• Published 20th Jul 2013
  • 1,229 Views, 40 Comments

Pokey's Holiday (or Trixie's adventures in Bureaucracy land) - Talon and Thorn

Trixie's assistant goes on holiday leading to Trixie suffering to fate worse than death, having to do her own job!

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Friday - Pokey's holiday


“And I’m out of here,” announced Pokey Pierce as he watched the last few seconds of the working day tick past on the residence’s clock.

The cry awoke Trixie from the nap she was taking over the desk opposite, “Huh, whatsit?” she mumbled.

“Pokey’s going on holiday, Pokey’s going on holiday,” chanted her assistant as he quickly dumped the various items from his desk into a drawer before slamming it shut with his flank. “A whole week in Mareami, where the sun is hot and the fillies are hotter.”

“Are you sure that’s this week? I’m thought it was next month?”

“Nope my holiday started about a minute ago, look.” The office calendar floated over, covered in a blue aura, and stopped in front of Trixie’s nose. The whole of next week was covered with the words ‘Pokey’s Holiday’.

“You could have added this at any point, it’s not like it's official.”

“Open the holiday book.”

Trixie wandered over to a bookcase and levitated out a small black bound diary, “I don’t even know why we have this thing it’s only the two of us.”

“Because you always forget when I book holidays,”

Trixie opened the book and flipped through to the current date, as with the calendar the next week was marked off as Pokey’s holiday. “I don’t remember filling this in.”

Pokey sighed, “Turn to the next page,” he said.

Trixie flipped over the page and found a small note stating ‘I confirm that I have agreed to Pokey having this holiday’, beneath it was Trixie’s signature. “Still not sure, we both know you sign my signature better than I do.”

“Ok, this is why I had you make me this.” Pokey held out his hoof which contained a small blue crystal, the crystal lit up and a small three dimensional image of Trixie appeared hovering above it.

“Do I really need to do this? I’m sure I’ll remember,” the projection’s voice was high pitched and squeaky. “Fine,” it cleared its throat, “I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, confirm that Pokey Pierce has the next week off on holiday.” The image looked up at the real Trixie and continued in a sotto voice, “Sorry, future me. He made me do this.”

Trixie looked up from the hologram as it shut off, “I remain unconvinced.”

“Trixie!” wailed pokey looking exasperated.

“Ok, fine. Go have your holiday, leave me here all week.”

“Yes!” Pokey cheered, “Ok, I’ve finished up everything that I could so next week should be quiet. Remember Big Mac will be around about the cider licence on Tuesday and the Mayor’s weekly meeting is on Wednesday, apart from that it’s a normal week.”

“Got it, Big Mac Tuesday, the thing with the Mayor on Wednesday. I did run this office without you for over a month you know, I’m not going to get buried in paperwork after a week.”

“Yeh? So why did I find three months backlog stuffed down the back of the settee when I got here?”

“You just don’t understand my filing system. Anyway,” she smiled, “have a good time, Pokey. Try not to get burned or banished.”

“Thanks boss. I better be off, my train leaves in less than an hour now. I’m back about midday a week Saturday so I’ll see you the following Monday.” He waved his hoof at Trixie before heading out of the main door, closing it behind him.

Author's Note:

Sorry for all the spelling / grammar / punctuation errors I've not had this one checked by anyone else.