• Published 16th Jul 2013
  • 568 Views, 17 Comments

Love and Understanding - Sadeipaw

A young stallion thinks he is on his way to becoming one of the leading minds in magic theory. Then his life falls apart as he is stuck with the burden of his autistic younger brother.

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Chapter 2: Luna

This ironically wasn't my first time inside the gold and white palace. I went to the Gala last year in hopes of acquiring funding for my magic research on viewing historical figures from as fair back as Star Swirl the Bearded and further depending on the inert *magical aura of the pony in question. Sadly that venture did not turn out too well for me as it was thrashed (in a most lovely and spectacular way I might add) by six out of town mares from a small hamlet called Ponyville not too far from Canterlot.

However the palace looked a lot more lonely without a parade of ponies inhabiting the huge and glorious halls and gardens filled with magnificent statues. Only the same royal guards looking practically like a mirror image of the others filled the palace now.

“Wait here,” Investigator Rhine commanded as we reached the doorway of Princess Luna and stepped toward the pair of guards with his badge out before they confirmed his identity and let him in.

We paused outside the dark doors with a huge crescent moon covering the center. I looked toward my brother and he yawned deeply trying his hardest not to pass out standing up by leaning on me.

“Hey Wind. We're about to meet royalty and I need you on your best behavior. You understand?” I asked softly as the guard on the left turned his head looking at the faint stains on my chest.

“Yea... un'ers'and,” He murmured sitting on his hindquarters as I heard a sharp 'ahem' in front of me. I looked forward and saw as the same guard that had looked at me used his horn to levitate a wash rag. He looked down at my chest, causing his gold armor to shift slightly with a 'clink', and then back up. I grabbed the rag from him and began to clean my chest and neck, passing the cloth back to him and thanking him.

“Can't look like a ragamuffin in front of the court Highstar,” My mind echoed in my mothers voice, causing me to shiver slightly like someone had stepped across my grave.

It was at that moment that Rhine stepped out and motioned with his hoof for us too follow. I looked back at my brother and he was snoring softly using my back as a head rest. I sighed and allowed a smile to creep for a second before levitating him on my back and obliged the investigator by following him in.

Princess Luna's room was filled with black long flowing drapes on the walls and the ceiling was filled with a magical glamor that mimicked the constellations of the outside stars, slowly moving on the dome shaped ceiling. I gasped silently in awe of the accuracy of the spell before moving on toward the royal blue and black glimmering pony careful not to disturb my sibling on my back.

“Ah, we have been expecting you Highstar and Wind Breeze,” She dictated in the traditional royal third person she was famous for, her voice like black velvet flowing in my ears. She was very beautiful with her sparkling dark blue mane flowing on her back but at this moment I couldn't fully enjoy her pressence.

“Princess Luna,” I bowed deeply following decorum and maintaining eye contact behind her face. The action caused my brother to stir slowly and the princess's eyes went to my brother and softened.

“We-” she said before sighing, her gaze shifting from her bed to my brother. “-I think you should let your brother sleep whilst we talk of this dark matter.” She said picking up Wind gingerly with her magic embrace while setting him gently on her chamber bed before sliding the curtain around it to soften our voices to him even more.

I nodded, approving of her action as a tray of coffee and biscotti filled with pistachios and dark chocolate chips was served on her black and white round marbled coffee table by a royal waiter before he left the room.

I looked at the coffee and sighed, knowing I was going to have to refuse because of a stomach sensitivity to caffeine so I opted to grab a biscotto and chew on it softly dwelling on the night. It was about 2 o'clock and the moon was almost on the horizon line.

“Highstar, we knew your mother. She was an excellent guard and a wonderful pony. We also know that she kept the fact of her duties as one a secret from thee. Why did thou lie?” Luna asked me as she levitated a cup of black coffee to her lips drinking the nectar in slowly while never leaving eye contact with her piercing dark blue eyes.

I exhaled slowly and averted my eyes from the princess toward the open balcony. After a moment of hesitation I finaly decided to tell her the truth. “I didn't need anymore accusations of murdering my own mom. I thought it would look suspicious if I didn't know my own mothers occupation. Truth is I was too afraid to ask and hear an answer I couldn't accept,”

[*I had discovered earlier on in my studies that every single type of pony and even most beasts have a sort of magic footprint called an “aura”. Religious ponies call it there “soul” while others like Zebra's from foreign lands call it there “akasha” from beliefs saying that it was the first element created. I have no proof of either theory except the fact that whatever it is, it exists.]

Author's Note:

Well'p, another short thousand words.
Been a little busy to pump out more having to buck hay in this forsaken heat in the west.

(Edited 8/28/13 9:26 AM)