And what if he doesn't believe Celestia?"

"Then I'm screwed." Discord huffed. The onslaught of questions had finally ended, for now. "Besides, how often do my plans go wrong?"

Luna became nervous at that. "Maybe I should make sure it's safe to go back, then."

" Hey, that was uncalled for. Either way, we need to start heading back to the castle."

Discord opened his eagle claw and cut the band holding Luna's wings together. She stretched her flight appendages before springing off into the air, Discord close behind.

Author's Note:

Yes, these are original songs, yes I am recording these for you people, and when I am done with that this part of the message will go away.