• Published 15th Jul 2013
  • 737 Views, 18 Comments

All Alone - lunas_servant

1000 years ago Princess Luna descended into darkness. She watched for years as ponies shunned her and her beautiful night in favor of the sun. There was nobody there to stop her descent into madness. Or was there?

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2: Reunion

We rode together to the castle at the heart of Canterlot. The world had changed a lot in 1,000 years, I wondered how hard it would be to adjust to this new era. Heart Charmer kept up a steady stream of conversation during the journey and I noticed the weird way in which she talked. Even speech had changed dramatically. I discovered that she was a doctor, one of the best in all of Equestria.

I was astounded when we entered the gate to Canterlot. My how the city had grown! 1,000 years ago Canterlot was just barely getting started, now it had become a major metropolis.

"There's the castle," remarked Heart Charmer. "Princess Luna has her quarters in the North Tower and holds court in the Hall beneath her quarters. I took the liberty of looking into her daily schedule to plan for your awakening, she should be waking up in about an hour."

"You are efficient, and it seems we have timed this perfectly. We need only wait one hour before seeking audience with the Princess of the Night," I replied. "I would like to thank you Heart Charmer, you have been kind and helpful."

"We should go see Princess Celestia and give her our greetings before she lowers the sun. Watching her lowering the sun will always be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen."

I snapped to attention at the sound of the tyrants name. "DO NOT SPEAK THAT NAME IN FRONT OF ME!" I screamed. The donkey pulling our carriage came to a sudden halt and looked back at us. I was breathing deeply, trying to cool the fire that had sparked in my chest. "I thank you driver, but I shall carry on alone here."

I took off into the streets with Heart Charmer calling out after me. I could not see Celestia. Even if Princess Luna had forgiven her sister for her banisment, I could not. As I began to cool down and my heart beat slowed I started making my way towards the castle. I would contact Charmer in the morning and apologize, my reaction was out of line and I feared I may have hurt her feelings. The most important thing right now, however, was to get back into the service of mine Princess. As I approached the castle I saw the two sisters rise into the sky as they performed their duty, Celestia lowering the sun and Princess Luna bringing out the beautiful moon and the stars. Her banishment had not tarnished her appearance at all, Princess Luna was just as striking as she had always been. How would she react when I appeared? Would she even remember me after 1,000 years? The thought gave me pause. What if she didn't remember? What would I do? Well that question was easy at least, I would continue as ever, serving my Princess in any way possible.

I approached the gate and noticed the suns guards were still in place. I waited for the night shift to take up their post before approaching the gate. "My name is Sir Cloud Twist," I announced upon being prompted, "and I seek audience with Her Royal Majesty, Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night and the Moon and the Stars."

"What business have you with the Princess?" asked one of the guards. "I am the Princess' most loyal servant, wishing to return to her service. Will you please inform her that I wish to speak with her."

"Follow me," said the guard. I followed him through the gates and into the castle. I was careful to memorize the layout of the castle as we passed through, would not want to get lost later. We stopped outside a set of large double doors. "Wait here," said the guard, and he passed through the doors into what could only be the Reception Hall. I heard silence from behind the doors and then a sudden commotion. The guard quickly returned and ushered me inside the great hall. At the other end stood she, Princess Luna, the ruler of the night.

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I stood in awe of her beauty and her majesty for but a moment before remembering my manners and kneeling before the Princess. "Her Royal Majesty, Princess Luna, Ruler of the Night and the Moon and the Stars. I, thine loyal servant, Sir Cloud Twist, have sought an audience with you in the hopes that you would reinstate my position as Captain of the Night Guard."

"You may rise, Sir Cloud Twist. After 1,000 years apart, for you to return to me..." Princess Luna began. I looked up and saw that her eyes were filled with emotion, tears were running down her cheek. Suddenly, abandoning all pretense, the princess rushed in to embrace me. My own eyes began to tear up. She remembered me, even after 1,000 years she remembered me. "How is this possible?" she asked, looking into my eyes. "It truly is you, is it not? But how can you be alive after 1,000 years?"

"Do you remember my promise? I promised I would always be there to protect you. When you were banished to the moon, I imposed my own exile. I paid Starswirl the Bearded to induce a sleep that would end only when the Princess of the Night returned from her exile. And behold, here you are and here I am." I bowed once more to my Princess. "Would you reinstate my position as Captain of the Night Guard? Or perhaps another position if that one is already filled. I would be happy however I might help Her Royal Majesty."

"I have a more important position than any for you to fill. I would like you to be my companion. I would hope that I shall never become Nightmare Moon again, it shall be thine duty to protect me from myself. Tis a duty I would entrust only to you, Sir Cloud Twist."

Author's Note:

for those who are wondering about why Cloud Twist speaks perfectly normal Modern English but Princess Luna occasionally slips and uses Middle English, it's because Starswirl weaved a learning spell in with Cloud Twists hibernation, as the 1,000 years slipped by, Cloud Twist was absorbing information so that he could fit in easily upon his return.

Edited by MadameDragonFlower and Hlin