• Published 27th Feb 2012
  • 2,321 Views, 25 Comments

A dream... - sapoltop

If the human body is asleep, that doesn't mean the mind has to be.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Reunion

Humming, someone’s humming in the room. Someone’s humming a melody. ‘Who could that be?’ You keep laying on the bed. ‘Hmm, I’m in a bed, Applejack must have carried me to bed when she got back home from Ponyville.‘ You slowly open your eyes, sit up straight in bed. You’re shocked. You are in a hospital, and the one that was humming was the nurse, what surprised you even more, was that she wasn’t a pony, she was a human! The nurse notices that you are awake, she stops humming. She gasps and runs out of the room. Seconds later she runs back with a doctor. You start to worry a little.

“Hello John.”, the doctor said without even looking at you.

He checks the medical devices attached to you, checks some paperwork, calms down, and looks at you.

*Cough* “So how are you doing John.”

“Fine, thanks, where are me parents?”

“I don’t know, probably at home.”

“What time is it?”

“It’s 9 a.m. Now, John, I’ll need to ask you some questions, ok? We need to find out more on what happened to you.”

“Uh, I guess it’s ok.”

“Ok, now just tell everything you remember, or know when we ask you ok?”

“Sure, sure.”


The doctor quickly runs to grab some papers he dropped on his way here, afterwards he sits on the side of my bed, ready to write everything I say.

“So John, do you remember why, or how you got in to a coma?”

“Well, I just remember trying lucid dreaming.”


“I thought I succeeded, I was dreaming what I wanted to dream, but I didn’t know how to wake up.”

“Mhm, and that turned out as a coma. Now John, I’m afraid you’ll have to stay here for one more day before I can let you out.”


“We still need to check how well have you recovered. Now, I’ll leave you here, get some rest, your family should come here in a few hours for a visit, and you don’t want to be tired when they come see you?”


The doctor and nurse finally leave you alone. You decide it’s best for you to go take a nap.

You are woken up by voices behind your hospital ward door. They were the voices of your mother and father. They enter the ward and when they see you, they tear up a little bit. You start to tear up too.

“Hello son, how are you doing, feeling well?” asked your father with a smile.

“I’ve been better.” You laugh that one off.

“Oh we’ve missed you so much sweetie.” Said your mother with watery eyes.

“I know, I’ve missed you guys too.”

“Missed us? But John, how can you miss us when you’re dreaming?” asks your mother confused.

“Well, I was in a dream where I couldn’t wake up, so at one point I knew it was a dream and remembered everything.”

“Oh, I see, ok, son, looks like we have to go now, the doctor told us you need plenty of rest, but we snuck in your laptop for you so you wouldn’t be bored so much.”

Your mom takes out your laptop out of a bag you’re dad was carrying.

“If you ever get bored, you can write us an email, we will surely reply.” Your mother smiles.

“Thanks mom and dad, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye son.”

As soon as your parents left, you turned on your laptop. ‘Time to catch up with what’s happening on the internet. As usual you check some of your favorite image boards, then go check equestria daily for some news about the show. I mean it is Saturday and that means a new episode, sadly this week was a break for the animators, so no new episode.

Five hours have passed since your parents left, you were feeling tired. How wouldn’t you feel tired, you have nothing to do on your laptop, the hospital food is awful, and listening to music makes you want to sleep. ‘Man, to think all of that, Applejack, Celestia, sweet apple acres, Equestria, all of that was just… a dream…’ You slowly close your eyes, get comfy in bed and try to relax and have a good night rest. Knowing what happened last time, you do not want to try lucid dreaming again, I mean that almost killed you. So you just try and have a normal sleep.

Voices, you start to hear voices time to time in your head, you check the time, it’s 2 a.m. You have a hard time sleeping with all those voices in your head. You try to ignore them as best as you can, you try and dream about summer, about how fun it will be. After 10 minutes of imagining, you finally fall asleep, but asleep or not, you still hear voices. Funny thing is, only when you sleep, you understand what are the voices saying.

“I don’t know what happened to him, I just found him lifeless on the ground near the house, I’m sorry I didn’t find him sooner.”

“It’s alright, I doubted that he would survive here, he said himself that he’s from a different reality then ours, I just didn’t think he would fall so quick.”

You start to feel very un pleasant, you try to wake up, you can’t, you star hearing voices again.

“Wait, Princess ! He started to breathe a little bit !”

“What! Stand back Applejack.”

You hear some sizzling sounds. Suddenly your mind feels like it’s ready to explode, you feel deep pain, like someone stabbed you with a dagger in the heart. Your mind literally hurts. Not long after, the pain stops. Your heart starts to pump blood again, and you quickly open your eyes and take a big gasp. After you gasp you are shocked, you’re back, back in Equestria!

“Oh, thank heavens you’re back!” – said Celestia relieved to have woken you up.

“Back? Back!? I was back, back home.” – you get depressed.

