• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 642 Views, 12 Comments

The pony from the forest. - jdz1654

The life of a Pegasus who calls himself "Nightshade" is drastically changed when he is discovered in the Everfree forest.

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The meeting part 2

Walking home through the dark forest never gets easier, there are always some creature watching. Whether it's planning to attack and have you for dinner, or observing you and trying NOT to get eaten. Especially now that the wolves have caused such a commotion the creatures are steered. Looking for the signs and landmarks that animals have made over the years is really the only way to get where you're going without getting lost. The large trees that have been snapped in two by the Ursa Majors, the claw marks of the Timberwolves, and the stone nest of the Manticore. Following each I got to my home in the clearing. Surrounded by trees with a river flowing close by it was a great place not to be noticed , and with the only entrance being a small hole high in the trees few creatures could get in. The clearing was covered in grass, not the dark and tall forest grass but the light short grass you'll find in Canterlot fields. Covering one end there was a small garden with tomato stems, potatoes, and a small apple tree. In the middle there was a wooden house about the size of the ones in ponyville. There were also signs around the yard, some said "stay out" some "Danger! continue at your own risk" but as you went closer they started to say nice things, like "welcome" and "knock for owner". I hoped that when someone did come by they would listen to the signs, although no one would want to go this deep in the forest. I opened the door and stumbled onto the bed, putting my bag down next to the bed I went to sleep.

"What do you think you're doing in here little boy! I told you all to never go in here no matter how hungry you are. Didn't I tell you that you all have one warning,and didn't I say anyone who doesn't heed that warning is going to be whipped?!." He dragged me back to the yard with the other kids as they just stared. As he pulled my mane, dragging me he threw me into the mud pools from yesterday rain."/It seemed I found a rat in the kitchen, and do you know what we do with rats?" everyone didn't speak, just stared at me with sad eyes."That's right, they get the whip." He pulled out the whip and started to furiously and mercilessly whip every inch of my body. With each loud "SNAP" it left scars all over my foal body, between each snap he spoke,"I...TOLD....YOU....NOT....TO....DIS...OBEY...ME..." After he was done he looked over at all the other foals around us with a grin he spoke,"Now remember this is what happens when you don't follow the rules." He left back to his offence, leaving me crying on the ground blood slowly, but plentifully, running down my coat. All the kids came to help me up, with me still crying I unfolded my wings to reveal a loaf of bread....

I woke in a deep sweat with the morning sun rays pass through the windows landing on my face. Getting out of bed i thought to myself,I thought I got over the past, well, I guess no one really gets over past experiences.... Plus today I have to go to Zecoras to get more solution for my injuries. Going into the foyer I started my morning rituals, going to the river for my morning shower, cooking up a good breakfast, picking any ripe fruit and watering the others. With my saddle bag over my shoulder I headed out over to Zecoras. Going passed the Manticores nest, the timber scratches, the Ursa's tree, and finally the old castle we come by the zebras hut. Knocking I open the door and say "Hi"

"I see you're back, what is required of my services today."

"I need some of your special mix, I'm out of the last jar you gave me." She gave me a gesture that said,"sit and wait." After sitting for about five minutes we heard knocking on the door. Zecora let them come in. The first one through the door was a purple unicorn, followed by a pink earth pony, an orange earth pony, white unicorn, yellow pegasus and a blue...... RAINBOW DASH. I tried to keep a cool head and walked over to Zecora asking if she will be finished soon. When the purple unicorn shut the door a jar fell, using my back hooves I pushed forward opening my wings to gain extra speed I caught it but my mane flew back showing my face. As expected they gasped but the yellow one spoke up and claimed to know me. I put the jar back and asked zecora to introduce me when she was done.

