• Published 7th Jul 2013
  • 520 Views, 24 Comments

Remember the Dawn... - The Crimson Harbinger

Date Sent: 2-23-77. Location: Unknown. Date Recieved:... Starblazer was lost in space. Her crusiers' engines had mysteriously died and had left her stranded in unknown space. Hope of rescue fades as hours turn to days, and days to weeks...

  • ...

Fire and Ice

"So, Chip," Starblazer began as they walked down the dim, narrow hall, "what exactly were you doing back there?"

"Hiding," He stopped and glanced around the corner, then continued on. "I already told you that, though."

"I know, I know," she quickened her pace to match his, "but what were you hiding from?"

"The Frostlings." He answered plainly.

"What are Frostlings?" She stopped, hoping he would elaborate. When it became evident that he wasn't planning to, she began walking again. "Or not."

"Forgive me if I come off as rude, but I've had a pretty long day and I don't feel much like answering a bunch of non-relevant questions right now." Chip snapped.

"Non-relevant? I don't see how any of it is non-relevant."

"Well they are," Chip said, almost a growl.

"Well, then how about a relevant one: what does all this writing mean?" Starblazer stopped and gazed at the strange markings on the walls. Chip, however, continued on without even noticing them.

"That's not writing. It's scorch marks, probably from one of the battles. Now we really shouldn't waste any more time." Starblazer shook her head as she trotted up to him.

"I've seen scorch marks before, and these are definitely too organized to be made by weapons."

"Well maybe they were just good shots." He snapped as he quickened his pace. "Now hurry up, we really don't have much time."

"Much time for what? I thought we were going to the transit rail?"

"Enough with the questions!" He yelled as he trotted even faster. "Just walk in silence!" Getting a feeling that Chip's sudden behavior was not just him being tired, Starblazer brought her trot to a stop.

"Chip, unless you tell me what's going on," she raised her hoof, "I'm not going anywhere." She said bringing it down, a dull noise echoing through the cold ship.

"Why can't you just be quiet," he hissed, "it would make this so much easier to do." Chip turned around, the armor melting away into his original form.

"Make what easier to do? Chip, answer me!" She cried.

"You want answers?!" He screamed. The air dropped to a freezing cold, and tiny ice crystals began to form on Chip's coat. "Well so do I! I want to know why she did this to me!" Ice began to form on the floor and walls around him. "I was her friend and she betrayed me! I trusted her, I helped her, and this was my reward! Pain and suffering for all of eternity! Well if I have to suffer forever," the ice swirled and faded to a deep black and began to cover the Changeling, until he was unrecognizable, expect by his voice. "Then all shall too." He hissed.

"Chip," Starblazer uttered, unsure of how to feel or react to his rage.

"SILENCE!" He roared. "You never cared about me! You just came for her, not for me!" An icy black tendril shot from his back and grabbed Starblazer, suspending feet from the floor.

"Ash! Now would be a great time for an idea," Starblazer said as she struggled in his grip.

"No!" Three more claws sprouted and curled around her. "You shall be alone, just like I was alone!" He screamed as one of the claws slithered round to the back of her helmet and tried to remove Ash's chip, but was rewarded with an electric shock that shattered it's three fingers.

"Not so fast!" Ash cried triumphantly. "This is one AI that's not going out without a fight!"

"You want a fight?! Then have one!" He hurtled Starblazer to the end of the hall, her visor cracking as she slammed into the wall and slumped to the floor. Blackness fogged her vision as she heard Ash calling to her.

"Ma'am! Oh, please Star, you've go to get up!" Upon hearing the words, she suddenly felt a new strength coursing through her veins, and she struggled to her hooves and turned around to face Chip.

"Is that the best you got?" She taunted, blood trickling from a cut on her cheek.

"Oh believe me, I've got something special in mind for you." The icy Chip grinned, the claws retracting into himself. Two squirming bulbs formed on his sides, and continued to grow outward until they split off and stood, each vaguely resembling a skeletal pony. "For as you can clearly see, I am more powerful than any Equine who has ever lived! I am more powerful than you, for I am the most powerful pony in all of Equ..." A bolt of light zipped the air and hit Chip right between the eyes, blowing his head to pieces. Starblazer stood at the other end of the hallway, smoking rifle in hoof. His two clones disintegrated as his headless form collapsed on the metal floor.

"Shut up," she said as she lowered her weapon and clipped to her side. She then removed her helmet and wiped the blood from her face as she ejected Ash from the slot.

"Well done, ma'am," she said as she materialized, filling the dark hall with blue light.

"Thanks," she breathed heavily as she set the helmet aside and sat down, "you too. What was that exactly?"

"Just a small electric discharge that I borrowed from your suit's power supply."

"Well, it was pretty effective." She nodded.

"Indeed." Ash agreed. "We'll have to remember that for future reference ma'am."

"Definitely." Starblazer nodded again. "So now what?"

"Now you die!" Chips voice hissed as ice shards flew through the air and pelted the area around them.

Starblazer unclipped her rifle and fired multiple shots in the direction from which the shards came. One of them hit an invisible target and Chip roared in pain as all the ice retreated from the hall.

"And stay away," she growled. "Good thing he's such a bad shot, right Ash?" No response came. "Ash?" Starblazer looked down and saw Ash's chip with an ice shard embedded in it. "Ash, are you okay?" Tears welled in her eyes. "Ash?"

Author's Note:

My apologies for any misspellings, I'm not feeling too well today. And I'm back from my thinking break, in case you were wondering.