• Published 12th Jul 2013
  • 500 Views, 6 Comments

The Epic Tale of Jack Darrius - Ponyswamp

A teen brony gets the best possible inter-dimensional guests, but things may get far more important than a simple house call.

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The Fantastical Adventures, And So It Begins, Chapter 1

The Fantastical Journeys of Jack Darrius,
Chapter I
A My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction
By Ponyswamp

First, I'd like to set a few things straight. For one, I'm a brony, and nobody knows. It’s a little sad and cowardly, but I don't really have anyone to tell. I'll elaborate on that later. Second, I barely see my family. I'm an only child, my mom is dead, and the last time I saw my father was last year went he went on a worldwide peace mission, which I'll elaborate upon with the first issue. The previous time I saw my father was when I was born, fifteen years to the day. Happy birthday to me.

The third is that on September 21st, 2015, a few weeks after my birthday, August 21st, a race of magic-wielding aliens attacked and nearly destroyed earth. Yeah, that's a big one. Maybe I should have led with that. Anyways, they devastated nearly half the population of Earth in a 14 year war. My father enrolled in the military two days into the attack, quickly rose through the ranks, and became the highest ranked officer when he struck the final blow against the aliens. Then he began negotiations, the crappy part of ending a war as a high ranking officer.

Now, most people think, ''wow, he's a hero! His son must be honored to have a father like that!'' Yeah, he's a hero, but that's no what I want. I wanted a father, and I sure as hell didn't get one in the underground facility built to try desperately to keep some of the children of Earth safe during the attack I was raised in most of my life. Even for the brief time I did see him, he didn't do much. No dad advice, no throwing baseballs in the park set to happy music, no nothing. So I harbour no feelings of love towards my father. That and other reasons, but you didn't come here for my life story. You came for adventure, courage, fun, ponies, and maybe a bit of comedy. And so you shall receive!

A horrible, repetitive noise invaded my sleep, cutting short my previously uneventful rest. I look around, groggily searching for the demonic device I hid last night. Finding it behind my computer screen, I turn off my alarm clock and look at my computer screen again. It showed my compiled 32 hour marathon of all five seasons of My Little Pony, still running. I can't tell why I love that show so much.

Ever since my dad left, I've been setting challenges for myself to keep me sane, and this was the latest, joining others such as going days without swearing or without talking or using the letter E. I'd been trying for weeks now, still with no success. Looking around, I wonder why It's dark out. I glance at my clock and chuckle. I must have accidentally set it to 11:55 pm as opposed to 11:55 am, the proposed end of my marathon. Realizing my mistake, and that I'd only slept for half an hour, I switch off my computer and settle in to sleep for as long as I needed. The thought that I didn't set my alarm crossed my mind, but I dismissed it.

5 minutes after I settled in for sleep, a flash of light, well, flashed behind me, accompanied by a loud bang. Feeling no gunshot wound, I quickly duck under my covers. Peeking out, I couldn't believe what I saw.

Ugh, I didn't think doing that would be so draining. Looking around, I easily spy my friends, as our elements seem to provide the only light in the area. They seem to be okay, but they are obviously as drained as I am.

''Are you okay?'' I ask, and they grumble in response, rubbing their eyes.

Yeah, this does feel like just waking up. I do a head count, and see that all seven of us are here. Looking around, it appears to be some sort of bedroom, with a desk, dresser, closet and bed, although what I can see on and in these objects is strange.

''Listen up, they've got to be around here some where. Start searching!'' It feels strangely formal, but this is a very important matter.

It doesn't take long for something to turn up. Somepony speaks from behind me, and I spin around to see the bed, with somepony now clearly hiding beneath the covers. They seem very reluctant to reveal themselves, otherwise, they wouldn't hide everything except for their eyes.

''Who... who are you looking for?'' He asks, with a distinctly male voice. He has a strange posture under the bedsheets, but I'll account it to our sudden entrance shocking him upright.

By now my friends have started to gather. ''Well, if you live here, and you're the only one here at the moment, you. We need you to come with us. Equestria is in grave danger!'' I start to leave but stop at the strangely large door.

''Actually, could you tell us where we are? We teleported here via the Elements of Harmony, so we need to figure out how to get back without them, as they need to recharge. Oh, and our names are...''

The strange pony beneath the covers begins to speak quickly. ''Twilight Sparkle, student of Princess Celestia and former resident of Canterlot, Pinkie Pie, assistant to Mrs and Mr Cake of Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow Dash, weather patrol pony, Applejack, owner of Sweet Apple Acres, Fluttershy, local veterinarian and keeper of pets, Rarity, dressmaker and owner of Carousel Boutique, and Spike, baby dragon and assistant to Twilight Sparkle, and all residents of Ponyville. I'm Jack Darrius, and I hate to tell you this but...''

I stand up, shedding my blankets and turning on the light. The seven of them let out a collective gasp at my distinctive non-equine form, and of course, me turning on the light by pressing the light switch. I'm not sure about the reaction I'm gonna get, and they're gonna find out anyway, so I figure honesty is the best policy and tell them now, even though it takes every bit of my courage to tell them just how hard it will be to get home.

''You're not in Equestria anymore.''

Author's Note:

This is not a self-insert. It was going to be, but I changed a few things around. You'll see.