“What in Equestria do ya mean by that John?” – Apple jack asks with concern in her voice.

“I was back in my world, in a hospital. They said I was in a coma. Why, why is this happening to me, why did I have to start lucid dreaming? And the worst part is, that I’ll be stuck in this dream until I die, or they manage to wake me up.”

“Now John, I know you’re upset, but I want to say something to you.”

Celestia steps forward, leans her head near yours.

“No matter what you think, I think I’m saying this for everypony that lives here, that this is not a dream. And the things you are experiencing here are as real as they can get. You can be sure about that.” – she smiles, trying not to make you feel worse.

“Well, but what about my old life, what did you do that got me back here?”

You know notice that you are at the same place you were when you fell asleep.

“When Applejack noticed you were breathing, I thought I would cast a wake up spell un you. And that’s why you woke up.”

“Hmm, what would happen if you did the complete reverse of the spell you just did on me?”

“Well that would be a very powerful sleep spell that could paralyze you, or even kill you.”

You sit down on the ground in devastation. Celestia thinks for a moment.

“Hmm, How much time were you in Equestria?”

“Huh? Oh, well I think it was about two days.”

“And how much time has passed in your world while you were here?”

“About half a day. Why are you asking?”

“Well, You see, it looks like have a difference in time as well, two days here, are only 12 hours in your world, but it’s not always stationary, some days can take longer or shorter in your world. I’m not and expert at these things, but I think that’s how time works between our worlds.”

You feel a little bit better.

“So, how much time is it?”

“It’s almost 1 a.m., why?”

“Oh, just wondering. I guess it’s time to go to sleep then.”

You look at Applejack. Despite all her worries, she was still tired, she was standing on the ground, half asleep, half awake.

“Well I guess so. I will come back tomorrow, but for now, you and Applejack should go to sleep.”

“Will do.”

Finally Princess Celestia helps you lead Applejack home, and teleports to Canterlot. You go to the guest room, and once more lay down, you too feel tired.


It’s morning, you wake up in the guest room, put your only clothes on, and head to the kitchen. This will be your first time eating something in Equestria. As you walk through the door, you see allot of pictures on the walls. ‘Those must be the Apple families relatives.’ You open the kitchen door, and are surprised by Applebloom who was already having breakfast. She shrieked, and fell of her chair.

“Shh, shh, it’s ok! Didn’t Applejack tell you about me?”

“Yes she did, but I didn’t expect you ‘t come here so early.”

You hear someone coming, it was Applejack.

“What in tarnation is going on here?” – she asked with a tired face, not fully recovered from sleep.

“Nothing, I was just startled by our human friend here.” – Applebloom explained herself.

Applejack yawns and walks over to the fridge.

“What ya’ll want for breakfast.”

“I already had breakfast. Going to the clubhouse, see ya sis.” – said Applebloom before running off to the CMC clubhouse.

“What about you John? What do you eat in your world, I’m sure I could mix something up for ya.”

“Oh, well a baloney sandwich will do.”

You instantly regret saying that.

“What’s a baloney?” – she asks you with a confused face.

“Oh, it’s just what we used to eat, it’s complicated.”

‘Phew, I think I got away with that one.’

“Umm. Do you have any lettuce?”

“Sure we do, you want a lettuce sandwich?”

“Yah, sure.”

“Ok, it’ll be ready in a jiffy.”

You sit down on a small chair, it’s uncomfortable. ‘Well it’s built for ponies, so I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.’ You take a quick look around the kitchen while Applejack makes you some sandwiches. It’s just like the hall, filled with pictures. You giggle a little as you notice allot of apple everywhere. ‘Guess she loves apples as much as I like My Little pony’, you think to yourself.


She puts the sandwiches on the table next to you.

“They’re not the best sandwiches, but I hope ya like ‘em.” – she smiles.

“Thank you Applejack.”

You try the lettuce sandwich, it tastes like a regular lettuce sandwich, but you smile as you eat it, knowing that Applejack made it for you.

“Do you like it?”

“It’s the best lettuce sandwich I had!” – you replied, knowing how ridiculous this situation would be in your world.
“Well shucks, you’re to nice.”

“No, really, it’s delicious!”

After you finish your breakfast, you go outside and sit on the ground. ‘Well, if I’m here to stay, I might as well enjoy it.’
Applejack sits next to you.

“You know John, me and my friends are going to hang out here, Rainbow Dash wants ‘t show of her fancy moves to us. Maybe you would like to come too?”

“Oh, I could just watch you from here, I can’t go with you, I will just be a big disturbance.”

“Now that’s just silly, why would ya think that?”

“I’m not very used to talk to people, not to mention ponies.” - you frown.

“Well you can always leave if you feel unpleasant. You know you should try.”

“Ok, I will. I mean I wished my whole life for this moment to happen.” – you smile.

It looks like you’re now looking forward in to living in Ponyville, and you seem to forgotten in what kind of danger you can really be.