"Of course dear, the brew is finished, now get the jar, take off your bandages, and let me tend to your wounds. While I do this I shall introduce you to them." Now with the bandages off I could see the bite marks turning purple, while Zecora applied the mix I looked back at the group of ponies. Everyone still seemed to be shocked, even Rainbow Dash,so I turned and saw the wound all wrapped up again. Turning to Zecora I thanked her and gave her the plants in my bag as payment. Zecora walked in between me and the group of mares and began to introducing them,

"These are some of my other customers and good friends," she introduced each one to me, along with confirming my suspicion that the blue pegasus was Rainbow Dash, "and would you be so kind as to introduce yourself to them, or do I have to do that too?" saying it with a small grin/smile.

"Hello, my name is Nightshade, but any good friend of Zecoras can call me shade, its a honor to meet you all." They seemed to be out of shock now, but they did seem uneasy.

So did you really beat that pack of Timberwolves on your own like Fluttershy said, and do you think you can show me some of the moves you used" Rainbow Dash suddenly flew up in front of my face causing me to step back.At the mention of the attack I gave a shocked expresion, as well as everyone else. Looking over to Fluttershy she backed away, then looking back I gave my awnser.

"Yes I did, and NO I will not." I could see an expression of sadness as I rejected the training,"If I may ask you a question miss Rainbow Dash, you all seemed to be shocked when you saw my scar,it's to be expected, but what I want to know is why were you so shocked after it has passed, and if you may tell me what you know about yesterdays attack"

"We know about your attack because my friend Fluttershy say everything and told us, and it's just that whenever we're normally around zecora she only rhymes and it's was a new experience to hear her talk like that." This time the purple unicorn, Twilight was her name, spoke up answering my questions. I looked over at zecora at one of her shelfs taking out multiple herbs.

"OK. Thank you, now just one more, for miss, Fluttershy was it. What were you doing so far out into the forest, and close to my home?" At the mention of my home they put on another shocked expression, looking back at Zecora she put the herbs in a bag and gave them to Twilight. Fluttershy walked up slowly with her head down. She started to speak but I couldn't hear so I spoke up again,"Excuse me miss, would you please speak up I can't seem to hear you." She spoke up and answered."So you followed me into deep into the forest, back to the arena, which if you would have set one hoof in you would get seriously injured, and watched the entire fight?" she gave a guilty nod," As much I am glad you did not get injured please try to refrain from following me, my life is not that of a regular pony. Now that you know the location of the arena I would like you to come to my house, and you may bring your friends as well, there is something important I must talk to you about." I could see her and her friends hesitant," and I assure you I will not let a single creature outside lay a single claw, leg, paw, or any other appendage on you all."

The group of ponies agreed to follow me to my house,though I could still feel a bit of hesitance about each of them. As we passed each mark the sound grew more intimidating, and with each sound the group became more frightened. I had a few enjoyable conversations with each one, except for Rainbow dash. When we hit the border of my house I spoke up,"Where'er here,now would one of the non flyers get get in my hooves." Rarity stepped forward and I swept her up with both of my hooves holding her I looked at Rainbow Dash, which caused my chest to tighten a little," would you please take one too miss." Now with me opening my wings I flew up fast causing Rarity to grab onto me as we flew into the opening gently laying Rarity down on the grass I went back for the next.Rainbow seemed to have a shocked expression on her face when I got back.

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" looking everyone had shocked expressions, I ignored it and picked up Twilight, repeating the same as I did with Rarity, who was in the same place I put her before.Flying back Rainbow still with Applejac in her hooves." Is something wrong, do need some help with her?" She looked at me with a face that was clearly mad. I backed away and looked at fluttershy," um, miss can you please fly up there." he face looked like it was about to cry. "I'm sorry would you like me to carry you up?" she simply nodded, so I followed the same pattern as before. Surprisingly both ponies were in the same area, practically stunned. Rainbow Dash flew beside us letting Applejack down and landing as well.

Author's Note:

Thanks for the comments, I know my grammar isn't very good. If I could have someone besides my friend check it I would.
I would also appreciate comments on the story itself as well as more specifics on the mistakes I am making with my grammar.
If any of you think you can help send me a message.
Thank you again for taking the time to read and critique my stories.