• Published 18th Jul 2013
  • 634 Views, 28 Comments

The Lunar War - Hydran

Twilight finds an old book, Celestia has some hidden secrets, the book contains more answers then Twilight could ever hope for.

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Battle for Fillydelphia: part 1

The sun was shining brightly in the early Canterlot sky. Ponies were waking to begin there day.

Twilight sparkle crawled out of her bed eager to continue reading the book. But first, she knew she should get some breakfast.

Twilight walked into the huge dining room. Celestia already there patently waiting for Twilight to arrive so they may begin eating.

Celestia had a sullen look on her face as if remembering something she didn't want to.

Celestia quickly noticed Twilight had entered. "Hello my little pony. How are you today?"

"I am doing good. Is something wrong?"

"What would make you think something is wrong Twilight?"

"Well you looked rather sullen when I walked in."

"Oh, it's nothing my little pony. Just thinking about my past."

Twilight considered using the memory spell she used before to look into Celestia's mind again to see what she was thinking about. After last time though she wasn't sure if she wanted to take a chance at seeing such horrific sights again.

Breakfast went smoothly but Celestia had to leave early to attend to her royal duties.

Twilight had eventually settled on using the memory spell again to look into Celestia's mind in the hopes of finding more information on what happened all those years ago.

Sneaking her way into the throne room she hid in a small room off to the side and hoped that nopony would find her before she finished looking into Celestia's mind.

Celestia was sitting in her throne talking to a few foreign diplomats.

Twilight took one last look towards Celestia and began concentrating hard to establish a link between her mind and Celestia's. After much focus the link was made and Twilight ensured it was one way so that Celestia wouldn't know what Twilight was doing.

With one last bit of concentration Twilight allowed herself to sink deep into Celestia's thoughts.


"She's still my sister Crested Shield!"

"I know very well that she is. But at this point we don't have a choice! Recruiting will begin tomorrow. All I need is your word so that our troops can leave to fight! You know very well what must be done!"

"Isn't there another way! She's only misguided and nothing more! We can get through to her."

"Luna is gone princess! That monster is not Luna!, and if you don't give the word then I will. We will begin recruiting tomorrow and will be leaving in exactly one week. Goodbye princess. When this is over, daylight shall be restored."

Crested Shield stormed out of the room slamming the door shut behind him without giving Celestia even the smallest chance to reply.

Celestia sat in the meeting room lost in her thoughts of what to do. She knew Crested shield was right. This is what they must do to regain the sun.


"Fuzzy. Why is the memory getting fuzzy? There's still so much left unexplained."

Twilight is snapped back into reality as the spell breaks and a headache now plagues Twilight due to the abrupt stop in the spell.

Looking around she saw that Celestia had left which broke the spell as she needed to be close for it to be effective.

Twilight walked around the palace to find Celestia.

She checked the library, kitchen, dining hall, the castle grounds, and finally Celestia's room.

"Ugggg, I should've checked here first" Twilight complains to no one in particular as she looks in to see the princess sitting outside on her balcony.

Twilight being as silent as possible attempts to find a hiding place so that she can cast the spell again.

Twilight finds a good hiding place five minutes after starting to look for a good place to hide.

Unfortunately for Twilight, Celestia gets up and begins making her way to her door.

"Ugg!, for the love of Celestia, stay in one place" Twilight hisses to herself.

Twilight follows Celestia taking great care to remain unseen by the guards or Celestia herself.

Celestia exits the castle into the courtyard and begins addressing the royal guard about a mission of some sort.

Seeing no places to hide Twilight gives up and instead opts to continue reading the book she had found.


Twilight arrives at her room but quickly notices her door is slightly open.

Carefully Twilight enters the room but it looks the way she left it so she shrugs it off.

Twilight pulled the book out of its hidden spot in the false bottom of her desk drawer.

Hopeful of what she may find she opens the book to the next page.


Fillydelphia was booming with ponies. Even in the face of darkness ponies were out. Everywhere you turn you would see another face. The town still new at only 3 months old made it full of ponies looking for fresh opportunities as business ponies.

Life was great in Fillydelphia for all. But the sun hasn't risen yet and many ponies grew restless, anxious for the rising sun. Others were tempted under the cover of night.

The city being as new as it was also meant that ponies could make a name for themselves as criminals.

Many ponies were tempted into the call of crime but the pony who answered the other end was one they weren't expecting.

Darkness shrouding over many ponies of Fillydelphia they all heard the same voice.

"Darkness has tempted thee. We are the answer. Join us and we shall crush all thee ponies who stand against us!" Nightmare moon speaks through a darkness so thick not even Celestia herself could cut through the all absorbing darkness.

One by one the ponies all disappeared. Fillydelphia growing darker with each vanished pony.

The vanished ponies all awoke in a room made of polished black stone. None of the ponies having the slightest clue where they were.

A black mist appeared from behind a heavy iron door nightmare moon appearing before the very eyes of the recently awoken ponies.

"Who are you!?" One of the startled ponies shouted.

"I am nightmare moon!, and you are all my army's newest recruits!" Shouted Nightmare Moon at the now scared ponies that lay before her.

"What if we don't want to be in your army!" Yelled out one of the ponies who had rallied the others to stand with him and protest.

"Then you will be executed!"

The ponies all had a look of terror on there face. Knowing they had unknowingly signed up for a front row seat to a what would be a most gruesome war.

The ponies all sat back down giving up all hope for a brighter future for themselves.


Three days later an army is complete and ready to march on its first target. Fillydelphia.

Ponies begin to march towards Fillydelphia. Earth ponies heavily armed, pegasi armed and in the air, and unicorns ready to loose a powerful blast of magic into any enemy.

They tore through the land. Inching closer to Fillydelphia with every waking second.

The city of Fillydelphia was beginning to peak over the hills in the distance. The army growing restless as they near.

The army advanceing quickly on the city came over the last hill for an open clearing between them and Fillydelphia.

Waiting for them on the other side of the hill was Celestia's army.

The air grew thick with anticipation. Both sides waiting for the command to charge.

Nightmare Moon appeared shortly after the arrival of her army.

"CHARGE!" Yelled Nightmare Moon over her vast army.

Both sides charged at each other. The Battle of Fillydelphia has begun.

Author's Note:

This bit took me the longest to write out of all the chapters. I am still learning how to write but i feel this one is a step closer to more descriptive writeing down the road. Guess the next chapter's name for a cookie :D.