• Published 27th Jul 2013
  • 1,610 Views, 11 Comments

Alex Rider: Operation Equestria - MLPfield 3

When Alex begins to have the same dream of people talking over and over again saying the same thing every night he wonders what it relates to. Trying to contact the voice brings the teenage spy into another adventure.

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Country Mare and A Worthless Stallion

Chapter 2
Country Mare, and A Worthless Stallion

"So this is him? This is the stallion that will be followin Big Mac around?"

"Yes it is, he is the best detective that The Doctor could find." Celestia spoke gently, "He may also wake up with a bit of shock to where he is right now so just try to be nice to him."

"Ah'll keep him calm. Y'all go on now, he'll be fine with me and Apple Bloom."

"Thank you and we hope that Macintosh is still himself."

"Goodbye your majesty." And I do too... Applejack looked over to Alex and took in what he looked like. He had a short, messy, blonde mane with a lightly tanned coat. His cutie mark was an eyeglass over a hoofprint.

"C'mon ya can't sleep all day. We have work to do cowboy." Applejack gave him a light kick on his hind legs as she spoke.

Alex opened his eyes to see four oranges hooves standing in front of him. Slowly he lifted his torso up with his front hooves examining the mare that was kicking him. Great more ponies and as if I thought this couldn't get any more.... HOLY! Alex flew to the floor on his back looking up at Applejack.

"Why did you push me?" Alex looked up at her with anger in his eyes.

"Ah didn't do it. You tried to stand up on your hind legs and fell backwards. Ya'd think ya'd realize ya have tah walk on four legs." After she finished her sentence Alex tried to push himself up just to fall back down. Why can't I stand... MY GOD! I'm a freaking pony... When the hell did this happen.

Alex immediately thought about what Celestia said, "You won't be a human, you will be a stallion." Slowly he lifted himself on all fours. This isn't as hard as you think it would be... Now let's just act normal.

Applejack got beside him and pushed him toward the door, "Let's go sugarcube. Ah'm Applejack, but you can call me AJ."

"Wait... that name it sounds familiar. Where have I heard that name before." Alex spoke lightly to himself as he walked with Applejack. He kept walking while trying to recall where he had heard her name before. He hit his head on a thin metal surface and threw his head upward to see what it was.

"If your anxious to get outside all ya have to do is open the door. No need to tear the screen down." Applejack chuckled a bit as she opened the door for the distraught stallion.

Alex stood for a second looking at the bright orange mare. Slowly he began to walk into the warm summer sun of Ponyville. Step by step Alex felt the warmth of the sun on his back and on something else... Alex turned to look at his back when he saw a light brown wing the same color as his coat. I can fly.... I have to try and do it. Alex was practically gleaming with excitement when he started to run and flap his wings. After about thirty yards Alex stopped running and started panting heavily. Why.... Can't.... I..... Fly. Alex hit the ground and caused a plumage of dust to fly around him.

"If ya want tah learn tah fly, your going to have tah have Rainbow Dash teach ya." Applejack trotted to the stallion's side to help him up. She helped the stallion back to his hooves.

"Who's Rainbow Dash?" Alex looked puzzled as he dusted off his sides.

"She's a friend and tha element of loyalty. There's also Twilight, she's tha element of magic, Pinkie pie, she's tha ement of laughter, Rarity, she's tha element of generousity, Fluttershy, she's tha element of kindness, and then there's me, the element of honesty." Applejack turned around to see a rainbow streak flying straight from the Sweet Apple Acres barn, "And speak of Celestia, here comes RD now."

Alex was silently mouthing the names he just learned when he looked up to see a rainbow appearing out of mid-air..... and heading straight for him and Applejack. Quickly Alex looked around for anything he could use for cover to hide from whatever was coming his way. He swung his head to his left and saw a small apple tree just large enough to conceal his body with him standing up and to his right was a small hill about five feet away he could try and go down before the object could make impact. I only have one shot. Alex shot to his right trying to give enough force to put him at the decline of the hill.

"Alex... What're ya doing sugarcube?" Applejack looked at the stallion while he laid on his side two feet from where he was standing. Alex looked to his side and saw the object was almost right above him. He threw himself to the ground and put his hooves over his head as he heard an explosion ring across the sky. Alex covered his ears when he heard the thunderous boom of the sound barrier being broken. Something had just went sonic and he knew it couldn't be good.

A minute passed and nothing had happened. Alex lifted his head to see Applejack still staring at him with a very puzzled look on her face, but behind her there was another pony this one was hovering in the air. It had a light cyan coat and a rainbow mane and tail. Slowly Alex stood up looking intently at the new pony.

"Ok..." Applejack turned to see Rainbow Dash hovering behind her looking at Alex as if he were a timberwolf, "RD! Great tah see ya." For a moment Applejack had completely forgotten about Alex.

"Yea.... Great to see you too. Who's your friend?" Rainbow hovered down to in front of Alex close enough he could feel the hot air coming from her nostrils.

"I'm Alex. I take it you're Rainbow Dash?" Alex and Rainbow Dash examined each other for another few seconds before she finally spoke.

"Yea... How do you know who I am buddy?"

"Applejack told me about you." I don't think it would be wise to start a fight especially since I can barely walk right as a pony. Alex stepped back a bit so he could get some fresh air.

"Did she tell you I'm the most awesomest flyer in all of Equestria."

"Oh no here we go. RD, ah hate to cut you short on boasting, but me and Alex here have alot of work tah do so could'ya boast later when you teach him how to fly."

"How does a grown stallion not know how to fly?" Rainbow Dash burst into a fit of laughter as she fell backwards. The cyan mare rolled around while pounding her hoof on the ground.

"I've only been a stallion for about 30 minutes." Alex yelled the sentence and Rainbow instantly stopped rolling. She started staring at Alex as if he were a math problem in front of her.

"What do you mean only been a stallion for 30 minutes?"

"RD. I know this may freak you out a bit, but do you remember when tha princess brought us to tha human diminsion?."

"Yes..." Rainbow Dash looked about as confused as ever.

"Well Alex is from that dimension and he's here tah try and prove that Big Mac isn't a changling."

"So wait... He's actually a human... From that wacked out world?" Rainbow had gotten real tensed up as she took the news in.

"Wait RD he's not going tah pin ya to a sidewalk. Ah promise." Alex gave a quick look at Applejack wondering what she was talking about.

Rainbow noticed the quick exchange and knew that Applejack was going to tell him what happened whether or not she liked, "A cop, or whatever they're called, pinned me to the ground because I had punched some girl who was being mean to Twi."

"I... see that as a perfectly understandable reason." Alex chose his words carefully as he spoke.

"You best buddy, and you best be at the field north of Sweet Apple Acres for flying lessons at four sharp." Rainbow began to ascend into the sky as if a wire were pulling her in a cheap broadway play. Finally she dashed off with a rainbow colored trail behind her.

"Nice choice of words there sugarcube. She tends to get a bit protective of her marefriend."

"Marefriend?" Alex was trying to plug in the pieces of what she meant by marefriend.

"They are an item sugarcube. And yes they are both mares."

"So they're lesbians?" Alex was starting to actually get the concept of what Applejack was saying.

"Yes, here it's called fillyfoolers though." The information sunk into Alex for a minute, Note to self: Don't offend Twilight Sparkle, "Well we may as well get tah work right now. We have plenty of trees to buck."

Applejack taught Alex how to successfully buck apples into the buckets lying on the ground around the trees. The first couple of attemps Alex completely missed and just fell to the ground with his body outstretched, but after a good thirty minutes or so he was kicking a few apples out of the tree at a time... Even if they hit the ground right next to the buckets, and some even hit the sides and split open, it was progress.

Four hours had passed and Alex was as tired as tired could get. His muscles strained as he walked back to the Apple house. He looked over at Applejack who had barely even broken a sweat the whole four hours they were out there. They finally arrived at the door to the house and entered, Alex immediately went to the chair in the kitchen and sat down for a bit.

"Do you know what time it is Applejack?" Alex looked up at the mare who had went to the fridge to get them both some applejuice.

"It's about three o'clock sugarcube, so ya have about twenty minutes of rest before ya have tah start walking to tha northern field. If ya want tah take a quick nap you can use tha bed in tha spare bedroom."

"Thank you and would you mind showing me where it's at." Applejack nodded and they got up from their seats. What felt like hours to Alex was just seconds as they walked down the hall and took a left into a small bedroom with a window to the right and a bed directly across from it. An oak dresser was also right next to the bed with a wilting dafidol in a glass pitcher.

Finally a bit of sleep. Alex let his mind wonder on for a few minutes then he drifted off to an uneasy sleep.